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Round Table of Arkain

Level 5
Apr 26, 2014
I also suggest having more dialogues between chapters, such as in chapter 10 when you meet the bronze dragons, its kinda bland to only have minimal dialogue on both sides' part, terrain improvements and maybe add more side quests?
Level 5
Apr 26, 2014
I worded that wrong, im saying that there are some encounters which are kinda lacking in dialogues such as the encounter with bronze dragons, when you find those burning homes of the bearmen, when you find the cyclops, etc.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Don't mind me, just sharing another WIP...
Level 2
Feb 20, 2019
Its weird that the darkmind clan uses a horse mounted orc as its heavy melee when the Darkmind is supposed to be about the wolf riders.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
I am trying hard to avoid reading too much about the new Orc book before playing it when it's released besides the faction system, which looks fun, but also possibly tedious to use on really long maps, we'll see.

In any case, looks like progress is quite quick, I'm looking forward to playing!

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
@Jayborino Looking forward to your LP. :)
I think the race mechanic is much less tedious now since the WC engine forced me to change it so that units can still switch unit types but do no longer upgrade into new ones.
Takes away a part of its personality, but the upgrading was bugged by the engine, sadly, and more tedious than it needed to be.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Starting a different topic here for round table: what are folks' favorite mission/s from the previous books?

For me, I think it was Long Live the Queen, but that is likely because I saw several choices all come together in a positive way and my allies all came together in a great way. Had I not done things a specific way previously, I suspect it would not have been as exciting.

I also quite liked the naval play in the final GG mission, which also had an interesting payoff from a previous choice even if it was mostly worthless because of the base placement, haha.

Last thing I wanted to say, completely unrelated, is I hope all the effort I put in around sparing Salomar's base in the FOB bears some fruit, but I'm not holding my breath :)
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Level 10
May 10, 2018
Last thing I wanted to say, completely unrelated, is I hope all the effort I put in around sparing Salomar's base in the FOB bears some fruit, but I'm not holding my breath :)

Quick question Jay, would you want the (beginning of an) answer here, or total no-spoil before starting the mission?

Amongst the missions I preferred, I'd say the one where you kill Retka, the Ironfist's last mission and the defense of the Purificator. Despite the hellish difficulty, I always ha a preference for macro maps, and retking this city block after block, setting up trebuchets until killing Retka, or finally taking the fight to the Demons' lands after defending the Purificator as it obliterates your enemies one after another are all most satisfying maps.
Level 3
Dec 25, 2017
how to beat the hard difficulty of the second orcs book ch4?even worse than ch4 of the second human book!

Surrouned by three humans,attack continously without the break,
Orcs hero and the orcs troops are fucking weak!!!No means of the second goldmine and no means of hp regeneration.
Especially, the grey human enemies are unstoppable,3 fully upgraded elites each waves.and others include 2 level 6 enermy heros
i even tried to manipulated the computers with placing single barricks on the external area,aims that they will dismiss after detoyed the target,but it is useless!

the optional quest also is a trap that lead more demon to attack you at the same time!

who can pass without cheat?
until now,who did past ch4 without the aid of daddy
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Guess Salria is almost ours by now. Once Redfist and Daric are dealt with, only king Salran needs to be slain.
The Bonelords and the undead were strong, but I have a small feeling they didn't give their all in this battle.
Some additional dialogue could be added when we go to face Logan, Rogthil, Sha'thar and Kasresh. Other than that, nice chapter.
Just something that hits me while playing an old version of FUB cause mosquito dies easily under poison than trying to smack them:

How many 'credited' characters already taking appearance? I found Kakuzu, Heinvers, Imperator, Ironside, Theoden of Kome and Kasrkin. Oh, and the duo Flour and Bubblerino. Did I miss or forgot anyone on my journey all this time?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Kasrkin offered you some advice when you originally posted this in the pack section (before it was moved here).
You need to make a decision on what you want to do when the mission starts. Smash and grab or fighting retreat. The bases in the east can hold indefinitely unless otherwise attacked by you and it is best to leave the Royal base alone until you have less threats to deal with. If you do attack an eastern base you must make sure it dies the first time you attack it or they will send soldiers to attack you while also fighting the demons. You're mainly attacking these side bases for items/tomes or the relief of pressure on your own base. Getting rid of the bulwark preventing the demons from attacking the bases in the west. Setting up a base in these locations is not the safest thing to do unless you have time to clear some trees or set up more defenses.

As for base defense you'll need a mixture of towers and burrows to alleviate the pressure along with a support group of no more than three to five units.

On the latter part you can dedicate everything you have to base defense and slow buildup dedicated to taking out purp and only purp. Doing this the mission should only take 20-35 minutes. Please note doing this likely means you will eventually have your base overrun as you complete the objective but it shouldn't matter since you've won by this point.

Taking on light blue is a bit of a juggle if you want to do it, purp is a very dangerous enemy if left alone but perhaps you just want that tome. Destroy the base covering the south east flank against the demons if you want to have extra help, at least a little bit in between attack waves.
Level 4
Mar 29, 2016
A quite weird interaction, if you had playthrough till chapter 12, you cannot control brockta in this mission. But on the other hand, if you create another profile and skip the chapters and just pick chapter 12, you can control brockta as a hero. What has caused this interaction?

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Currently I don't, no.
Not for any personal reasons, but because I want to keep the number of featured people rather limited, I don't want to force characters in just for the sake of using a name.
*If* I added any name new into it, I would do it like I did at the end of the Second Human Book, in a way that does not affect the story and instead with just someone having a name reference but nothing more.
Level 7
Nov 24, 2016
i remember little hiden crab named Imperator in SHB if i am correct.... 1 or 2 easter eggs of that kind won't hurt anyone and lore of arkain i supose :p




It feels awkward tbh. You might skip them, but why would you? A free item and 2 units to boot. Wish they were amongst the "main cast".
Level 4
Mar 29, 2016
I think the mercenaries of commander daric needs to have a special unit. Just like how the royal army has greywolf, ironfirst has overseer, golden guard has Lieutenant and the uniqueness of redfist. They are a important faction especially in the sob
Level 10
May 10, 2018
You know, with all these different orders for Zyainor mentioned, I cannot help but try to imagine all the different armies and styles it might involve... And wanting to play all of them. Heck, wanting to see them adapted for melee use if possible.
All that for say, keep up the excellent work, Shar. dunno about other people, but I know I'm being hooked up for good here.
Level 5
Apr 26, 2014
Personally i think Sasrogarn's incompetence and doing a shitshow of a leadership should be more expressed in battle and dialogues like actually saying he killed someone even though someone else did, or making poor tactical decisions when having him as an AI ally. Having every character just exposition how incompetent he is even though i used him to his full advantage just makes it less justified of his apparent stupidity.