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Phoenix Trial #2 Poll

Which is the most powerful command icon set?

  • [url=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=285689&postcount=216]Gauntlet2021 - Gauntlets

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • [url=http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/showpost.php?p=280481&postcount=85]RedBlade - Magic[/url]

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Not open for further replies.
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

Phoenix Trial #2

Official Poll

The time has arrived for Hive Workskop judges and voters to determine which arena gladiator has created the most powerful set of command pallete icons.



Ok, this is my entry,

The theme is called "The Conqueror"



Get ready peeps, as your forced to try
an entry of Gauntlets Crappy UI.



I have finished mine. Maybe ill make some changes later.

My topic is : Magic
This is the final entry for my Goblin Commander icon set. I hope you all enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed making it.
And so, in order to create the most powerful command buttons of them all, I turned towards the liquid soul of the ancient power itself, to forge these mighty weapons:
Theme: Infected (28 Days Later)
I hope they can be of use to someone...
Okay, well forgot about this until today, so they are a bit rushed. But here they are, I guess. In-game shot within 5 min I hope....

Judges and voters alike should cast their ballots based upon the following criteria:


  1. All icons must adhere to the established icon rules.

  2. Active and disabled versions of all icons are required.

  3. No plain screenshots (or shallowly modified) icons are permitted.

  4. The icons must be made specifically for the contest. No previous works are allowed.

  5. Blizzard icon naming conventions must be followed: BTNAttack*.blp etc.
    • Example: DISBTNHoldPositionBlackDoom.blp

  6. Works in progress (WIPs) of the icons are encouraged as they keep the contest active.

  7. The icons must be physically attached to a post when complete. (.blp files only!)

  8. An in-game screenshot must be included with all submissions.

  • 50% of the score will determined by a public poll. The rest of the score will be determined by one or more specialized judges.

  • Critical judging elements for both voters and specialized judges are:
    • Creativity. The icons' originality and uniqueness are vitally important.
    • Blizzard feeling. Icons should be executed in such a manner that they can be implemented in a Warcraft map and compliment other Blizzard icons.
    • Technical Note. The quality of the icons is the most important thing. They must be detailed yet clear (throwing a lot of elements in a 64x64 image will usually look crowded).

The Judging and Voting Process:

  • This public poll has opened on 27 July and will close on 10 August, 2007.

  • No one should rely on the above images to make thier decision. Please follow the hyperlinks in the poll or the quotes from the contestants to review, analyze, and test each of the entries.

  • Note: The judging percentages have been slightly modified to place more emphasis on the average user's opinion.

  • 40% of the final vote has been determined by appointed judges. One of those ballots (mine) is being cast in public. The other judges' ballots have also been cast but will be kept secret (as will those judges' identities) until the completion of the public balloting and polling.

  • 20% of the final vote shall be determined by the total accumulated votes of the above public poll. Judges may not vote in that poll. Contestants and all other users may vote once in the poll: contestants can not vote for their own submissions.

  • 40% of the final vote shall be determined by the tally of users who vote in this thread using the included ballot form below.
    1. Copy the form in its entirety and paste it as a new post (Reply) in this thread.
    2. All Judges, contestants and users may cast ONE ballot for one contestant.
      • Everyone is free to critique more than one submission in their ballot but may vote for only one contestant.
      • Arena gladiators can not cast their ballots for their own submissions.
      • Improperly cast ballots will be invalid.

Copy and paste the ballot below to vote in this thread.


[CENTER][B][SIZE="4"]Phoenix Trial #2[/SIZE]


[B]I officially cast my ballot for:[/B]

[B]Based on the following considerations:[/B]


Blizzard feeling:

Technical Note:

[B]Comments on other entries:[/B]

<===< END COPY
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:



Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 7/10

This was a very creative set of icons. The colors jump powerfully out of the command pallete, grabbing and holding a gamer's attention. Individually, each is interesting and could have a variety of other uses. they work together as a whole somewhat less well as each posesses its own unique character.

