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Off-Topic Liberty Commerce

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Off-Topic Moderator
Level 39
Dec 27, 2006

Rep-whores and off-topic dwellers close ranks and suppress the repression

~ Off-topic section is now restricted from using reputation.


(no that is not a naked chick visible on the rim)

I will not stand for this. I entreat you all to pledge yourself to this cause by squiggling a bright red cross across the alert box attached to the body of this post. Of course, I have already done it multiple times so I'm clean and cleansed of the stench, of repression.

Let us pledge:
"I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS," vile oppression of the general public.
"I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS," formation and reinforcement of restrictions.
"I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS," killjoy mentality to condemn us to gem-drought.
"I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS," will be etched to the very fabric of your mind when I'm done with this anaphora.
"I WILL NOT STAND FOR THIS," rough treatment of posting criminals.


Level 13
Mar 8, 2005
Unforgivable! Why this opression makes me want to burn something! Why we need to unite and stand up against this fascist opression before it turns even more totalitarian!
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
To the gallows with this squeamish attempt to cut the cut-throat's throats!

I will not stand for this.
I will not bow to this.
I will not kneel in correlation to this.
I will not take a comfortable stroll in the name of this.
I will not tuck my shirt for this...

I am only against it.
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Reputation on off-topic is not only spread and others useless reputation (who's in every forum).

If you ask for help about some problems you have and that somebody helps you to resolve them, how will you do to give reputation to thanks him for helping ?

If you don't want that we're able to thanks people who help us, why you don't do that on all forums ???
(i hope i haven't given you an idea)
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Honestly, the way I see it, removing the "functionality of rep" in this forum is paramount to useless, if someone want's to rep some other someone for something that someone did or said in the off-topic forum, they'll simply go to another forum that someone's posted in and rep them there >.>

For my part, this is what the protest is about.
- The uselessness of the change.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
I partly agree with this, and with other part I strongly disagree.

The rep is meant to be gained by helping someone, not by making jokes.
On the other hand, giving rep became like "likes" on facebook. It wasn't such a good idea to remove it. Either remove it from the beginning, or do not remove it at all, that's my opinion.
I agree with your last phrase Vunjo.

The problem is from all the Off-topic rep (not the one from the off-topic section, but the rep without relation to the thread), the rep spread (what the interest of spreading rep to everyone ?) and others...

Also, you can help people on off-topic too.
If you want to know how to add a second screen on your comp and that someone helps you in the Computer Tech subforum, why wouldn't you give him rep for helping.
If someone post a good song on the Your favorite song atm thread and that you discover it and like it, he kinda helped you (by giving you music that you like).

Remove totally the rep wouldn't be a so good idea. By rep you can see if someone help others or is good and make ressources/maps that people enjoys (i.e.)

Also, it's old good system from the hive and members are used to it.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
I don't have a problem with this.
Too many repwhores in off-topic, like people making dumb jokes, getting rep because they are popular, the pony section, etc.

It was either continue the repwhoring or remove it from this section.
The latter is the lesser of two evils.

I miss it too but it had to be done.



Level 4
May 4, 2012
Off-topic is the only good remaining forum section on this site, you think I'm gonna rep some faggot who made a wc3 spell? The game is dead, this site is essentially an off-topic forum.

If only Neg-rep was possible for comments as bad as this.

I agree with what has happend, this change should stay.
People do not deserve Rep from off-topic, if everyone looked at Wc3 it is still going well... maybe a little slow, but it is still alive, and if your that worried about number of people then make good maps, and post videos of them around the net or learn how to play/mod in RoC or custom servers.
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
That's a fair assumption, basing your claims on one user's recent rep is a generalization of the entire community. Do you even comprehend how stupid you are being? It's quite funny when you look at it.
Level 36
Nov 24, 2007
Rep derives from the word Reputation, and reputation in turn is not something a individual builds up solely based on his/her basis of helpfulness, whereas agreeably it is a major factor to regard. Reputation comes from many things, from anything like the way you talk to the things you like, it's simply a means of how people react to you or the things you do.
- All this talk about rep being "only" supposed to be distributed to people who help you with something makes me sick, and if this is the case in terms of rules, then I find the rules fallible.

If rep is "only" anything, it is a testament to yourself that people either like what you do or what you say, it's completely self-centered bias, and great at that.
Rep is completely harmless, rep is nothing serious, but the way people react as if it is something important and prestigious is simply foolish...

And as previously mentioned, removing the capability of repping in only one section is completely senseless, either remove it completely or don't touch it at all.
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
Urgh, guys. just look for another one of the user-who-you-want-to-rep's post that's outside of the off-topic forum and link to their post. Like a slave, yeah. But beter than no rep, isn't it?


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Those who are more popular on hive get more rep for more posts. Doesn't matter what kind of post. And it's normal, nothing special. If someone likes you, you will get rep for anything you say. Besides, why do you even care about rep? I think you think you are cool for having no rep.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Well, this isn't thread for that. Yes, you could show us who you are, but then make another thread or something.

And no, you aren't cool for hating/not having (or whatever it's called) rep. I personally don't give a crap about rep. All I know is, that most of the hive hate me for being offensive in the past (even though I quite changed in time, "people don't change" theory and stuff), and as I speak, I don't give a crap about my reputation, nor how many people dislike me. The reason why I said this is, cause I think you don't care about it either (Well, some people love rep, you are against it, so it's correct by very small part).
Level 14
Dec 12, 2009
Its always abused and more than 80% of the hives rep is either "spreading" or something stupid.

How can you abuse something that can't be abused?!?

Rep derives from the word Reputation, and reputation in turn is not something a individual builds up solely based on his/her basis of helpfulness, whereas agreeably it is a major factor to regard. Reputation comes from many things, from anything like the way you talk to the things you like, it's simply a means of how people react to you or the things you do.
- All this talk about rep being "only" supposed to be distributed to people who help you with something makes me sick, and if this is the case in terms of rules, then I find the rules fallible.

If rep is "only" anything, it is a testament to yourself that people either like what you do or what you say, it's completely self-centered bias, and great at that.
Rep is completely harmless, rep is nothing serious, but the way people react as if it is something important and prestigious is simply foolish...

And as previously mentioned, removing the capability of repping in only one section is completely senseless, either remove it completely or don't touch it at all.

Some help for your argument:
Rep should be awarded if you helped someone laugh, smile, or otherwise improve there mood. Banning it in the OT is a good way to ensure an unhappy population. Unhappy populations have a slight tendency to participate in violent uprisings. Ralle means to invoke war!

The spiders are ready to assault, and our spies are in position. Alert me when we're ready to engage Ralle.

wtf, this war of reputation fine points is still continuing? the majority of people now are evidently now either a) pro-rep and want it to shower rep through the reign of the rep god, even if it's for a funny joke (hell, the rep i've given would likely be split into terrains/helpful/funny) or b) anti-rep and want to abolish this devilish concept of pure evil energy and all that and want to just disable rep and not care about rep - which they can do all they want!
either way you go, disabling rep in off topic doesn't make sense. might as well not step on the toes of people unnecessarily, basically yo'

peece owt
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
This made me unsubscribe from several threads in the off topic forum. I use rep to comment posts, without actually having to write in the thread. I don't see anything wrong in getting rep from hanging around in the off topic forum - a forum like any other forum, where people can agree or disagree with you, thus wanting to give you rep or not give you rep, like in any other forum.
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