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Picture/Photo Thread

Level 14
Mar 11, 2017
totally and sincerely me
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Israeli side, although I'm frequently on both sides. This is C territory, which means it's occupied territory under full Israeli control, the other side is B territory, which means it has Palestinian civilian law but Israeli military law / presence as well. A territory is strictly Palestinian rule and Israeli (Jewish/Non-Arab) citizens are not allowed in by Israeli law. Part of my job is making sure no silly Israelis try to enter somewhere like Beth Lehem, Hebron (Halil), Ramallah etc.

Just to make it more clear: My base is inside an illegal settlement, and this is a pic from said base, overlooking the Arab villages around.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Deolrin are you in mandatory service?

The wife and I built a desk! I love it, but it's currently pilled high with crap we need to organize. :(

cxvb.jpg cfb.jpg
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I work in construction so I have basic skills. I have only built a couple super simple peices of furniture before. The only one I'm actually proud of.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
@Gilles Table looks sweet, great job! And yes, I am in my mandatory (2 years, 8 months) service.
On another note, I think we might have the same Samsung monitor. Is it 1080p? :p

@Heinvers I'm no combat trooper, so I don't see much or any action (luckily). My job is to secure passage through the Palestinian-Israeli checkpoints and check for contraband, weaponry, illegal entry etc. Border guard, basically. I've friends in the job who were attacked (one guy was stabbed, he's fine, another girl was attacked but they shot the terrorist down before he could reach her), but generally speaking it's not a very high-risk job. It's mostly dull, with some moments of excitement.

But either way, I think my biggest impact is dealing with the Palestinian populace and coming into direct contact with them. I take it upon myself to treat everyone fairly, and generally to be nice to people passing by. I want to show Palestinians and Israeli Arabs a different side to Israeli Jews and the IDF by, well, not being an asshole. People here are often very racist and hateful - I want to make sure that the other side of the conflict sees that not everyone is like that and that there are reasonable folks on both sides. Treating people with respect, dignity and with proper manners is somewhat of a personal mission for me, even when the vast majority of people in my base think I'm "overdoing" it or that I shouldn't be this nice or whatever.
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
@Deolrin It's actually an older monitor and is a size smaller than 1080. 1056? I can't remember. It's the wife's computer.

And good on you for your work on the border. All I ever hear about Israel and Palestine in NA news is negative. Obviously that's generally how news works, but it's good to hear about good people doing what they can.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
One of the main reasons I haven't been doing much modding in recent time.

On the other hand, check out that sweet occupied landscape.
Nice to know you're alive (like, literally xD). Why pick the military career in particular?

On my end, I've got to report I'm not churned or anything. ^^ I'm from Portugal, the country that recently burned to pieces with wildfires. :sad: Dunno if you heard anything about it in your countries.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Treating people with respect, dignity and with proper manners is somewhat of a personal mission for me, even when the vast majority of people in my base think I'm "overdoing" it or that I shouldn't be this nice or whatever.

I have always found it disturbing how conflict brings out the worst in people, even when kindness, respect and proper behavior serves as the best way to mitigate conflicts. Just look at china for how problems can escalate once respect and trust for our fellow humans is far to quickly lost, once a few abuse it. They have recently been trying desperately to change with laws, because its become common that people will not help anyone on the street due to fear for lawsuits and scams, leading to cases where for instance a 2 year old girl bleed-out on the street while pedestrians was just walking by ignoring her.

Nice to know you're alive (like, literally xD). Why pick the military career in particular?

Its mandatory :wink: So I don't assume he picked a military career.

I'm from Portugal, the country that recently burned to pieces with wildfires. :sad: Dunno if you heard anything about it in your countries.

Yea,I am glad to hear you are okay, it is truly terrible how such a beautiful place is ravaged by fire. It should not be a case of great nature areas meaning increased risk, but sadly there is a disturbing trend of wildfires lately.

And on a less heavy topic, I wanted to post a picture of my pumpkin for this years Halloween:
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Batman and the Riddler?

Here's my pumpkin. Wife and I won first place in the family carving contest. Also our Jurassic Park themed Halloween party!
View attachment 283468View attachment 283469

Haha nice and very cute as well - Sadly didn't have any Halloween party, would have enjoyed it. Was it a requirement for your guests to be dressed as dinos? :grin:
Its the Riddler, Harlequin with her hammer and Batman. In the background its the bridge with the burning bat logo, and a cityscape (blocks). Wanted to do more with it, but sadly the pumpkin was almost rotten :eek: so a bit too soft.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Here's a selfie of me and all my ink

For some absurd reason I read it as "ilk" so I clicked on the picture with utterly wrong expectations, and was disappointed by the lack of people. A second look made me see both depressive & optimistic quotes, metal + anime characters. Couldn't figure out what the kinda Pokemon ball thing was :smile:
Level 14
Mar 27, 2008
For some absurd reason I read it as "ilk" so I clicked on the picture with utterly wrong expectations, and was disappointed by the lack of people. A second look made me see both depressive & optimistic quotes, metal + anime characters. Couldn't figure out what the kinda Pokemon ball thing was :smile:
Lmao, but the Pokeball like thing is actually the Uchiha Clan insignia from Naruto.



