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Sc2 Project Team Recruiting

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Level 3
Aug 23, 2009
Team Name: “Unamed”
Project Names: “Not being said at this time”


The current team is focused on creating a Premium maps for starcraft 2. We felt at this time it possible to start the early map process and start tossing ideas, concept, design and balance work. With the recent news at blizzcon about the sc2 editor and what has been said previously we are confident that enough information has been given to really start laying out a map. We feel with what was shown the it would be wise to start gathering more talented, dedicate, friendly individuals to start bouncing around ideas, concept, and gameplay elements along creating said map on release of sc2.

The current project idea we have in the works is set in a Post Apocalyptic world. We are still bouncing around ideas for gameplay but I think it fair to say expect something similar to L4D meets NOTD. All the core elements for this project will be created by the team to help move forward in our goals of making Premium maps.

General Information

The current team is dedicated to not working on one project for SC2 but many. We really want to have tunnel vision when working on one spefic project but, we want to work on many different map types and create new map types. We want to strive to make the best map possible which is constantly being updated.

With are current project in the works we are striving to have fast Paced PvP and PvE with interesting kill and death animations to really add to the immersion. We will try to offer the most dynamic gameplay and utilize every element possible custom UI, water level mechanics and anything else possible or needed to add to the gameplay experience.

In all our projects we plan to create we want to create simple/clean design that will draw the player in and keep them for many months. We want the projects we create to always create new possibilities for play and gameplay each time the map is hosted with scenarios never being exactly the same. We feel the map experience needs to be as dynamic as possible and offer both a casual and competitive aspect.

We are currently looking for:

Unit and Environmental Modelers
Texture Artist
(C) Coders
Data and Spell Creators

We always hope that anyone that applies for any position comes with ideas, concepts and creatitivity and really wants to enjoy the map developing process and create the best possible map. If you are interested or only capable or concept or general design we would love to still hear from you.


Project leader
Icon Maker
Texture Artist
Character, and Enviromental Modeler
Concept Artist
Terrain Artist

Terrain Artist

Terrain Artist
Web Management

Hugget Sukker
Terrain Artist


Data and Spells

Data and Spells

Data and Spells

Data List

Character, and Enviromental Modeler

Contact Information:

Email: [email protected]
Msn:D[email protected]

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Recruitment Update (Sept 04, 2009)

Hugget Sukker Karzvitch(Frozt) Accepted to the team

We are currently looking for no more terrain artist you are more than welcome to post work and show us what you have.

Project Update (Sept 04, 2009)

Two projects are going to move forward instead of just one. We decide it would be wise first to make a basic map utilizing all the assest given so the terrainers and coders can get familair with the Engine.

The first Project will be a mix between Footman Wars, Evolve, Zergling Blood. This project core focus will be to gain an understanding of the terrain and coding elements of SC2.

The second Project will be the core focus of the texture artist, modelers and the terrainers after they finish the required work of the first Project. It primary focus will be to create a Apocalyptic or Post Apocalyptic World. We will focus on using none of the Art Assests provided by blizzard. The time period and gameplay has yet to be decide.
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Level 3
Aug 23, 2009
How, about we leave the demo to maybe abilities and or such stuff we might need in the future for now. You are on the team and I might give you a unit concept and some ability ideas and see if you can do them in wc3
Level 3
Aug 23, 2009
Your quotes are priceless Statthis Um You are more then welcome to join the team we currently are using Msn to communicate a lot.
Level 3
Aug 23, 2009
Ya, but that other team not looking BBoy-Tiger

Hey Hugget Sukker I responded to your Email. Sorry for the delay college life can be hetic at times lol.

Thanks for the support TheTerran
Level 7
Dec 30, 2006
Would like to apply for terrain artist, and in the future I can aid with graphics and website design.

Wish I had something to show you but all the work I have posted on Wc3c and Hive is very old and outdated, and I uninstalled Wc3. :(
Level 3
Aug 23, 2009
I know your work and time you invested from the dota community and seen some of your terrain modifications for dota and the remake of the terrain. I know you will be a great assest in building a good community and Heavy detail work in terrain.

For all those Interested I just started to Layout some concept CityScape and will be posting screenshots soon for all those interested.
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