Blizzard feeling: 5/10

"Blizzard feeling" is an extremely difficult element to capture or duplicate: trying to outdo the game's original artists is a sore trial indeed. These icons manage to fit the bill fairly well.

Technical Note: 7/10

The detail and clarity of this set of icons commands attention: most powerful and useful!

Comments on other entries:

Creativity: 7/10 A good concept; the icons work well together.
Blizzard feeling: 4/10 The red action indicators help somewhat.
Technical Note: 6/10 Rather blurry and indistinct in spots.

Creativity: 7/10 A fine creative theme.
Blizzard feeling: 3/10 Once again, this element is very tough to emulate.
Technical Note: 4/10 Far too dark, especially in the game itself.


Site Director
Level 65
Jan 1, 2006
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:


Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 5/10

Not really all that creative, but it's the only entry that resembles typical command buttons and you get a better impression of what each individual icon represents/illustrates. It gets the intended job done fairly well I think.

Blizzard feeling: 3/10

I can only say that the first (Move?) and second icon have a bit of Blizzard feel in it.
The rest kind of sticks out in the crowd.

Technical Note: 5/10

Could use some more work, but it's decent quality.

Comments on other entries:

Very creative entry and have a good Blizzard feeling. But it doesn't quite resemble command buttons at all.

I can hardly see what each icon illustrates.


Level 79
Oct 6, 2004
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

I like the bony looks

Blizzard feeling:

Technical Note:
This icon looks very sharp and has got depth.
The different icons match eachother and look very nice.
I can easily see what each button means.

Comments on other entries:
Level 24
Jun 14, 2005
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 7/10

Very creative, but like Archian said, they don't really resemble command buttons.

Blizzard feeling: 6/10

Looks a bit like blizzard I suppose.

Technical Note:

Needs to get the icons to resemble command buttons more.

Comments on other entries:

I suppose they look decent, but I can not imagine them in wc3. They just don't really fit in with wc3 at all.

Ok those are some of the most random icons I have seen in a while, I have no idea what they are.
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 9\10

Blizzard feeling: 8\10

Technical Note:Technical note: Some just look like recolored blizzard icons, but these sure do give to power of (drunk) force 6\10.

Comments on other entries:

Gauntlet2021's were kind of neat, but they were to dark to tell what they were very good. Blizzard feeling: 5\10 Creativity: 7\10 technical note: Way to dark 4(or 3...?)\10.

Pyritie: VERY noce icons. Blizzard feeling: 5\10 Creativity: 8\10 Technical note: Some icons dont resemble "stop" or "move" ect very much. 4\10

Herio-san: Creativity:6\10 Blizzard feeling: 6\10 Technical note: Not to detailed..6\10

fooker: Creativity: 9\10 Blizzard feeling: 8\10 Technical note: some just look like recolored blizzard icons, 5\10.

Scyth-Master: Creatvity: 6\10 Bilazzard feeling: 4\10 Technical note: Too Simple 5\10

Dalaran_Guard: creativity: 6\10 Blizzard feel: 8\10 Technical note: Afew look rushed. 6\10

EDIT: I will update this later with details about other ones. :-x

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Erm, I don't think you should post some of the pictures; either post everyone's or don't post them at all. Besides, my move icon was updated. As well as my screenshot does not show the Attack Ground, cancel, or updated move icon.

Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

They're good because they have a very consistant theme, and it's easy to tell which is which.

Blizzard feeling:
It has to have a bizzard feeling? Erm... Blizzard invented these sort of goblins and the zepplins and that sort of stuff... I dunno.

Technical Note:
Very crisp and clear, nice and bright, and I thought you were probably my biggest competition. :grin:

Comments on other entries:
Too busy, perhaps later.

