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[Campaign] Rise of the Fallen

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Level 19
Jul 28, 2014


Quel'dorei, the name of the people,
whom were the earliest elven kin.
Their centre of power, the Well of Eternity,
from which they forge their sin.

Through friend of man, and foe of Amani,
the elven race survived.
Ama noral'arkhana, anar'alah,
Shin'do Quel'dorei!

But glory was only a time before
a prince came to Quel'Thalas.
The dead returned, shindu fallah na!
But the Sunwell was destroyed, alas.

Yet strong were the Quel'dorei,
they refused to fall down again.
Anu belore dela'na,
Shin'do Quel'dorei!

-made by Sintriaxx-


- A new High Elf race with custom skins and models;
- Wow inspired terrains featuring a lot of custom doodads and textures;
- New tech-tree and a lots of new abilities;
- Custom music and icons from wow;
- New heros to control;
- Story by Warcraft 3, but my vision of it :p;
- A new race: Forest trolls that will perhaps be playable

Sylvanas Windrunner : Sylvanas is a member of the prominent Windrunner family of the high elves. She joined the rangers and then became their leader, rising to the rank of Ranger-General of Silvermoon, military leader of all high elven forces. But, with the withdrawal of the elves from the alliance and the fall of Lordaeron, Sylvanas knows that everything shall soon change. Her fears will soon become a reality when Arthas, the betrayer of Lordaeron, arrives unexpectedly on the doorstep of Quel'Thalas with a horde of undeads at his back.
Laethly Wintergaze : When she was a little girl, she became friends with Sylvanas. But as Sylvanas showed talent for war and fights and became a farstrider, She showed great talents in magic and spells, She quickly became one of the most powerful mage in Silvermoon. Anasterian himself, rised her to the rank of Magistrix. But... In these times of trouble, the trolls begins to assemble in the woods in the borders of Quel'thalas as a new mysterious scourge devastates the human kingdom of Lordaeron. She was sent to investigate about it. Perhaps her special friend in Zulaman could help her ...
Kael'thas Sunstrider : Prince Kael'thas is a powerful mage and member of the Six, the shadowy high council of the Kirin Tor and the prince of the Hight elves. But as shadows assemble in the South of Quel'thalas, will he battle with his people, or will he look at it's invasion from the violet roofs of Dalaran ?
Tul'rogg : Tul'rogg is the chief of the Greenfall tribe of Zul'aman. Since the second war, he and his people are forced to hide in the forest because they refused to attack the alliance and ally with the orcs. Since his friendship with Laethly was discovered by the oder tribes, he has become the number one enemy in Zul'aman. Tul'rogg is a very wize chief, and Laethly will need his help soon enough.
other characters Vereesa Windrunner, Arthas Menethil, ...


The ancient origin of the high elves is a legacy of tragedy and conflict, a series of events that has profoundly affected the development of the Quel'dorei. They were forced to abandon their ancient homelands and flee to the East where they founded Silvermoon. To sate their hunger for great magical power, the high elves created the Sunwell. It became the source of their power, although the Sunwell was weaker, and the elves were forewarned of the dangers. Quel’thalas became the most beautiful realm of the eastern kingdoms. The great forests of the Eversong woods became with time the haven for a lot of magical and mystical creatures. The high elves created a magical barrier to protect their lands from any invasion. For nearly four thousand years, the high elves remained relatively at peace…

This story begins after the second war...

Quel'thalas lives in peace since the kingdom left the alliance of Lordaeron at the end of the war. The orcs are no more a threat and the trolls retreated in their forests. The nature is blooming again after long years of battles and everything seems to be fine. But in the northern continent of Northrend, darks forces are at work and a cult called "the cult of the damn" is quickly spreading in the kingdom of Lordaeron, and rumors of undead become to enter the real of Quel'thalas...

Our story begins when Laethly Wintergaze, a young magistrix of Silvermoon arrives in Tranquillien for a special mission, that only the high king of Silvermoon and Sylvanas Windrunner are aware of...


Here, I'll add some screenshot of the 5 firsts chapters, more will comes soon...
Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 6
coming soon... coming soon... coming soon...

Progress :

Prologue - Rising Sun - 100%
Chapter 1 - Into the forests of Zul'aman - 25%

... The names of the chapter are not fixed, they can change.

Any idea or suggestion ? Feel free to post them here or to VM me, I'll be very happy to know your opinion about my campaign :)

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Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
Your bb code should be (at the top)
windrunner29 presnets:
Rise of the fallen
[box=windrunner29 presnets:]Rise of the fallen[/box]
Level 11
Oct 11, 2013
I don't quite understand this... sounds nice, but I'm confused... This is about High Elves, we can see that by seeing Anestarian and Sylvanas as a ranger, but in the features information we can see "Blood Elves and Forsakens new Races controlled in some maps", but the Forsaken were formed a couple of mounths after the destruction of Quel'thalas, and still, they were just a few, and they allied themselves with the Blood Elves a couple of years ago. I understand that this is a mix of WoW, War3, and your criativity, but since Sylvanas is the main character of the Forsaken, this made my confuse. Could you explain my stupidity? :p
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
I don't wish to go too off-topic, but... I'm your friend, Cursed Demon, Sylvanas want to kill you, that's it, deal with it. XD
Should I tell these people that you wanted to sell the horde to the leion?and Sylvanas can't kill me,she can't even kill Arthas. Yeah that's right,Sclammerz,your sister can't kill Arthas because she's a elf,just like you!tell her to go to hell because...we demons are not easy prey

No he's using elenai's

PS:here's proof of Go'el's deeds: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/members/go'el/archimonde+supreme/#vmessage501828
Level 21
Jul 6, 2014
@Chaosy. Well,I admit I hate elves. But Sylvannas was smart and brave even when she was a elf. A bit cocky,highly irattating and a total b*tch but still I liked her a bit. But I like the forsaken sylvannas more.

@Windrunner29. So how is it going so far?
Level 19
Jul 28, 2014
Sorry but as far as I know the story is the same.
Not really, there are new characters and I've changed a bit the story, I'll add it when I have time.

I hope that this is an alternative lore story in which the High Elves survive and don`t become the Blood Elves, that would be a nice twist. :)
Sorry but no. But you will control blood elves in some maps ( modified high elves). and the high elves will have a role in some of the "reign of chao" event. :)
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