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Report abuse option?

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Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Lately I have seen many complaints about admin and moderator abuse.I believe there should be a report abuse option on admins and moderators this way the USERS can moderate the MODERATERS AND ADMINS.These days those admin and moderators will b like the average nub and close any threads they dont like.In fact i predict they will close THIS thread within 2 hours.THATS RIGHT ADMINS AND MODERATORS IM TALKING TO YOU!!:fp::fp::fp:
Level 12
Aug 20, 2007
For chrissake didn't we just have a massive fucking thread on this shit???

This is sooooo RETARDED, to hell with it I'm not even gonna look at this thread again
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
0_O well i believe that if you report an admin like a regular report i think theyd be given a little more of an advantage because of them being what they are. its a little more convincing when u have a specific option on reporting them rather than this.Think about it IM REPORTING AN ADMIN BECAUSE HES ABUSING HIS POWER is maybe just a liiiittle less convincing than a specific report for that kinda subject isnt it?
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
0_O ok so what do u mean we talk to an admin to report an admin?And so does chuck norris but people mess with him all the time...lol
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
This is a pathetic idea and wont work. The moderation that goes on at this site is pretty fair compared to most sites and doesnt need to be moderated. If moderators abuse their rights then they are simpley reported like other people or the report taken to the admin. This idea is stupid.
Just realized that was a moderator talking...lol well haha there i expected a reply like that....and btw other sites have less abuse with moderation...freedomfans.com....plenty of other forums too have less abuse if u ask me.And thats coming from a guy who only made this acc. yesterday vs. an acc for months on freedomfans.com :p
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
There are 4 admins here, not 1. Also, if its ralle thats causing the trouble, to face reality you cant stop him if he chooses not to listen. why? Becuase its his site overall and he provides all the free service out of his pocket.
Ralle however does listen to his users most of the time and is considerate, he isnt corrupt.

dont double post, its against the rules. And I have an opinion, regardless if I was a moderator or not, the issue is the whole MOD vs USER is that you separate the parties and dont consider them individuals or people having personal choices. Also, if you only joined yesterday I pretty much say your whole overall judgment is flawed and mistaken.

Also, if we were so "corrupt" like you seem to claim we wouldn't have EVER considered your idea so your thread is pointless from the beginning.
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008
You can't report an admin. That's ridiculous.

You see, you are operating on the assumption that whatever the admin supposedly "did" was against how the site should operate. But quite frankly, this is their site, and they can do whatever they want with it.

In this case, I think Ralle can take care of things happening that he does not want to happen. But ultimately it is his decision. Certainly users can give their opinion, and I bet that Ralle takes that opinion very seriously, but this site is not owned by the users.
If he wants to let the administrators, or indeed the moderators do whatever they want, it's his decision.

And you generally get to the rank of admin when you can be trusted not to go crazy and do weird things, as well....
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Im not talking about this "ralle" person whoever it is im talking about the abuse im seeing with these moderators.Many people agree they abuse a lot. Heck this one guy closed my thread after i asked a simple question about skins.If thats not abuse i dont know what is
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Now, im assuming ralle is the creator or something?I honestly dont have anything against him he has a great site. What im saying is the horrible corruption a lot of admins seem to have.You 2 admins seem to just be the angry moderators/admins and therefore am not complaining directly about YOU.However, i am complaining about those who actually DO abuse that power.You can't expect ralle to know exactly what every moderator and/or admin does on these forums, now can you?
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
This "Ralle" person RUNS THE SITE.

Show some god damned respect. You clearly don't know jack about shit around here, as witnessed through your ignorant speech.

You've been a member a whole of how many days? How, in such a limited time span, can you even HOPE to attempt to judge the quality of our Staff?

And for the record, if you asked some retarded question about skins, it's probably been answered a MILLION times prior to that in SOME OTHER thread. In a large forum, we like to reduce this by making Sticky Threads that provide answers to frequently asked questions. the question that you asked was most likely answered some where else. You, the noob, forgot the number one rule of foruming: USE THE SEARCH FIRST!

I don't see it as abuse at all, just you overreacting because you are so hopelessly lost in the situation.

And here's an edit, since you double posted:

We have FOUR admins. Between them and the userbase, just about any discrepancy in the way that a moderator acts is reported on. Mods just can't go around abusing the hell out of their power without everyone else full well knowing. Basically, we're smarter than you think. Users scream abuse all the time, and since most of it is completely unfounded, it is ignored, but the point is that we listen in the first place.
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Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
0_O wow i dont think you should say im overreacting hey why dont u take a look at another admins post real quick?
And you generally get to the rank of admin when you can be trusted not to go crazy and do weird things, as well....
Now how did u get admin exactly?
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Ok now why does everyone think im insulting ralle here?I am not insulting ralle!Simply i am telling that the admins like to abuse their power when they r cranky/mad/bored and do not have the dignity to admit some admins to abuse their power.
Level 20
Apr 22, 2007
Brad is correct, once again. This is the timeless noob that does something stupid, gets punished, whines and finally gives up.

To all of you who said moderators abuse and whined about getting punished, THIS is what you were missing.

