Operation: Apocalypse

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
You are a survivor of a deadly destruction. Collect weapons and water (potions) to take thwart Operation: Apocalypse.
Thanks to ap0calypse for helping me learn about BB Codes!

Be alert of all terrorists, they can easily kill you in masses.
Don't use waygate until the Apocalypse has appeared.
Scavenge all items you can to survive.

Work your way to the leader and kill him ONLY when your whole team is ready for a 10 minute (at most) rush to bottom right.
Equip yourself with anything, including Survivor Rags (weak, but useful).

Use any tactic you find necessary or just stay with your allies.

Apocalypse, Terrorism, Operation

Operation: Apocalypse (Map)

19:52, 9th Sep 2010 Cweener: Rejected (until updated) post. 1:26, 12th Sep 2010 Cweener: Rejected (until updated) No major changes made.




19:52, 9th Sep 2010
Cweener: Rejected (until updated)
1:26, 12th Sep 2010
Cweener: Rejected (until updated)
No major changes made.
Level 9
Dec 25, 2008
Improve your description by telling us more about the gameplay/heroes and (although it isn't necessary) giving hints on what to be careful of.

Also judging from the minimap image your terraining needs work.
Finally, if you know how to use BB codes then upload screenshots of your map and please check if you have written them correctly.

Overall, this map will probably be rejected but you are off to a good start.Keep it up.
Rating: N/A

Edit: If you want to put screenshots in hidden tags then use [hidden=Option]value[/hidden] Example pic from your map below:
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
"The reason why a good description is necessary is to encourage players to play your game.
It will grip the attention of people who (accidentally) pass by, attention is one of the basic things a map must have, otherwise it will be forgotten in the thousands and thousands of maps on battle.net."
( - The Importance of a Description, by ap0calypse).

If you'd like some examples of a good description try the following links.
Shining Waters by R.Gaming_Strike
Avatar by dj0z

Additionally, a description is required (not just optional).
Only a few people will download your map with no description and it is certain to get rejected.

So, right now, I'm going to say rejected (until updated)
Level 9
Dec 25, 2008
I like it how you put a fantastic description, gave credit to the modellers, and what a fantastic preview picture.

There is no reason to be sarcastic :vw_wtf:, and it is quite obvious he is just a begginer. He'll improve over time.
Rating: 2/5. I'll give your map this rating because of the improved descrption although it isn't something much terrain/trigger wise.Like I said you are off to a good start; keep practising.
Level 6
Jul 13, 2010
There is no reason to be sarcastic :vw_wtf:, and it is quite obvious he is just a begginer. He'll improve over time.
Rating: 2/5. I'll give your map this rating because of the improved descrption although it isn't something much terrain/trigger wise.Like I said you are off to a good start; keep practising.

ty for encouragement, warem. I will try to improve this map.
how do i make a preview image?
Level 9
Dec 25, 2008
In fact this website has ALOT of tutorials for figuring out all kinds of things.

Allow me to be a litle more specific:
This tutorial will teach you how to make your terrain tile transissions smoother
Also the tutorials below will show you how to create some awesome terrains
and they also have example pictures of terrains made by their creators:
Underwater effect
Forest cliffs (not for melee maps)
Advanced lighting - An awesome terrain by Belgarath, could give you some ideas about terrains of your own.

There are lots of other tutorials on the Hive and for different purposes too.
These are for terraining only ( and there are more).
Level 6
Jul 13, 2010
"the reason why a good description is necessary is to encourage players to play your game.
It will grip the attention of people who (accidentally) pass by, attention is one of the basic things a map must have, otherwise it will be forgotten in the thousands and thousands of maps on battle.net."
( - the importance of a description, by ap0calypse).

if you'd like some examples of a good description try the following links.
Shining waters by r.gaming_strike
avatar by dj0z

additionally, a description is required (not just optional).
Only a few people will download your map with no description and it is certain to get rejected.

So, right now, i'm going to say rejected (until updated)

jesus christ, cweener! Ive seen plenty of maps with no description, and mines being rejected because it has one that isnt good?!?!? Thats fricking stupid look at the maps fall of china and rise of china! Why dont you reject those?!!?!?!
Level 6
Oct 10, 2009
And when were they uploaded?
And did I get a look at them? no.
Did ap0calypse? no.

Otherwise,they would have been.
The rules have gotten more strict.

You can either fix it, or whine some more.
Either way, you're not getting anywhere like that.