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Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
A thread for my recent WIP's.
Here's a small table of models I'm working on currently:


Steampunk Tank - Modelling Competition #26. Still lots of work needs to be done.


Female DK for possible future project.


Paladin Crusader of some sorts. Only portrait and animations need to be finalised.


  • horse.PNG
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The mesh looks very good so far!
I just think there is too much team color...
Maybe try to make it steel-like with only some decorations teamcolored?

I'm with Freddyk on this one... Perhaps remove the head and arse teamcolor completely? If not, at least reduce it's scale, or UV remap so a lesser portion of surface is teamcolored.
Level 18
Nov 19, 2008
good work but i think u should make the head armor better for the steed . it should be more detailed and lighter . and like Freddyk said ,
there were too much team colors . u can instead the head with steel-like .

and u got the wried shadow for the knee's armor .

overall i like this style model . can't wait to see that to be done .
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Level 5
Jul 11, 2012
Looks that will an epic hero! Keep the good work... firstly I thought it was a post about Diablo III crusader based model... My bad... xD
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
It's been quite a time I've finished a decent model.

Aiming for some sort of epic paladin/crusader/knight.
Awwww man! This kinda thing should seriously be announced somewhere; can't believe I missed it.

Well, I have to say it's looking amazing so far. While Garithos has always provided well as the quintessential "super-knight" hero, I have to say I've always lusted after a model that was more akin to the most awexome-mazing "Crusader" image from Beta...



Really, looking great; the unique horse w/ cool overlapping armor is already a winner for me. Assuming changes to the rider, I won't say much else, aside from reiterating the above (which I know, you'll take a look after your done):
Aside from that, it might be too cluttered (too many armor plates, & flag, and swords-on-books-on-pauldrons), but we'll see.

Definitely less TC, especially right on top of the Horses' head. Take a look at the aforementioned Garithos model; mostly black (emphasizing "dark knight?") while carrying good TC stripes/plates.


Maybe instead of Dark, though, give the Horse White-Steel armor? "The great white knight"? :p


TL;DR, glad to have you back. Maybe after this you can take a final look at that awexome Raptor Rider. : )
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Level 18
Nov 19, 2008
great deal with the shoulder tier2 paladin armor set . u can add the same detail from the armor such like i marked on the pics .

and another pic is one of Uther in the "heroes of the storm" set . wish this can help u .

the charater still need few teamcolors .

good job ! i like WOW-like human models ~




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Level 18
Nov 19, 2008
Thanks guys!

View attachment 130864

I tried to listen to your advices and reduced the teamcolour. It was quite awful to find a metal texture with a golden border. Because of that the wrap on the rider is not finalisied yet.

What do you think?

much better . the problem is that the head armor for the steed . Not every frames of this one has golden border . that's the reason why it looks wired .
if i were u , i would depart the head armor's UV to get that effect .

and there are some wrong shadows for the human's kneel and steed's leg .
the kneel's has wrong shadow . it should be lighter up and dark below .
the horse's no TC armor has a shadow in the center . almost like a hole on it . plz fix that .

why u remove the flag ? i think it's awesome ~

definitely this is a great work . i just beg u to finish it .

this pic shows my suggestion , if my words are not clearly just see this .


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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
paladinjst said:
much better . the problem is that the head armor for the steed . Not every frames of this one has golden border . that's the reason why it looks wired .
if i were u , i would depart the head armor's UV to get that effect .

and there are some wrong shadows for the human's kneel and steed's leg .
the kneel's has wrong shadow . it should be lighter up and dark below .
the horse's no TC armor has a shadow in the center . almost like a hole on it . plz fix that .

why u remove the flag ? i think it's awesome ~

definitely this is a great work . i just beg u to finish it .

this pic shows my suggestion , if my words are not clearly just see this .
Good old paladinjst. :p Can't go too wrong, listening to his advice.

Except for the flag. I dunno, it was cool, but it just seems like Wc3 models don't often have so many... 'nurnies'. Just might've been cluttered. At least, the one you showed felt 'tacked on'.
If instead you were to make this guy a sort of "elite cavalry banner-carrier", like that was his whole thing... Dang, he could have this massive-awexome flag/banner streaming off this huge post from his back (think like the Blademaster, only bigger and flowing down from the top instead of hung by the side).

That would be pretty neat, giving him a sort of "leader of the army" kinda vibe. Just a thought.

These images are all different from what I'm talking about (guy is holding it, and flag = normal), but it's the concept.





