Ethical issue

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Level 2
Apr 26, 2006
Hi, I bought both RoC and TFT shortly after they were released.

My problem is, I managed to lose the TFT DVD (more correctly, my brother took it, and I haven't seen it since. Breaking into his room and ransacking it while he was gone was fruitless, so I fear it is gone forever)

So I decided that maybe I'll download it as and ISO using the P2P system, downloading a torrent from the Pirate Bay.

Now, I was just about to start the download when I started wondering if this was the right thing to do. On the "Yes, go for it!"-side, I am merely replacing an item I lost, and which I bought legally. I have the manuals, with the CD keys attached, for both games, so the CD keys are genuine. On the "Begone, torrents!"-side, downloading these files is actually supporting a worldwide, illegal, file sharing service.

So, my dear fellows in THW, what should I do? Download, or find another way to get my hands on a Frozen Throne DVD? I know one guy with the DVD, and he, and the DVD, are in Gran Canaria for a long time...
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Level 2
Apr 26, 2006
Thanks for the reply. I didn't know Blizzard had this option, I'll check it out immediately.

The torrent had the option of adding another ISO with cracks and serials, but then, no need.
Level 36
Jul 1, 2007
Are you serious? Well I guess I should give you kudos for having such strong morals, but I hate strong morals, so instead I'll just tell you to download the game and think no more of it.

I could also give you the usual "Hive workshop does not support the discussion of pirated files", but I think you already know that. Go for it.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
I dont understand, if you have the Cdkey why arnt you using this?

What you are discussing is illegal, it doesn't matter if you lost it or not. Due to the fact the ones you download are usually illegally edited versions or contain illegal serials/cracks/keygens.

Holy crap is that you werewulf? Sorry I just noticed the style of your drawings and instantly knew it was you. How are you doing?

Yes to be on topic Kim is right. That has to be the easiest and most legal way to do it. Blizzard does pretty much the same thing with WoW. Break a disc or lose one and just go dl it :D. Just one more reason to love em.
Level 4
May 1, 2008
if you have the CD key Blizzard Store make an account enter CD key and get a free download of the game.

if not blizzard wont go bankrupt if you download a game you have bought already, hell if you just DLed it with out buying blizzard wouldn't go bankrupt, it wouldn't even effect them at all (they are making all there money from wow atm). however there are so many copyright laws now that you have probably broken ten or more copyright laws. The whole business of just profit fuck art makes me sick and make me want to pirate material, I'm not going to tell you to do it but I'm going to tell you it is a lot more ethical in the long run to just download it.
Level 7
Feb 13, 2006
if you have the CD key Blizzard Store make an account enter CD key and get a free download of the game.

if not blizzard wont go bankrupt if you download a game you have bought already, hell if you just DLed it with out buying blizzard wouldn't go bankrupt, it wouldn't even effect them at all (they are making all there money from wow atm). however there are so many copyright laws now that you have probably broken ten or more copyright laws. The whole business of just profit fuck art makes me sick and make me want to pirate material, I'm not going to tell you to do it but I'm going to tell you it is a lot more ethical in the long run to just download it.

So many games these days are just too disappointing to spend more than 15 dollars on(US currency) I'm not saying go out and steal a bunch of games but don't buy them if they look like crap either? Companies like EA are killing PC games and console games alike. Companies like Stardock and Blizzard here (Sc2 Trilogy in question to as quality) are trying to push back the bad quality games.

Lets just hope Sc2 is worth buying...from what I've seen hell yeah it is!
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