New Naga ladder Race

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Since a coral bed is home to many sea creatures, an albatross might like to target the beds for food. Perhaps the player can have an option whether to spawn the murlocs from the coral bed or an albatross for scouting.
Good idea. My main idea at start was:
- Research Albatross Watcher in Main.
- Allows Naga buildings to build an expansion next to them (a tree). This tree can have up to 3 albatross scouts. This way all naga buildings can see invisible units and will be able to have a small defense (albatross) as long as they have the upgrade (tier 3).

Other ideas:
- Only Murloc buildings can have the tree expansion, only Naga buildings can have water shield

I am incised here, what do you guys think?
Btw, the albatross would act like the phoenix in this spell.


  • phoenix.w3x
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
BTW, just had a thought that Fountain of Life may be a nice building for Naga. has no anims though. Also, I have an idea how to use hydras. Do you know giant worms from old good game Dune II? =))
Level 3
Apr 7, 2009
Other ideas:
- Only Murloc buildings can have the tree expansion, only Naga buildings can have water shield

If you did that there would be a conflict with a couple of your earlier ideas and plans (or maybe I'm just imagining things :gg:).

And the way I see it the murloc buildings are the most vulnerable, so wouldn't they make better use of the water shield? If the enemy gets to the point where they can attack your larger (naga) buildings uninterrupted then stalling that is less useful than stalling them when they are attacking towers and farms (murloc buildings?)

Of course, you could count the tower as a naga building.
If you did that there would be a conflict with a couple of your earlier ideas and plans (or maybe I'm just imagining things ).
You are imagining things =P

And the way I see it the murloc buildings are the most vulnerable, so wouldn't they make better use of the water shield? If the enemy gets to the point where they can attack your larger (naga) buildings uninterrupted then stalling that is less useful than stalling them when they are attacking towers and farms (murloc buildings?)
Well, that makes some sense. The idea is to have the main Naga buildings always up, so you can evolve faster and easier.
Coral Bed, and Tower are considered Naga buildings, so they have Water shield.
About murloc buildings ... I am not sure yet ... maybe this is not a good idea, maybe it is, I don't know, I am looking for an opinion. What do you people think? Should Albatross be an ability for a building (like Human with towers) ?? Or something else?
Level 3
Apr 7, 2009
About murloc buildings ... I am not sure yet ... maybe this is not a good idea, maybe it is, I don't know, I am looking for an opinion. What do you people think? Should Albatross be an ability for a building (like Human with towers) ?? Or something else?

Well, what buildings would be murloc buildings? More details would help to form a solid opinion.
Just from what you are saying though, there seems to be enough buildings just going with the "naga" buildings. I would've thought the more fragile buildlings like farms and towers would be murloc buildlings (cause murlocs are weaker than naga)
And,(I did look at the pheonix btw) is the albatross going to be a very weak unit that can attack air only(Like a mini hippogryph)? Or is it just going to be a critter than wanders and scouts? Or is it going to swoop down and strike ground units? If you could do the pheonix spell with an albatross model it would be easier to tell what the albatross will do exactly. The pheonix is a bit... vague for me :confused:.
In any case the albatross should be for a specific building, and should have a unit limit per building, sort of like the interceptors from the Carrier in SC. They could strike when an enemy comes near the building, and can be killed. Should cost gold and/or lumber but not food. (If it used used for defensive purpose and not scouting purposes)
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Well, what buildings would be murloc buildings? More details would help to form a solid opinion.
Just from what you are saying though, there seems to be enough buildings just going with the "naga" buildings. I would've thought the more fragile buildlings like farms and towers would be murloc buildlings (cause murlocs are weaker than naga)

Ok, Murloc Buildings:
- MurlocPool
- House of the Sea
- LumberMill (maybe, I don't have a model yet)
- Hard Shell (it will be the building of the Naga ownage device. A giant turtle siege unit, just like a powerful tank. There is no model yet, however I have in mind something like an "empty turtle shell" with small Murloc houses near it).

All other buildings are Naga.
Main idea: Naga are mainly an alliance of sea creatures, namely Naga, turtle and Murlocs. Buildings that have a "murloc look" will be consideres murloc buildings.

And,(I did look at the pheonix btw) is the albatross going to be a very weak unit that can attack air only(Like a mini hippogryph)? Or is it just going to be a critter than wanders and scouts? Or is it going to swoop down and strike ground units? If you could do the pheonix spell with an albatross model it would be easier to tell what the albatross will do exactly. The pheonix is a bit... vague for me .
Well, my plan is:
- Each expansion can have 3 albatross at the same time. An albatross will move just like the phoenix and will be able to see invisible units. The albatross units can not be controlled by the player (just like in the phoenix map) and they make small damage do ground units (like phoenix does). If the expansion is destroyed, the albatross it holds will die. (Expansion is weak, something between 150 and 250 hp. It is supposed to be the weakest building on the race).
An albatross costs gold (lumber maybe?) and costs no food. An expansion can control up to 3 albatross units at a time (maybe more? they are kinda weak).
Albatross units can not take damage.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Phoenix, are you good at triggering? I've made some anims for that lumber hut but they are leaked and i have no idea how to fix that with GUI. As far as i know jass has functions gui doesnt have that would remove those leaks, but i'm not skilled with jass (absolutely)
Phoenix, are you good at triggering? I've made some anims for that lumber hut but they are leaked and i have no idea how to fix that with GUI. As far as i know jass has functions gui doesnt have that would remove those leaks, but i'm not skilled with jass (absolutely)
I believe my skills over Jass and vJass will allow me to solve most coding problems.
You are welcome to try my approved spells (see signature) if you want to see my skills.