Thanks guys!

View attachment 130864

I tried to listen to your advices and reduced the teamcolour. It was quite awful to find a metal texture with a golden border. Because of that the wrap on the rider is not finalisied yet.

What do you think?
Glad you went to all the work; looking better (though ironically, the one thing I was going to suggest changing above all else was the part right on top of the horses' head xD). Keep it up.

What are the weapon(s) going to be? Classic Wc1 Ball-and-Chain? Beta Wc3 MEGA-KILL-LANCE? Or something(s) else?
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Thanks again for the awesome feedback and critics, I tried to fix everything pointed up!

About the weapon, I'm not sure but I guess I'll go for a heavy broadsword just like the tier 1 pvp set in WoW.

View attachment 130884
Very cool. I like the texture choices so far for the armor, and the posing is better. I'd have to agree with the other two; he could use a lot of Warcraft-y buffing up (unlike our Troll Raptor Rider, this guy seems more like a beefy Human Commander).

And a mere sword?! Nonsense, this ain't no nonsense, this is a stalwart & victorious conquerer of foes! He's gotta have some cool thing. I'll keep thinking...
Level 18
Nov 19, 2008
View attachment 130899

So tell me more about your mere sword.

the marshal's claymore . looks good .

now it's time to think about the head . that's important for a in-game texture model .

u know , if u use a head from a origin game units . that will ruins the whole mesh . it's much more important than a sword .
i just want to see this great model to be finished as fast as u can .
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Jeah I've been thinking about that too.

I thought about taking the footman's face texture and making a whole head out of it, as there is nothing that looks like it. It would be lots of work and might not look that good and round.

I also thought about just taking the tier 2 paladin helmet, but that would suffer a lot in terms of personality of the model.
Level 18
Nov 19, 2008
Jeah I've been thinking about that too.

I thought about taking the footman's face texture and making a whole head out of it, as there is nothing that looks like it. It would be lots of work and might not look that good and round.

I also thought about just taking the tier 2 paladin helmet, but that would suffer a lot in terms of personality of the model.

ah...there are some ideas that if u use a face texture without beard and create a mesh of beard attach to it .
and the eyes and nose are important , too . try to depart these meshes , and instead other textures . that will be much diferent .
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
View attachment 130899

So tell me more about your mere sword.
Not bad. Believe me man, I'm in love with your weapon design... And that's exactly the issue I think needs lovin' on this guy. No offense, but out of all the Human(oid) mounted characters (Units/Heroes), how many wield swords? A bunch. Primarily the Death Knight, the Knight... Yeah.

The reason I suggested an alternative weapon was not meant as a challenge to make a sword "cool enough", it was because the sword is so well-covered that it stands to reason this guy could use something else, something different, something... powerful. Thing is, a big part of what makes Garithos so interesting & exciting to look at it his very non-sword-like weapon; that big jeweled double-headed axe is one of the neatest weapons, and not all that complex either...

Anyway, just my thoughts. Definitely a cool sword, but I'm afraid he gets too close to the (Death) Knight for my tastes.

paladinjst said:
now it's time to think about the head . that's important for a in-game texture model .

u know , if u use a head from a origin game units . that will ruins the whole mesh . it's much more important than a sword .
i just want to see this great model to be finished as fast as u can .

ah...there are some ideas that if u use a face texture without beard and create a mesh of beard attach to it .
and the eyes and nose are important , too . try to depart these meshes , and instead other textures . that will be much diferent .
Paladinjst definitely has some good points (points I tried so hard to hammer into people for the Modelling Contest, after realizing it myself :p); the face/head/eyes are truly the "character" of the model, and a Hero must exude character, unique character at that. Mix-n-match might be the way to go. Good luck.
Level 8
Aug 13, 2009
Finally a nice looking Human hero. I hope the animations fit him. Have you thought about the Death Knight animations? They're pretty solid, in my opinion.
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
The crusader is soon to be released, no worries, all needed and most of the suggested fixes and changes will applied.

I've decided to post all my WIP's in here so I don't have to create a thread for every model.

Here's the first basic mesh for the new steampunk contest. Everything is scratch made till now.
Oh hey, they started that contest finally?
They did!


I definitely approve of you putting all your WIPs in one place; I love seeing threads like that (also streamlines everything nicely). Now all you have to do is get a Moderator to change the name of the thread, and perhaps modify your first post to be a sort of "table of contents". LINKS!

Lookin' nice.
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