No, you do not know, you think. You posted an article, and you didn't even research its claims. You failed right there. You have an illusion of knowledge.
Here is a good article with a lot of researchable information:
The Article said:
Believing in beneficial mutations is like believing a short-circuit in the motherboard of your computer could improve its performance. To make any lasting change, a beneficial mutation would have to spread ("sweep") through a population and stay (become "fixed"). To evolutionists, this idea has been essential for so long that it is called a "classic sweep", "in which a new, strongly beneficial mutation increases in frequency to fixation in the population." Some evolutionist researchers went looking for classic sweeps in humans, and reported their findings in the journal Science. "To evaluate the importance of classic sweeps in shaping human diversity, we analyzed resequencing data for 179 human genomes from four populations". "In humans, the effects of sweeps are expected to persist for approximately 10,000 generations or about 250,000 years." Evolutionists had identified "more than 2000 genes as potential targets of positive selection in the human genome", and they expected that "diversity patterns in about 10% of the human genome have been affected by linkage to recent sweeps." So what did they find? "In contrast to expectation," their test detected nothing, but they could not quite bring themselves to say it. They said there was a "paucity of classic sweeps revealed by our findings". Sweeps "were too infrequent within the past 250,000 years to have had discernible effects on genomic diversity." "Classic sweeps were not a dominant mode of human adaptation over the past 250,000 years."
Quote originally from:
Hernandez, Ryan D., Joanna L. Kelley, Eyal Elyashiv, S. Cord Melton, Adam Auton, Gilean McVean, 1000 Genomes Project, Guy Sella, Molly Przeworski. 18 February 2011. Classic Selective Sweeps Were Rare in Recent Human Evolution. Science, Vol. 331, no. 6019, pp. 920-924.
Aside from certain people's emotional needs and fallacious attribution, no, there's no real reason to 'have to believe in religion'.
You mean, other than the simply idea of not everything that we are taught in school is true?
You mean, it is not falsifiable? If that's what you mean, that means it makes no sense to believe such claims. You can't know whether or not it is true by definition.
I never said so. I said there are arguments to believe in it, and there are arguments to not believe in it.
Well, let's see, a huge body of scientific data in the past 150 years vs some people's crazy ideas how god used magic to create the world. And all that with zero explanations that conform to actual data gathered. Oh boy. I am not looking for reasons to disbelieve whatever diety you like, I just have no reason to believe there's anything to that story. When I did use to believe such nonsense, I didn't quite scrutinize anything. I could've been muslim either way.
No comment.
Go prove it. Oh right, this idea is not falsifiable. Therefore cannot be used as an argument.
Everything can be proven or disproven, that's how free will is possible. If there would be clear evidence against each other, I would say that we would all believe in it, right? Also, I am pretty sure both are true, so why would I speak against it?
I am not so sure we can, or do you simply KNOW that people have free will? This is a completely different kind of a discussion right in one sentence.
Well, if you don't have a free will, how comes you can regret the decisions that you made?
Present evidence against evolution, from a reputable source. As you see, the 'source' you posted is riddled with blatant lies (not gonna sugarcoat it). So, argument your stance if you have solid evidence.
Darwin himself wrote in chapter 6 of On the Origin of Species that "natural selection can act only by the preservation and accumulation of infinitesimally small inherited modifications, each profitable to the preserved being... If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed, which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."
Now, is there any evidence how an organ such as an eye, an heart or something else ever evolved?
We can't even figure out whether or not there's any such thing as free will. Our current understanding points to a fat no, but there's no reason to give up on life, because any determinism is on such a low level that we can't make such complex predictions.
Actually we can, we just choose to ignore the fact that we have a mind that we can actually use to make decisions either way.
In which case you don't need to consider whether creationism or evolution is true, as christians have found ways to make both compatible with their religion. If this is about religion, you shouldn't be discussing science in first place.