I am trying to learn how to make model animations by msn, I will see if it turns of use for the project.
Level 3
Apr 7, 2009
Well, my plan is:
- Each expansion can have 3 albatross at the same time. An albatross will move just like the phoenix and will be able to see invisible units. The albatross units can not be controlled by the player (just like in the phoenix map) and they make small damage do ground units (like phoenix does). If the expansion is destroyed, the albatross it holds will die. (Expansion is weak, something between 150 and 250 hp. It is supposed to be the weakest building on the race).
An albatross costs gold (lumber maybe?) and costs no food. An expansion can control up to 3 albatross units at a time (maybe more? they are kinda weak).
Albatross units can not take damage.

Sounds good.

You could also go with Trillium's idea where a unit spawns the albatross. For example, you could have a second turtle unit (repetitive, yes) where one can research a certain plant/fungus growing on its back that attracts albatross. Then the albatross fight for the turtle. The turtle can do no damage, and act as a land Carrier a la Starcraft. The albatross are the interceptors, and can be killed (very low health), and their constant swarming (maybe max of 5 albatross or more) around the turtle makes the source of the albatross difficult to target. When the turtle dies, the albatross leave/die as well.
(Just another idea to consider :wink:)

Whichever idea you like best you should go with. Both are interesting and would be a lovely addition to your custom naga race.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
In this case, if the albatross aren't scouting units, they can be realized via 'Locust Swarm' spell with auto-cast. Albatross shouldnt have 'Locust' ability though, so they can be targeted & killed. Or not. =D
Mmm, replicating the protoss carrier is a problem... I made a post about this factor in wc3c, let's see what they have.
About the turtle idea, it would be nice for an ownage unit, I like it a lot. However I believe this model would fit the motivation in perfection:
Turtle fisher - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site

As for the buildings I still don't know ... As I said, all will depend on the asnwers I get from wc3c.

Let's hope I get some good answers =D
Here's a little idea for workers. When your base is attacked you can make the Mur'Gul workers release poison, infecting lots of units if used right, but slowly killing the Mur'Gul
Not a bad idea. But I had something else in mind.
Mur'gul workers could have the "raise water" ability.
I intend to make Naga ability only buildable on water. The Mur'gul worker ability would allow him to summon water in his position. It would be a channeling spell, but it would be awesome to extend a base.
However I am having several problems on extending the water idea so I am not sure if this will be possible.


Anyway, First post updated.
Guys, I need to know if you people agree with the on-going techtree and I need functions and abilities for races.
TurtleZilla?? Lawl, only do that if you're race is meant to be slightly humorous. :p
lol, one of my friends said that as a joke, but I really liked the name (lol).
And so far there are only 2 turtles. Do you guys think they should be in the same building ?
(Keep in mind the ownage device usually has a building for its own. However I don't think that mixing turtles with naga warriors in Spawning grounds is such a great idea either =S)

The first post will be updated soon.
I've got a cool Idea for Naga spellcasters but since I'll make a Naga race too, I'd better shut up.
This is not the first ladder race I make. Personal experience tells me that when you share your work with a community, the final result is way better.

Share your opinion with us, maybe we can perfect it or use it, we never know =P


Ok guys, first post is now updated. Please read it for more information. I still need a lot of ideas =P
Level 5
Dec 1, 2007
Naga Siren
Spells: Heal, Dispelling Wave, Frost Armor
Mur'Gul Sorceror
Spells: Parasite, Sea Ring, Summon Water Elemental

Also, replace the Naga Myrmidon Model with the royal Guard and vice versa.
Use this for Lumber Camp: Naga OceanReef - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
This as Siege: RamvFinal - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
Naga General: RoyalGuard - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
Make Shrine of Ashara spellcaster hall and spawning grounds the troop hall.
Also make a gigant siren as titan, named Ashara
Naga Siren
Spells: Heal, Dispelling Wave, Frost Armor
Mur'Gul Sorceror
Spells: Parasite, Sea Ring, Summon Water Elemental
I pretend to make the race as loyal as possible to the lore and the campaign. Hence I won't change Naga Siren unit. ABout mur'gul sorcerors , that is something I need ideas about.

