[Strategy / Risk] The Rise of Sin'Dorei

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Level 8
Nov 27, 2015
So after a couple of months i saw at epic war what potential The Battle of Quel'Thalas had but it was rejected here because someone though the map was stolen.So i decided to revive the project even if i droped it long ago.After dealing with some matters in my real life(playing games) i decided to look on lore of Quel'Thalas and realised that i fuckt up everything.So i struck some deals with some people on Hive.I saw Quel'Thalas template and realised that that wasnt what i was looking for.I wanted bigger regions.So after looking for an hour or so i got inspiration again.And since i had the Azeroth Wars map that Eagleman gave me i deleted all models,objects doodads and all other things and then deleted terrain.Then i started making Quel'Thalas again from scratch but this time i am looking into Quel'Thalas map of WoW.So the progress is going well and the map's date of relaese maybe wont be soon but i will give it all attention i can.I might realese it sooner or later no one knows.From what i can give right now is the factions though there might be some changes to them too.

Keal'Thas 's Forces(Red)-The main faction the entire game next to Burning Legion.Its objective is to take Sunwell at all costs and defeat Silvermoon Undead(Green).Once they capture the Sunwell and Silvermoon.They can either join Burning Legion or stay in their Alliance.
Forsaken(Blue)-A faction lead by former ranger general of Silvermoon Sylvanas Windrunner.They can came only to support the Elves.Once Burning Legion is summoned and Blood Elves join them they will automaticly unally them.
Magisters(Teal)-A powerfull faction lead by Keal'Thas' steward Rommath.Their armies can be powerfull with the combination of their casters.They can join Burning Legion also but they will automaticly unally Forsaken and Kalecgos if they join Legion.They will lose Rommath if they join Legion and will gain Sathrovarr the Corruptor.
Farstriders(Purple)-A swift and almost unpredictable faction lead by Ranger general of silvermoon Halduron Brightwing.Can also join Burning Legion but at the cost of losing Halduron.Their strenght lies in their archers.They will get Valeera Singuair if they join the Legion.
Reaments of High Elves(Yellow)-A realy small faction with only one starting base.Lead by regent lord Lor'Themar Theron.They are the first faction who cant join the Burning Legion but will get Rommath and Halduron if Magisters and Farstriders do.
Blood Knights(Orange)-A realy big faction who starts at Windrunner spire.Lead by Blood knight Lady Liadrin.They are the second faction who cant join the Burning Legion.But they can get Velen and Draenai if any of the Blood Elves joins the Legion.
Silvermoon Undead(Green)-A faction with realy big starting position aswell as big starting army.They have Lich,Death Knight and Crypt Lord as starting heroes.Their starting position is well defended and their objective is to keep Blood Elves away from Sunwell.But their starting enemies are Forsaken and Magisters.
Dar'Khan's Forces(Pink)-A small but special faction.They are the only faction who have a custom made hero Dar'Khan Drathir.Although it sound like they have many benefits,they dont.They start with gray in Deatholme and aswell as gray they can command Wretched aswell as undead.
Deatholme Scourge(Gray)-A big faction starting in Deatholme which has almost complete control over Ghostlands.They have the same heroes as Dark Green and Green but they also have control over Wretched which gives them big advantage in fight with Blood Elves in Ghostlands.Their primary and only objective is to prevent Blood Knights(Orange) and Reaments of High Elves(Yellow) from supporting their allies in the north.
Kalecgos and Anveena(Light BLue)-The only hero faction in the game.Has Kalecgos and Anveena as starting heroes.Kalecgos has an item to summon his blue dragonflight kin while Anveena is well supportive hero Kalecgos can bring down good ammount of enemy army if he goes gets level 5 to 10.They are both good when it comes to helping allies in the fight.They start at the entrence to Ghostlands.
Undead of Sunstrider Isle(Dark Green)-A one starting base with small army behind allied lines.Has same heroes green and gray.He is handy when it comes to helping green.Although he dosent have any special or primary objective they will get it maybe soon.
Burning Legion(Brown)-Unlike in The Battle of Quel'Thalas with their ony one purpose now they have two.Spying on Blood Elves and taking Twisting Nether until they reach the point where they can open the portal(at the far far south).They have 2 Nathrazim Elites and Nathrazim Leader on start of the game for heroes.But When the portal opens they can get Kil'Jedaen too.This time they can open the portal themselves.

Major Changes:
Burning Legion Opening The Portal:This time the Burning Legion can open the portal themselves.By taking Sunwell they will get an upgrade specified for them"Absorb Sunwell's Energies"which will when researched give Nathrazim Leader ability to summon Bruning Legion anywhere on the map Except twisting nether.
Sanctums:In The Battle of Quel'Thalas the sanctums of moon and sun were a big problem on start of the game when it comes to defending them.So there will be added a demi hero for each sanctum and sanctums will be controled by Magisters.
Golem Summoning:Unlike in previus version where you could get the Golems simply by waiting 5 minutes this time each blood elves faction will have the ability to create Golems.Using this ability you will permently get golem training in one of the buildings.
Runestones:There will be several runestones around the map each will have diffrent abilites but all will have have the ability to defend units against all demons execpt their siege machines,dreadlords,Kil'Jeaden and some stronger demons like Doom Guards and Infernals.
Force Ally and Normal Ally options Dissabled:Ultimately Burning Legion can beat the shit of anyone and they still wont be forcely allied to them.This time certaion Blood Elves can ally and unally legion when and if they want too.This will activate Tundre Bitch Mode for some players which i realy enjoy seeing :D .

So this is all i can offer.Screenshots maybe sooner or later.Update on the map progress when made big changes.
Level 8
Nov 27, 2015
Well i will organize it a litle bit but is it better to do when i release the map Or atleast alfa test.This is only a recently started project which i dont know if i will have time to complete Or complete in general.Lets start as an idea because for now most of Eversong Forest is complete and i need time to start Ghostlands and then implant income system and models and units.Especialy now when i found the solution which will maybe lead to moveable computer.So time will ne needed to do everything.
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