Rise of The Blood Elves (Campaign)

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Level 27
Nov 5, 2010
Rise of The Blood Elves


After Illidan's failure at Icecrown Glacier, Kael'Thas Sunstrider and Lady Vashj retreated to Outland to help Illidan recover. As they enter Outland, they set their course to Black Citadel, where Fel Orc shamans will help Illidan recover.

This campaign tells the story of the Blood Elves between The Frozen Throne and World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. It's based on WoW: The Burning Crusade, but contains original elements, such us: a different storyline, but based on WoW's, new characters, new units and varied maps. It also tells the story how blood elves retakened Quel'Thalas, their ancient homeland, and all the way to betrayal of Kael'Thas and his death.

Major characters:
Kael'Thas Suntrider
Alessandra Katryne (character made by me)
Lor'Themar Theron

Minor characters:
Lady Vashj
Illidan Stormrage
Sylvanas Windrunner
Kargath Bladefist

Major characters appear in almost every map, while minor characters appear in just one or two maps.

Currently, there are 9 planned maps, and 3 or 4 interludes.
Chapter 1: Master's Life (Completed)
Chapter 2: Opposition (Completed)
Interlude: The Tempest Keep (Completed)
Chapter 3: Hopeless Lands (Completed)
Chapter 4: --no name yet-- (In works)
Interlude: --no name yet-- (Haven't started yet)
Chapter 5: --no name yet-- (Haven't started yet)
Chapter 6: --no name yet-- (Haven't started yet)
Interlude: --no name yet-- (Haven't started yet)
Chapter 7: --no name yet-- (Haven't started yet)
Chapter 8: --no name yet-- (Haven't started yet)
Chapter 9: --no name yet-- (Haven't started yet)

Some things may change, though. I'll try to update the topic weekly, if I have time. =)

Hope you like the idea!
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