[Campaign] Rise of the Blood Elves - Enchanted Edition

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Level 27
Nov 5, 2010
Take as long as you need Tomoraider. I would personally prefer that you get it right first time than have to launch a continuous series of updates.

Yeah, I don't rush things if I don't feel like I should, but everything important is pretty much done. The campaign could even be released now, but I want to get all these little things fixed, lol.

There are probably going to be updates anyway, I always manage to miss some bugs.

EDIT: Also, I've been testing that custom UI a bit more... and I'm starting to actually like it. And I decided to use it after all. It just took some getting used to it. But the screenshots I'm going to show for the campaign will be using the old UI since I took them before.
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Level 30
Nov 29, 2012
It is really good this is released, might make a great review on it so good luck. Will be posting it on Map Sections.

I have been waiting for this enchanted edition for quite some time already so I am quite excited on this, lots of things to expect on this.
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