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
Level 8
Jul 23, 2005
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Dalaran_Guard

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 6.5/10 I rather liked some of the icons. Very artistic.
Blizzard feeling: 7/10 Quite nice. Not as good of a feeling as Pyritie's, but they DID fit in with any magic-user, as fireball and such look good next to it.
Technical Note: 5/10 The "Hold Position" button... nice way to put the message across, but also sort of looks like they're literally cementing their feet to the ground >.<.

Comments on other entries:
Sorry Pyritie, but my vote goes to Dalaran_Guard. I thought they were quite nice, but the real put-down on yours, Pyritie, was the stop/Move button. I really don't see what a leaf has to do with anything.
As for everyone else. good job on your entries! I agree with Wolvera on the fact that Gauntlets is too dark, l0w's I found an icon or two hard to make out, Heiro-san's did not fit in with Blizzard, RedBlade's mage was indistinct at times, The attack, stop and Hold Position in frookers you couldn't make out at first glance (Which is vital when you're actually playing, because there has to be a small learning curve, and its no use to have the player confused at what buttons mean in the middle of a battle), and Scyth-Master, some of the buttons had very low detail (i.e. Whats that thingy in patrol?).

Apart from those criticisms, the rest of the entries were quite nice!

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Dalaran_Guard.

Based on the following considerations: I like his icons the most.

Creativity: 6/10 - Ok, nothing too wavavoom.

Blizzard feeling: 9/10 - Nice, fits in good.

Technical Note: 8/10 - Looks well made I guess. Could prove usefull.

Comments on other entries:

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
On 10th Aug closing? That's when I'll be back from my vacation! I'll be out of touch on the votes. :sad:


Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 9\10 Quite unique Icon set

Blizzard feeling: 10\10 Totally fits within WC3

Technical Note: 7/10 Some of the icons look unclear to me

Comments on other entries:

Pyritie: Blizzard feeling: 5\10 Creativity: 10\10 Technical note: Artisticly done, but by me, they wouldn't fit Blizz

fooker: Blizzard feeling: 2\10 Creativity: 5\10 Technical note: Hmmmm, no comment on this one

Scyth-Master: Blizzard feeling: 2\10 Creativity: 5\10 Technical note: They kinda..... ummm... don't look good.

Dalaran_Guard: Blizzard feeling: 9\10 Creativity: 6\10 Technical note: Goes well with Blizz icons, but not very clear

RedBlade: Blizzard feeling: 5\10 Creativity: 7\10 Technical note: They look kinda wonky

Gauntlet2021: Blizzard feeling: 7\10 Creativity: 8\10 Technical note: They look good, but yet unclear.

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 26
Mar 18, 2007
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:



Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 9/10

The idea of a goblin set of commands is very unique and uncommon, helped furthermore by the explosives they carry.

Blizzard feeling: 5/10

It's obvious the artwork does not fit like a glove with other Blizzard artwork, but that's a hard job to do. Gotta cut you some slack, eh?

Technical Note: 8/10

For the most part, it's easy to recognize the commands, and it, of course, looks great.

Comments on other entries:

Creativity: 4/10 We've all seen the metal plate armor before.
Blizzard feeling: 6/10 Meh. The artwork isn't Warcraft-esque, but which one of these here is?
Technical Note: 9/10 It's rather pretty nonetheless.

Gauntlet2021 (Agreed with Wolverabid on all 3 subjects)
Creativity: 7/10 A fine creative theme.
Blizzard feeling: 3/10 Once again, this element is very tough to emulate.
Technical Note: 4/10 Far too dark, especially in the game itself.[/QUOTE]

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 9/10 - It had loads of creativity with the goblins, and the images within the icons.

Blizzard feeling: 8/10 - It very nicely fits blizzard but is more sharpened and cartoony.

Technical Note: 8/10 - Pretty easy to tell what they are, except for like 2 icons.