EDIT: Brad is not an administrator. Brad, here, is a forum moderator. The administrators on this site are:

Ralle : site webmaster
Wolverabid : overall nice guy, helps maintain the whole site
Samuraid: behind the scenes technical dude
Archian: cranky old geezer (just kidding, we all love you)
Dr Super Good: really awesome dude that is extremely useful

If you have a problem with a moderator, talk to one of the administrators.
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Now im not saying ALL admins abuse their power there are a good amount who dont.But i still think there are enough admins who DO abuse that power that there should be a report admin option.Like that other admin said u CAN NOT REPORT AN ADMIN!im sure that if there was a good reason u could send that report to maybe ralle or another admin or something and they would take care of it the same way ud report a player.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
0_O wow i dont think you should say im overreacting hey why dont u take a look at another admins post real quick?Now how did u get admin exactly?

If you notice, he's a RESOURCE MODERATOR, not an admin. Are you that clueless about how things are run around here? He only has power to sort resources, absolutely no administration powers WHATSOEVER.

Four admins:

THEY are the only admins on this site. All of the other staff are lower ranking.
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
And i dont find it surprising how admins r replying to this because they are probably the ones who abused.i think ill just leave now as this is becoming a three year olds game 0_O
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
If you notice, he's a RESOURCE MODERATOR, not an admin. Are you that clueless about how things are run around here? He only has power to sort resources, absolutely no administration powers WHATSOEVER.

Four admins:

THEY are the only admins on this site. All of the other staff are lower ranking.
*decides not to tell the little newbie that i said moderators too...then decides not to bother even mentioning it in a thought bubble...o wait i just did*ok well if u guys r just gonna complain and complain like a baby who needs changing i think ill just leave?
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Moderators get punished within the staff's areas, they arent publicly humiliated or dangled as proof we staff arnt corrupt. And we have punished several moderators in the past, even myself.

Also, http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showthread.php?t=66843
that isn't abuse, thats you spamming another question when all you could do is search WITH OUR FREE SERVICE. Also, stop double posting or I will punish you for that. The problem is here is that YOU cant watch your step, it's definitely not the staff. So get your words right, moderation isnt abuse.

EDIT: The admins do not abuse their power, the only admin that Im not full with is Archian due to his borderline flame moderation methods. But its a method in moderation, its an attitude to deal with mess, its not abuse. The admins are also NOT ONLINE, thats why they arnt answering.. god..
Seriously, you are claiming the wrong things and you expect us to be considerate when you keep saying we are wrong and you are right?
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Im also surprised ur not busy moderating other forums rather than complaining about this particular thread...id hope you are aware of some of the innapropriate threads that have been spamming this site for the last 3 hours.And btw you lack the common sense to actually mention that b4 u start a fight...ur sad man...sad...
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
whos brad im confused now...anyways i warned u guys that i would just leave if things got newbie in here...so i think i will c ya :D
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Actually I neg repped him for the entire purpose of watching him scream abuse back at me so that I could pick a fight. I'm sadistic like that.

But in all reality, he's double posted like 3 or 4 times in this thread. That's cause enough for punishment, and i'll have you know I was seriously considering infractions for a bit. He got off light if you ask me.
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Hey i decided to check real quick again umm this is to that guy who is makin fun of religion by posing as "jesus" i suggest u stop with the religious discussion as it is actually not allowed...and got off light?ha if u did anything id have probably reported u to another admin -_- anyways im goin on wc3 so c ya :p
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Good bye.

And yes, religious discussion is allowed and occurs all the time. Such spamming idiots, however, such as this Jesus poser, will be punished in due time.

And if you reported me, i'd just protest it the whole way. I think my actions are perfectly justified, and i'm willing to rabidly defend that until the end.
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
lol eh i gotta admit it i just love talking on forums for some reason >.< not this post of course lemme think what was i gonna say...hmm...i forgot...o yes of course!the jesus poser is u brad.dude03 and u said hed be punished HOP TO IT lol...so anyways im gonna go chat on other forums now AND O YES I REMEMEBR NOW this is the sites forum and in the description it says and suggest some improvements...look at the top :p
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
How is brad posing as Jesus?
His avatar and his description.Some people r very religious and some just feel very uncomfortable looking at that THING....it also said in the rules u cant start offending people using avatars and what not...hint....hint...The posting of racist, nazi, hateful, threatening, discriminatory, sexist, sexually-orientated, obscene, vulgar, or otherwise offensive material is expressly forbidden. Violators will be punished most severely.http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/faq.php?faq=rules#faq_imagesfiles for more proof.I find making fun of jesus and therefore god quit offending.
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Now brad if you would plz just edit that dang avatar and description i would appreciate it...very offensive.Also i know ur either viewing this post or typing cause i saw on ur profile viewing and then the name of my thread.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yeah, we have many religious users here, and none of them at all object to the avatar. You're the the first so far, which leads me to believe that you're just trying to pick a bone.

Now, back to the original topic: You have no idea how this website is run, therefor there is no chance in hell that you can accurately say whether or not we are abusive. You are not qualified to say such things at all. Thus, your argument is null and void, leaving this thread completely pointless.

Congratulations on wasting all of our time.
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Ok i reported it in the admins thing and put in an appeal as they call it 0_O. With all honesty i find that as one of the most offensive kinds of avatars u can have.I also reported this moderator's behavior as well...innapropriate and breaking many of the guidelines and rules of this website.Good day as i will now find another forum to talk on.This forum is as good as closed.Goodbye.
Level 3
Apr 24, 2008
Umm hi im checkin on this thread every so often and can one of u guys just close this thread 0_O i even gave the admins a direct link to this thread so...u know...dont start breakin rules...but seriously can one of u just close this thread already
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