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Project Recruitment - Life Of a Terran

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Level 2
Jul 11, 2010
Yep, I sent in a recruitment google doc thing. I thank you for considering me and look forward to being in your project if accepted.
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Since I really like the city of drugs, also I'm a big fan of GTA (But haven't played anything after San Andreas :D), so may I ask how are you planing to let players control the vehicles: with Keyboard or like in more classic way just by mouse? Car (hovercar? spaceship?) chasing would be pretty badass in this map...
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
I'm happy you're interested.
We haven't talked very much about vehicles yet, but from what I remember of our discussions; Normal vehicles will be controlled with the keyboard. Some vehicles can also have a player passenger who will control a turret with the mouse.
There will also be mech vehicles that you walk with using the mouse like normally.

If anyone is wondering something, please, ask away!
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
We will probably have some keyboard controlled aircrafts.
We haven't talked anything about jetpacks, but I guess the engineering for example, could build one as an item that gives you the ability to quickly fly a short distance.

If you are interested, you are warmly invited to join our team. Everybody are. :p
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Vehicles are immportant part of all Life-games, plus they are terribly fun to ram into a bunch of cops and then flee away to a savehouse.
One more question about all this stuff, but how will the interface work? As I understand there will be a compltetly custom interface, probably you'll be able to choose between third person and bird's flight view, right? And how it will be with cops and other major factions? I mean how will the controling all the cop units will look like? maybe there will be a sepcial button that when you press you'll get a full-screen map with some kind of markers and you'll be able to easily send a helicopter, police patrol car or just a cop by clicking few buttons (Kinda like in Simcity 4 with cops/firefighters if you played)? Or will it be a standart control just like in Starcraft or Warcraft, only with cops beeing more automated and able to do some actions by themselves?
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
Yes, but since we're pretty far from finishing LoaT, and tleno seems so nice, I'll go right ahead and tell him what I know.

So... so far, we are planning to give each faction its own interface.
For example, "Peasents" aka Citizens, will always have his camera locked to follow his hero.

The police and Mafia, will always have 'birds view-camera' and control multiple units. The Police will also have a world map, so he easily can see where things are happening, like alarms or battles. Though it will probably be standard starcraft controls, but with more automated units, as you are describing.

We haven't discussed the Drug Lord's interface yet.
Level 2
Jul 11, 2010
This is extremely interesting. On a rough guess, how many vehicles are you considering putting in? And what size map are you going to use (this question is easier haha)? Is it going to be rather small like LOAP was or a much bigger map?
Level 4
Apr 21, 2006
Oh hai Nimble! You have been invited to the team, if you haven't noticed yet.

To answer your questions...
Again, we haven't discussed much about vehicles yet, but I think there will be MANY different vehicles. I'm planning on making own vehicle models.
Map size - We are going to have the maximum map size possible. This map and city will be HUGE. But we will also work on giving directions to the player so they don't get totally lost.
Level 2
Jul 11, 2010
One last question: Are you planning to use many different terrains, ie. snow in the corner and some other tilesets or rather use the same grass-cobble-water style that was in LOAP?

About the team: I humbly accept, although I do not know where I was invited?(the Hive seems to be buggy to me, first time using Windows Live Messenger, my password on the lifeofaterran.com forums seems to be messed up, I have no idea how to operate googledocs, and my gmail is slow. :confused:) I apologize. :cool:
Level 2
Jul 11, 2010
It's going to be a very massive project. Considering the popularity of the version on Warcraft 3, we think this will be good too, especially seeing how much work is being put into this.
Level 2
Dec 10, 2007
I read through a lot of the developing/brainstorming notes and like most of what I see. There are some similar ideas to what I had for my ~Workplace WC3 game however a few of the jobs/careers in my game aren't present in this one.

My one hope is that you keep it balanced enough because games like these are never fun if you have a douche cop or drug lord that has played more and can just sabotage any player when he feels like it.
My ~Workplace game purposely tried to avoid having weapons and a strict AI law enforcement system to prevent greifing. Another way to handle this would be to have a vote at the start of each game asking how people want to play (1. no rules, 2. medium enforcement, 3. strict enforcement)

well that's my input for now if you want to talk to me some more pm or reply
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
As for continued play and loading codes, it may affect some things, like changing the cop models. It won't affect gameplay itself, we're being sure of that.
Level 10
May 3, 2009
I was thinking you guys could make a mode like Zerg invasion, where the Civilians are turned into man at arms, and they have to surivive. Theres a mode for you.
Battle Field Mode. Everyone has access to Mercenaries, but you can only have 4 with you at a time.
Zombie Invasion. You must have this.

Also you should make it so that you can choose to be with either the cops, mafia or the drug lord.
Level 5
Jan 5, 2008
Hows the project going? Haven't posted in forever. Sorry I've been Inactive theres no excuse for that. I would be grateful if you gave me another shot of being on the team.
Level 5
Sep 15, 2009
Well, we have a forum, we have a brainstorming sheet, we need image creators, ect. Even if you don't have the game, we can use help, and once you get the game you can help even more!
Level 12
Apr 18, 2007
Yeah, that's fine. We're mostly working in the editor now, but you don't really need it working at the moment. Just be able to be on Twitter, MSN, and Docs, and you should be good to go.
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