Pirating the Piratey Software... YAAAR!

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Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I'm just curious to know if any of you support pirating, since I wholeheartedly do (it's in my signature and avatar and whatnot), for reasons I will state now:
-We are sharing. Someone legally bought the game, and is sharing his legally bought contents with others.
-We are technically NOT stealing. Someone uploads a file and we download his file. This does not involve mugging or stealing software off of someone; it's "sharing".
-Pirates don't follow rules, so it doesn't matter anyways.
-Pirates are awesome.

Well, there you have my flawless reasoning. Please, share your opinions! I'd love to hear them!
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I like the fact that an artist or a software designer is able to make a living off the things he makes as much as a car company or something else. They're all just as essential to the prosperity of a society.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I like the fact that an artist or a software designer is able to make a living off the things he makes as much as a car company or something else. They're all just as essential to the prosperity of a society.
I like to consider my pirated games to be an essential "demo" of a full game- a full game that, if I like it enough, I may consider buying. Sort of like a regular game demo, except you can play the whole game infinitely. There are exceptions, especially for multiplayer games.

Edit: Besides, game developers make TONS of money regardless of pirates.
Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
I like to consider my pirated games to be an essential "demo" of a full game- a full game that, if I like it enough, I may consider buying. Sort of like a regular game demo, except you can play the whole game infinitely.
Then it's not a demo. And do you really expect that's what the majority of software pirates do, anyways? And where's the justice behind "lol played your game through a couple times, didn't like it so im not paying kthxbai"? That's just dine-and-dash on the computer.

Edit: Besides, game developers make TONS of money regardless of pirates.
Oh, fuck that. If piracy was legal and ISP's didn't bother to cockblock attempts at piracy, do you think the game companies would still be getting "tons"? And what does that do to justify anything besides the stupid Robin Hood "Steal from the rich and give to the poor" bullshit?

And don't even try to say software piracy isn't theft. When you take something for yourself with neither permission nor any intention of letting the company who made it earn a single cent off it, what else do you call it?
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
It's intellectual property, and it's the same thing as physical property. As corny as those fucking ads on television are, they are right. Stealing a video game by pirating it is essentially the same thing as shop lifting it from a store.

Personally I think you're a moron for thinking that way. But to say you're a moron for pirating would be hypocritical of me, we're bad people though.

Level 11
Jul 28, 2007
So can someone explain me how Garena is Legal ? Coz it enables mostly wc3 players to play with LAN settings over Internet when Wc3 is meant to be played ( with nVidia xD ) over Battlenet ? I mean everyone who buys the game can play it online right ? So why need for garena ?

Of course blizzard must have given them permission. But still ?
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
So can someone explain me how Garena is Legal ? Coz it enables mostly wc3 players to play with LAN settings over Internet when Wc3 is meant to be played ( with nVidia xD ) over Battlenet ? I mean everyone who buys the game can play it online right ? So why need for garena ?

Of course blizzard must have given them permission. But still ?

As a program, Garena is legal. It's a LAN gateway connecting video games, so technically it isn't illegal.

Think of it this way: Bittorrent, as a program, isn't illegal. But the usage of Bittorrent to download pirated video games or movies is illegal.
Level 37
Nov 24, 2007
We have all downloaded illegal stuff. Be it music or movies, games or porn. Whatever the hell makes your boat float. Now, thus saying that you dont support it would be stupid. Of course I can see how bad it is, but at the same time there is little that can be done about it. I guess I support it, but it isnt something I am walking around and braging about.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Exactly. I know there really is no way to justify piracy, it doesn't matter- "Do what you want cause' a pirate is free!"
Agreed. I'm going to just go next door and pillage my neighbor's house, cus I'm a pirate and can do whatever I want.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
Agreed. I'm going to just go next door and pillage my neighbor's house, cus I'm a pirate and can do whatever I want.
Now you've got it!

But in all seriousness, you and I both know we were all referring to cyber-piracy.