It wasn't about religion at all, people just put up the topic because they like to change the topic to distract from their disbelief in christianity.
You mean, trust that comes from emotional needs and not reason? Well, that's pretty much what I said - people believe in creationism because of their emotional needs.
Yes, that is again because as a God you would want someone nice to enter your kingdom, someone who needs you and who believes in you no matter what. Not because he learned that in school.
Precisely, it is also why a religious attempt at science known as creationism is so bunk.
Evolution and creation both make sense. Just together, not alone.
Basically, your criteria for who should go to heaven is whether they are irrational or gullible enough?
If you are pure in your heart and can see God in his glory, if you can understand his actions then you are awaken enough to enter his Kingdom. For those who are asleep, they will not wake up because believing in Jesus is more than just science. It's the opposite. Only if you understand that science can never explain the universe, then you can start to understand that there is another level of existence.
It's as simple as this: How is it possible that peoples bodies are alive but their consciousness is not there anymore? The brain, their heart, everything working normally, but they just seem like empty bodies. What is this myserious thing everyone is talking about? What is a soul? If there is a soul, how could evolution explain it? It cannot. If there is no soul, how can you revive a completely dead body after 2 minutes of brain death and still get him back with all his personality?
Dude, I've read the OT. I KNOW 'your' glory. Unless you're ready to rationalize a lot of stuff, you're in for many, many misdeeds.
So you read the OT and the NT and you choose to ignore the most possibly most logical story that ever existed? Millions of people would have to think together for all of it to make sense, leave alone how long they would need to write it down. What about the codes that are hidden in the bible, like
this one? It perfectly fits to the rest of the book and the history. There are
books written with how much stuff is hidden from the naked eye.
Humans ARE apes. Also, there are plenty of transitional fossils.
Humans are humans. Show me transitional fossils please.
Because you'd get an F in elementary biology.
First of all, I got an B, second of all, you knew you were lying and trying to make me look stupid. How dare are you!
This is actually pretty interesting. You could observe every being as a species in itself - if it has a different DNA code. What this means is that the number of transitional fossils between you and some apes 2 million years ago is the number of generations it took to get you from some kind of a hairy pre-human ape. What this means is that, for a complete transitional fossil record of YOU, you'd have to go back 3.8 billion years, generation by generation, even going so far to address your single celled ancestors. So yeah, there always ARE reasons for lack of transitional fossils, not evolution. Not even all fossils are saved, mind you.
wikipedia as my source:
Who would think that
this one and
this one are in any way related to each other?
There are like what, 20 pictures? There were about 100.000.000 already living on this earth. Shouldn't there be a few more skulls from back then?
Well, yeah, if you believe in god, and in freedom of choice. And since it is an not a falsifiable hypothesis, it cannot be used as an argument.
If you believe in science, it's not a falsifiable hypothesis, thus it cannot be used as an argument too! I could simply say that, but I guess you would have to understand that I am not like you.
If you irrational enough and had emotional needs that require evolution to be false, you'd totally be a creationist, is what I am reading. But I understand it, because I've been that crazy.
I do believe that evolution somehow happens, but I believe that God is the creator of all. You know, just because a plane and a car have the same components it doesn't mean they evolved from each other. And the same is with everything else. Many things can change, but a horse will never become a bird and other way around. No matter how much you try to change the genes and that stuff.
Nah, you can't actually understand it. You can only have an illusion of understanding it. But hopefully you'll figure this out.
But you do? With years of research you should be the one understanding that there is a limit on science, and that we simply cannot prove that one thing or another is true. But we can use our mind to select what is more likely in our actual state of consciousness.
This is a number #1 problem with your idea. You do not have to want evolution to be true to consider it true. You simply actually learn how it works and how you can actually observe it (newsflash: the fact that you don't look absolutely like your father is actually evidence for evolution). You can NOT WANT to consider it true all you want, it won't help you.
