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Big problem need frozen throne FRENCH link

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Level 6
Apr 26, 2007
I dont know where to post this so i post it here.

I got Warcraft 3 the frozen throne for about 4 years. I played with my TFT disk since then and one day it broke in my DVD rom. I played with my ROC cd and everything worked fine but now i got a new PC so i got to reinstall it but i cant because i dont have my TFT cd... I still got the cd key so if anyone can post me a link (if there is) of the TFT FRENCH game it would be realy cool because i tried torrents but there is only english versions and i wan it french because am used to the chortcut and all.

Thanks, -Jonhpath
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
You may be able to get blizzard to send you a replacement disc for a small fee. I know some game companies will do so if you have lost your disc and have some sort of proof of ownership.

Try asking Blizzard support directly, as they will be able to help you more than we can:

Other than that, downloading disc ISOs for licensed software is a bit shady, so I'm going to close this as we don't condone any illegal activity.
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