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I actually missed this page last time I was here.

Its mandatory :wink: So I don't assume he picked a military career.
Oh yeah, I forgot. Too long have I lived in non-mandatory military service country. :p

Yea,I am glad to hear you are okay, it is truly terrible how such a beautiful place is ravaged by fire. It should not be a case of great nature areas meaning increased risk, but sadly there is a disturbing trend of wildfires lately.
I live in the capital, Lisbon, so I'm mostly safe ^^. The wildfires mostly deflagrate in the countryside. We are still suffering from its progressive abandonment that started in Salazar's dictatorship and was aggravated with our admission into the European Union, where farmers were payed to stop doing agriculture.

If any of you ever visits Portugal, let me know! I might have some time. ;)

So @Gilles has a wife and @PROXY with his beard is definitely no longer a teenager :p man, we're ooold :eek:
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
If any of you ever visits Portugal, let me know! I might have some time. ;)

So @Gilles has a wife and @PROXY with his beard is definitely no longer a teenager :p man, we're ooold :eek:

Haha yea - time is moving on and us with it. Not that I believe any of us truly feel old though :wink:

Should have known about you living in Lisbon, I was there half a year ago :smile: (Had a 3 week trip through it). I'll keep it in mind for the future (I am still somewhat hoping for the unlikely Hive Convention where the oldies can meet :grin:)
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Not sure if trolling.


It was taken at an airsoft game, a sport I've been doing for years by now. We played a scenario where the Russians allied with the NATO to neutralize chemical weapons facilities prepared by a team who played Serbian nationalists. The picture was taken after we've destroyed their chemical stockpiles and stormed their FOB, established on a hill. We took the position and decided to take a picture with the flag, which we captured as a trophy.

I decided to do the three-finger salute for the lulz, even though Serbia was the opposing force in this scenario.
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Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
Wow that's quite a lot of backstory for an airsoft game. I thought they gave customers some guns, explained the rules and let them shoot each other (or at least it's how it is done here). Still, that's a more motivating story than some CoDs already.

The games you described are the "commercial" variant, where you rent guns and shoot at your friends or co-workers in an abandoned garage. We have those around here too, but meh...

The events I usually attend are organized by airsoft sports teams competing against each other, who usually use their own stuff. These events take place in larger areas, incorporating forests, fields and abandoned buildings, which give organizers a chance to simulate a relatively high degree of realism.

Each side usually has a complex set of objectives to fulfill, have their own command structure and central leadership coordinating the maneouvers via radio from the company HQ and some "stories" are parts of a larger "campaign." We use vehicles, combat roles and support equipment to stimulate realism, some games last through multiple days and even incorporate LARP elements.
Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
The games you described are the "commercial" variant, where you rent guns and shoot at your friends or co-workers in an abandoned garage. We have those around here too, but meh...

The events I usually attend are organized by airsoft sports teams competing against each other, who usually use their own stuff. These events take place in larger areas, incorporating forests, fields and abandoned buildings, which give organizers a chance to simulate a relatively high degree of realism.

Each side usually has a complex set of objectives to fulfill, have their own command structure and central leadership coordinating the maneouvers via radio from the company HQ and some "stories" are parts of a larger "campaign." We use vehicles, combat roles and support equipment to stimulate realism, some games last through multiple days and even incorporate LARP elements.
That sounds amazing except for vehicles, seriously?? How the heck do they keep that from turning into (well) a train car wreck?
Level 35
Dec 10, 2007
That sounds amazing except for vehicles, seriously?? How the heck do they keep that from turning into (well) a train car wreck?

We usually use cars that are in an already shitty condition and / or wrap them into an additional protective layer made of wood or some other light material. Some people also install turrets. Vehicles are also usually slow moving and don't move into dense forests to avoid crashes and injury.

Also, airsoft weapons barely scratch the paint of vehicles, unless they are fired from very close.
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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Aw. That's really sweet. :O Although, there's no need to worry about me, I'm not in the heart of a war zone or anything, casualties in our unit are extremely rare (a single individual since 2004). Honestly the tension isn't really felt here (luckily), but it might be some sort of calm before the storm. I just hope we can move forward from the current situation into peaceful co-existence and not get stuck in conflict again.