Comments on other entries:

Creativity: 10/10 - Very Creative
Blizzard feeling: 5/10 - Hardly blizzard type.
Technical Note: 7/10 - Kind of hard to tell what they are

Creativity: 8/10 - I like the medival creativity
Blizzard Feeling: 7/10 - It is not all that blizzardy
Technical Note: 8/10 - A little blurry but easy to tell what they are

Creativity: 7/10 - Pretty creative
Blizzard Feeling: 3/10 - It doesn't look much like Blizzard's works
Technical Note: 3/10 - Kind of hard to tell what they are and it looks strange and low quality.

Creativity: 5/10 - Magic is pretty predictable and vague
Blizzard Feeling: 4/10 - Doesn't amount up to Blizzard's works
Technical Note: 5/10 - Kind of hard to tell what they are and it is low quality. Also, the human looks weird.

Creativity: 9/10 - LOL!! I love it!
Blizzard Feeling: 10/10 - Completely Blizzardy
Technical Note: 5/10 - Some are just recolors and not that creative. You were so close to winning my vote! I like the glove you got though... But sadly you didn't make it. :p

Creativity: 6/10 - I guess it is kind of creative,
Blizzard Feeling: 4/10 - Doesn't look like Blizzard that much.
Technical Note: 1/10 - Some are just simply plain, blurry, ugly, non-creative, and easy to do in PAINT!! (That is one heck of an insult, especially if you have Photoshop or GIMP or Paint Shop)

Creativity: 7/10 - Pretty creative, but I don't know the theme.
Blizzard Feeling: 10/10 - Extremely Blizzardy
Technical Note: 7/10 - Kind of hard to tell what some of them are. Also, it looks kind of predictable.


Good job to all contestants!

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:


Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 10/10 - Very Creativ and well made, only problem would be that they only are usefull for some maps..

Blizzard feeling: 6/10 - Cartoonish and more real looking..

Technical Note: 9/10 - Easy to tell which is which, only thing is the skill icon, which is lesser then the others.

Comments on other entries:

Creativity: 10/10 - Creative, have no mach in Blizzard
Blizzard feeling: 2/10 - As said aboce, nothing similar to Blizzard
Technical Note: 5/10 - Problems of knowing which icon is which, but nicely made.

Creativity: 8/10 - I like the medival creativity
Blizzard Feeling: 9/10 - Very Close to blizzard, just giving them an good update.
Technical Note: 8/10 - Difference betwhen them is good, only thing is that attack icon somehow doesnt fit the rest.

Creativity: 4/10 - Not that creative, to icons are the same just rotatet.
Blizzard Feeling: 2/10 - Not similar at all to Blizzard, very dark
Technical Note: 2/10 - Some of them are clear to tell what are, others are not. Quality isnt that great.

Creativity: 5/10 - Seen before, but okay
Blizzard Feeling: 5/10 - Have a little to do with Blizzard.
Technical Note: 6/10 - Some of the icons are low quality, others, like the stop hand are well made. The holdposition isnt clear, hard to tell what it is. Attack icons isnt that powerfull looking.

Creativity: 8/10 - Nice ones, only problem for creative is that 3 of the icons isnt changed much...
Blizzard Feeling: 10/10 - Fits well with Blizzard, (some too much)
Technical Note: 5/10 - As said 3 are close to same as normal ones. Easy to tell difference, except for the stop icon.

Creativity: 3/10 - Not realy creative...
Blizzard Feeling: 3/10 - Not at all similar to Blizzard
Technical Note: 1/10 - Very Very low quality, wierd spaces on some of them. Very hard to tell which icon is which.

Creativity: 8/10 - Some of them are very creative, other aint. The Move and Holdposition is perfect! The cancel, patrol and attack ground aint.
Blizzard Feeling: 9/10 - Fits wwell with Blizzard, but a little to much detail sometimes.
Technical Note: 7/10 - The Stop icon a very well made, very handish, others are very plain. Kinda hard to tell which is which of attack ground and attack. Skill doesnt say skill that much.