QUote from my link:
Many scientists are with us
The only tactic left to evolutionists is to ridicule their critics as simpletons who don't understand how their pet theory really works. Here is a link to a roster of hundreds of professionals whose advanced academic degrees certify that they thoroughly understand evolution theory. They also have the courage to defy the high priests of academia by voluntarily adding their names to a
skeptics list against Darwinism.
No, you do not understand anything. As I said, you have an illusion of knowledge, you can't even cite a relevant source of someone who does research. You posted a link which can be debunked with one wiki lookup. The guy cited another study as not finding evolution to be able to make useful mutations, when in fact, the complete opposite is true. The guys at ICR rely on you not researching anything they write. If you actually research what they claim, it becomes blatantly clear that they are, simply put, lying. Why would you even believe people who have to use blatant lies to support their ideas? If they are the preachers of truth their ideas would not only be internally consistent, but also consistent with actual real world data.
Sigh. Another quote:
Ernst Chain (1906-1979) and two others were awarded the 1945 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Chain identified the structure of penicillin, and isolated the active substance. He is considered to be one of the founders of the field of antibiotics. Concerning Darwin's theory of evolution, Chain found it to be "a very feeble attempt" to explain the origin of species based on assumptions so flimsy that "it can hardly be called a theory."A He saw the reliance on chance mutations as a "hypothesis based on no evidence and irreconcilable with the facts."B He wrote: "These classic evolutionary theories are a gross oversimplification of an immensely complex and intricate mass of facts, and it amazes me that they were swallowed so uncritically and readily, and for such a long time, by so many scientists without a murmur of protest."B Chain concluded that he "would rather believe in fairies than in such wild speculation" as Darwinism.A He was born in Berlin, Germany, and obtained his Ph.D. in biochemistry and physiology there. He worked as a research scientist at Cambridge (also studying for a Ph.D. there), at Oxford University until 1948, and then as a professor and researcher at several other universities. In 1938, Chain came across Alexander Fleming's 1929 paper on penicillin, and showed it to his colleague Howard Florey. In their research, Chain isolated and purified penicillin. --Jerry Bergman, Ph.D. April 2008. Ernst Chain: Antibiotics Pioneer. Acts&Facts, Vol. 37, No. 4, pp. 10-12.
A. Clark, R.W. 1985. The Life of Ernst Chain: Penicillin and Beyond. New York: St. Martin's Press, p. 147.
B. Chain, E. 1970. Social Responsibility and the Scientist in Modern Western Society (Robert Waley Cohen memorial lecture). London: The Council of Christians and Jews, p. 25.
Well, try to figure out an actual problem in science. There are a plenty of unsolved mysteries. Try to get your god on phone and solve some of them, if you believe he can teach you. Remember, he is omniscient, he can know everything, if you prayed every day to get a piece of falsifiable knowledge unknown to everyone else, he'd have to reply, right? Oh, but if he doesn't, then you just aren't good enough.
Seems like you also suffer from
Not subscribing to an ideology is as far from being lost as you can possibly get.
If you have no point to defense, there is nothing you should be afraid of. Very clever. But still won't give you any development.
But did you have the same amount of knowledge to support what you think? Have you actually deeply researched biology, DNK mechanics, evolution, etc? Or did you only read shallow stuff from either biologists or creationists? Because if you didn't actually get any deep into it, chances are, your stance was unsubstantiated by your knowledge, even if it was correct. That's why you can't compare your prior and current ignorance to my prior ignorance and current knowledge.
I didn't, but I am sure the people in the big list above did.
You'd be surprised how much new stuff there is in science. Start with biology, that should be new enough to you. Creationism is simply not falsifiable, not scientific, and is actually wrong if it is presented as opposed to evolution. If you want to learn new things, maybe you should actually start to attempt to try to understand what scientific scrutiny is, and why ICR is not the same thing as 'virtually every other biology researcher in existence'.
