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[Strategy / Risk] Planet of War

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Level 3
Mar 29, 2014

so I made a little map during the past days. My basic idea was to transport the feeling of a strategy map to a map with a very small size, shortening the playing time and making the entire game more overseeable. I'm not entirely sure, if the map is playable, but I hope to make it better by getting ingame experience. I also haven't had much time for testing so there may still be a lot of bugs.


The map is set in a world consisting of two continents. The major continent (on which the player will start) is populated by elves, humans, dwarves and some sort of swamp people (those races have different names in the game, but are relatively similar to their fantasy world counterparts). The smaller continent is the homeland of orc-like creatures. The elves are the dominating race, while the humans have the highest populations. The orcs serve as mercenaries in the armies of the mainland.


There are 5 players with every player controlling a kingdom of different size. While player yellow gets a very big kingdom, red's and teal's ones are smaller and purple's and blue's ones are very small compared to the others. Everyone gets a king, who you have to protect. If red, teal and blue lose their kings, they lose the game, while yellow and purple get a second chance as their king has an heir (the game is not meant to be fair).

Hence, in order to win the game you need to kill all enemy kings. Even if you ally other players, you will have to finally unally them in order to win.

In the mid of the map, the old capital of the elves is controlled by neutral hostile mages, who recently allied with demons. You can take the capital to get a massive income boost.


There is a small number of units available on the map. You can train elven knights (strong foot soldiers), a basic human warrior, riders, militia, one type of dwarven siege unit, two orcish melee units and one orcish spearthrower as well as one type of ship, which serves as a warship and a transortship, but can't attack land units or buildings. Additionally, after having captured certain locations, you can also train mages of three different types as well as 5 unrevivable heroes.

Food is required for knights, riders, mages and heroes.

Workers are used to harvest lumber and erect buildings.

The dwarven fighters also serve as miners in two goldmines.


As a player, you can build 3 types of buildings:

- Army camps, which can train mercenaries and basic melee units.
- Castles, which can train riders and soldiers, have a multishot ability (2 shots) and can load in two units for protection
- Fortresses which can train knights, riders and melee and can harbor up to 4 units and have a multishot ability of 5

Fortresses and castles are meant to be a) a place for hing your king b) used as anti-rushing features c) they are meant to inspire the use of diplomacy since you can hide in your fortress and ally another player in order to get help. Fortresses and castles are very strong and require many troops to take them down. To avoid spamming, they have a long build time and are very expensive.

There are also buildings, which can be taken by players by attacking them:

- Towns, windmills, barns, sawmills and a few unique buildings. Those buildings will give you food and income.

You can destroy buildings, but if you destroy towns, you will get a minus to your income and if you destroy too many towns, you will have to face a rebellion by your own troops.

That's the map majorly. I dunno, if it will ever work, but perhaps it's funny to test it out.


  • Planet of War.w3x
    120.9 KB · Views: 70
Level 3
Mar 29, 2014
Hm ye, I tested it threee times in multiplayer. I will implement these changes:

- reduce number of demons to 2
- introduce a catapult unit to bombard castles and fortresses
- a stronger counter unit system
- bug removal
- perhaps more events
- shorter income intervals
- some sort of smaller tower

The difference regarding the strengths of players' starting positions is wanted, because I don't want this map to feel like a world balanced for gameplay reasons. You can ally, if you want to unite against a stronger enemy.
Level 3
Mar 29, 2014
Alright, I made a new version, which will be on MMH in a few days, I guess. I added:

- new events and also second chances for all players but blue
- new units, gained by events, which should totally change the gameplay style, depending on the picked event
- footmen and militia now work against riders, orc units work against footmen and militia, nobles work against orc units, spearthrowers against nobles
- the effect of catapults was decreased, so hopefully they wont just kill towns anymore

I would be grateful for feedback from testers.


  • Planet of War 0.3.w3x
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