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 3
May 2, 2007
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 6/10
Eventhough goblins are already part of Blizzard creation you managed to fit the concept well in your icons and made it a funny icon set to use.

Blizzard feeling: 10/10
In my opinion, of all the entries this is the most blizzard-like. Fits in perfectly.

Technical Note: 9/10
The icons are very understandable, meaning its easy to know what icon is which.

Comments on other entries:
It was very hard for me to choose between Herio-san entry and l0w_kwaliti's, finally i chose herio-san because his set has a higher blizzard feeling, and the icons are easy to understand

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 6
Nov 4, 2004
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 7/10 - it's one theme for everything which you can easily see. I think that works well! The glove is taken from some blizzard icon though i think.

Blizzard feeling: 9/10 - the icons resemble the basic blizzard icons (yet they aren't the same, except for the hero skill icon) and they have the typical cartoon style.

Technical Note: 9/10 - some of the icons may be confusing at first, but you'll get used to it fast and once you know which is which, it's easy to recall. Also, the icon set will be used for our map "Beer Beer" so that is actually why it ultimately got my vote over herio-san's because this makes the set incredible useful ;).

Comments on other entries:

Creativity: 10/10 - Green goblins!
Blizzard feeling: 7/10 - it's certainly a nice cartoon style, but somewhat a bit different from blizzard's. There's some resemblence to the blizzard icons, they all look different though so that's good.
Technical Note: 8/10 - I found the cancel and hold buttons slightly confusing. The others look real nice though. If anyone would ever want to make a map with goblins, this set should certainly be the first choice.

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 35
May 22, 2007
I OFFICIALLY caste my ballot for:

Based on the following Considerations:
Creativity: 10/10 - I like the plants and they look supurb and where others went for the humanoid approach Pyritie went for a natural one.

Blizzard feeling: 7/10 An interesting look though it does'nt fully capture Blizzards style.

Technical Note: 8/10 the icons look a little....the same....but they are very nice and a must for any nature map.

Comments on other entries:
I liked many of them but Dalaran's would have had my second vote
But his wasnt as original as Pyritie's

all in all his was:
Creativity: 7/10
Blizzard feeling: 8/10
Technical Note: 8/10
[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 6
May 19, 2007
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

the nature effect is a great idea and has not been done before (to my knowledge) and the leaves and everything would fit nicely with nature themed maps.

Blizzard feeling:6/10 it isnt the type of thing blizzard would do but its effective and fits well

Technical Note:8/10 some icons take a second to understand but there understandable

Comments on other entries:
everyone else did creative designs but i had to choose pyritie as he did something different to you lot. it was a hard decision and was close.

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

I like the detail and nice artwork. Very clear and easy to see. 9/10

Blizzard feeling:
I feel they are the closest to blizzard feeling from what i can see, although abit too realistic at some points but still fits nice. 7/10

Technical Note:
Its hard to tell what they are, the attack and defend.. im not sure is which... 5/5

Comments on other entries:

l0w_kwaliti- I like the themes chosen, although rather blurry and some icons feel incomplete. Cre=7/10 Bliz=6/10 Tech=7/10

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 22
May 11, 2004
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Pyritie

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 7/10 Well drawn and go well together.
Blizzard feeling: 8/10 Quite nice. Almost looks like something that would fit straight into a NE theme.
Technical Note: They look a tad bit blurry at certain points.

Comments on other entries:

Dalaran Guard's icons were nice, but showed too much hint of photoshop smearing/smudging. Red Baron's Icons looked too plain with very little color variation.Scyth Mater's icons appear as if they were done in pain, Some of the lines were shaky, as if they were directly drawn with a mouse. Fooked had a nice theme, and the icons would look great when they are bunched up in the in-game command box. Hero-san had the most original looking and icons that looked great side by side eachother. The cartoonish icons would stand out well in-game. Gauntlet's icons were way too dark. Its almost as though they all are disabled icons. l0w_kwaliti would have been my second choice, as the icons look next most "blizzard-esque" and well drawn.