But nobody gets hurt in this way, nobody is impaired, if I use a software which I can't even afford with a 150 euros pay in my country.
Exactly. You ever hear of Sony Vegas Pro? It's a video editing program that costs over 150 dollars. Do you think I can afford that during an economic crisis? Do you think I can afford it even WITHOUT one?! I'm only fourteen, you know.
Level 25
May 31, 2007
I saw once one legal copy of C&C3 Tiberium Wars in my town. It was cheep i must say but i didn't buy it because i have no need for online play and i don't like that game.
That was the only legal copy i have seen in last 2 years.
In my town there is more pirated CD/DVD shops then computer stores and no one cares...
In our capital city prices range from 6 to 40 Euros (depends on the game quality)

I'll buy a game only if I really want to play online, so if I want to play only singleplayer I will buy an pirated copy for 1.5euro or download it from the internet.
Level 16
Jan 5, 2008
I saw once one legal copy of C&C3 Tiberium Wars in my town. It was cheep i must say but i didn't buy it because i have no need for online play and i don't like that game.
That was the only legal copy i have seen in last 2 years.
In my town there is more pirated CD/DVD shops then computer stores and no one cares...
In our capital city prices range from 6 to 40 Euros (depends on the game quality)

I'll buy a game only if I really want to play online, so if I want to play only singleplayer I will buy an pirated copy for 1.5euro or download it from the internet.

Thats nice! :D
At my country you can't see anything like that.
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
Itunes sucks, I never buy music from it, instead I prefer the virus-ridden garabage dump know as Limewire, but I do use it to play music and the such. I honestly cant think of the last album I purchased from a store becuase I wanted JUST the music(I only buy when its a band I like and the album is all the hype at my school).

Oh, and the "no rules" part can be summed up with this;

Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I thought pirates were supposed to be smart?
Pirates don't need to be smart. They just need to be swashbuckling-awesome.

Itunes sucks, I never buy music from it, instead I prefer the virus-ridden garabage dump know as Limewire, but I do use it to play music and the such. I honestly cant think of the last album I purchased from a store becuase I wanted JUST the music(I only buy when its a band I like and the album is all the hype at my school).
Limewire sucks even more... just rip the songs off of youtube (very easy) or pirate the full album through filesharing sites.



Level 3
Jun 20, 2009
Do chores for people and get paid under the table. I thought pirates were supposed to be smart?

In my place, we don't lawn people's shit for money.
It's either beg in the streets or wait for a good job as an independent adult.

I'm guessing your definition for village is tribal, right?
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
I'm from Asia, and my point of view that piracy is so rampant in this region is because of the inflation rates.

eg: Original pc game - $120
Pirated copy - $10

I'm working part time and my income last month was less than $240. A simple meal cost about $3 and a loaf of bread costs only $2. How on earth can I not avoid buying pirated stuff ;P

@Edit: Fixed mentioning of copyrighted software
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Level 16
Sep 20, 2008
I pirate stuff because I don't get caught. Downloading isn't illegal over here, but uploading is. Still there's no real control so everyone just keeps on doing it. Only if I want to play online or if it's faster to buy a copy I would do so. I mean I bought Warcraft because it was only like 15 euros for the whole pack, and its alot easier to have an original copy.
I myself have been a good bucaneer sometimes, but by no means I find piracy to be good.

I understand some people download things because they are unsecure of buying them and feel that they may lose the money. However, most softwares give you a trial-period, so if you buy them and don't like them, you can always return them within that period. So at the end, there's no need to go pirate.

Also guys, as an staff member I advice you of this discussion. Don't mention any software, website used or related to the act of piracy. Remember that this site forbids Piracy.
Level 15
Dec 12, 2006
I myself have been a good bucaneer sometimes, but by no means I find piracy to be good.
I don't think it's a "good" thing to do, but I don't think it's something terribly wrong and terribly shameful.

Also guys, as an staff member I advice you of this discussion. Don't mention any software, website used or related to the act of piracy. Remember that this site forbids Piracy.
I understand that, which is why I myself took extra care to avoid using any "controversial" words.
Level 27
May 30, 2007
And where's the justice behind "lol played your game through a couple times, didn't like it so im not paying kthxbai"?
Your game sucked. So you don't get money for it. If you want money, make something good enough that I'll be willing to give you money.
If piracy was legal and ISP's didn't bother to cockblock attempts at piracy, do you think the game companies would still be getting "tons"?
Yes. Believe it or not. If a company making a game you want is going out of business for lack of funding, are you going to get their games for free or buy a copy?
When you take something for yourself with neither permission nor any intention of letting the company who made it earn a single cent off it, what else do you call it?
Irrelevant action. I wasn't going to pay anyway. They have not lost anything. My actions affect them in no way.
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