Dude, I know. Don't get me wrong okay!
Well, this is where you have a false dichotomy. You do not have to consider something to be true. However, when you get new data, you should scrutinize it thoroughly and make your decisions. What this means is that you do not have to consider either creationism nor evolution true. But by researching tons of data (taxonomic, archaeological, genetic, etc) you can make your decision. The only thing getting in your way at that point are emotional needs (provided by religion) that force you to interpret data from a creationist point of view, even if it makes no sense, or doesn't actually follow from any data.
If you don't accept something to be true, you can't give it enough time to link with your other knowledge to build a complex network of thoughts that are needed to get the "Wow, this is real" flash. If you don't get it, mostly it will be because it's not true. The truth is always shocking, that's for sure.
Well, many pople believe in gods because they've shown themselves to them. Pretty much all gods have people who believe that it was JUST THAT god that revealed their identity to person X. There's no reason to believe your testimony is any better than those of muslims'. And I (kinda) used to believe the same thing. When you indoctrinate yourself deep enough you start connecting things with no connection. What this means is that you can force yourself to believe that the voice in your head is god, even though it is only projection of your own thoughts. The worst thing? You don't even understand you're forcing yourself into this, until you rethink the core of this idea.
Why would I call God and then talk with myself the solution over a problem that I didnt know an answer of? I really really was in a bad state, didn't know what to do, I asked God and all of the sudden he gave me the answer. Yes, you can call it coincidence. But I don't believe in coincidences anymore since I am grown up.
Actually, it was partially other people that (kinda) forced me to rethink the whole 'god' idea. You know, people were like, dude, your idea of science is distorted through religion, how about you actually try to understand science before misrepresenting it? For awhile I'd fight such thoughts, but then I thought - ok, what if it is _ME_ who is wrong, after all?
There you go. Other people got you to rethink your stuff. Why? Maybe the majority is wrong. Maybe you are one of the few who is right. After all, back in the dark age, only a handful of people believed that the earth was NOT flat. And they were right. So who cares what others think, as long as you believe that you are right?
Actually, according to the bible, god takes absolutely all credit for absolutely everything that happens. But then again, bible is contradictory, you could be referring to a different idea somewhere else.
He created everything, and that is what he wrote down. For those who wanna believe, he did it. But of course those who do not believe in him (like me a year ago) wont read the bible. So there are other ways to find to him. There is no contradictory.
We all know that you mean well, but to many of us it is also very apparent that you've self-indoctrinated yourself (and I didn't help either, eek!) and that you have a very distorted idea of how science (for starters) work.
Why would I tell myself that I need someone who doesn't exist? I am a lovely human, I have a lot of confidence, I have a great life and I enjoy everything that I have. Why would I do such a thing? There is no reason for it.
Creationism = religion. Sorry. It is not science by any stretch.
& Evolution = Religion. How can it be science if people are still trying to find the evidence that animals develop into another species?
There are two ways around this:
Either you posted a creationist article to talk about god, or to talk about science. If former, it's a religious discussion. If latter, it is not science, therefore it's a religious discussion. Also your article is bunk, but you seem to have already forgotten that.
Yup, my article may be bunk, but it doesn't mean the whole subject of religion is bunk, is it?
Well, then maybe you should actually try learning what evolution is all about, because the idea of what evolution is that you get from creationist sites is highly flawed. No wonder it makes no sense if you study evolution from 'Institute for Creation Research". You aren't wisely pointing out that 'something's wrong with evolution', but rather that you don't understand it or know (pretty much) anything about biology.
I should trust someone who gets a shitload of money for trying to find evidence for a theory that he must believe in since his school? Yeah, makes sense. Just like I trust the banks to lower the costs whenever they get more money.
This falls under religious discussion, kind of, since creationism is basically a religious belief.
I never talked about religion before other people did it. So, it was not me who turned the discussion into it. It was the anti-christian side who had to change the topic, once again.