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Dalaran_Gaurd

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: Well made with a good amount of detail and very creative 7/10
Blizzard feeling: These icons look like they were ripped out from the heart of blizzard in my opinion. They're also pretty useful but the hands are a little too blurry for a blizzard-like icon 8/10
Technical Note: A good amount of detail was put into them 8/10

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 8
May 13, 2007
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:


Blizzard feeling:

Technical Note:
The icons are very good and have nice shading.

Comments on other entries:
Pyrite's icons are very good too. Very nice color pick,shading and effects. Pyritie's is my 2nd choice

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 18
May 27, 2007
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:

Based on the following considerations:

The Icons are quite creative in my opinion, because they seem to take a different approach to the theme, also I like how the icons represent their actions in a very creative way, and I think that is one reason he gets my vote.

Blizzard feeling:
These icons seem quite a bit more Blizzardy feel to me, because of the way the colors are used, and the simple yet fun design he used

Technical Note:
The Icons are very detailed, and colored very well IMO

Comments on other entries:

All of the entries were very good, but I think that l0w_kwaliti's seem very un Blizzard like, which is why I choose Pyritie!

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 14
Nov 25, 2004
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for:


Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: Goblins aren't very original, but you made it really nicely, I especially like the Patrol icon...

Blizzard feeling: Toon-shading on these icons make them look blizzlike. Maybe they could use a little bit more shading, but they are great as they are

Technical Note: I'm no artist so I won't note anything

Comments on other entries:


low_kw4liti - your icons were good, but they didn't look as much blizzlike

pyritie - actually, I'd rate your submission to be same quality as herio-san. I disagree with your policy of giving rep for voting on you, without the need to check the other submissions. Because of that, I voted on herio-san

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006


This thread has been cleaned in order to eliminate



I strongly recommend that users not spam this important polling thread.

Violators will be Wolver-ravaged.

Level 11
Jul 20, 2004
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Pyritie

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 8/10 - we are talking about a nature set, nothing completely uncommon, yet could prove indeed interesting for a tree-like race or something.

Blizzard feeling: 5/10 - not much of a blizzard feeling here, unfortunately. Icons are too "black" and somehow represent simple elements. True that they are not special effects, but they somehow... lack something blizzard-like.

Technical Note: 8/10 - your skills are not bad, but the icons are still a bit blurry, and some are a bit too contrasting. The skill icon looks a bit too good compared with the others, but I'll avoid adding anything else. :wink:

Comments on other entries:

They were pretty interesting, though I have to be a bit harsh and add that the entries were not as good here as the others. I could perhaps also blame the theme, and that so many icons were required. A bit too many might've discouraged even skillful iconers. Takes too much time, effort and creativity to make so many icons. Nevertheless, the other two entries could've been better. Gauntlet had far too dark icons to be practical in an actual game, and l0w's were better but a bit too plastic-like and unreal. More shading would've helped a lot. But nevertheless, keep working guys and you will get really good.

Congratulations to everyone who has participated! It was a decent contest. ;)


[EDIT by Wolve]

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Level 12
Apr 28, 2005
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Herio-san

Based on the following considerations:


Blizzard feeling:7/10

Technical Note:10/10

[EDIT by Wolve]

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Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Pyritie

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity: 8/10 - I didn't know how he was going to pull some of those off, but he managed quite well. Innovative idea and interesting ideas for each icon.

Blizzard feeling: 5/10 - So, not very similar to Blizz icons but still having the same quality

Technical Note: 8/10 - Well executed and presented. Great job!

Comments on other entries:

Really loved Herio-San's entry, but great job to everyone.

[EDIT by Wolve]

This ballot is valid and the vote has been logged.
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Level 1
Feb 13, 2007
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Dalran_Guard

Based on the following considerations: wow! those are realy cool!