Also, replace the Naga Myrmidon Model with the royal Guard and vice versa.
I intend to use one of those models for a hero. Thus I can't change them.
Use this for Lumber Camp:
That model is already in use for another building.
This as Siege:
I already have a siege unit. Besides that model is far too big 221kb is something I can't afford in my 3.5 MB project.
Naga General:
661Kb ....
Make Shrine of Ashara spellcaster hall and spawning grounds the troop hall.
What about air units?
Also make a gigant siren as titan, named Ashara
What for !? ownage device?
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I pretend to make the race as loyal as possible to the lore and the campaign. Hence I won't change Naga Siren unit. ABout mur'gul sorcerors , that is something I need ideas about.
Well, that's one thing, loyalty to the campaign. But no full-race has an ability shared with any other unit in another full-race. So Frost Armor and Cyclone need to be replaced, IMO.
Level 6
Nov 30, 2007
You don't have to stick 100% to what the other races each have for their buildings/units.

I mean, NE buildings can walk about, Undead can only build on Blight, Humans/Orcs and Undead/NE have two seperate ways of mining gold, Humans have units that can only damage buildings, NE can combine an Archer and a Hippogryph into one unit.

Not all the unit suggestions need take the place of a unit already in the game.
Well, that's one thing, loyalty to the campaign. But no full-race has an ability shared with any other unit in another full-race. So Frost Armor and Cyclone need to be replaced, IMO.
Agreed. Ideas?

You don't have to stick 100% to what the other races each have for their buildings/units.
I mean, NE buildings can walk about, Undead can only build on Blight, Humans/Orcs and Undead/NE have two seperate ways of mining gold, Humans have units that can only damage buildings, NE can combine an Archer and a Hippogryph into one unit.

Not all the unit suggestions need take the place of a unit already in the game.
And I pretend to make Naga build on Water (if possible).... I am open to original ideas however, as long and they integrate the game and make sense. ( I am talking about sense, and yet I will add a unit called TurtleZilla ... lol xD )
Also, you mentioned that your "Farm" building 'has' to do something extra
But my friend, if you read my updated post, you will see it does have something extra =)
Well, I have a few ideas, but I kinda like them for my Naga race. :p (yes I'm selfish. Mwahahaha).
You bastard ... xD
Seriously, personal experience tells me that when you share a project with a community, the final result is a lot better. You should post your ideas. Maybe we can perfect them, or maybe I will use them. If I use them, I will credit you obviously.
Let me remind you this is not a competition. We (at least I) are all here to help each other achieving the best of ourselves.
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well i dont know if this has been mentioned yet (i briefly read through the 6 pages) -Attachments, Attachments, Attachments. They dont have proper birth anims(i think that could be triggered) but the final result looks alot better then what most people do (just change size and color, looks rediculous, lol) Heres a pic of what i mean.
Naga main building.jpg

Anyways good luck with this project.
Well i dont know if this has been mentioned yet (i briefly read through the 6 pages) -Attachments, Attachments, Attachments. They dont have proper birth anims(i think that could be triggered) but the final result looks alot better then what most people do (just change size and color, looks rediculous, lol) Heres a pic of what i mean.
View attachment 52834

Anyways good luck with this project.
So, you say I should simply use the models from in-game and change their color and size? I don't know, I think I am looking for something more.

I have a few ideas for a vJass campaign though ... the unlimited space for models is something I really value and like =P
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
no dont just change color and size, thats what i was saying looked rediculous. What i was saying is that you can create some cool buildings by just using simple attachments. That way you can save space for other stuff and still have some pretty cool buildings, like in my pic.
no dont just change color and size, thats what i was saying looked rediculous. What i was saying is that you can create some cool buildings by just using simple attachments. That way you can save space for other stuff and still have some pretty cool buildings, like in my pic.
Ahh ... I totally agree with that ... which attachments were you using?
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Wow, that's actually kinda cool.

He put the Altar of the Depths inside the Temple of the Tides (probably Chest attachment point), and then each Tier has a different number of attached "Sunken Ruins" broken pillars around the outside.

If I didn't already have a good Town Hall, I'd totally do that. Thanks. :p
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
First-Temple of the tides(TotT)
Second-TotT+spawning grounds attachment(origin)
Third-TotT+Spawning grounds(origin)+Alter of the depths(origin)
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Well the only other combination that i tried for naga was the altar and spawning grounds (secondary barracks maybe). Other then that you'll just have to experiment.

Secondary naga barracks.jpg

There is another awesome (ingame) way to make buildings, and that is by modifying the graveyard ability. The effect is epic. Heres a pic of some that Ikum-Bokum did for the wc3c race contest.

Race-Building Contest #1 - Page 13 - Wc3campaigns
Those are made using all ingame models and the graveyard ability
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Ya that is true. They are obvious.

i didnt know about that until he made those either, he's the real genious, lol.
well the heros goes like this

Revenant of seas:

tide wave:
tipical power of damage and when it ends it splits in to a sea elemental

storm Aura: ramdomly creates lightnings near the hero

kraken: if on sea it creates a kraken with great damage, if on land binds all the units and makes em take damage like entangle

seas of past: recreates a figth beetwen 2 ships, in the middle of that battle there is a damage release that destroys the area, and creates stun
Level 15
Jul 19, 2008
Dont remember what race he made them for (Kyrbi0 probably knows) I do remember that is was on page 13 that he posted the pic, if you want to do some research.
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