Creativity: 8/10

Blizzard feeling: 10/10

Technical Note: 8/10 a little bit blury on some

Comments on other entries: i liked everyones alot

[EDIT by Wolve]

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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Herio-san

Based on the following considerations:


Blizzard feeling:7/10

Technical Note:10/10
Yeah, same here.

[EDIT by Wolve]

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Level 2
May 25, 2007
Phoenix Trial #2


I officially cast my ballot for: Pyritie

Based on the following considerations:

Creativity:the natureness of it is unique and i think its way differ from everyone elses

Blizzard feeling:it goes good with the forest type creatures (treants, ents, ect.)

Technical Note:looks good and is neet :)

Comments on other entries:they are good

[EDIT by Wolve]

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Level 32
Oct 23, 2006

The Judging and Voting Process:

  • This public poll has opened on 27 July and will close on 10 August, 2007.

  • No one should rely on the above images to make thier decision. Please follow the hyperlinks in the poll or the quotes from the contestants to review, analyze, and test each of the entries.

  • Note: The judging percentages have been slightly modified to place more emphasis on the average user's opinion.

  • 40% of the final vote has been determined by appointed judges. One of those ballots (mine) is being cast in public. The other judges' ballots have also been cast but will be kept secret (as will those judges' identities) until the completion of the public balloting and polling.

  • 20% of the final vote shall be determined by the total accumulated votes of the above public poll. Judges may not vote in that poll. Contestants and all other users may vote once in the poll: contestants can not vote for their own submissions.

  • 40% of the final vote shall be determined by the tally of users who vote in this thread using the included ballot form below.
    1. Copy the form in its entirety and paste it as a new post (Reply) in this thread.
    2. All Judges, contestants and users may cast ONE ballot for one contestant.
      • Everyone is free to critique more than one submission in their ballot but may vote for only one contestant.
      • Arena gladiators can not cast their ballots for their own submissions.
      • Improperly cast ballots will be invalid.
This one looks like it's going right down to the wire guys!

Let me take this opportunity to encourage everyone who has yet to cast a ballot or vote in the poll to do so...

The clock is still ticking!
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Phoenix Trial #2

Phoenix Trial #2

Official Results

The judging, balloting and polling phase of Phoenix Trial #2 is now complete.

The results are as follows.

The Public Poll

  • One contestant voted for himself: that vote is invalid!

  • Two gladiators have fought to a tie in the public poll:

    • Herio-san is awarded 10% of the final result.
    • Pyritie is also awarded 10% of the final tally.

The Official Ballots

  • Herio-san is awarded 40% of the final result.

The Judge's Ballots

Archian, Ralle
Bob27, WolverabidPyritie2
  • Two gladiators have equally impressed the judges:

    • l0w_kwaliti is awarded 20% of the final result.
    • Pyritie is also awarded 20% of the final tally.

The Victors


  1. Herio-san is the commanding winner of Phoenix Trial #2!

  2. Pyritie has placed a powerful second in this contest!

  3. l0w_kwaliti has also shown power!

Congratulations to the victors, and to all the arena gladiators who braved

Phoenix Trial #2!

Powerful booty and bounty will soon be awarded.
Level 3
Jul 11, 2007
Well done Herio! Though, in my ranking Dalaran_Guard is on second place, kwaliti on third.. not counting my own entry of course(!) xD just kidding

If anyone is interested in using the improved version of my icons, just pm me. :wink:
Level 8
Sep 13, 2006
Though, in my ranking Dalaran_Guard is on second place, kwaliti on third.. not counting my own entry of course(!) xD just kidding

Meh, thanks for the support, but there are some very skilled artists in this community and I have but begun to explore the world of art. I am perfectly happy with thrid place in the poll and in the ballots, even if I didn't get a place overall. Grats to Herio for his well-deserved victory...
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