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New Naga ladder Race

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Hi guys, as some of you know, my project CCFE has 6 races (humans, orcs, undead, night elfs, chaos orcs, high elfs). Chaos Orcs is being fully remade for version 2.0 however I want fans to have something new for either 2.1 or 2.2, I want to add the 7th new race: Naga.
The objective of the map is to complete the incomplete races ... and maybe add a few more.

The naga should be a magic defensive race but with very offensive magics against Night elf race (from the lore, Naga hate night elfs).

I don't have any plans yet, but the Naga race must obey this tutorial:
Design Guide for a Fifth Race - Wc3campaigns

I am open for suggestions. Please note this is not an AoS, but a Castle vs Castle ladder map, so units can't have imba spells ... (only heroes can =P )

The race must have a main with 3 tiers, and I don't know yet the "special ability" it will have.
Per example, High Elves have superior resistance to magic, while Chaos Orcs have lower hp but a strong Chaos attack. I need ideas =D

This is what we have so far:

Temple of Tides
- Model: Temple of Tides
- Funtion: Can gather resources and evolve to 3 tiers.
- Units:
- Mur'gul slave
- Researches:
- BackPack: allows some Naga units to carry items. Tier 1
- Dive: allows some Naga units to go under water. Tier 2.
- Water shields: Allows Naga buildings to have a water shield that deflects damage (like mana shield). Tier 3.
- Abilities: Water Shield

Altar of Depths
- Model: Altar of Depths
- Function: trains and revives heroes.
- Units:
- Lady Naga
- Hero 2
- Hero 3
- Hero 4
- Abilities: Water Shield

Coral Bed
- Model: Coral Bed
- Function: provides food.
- Abilities:
- Water Shield
- Mur'gul habitants: Allows the player to train a maximum of 3 mur'gul habitants. This units will wander arround the coral bed and will defend it and although theu can be target and killed, the player can not control them.

Shrine of Azshara
- Model: Shrine of Azshara
- Function: Trains air units for the Naga. Also has researches for them.
- Units:
- Couatl
- Naga Drake
- Researches:
- Dispell Magic: Allows Couatl to dispell magic
- Couatl ability 2: (need idea)
- Naga Drake ability 1: (need idea)
- Naga Drake ability 2: (need idea)
- Abilities: Water Shield

Tidal Guardian
- Model: Tidal Guardian
- Function: defensive tower
- Abilities: Water Shield

Spawning Grounds
- Model: Spawning Grounds
- Function: Tier 2 production unit.
- Units:
- Snap Dragon
- Naga Myrmidon
- Dragon Turtle
- Researches:
- Snap Dragon ability 1: (need ideas)
- Myrmidon ability 1: (need ideas)
- Dragon turtle ability 1: (need ideas)
- Abilities: Water Shield

Mur'gul Camp
- Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=50610&prev=search=naga&d=list&r=20
- Function: Primary troop producing unit. Allows the train of mur'gul warriors and mur'gul nightstalkers. (it can train more, just need suggestions xD )
- Units:
- mur'gul basic warrior (need cool name)
- mur'gul nightstalker
- Researches:
- mur'gul basic warrior ability 1: (need ideas)
- mur'gul nightstalker ability 2: (need ideas)
- Abilities: Water Shield

House of the Beach
- Model: Surprise xD
- Function: Naga Shop
- Abilities: Water Shield

House of the Sea
- Model: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource.php?t=117100&prev=search=naga&r=20&d=list
- Function: tier 2 building that trains Naga casters
- Units:
- Naga Siren
- mur'gul caster 1
- mur'gul caster 2
- Researches:
- Naga Siren adept training: (need ideas)
- Naga Siren master training: (need ideas)
- mur'gul caster 1 adept training: (need ideas)
- mur'gul caster 1 mastert training: (need ideas)
- mur'gul caster 2 adept training: (need ideas)
- mur'gul caster 2 master training: (need ideas)
- Abilities: Water Shield

Naga ownage device building:
- Model: (need one)
- Function: Trains Naga ownage unit. Also has strong upgrades for this unit.
- Units: TurtleZilla
- Researches:
- Hard carapace: Everytime TurtleZilla is victim of an attack that dels more than 200 damage, that damage is reduced by 90%
- Rotten Fish: Allows TurtleZilla to carry Rotten fish, thus allowing it to train up to 5 albatross units which will scout and protect it. The albatross units can not be controlled by the player, but can attack and die.
- Abilities: Water Shield

Naga LumberMill(need cool name too =P ):
- Model: (need one)
- Function: allows the user to research upgrades and can be a drop point for lumber
- Researches:
- melee attack
- melee armor
- ranged attack
- ranged armor
- Water fundations: increases the power of the Water shields
- Abilities: Water Shield


Mur'gul slave:
- Function: Basic worker. Can get lumber and Gold and build structures.
- Abilities: Can learn dive (go under water) and Raise Water

Mur'gul habitant:
- Function: Can be trained by a Coral Bed. It's function is to wonder and protect the building and kill enemies near it. It is a small weak unit, but good for spam.
- Abilities: --

- Function: Air unit that is also an anti-spellcaster.
- Abilities: Dispel Magic (need ideas for more)

Naga Drake:
- Function: need ideas
- Abilities: need ideas

Snap Dragon:
- Function: need ideas
- Abilities: need ideas

- Function: need ideas
- Abilities: Ensnare (need ideas)

Dragon Turtle:
- Function: Ranged unit that works as a weak siege unit as well
- Abilities: need ideas

- Function: Naga ownage device. It's function is to be a powerfull Tank unit and to enter enemy bases to destroy them.
- Abilities: TutleShield (If the unit takes more than 200 damage from an attack, the damage is reduced by 90%), Triple Stomach (Can devour 3 units), Rotten fish (Simillar to protoss carrier)

So, if you read this right, you see that I am missing an ownage device unit for the race, and I also need another unit to train, this other can unit can either be trained on "Spawning Grounds" or "Murloc Pool".
I also need models for buildings. Please note, I will give priority to models from inside the game that are NOT imported.

Please see my project for more information.
God ideas will be rewarded with rep++
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While it only hurts me to give you my ideas... bah, never mind. What do you have in mind, first? I've probably got loads of suggestions to take into account, but we kinda need something to work off of.
I have in mind a ladder race. It should use all components left by Blizzard.

So, it should have:

Main with 3 tiers: trains murloc slaves and may have some nice ability for Naga. Like Nigh elfs improve ancients in main, Humans have milita, Orcs have pillage, Undead have a tower in main, Chaos Orcs have Greave and High Elfs have ... nothing ... (but that is also why I am going to change them xD ). So, Maybe I think, Naga main should have something as well.

Food house: gives food and should have some sort of special ability (in all races food = something special, Night Elfs -> heal, Orcs -> attack, Humans -> cheap, Undead -> towers, Chaos Orcs -> Attack (but with Chaos =P ), High Elfs -> attack (but special against buffs and magic unit).

Spawning Grounds: equals to the human barracks or Orc barracks or Undead crypt or (you get the point). Allows to train basic units for a fight.

Tidal Guardian: a defense tower.

Shrine of Azhara: buildings where you train casters and flying units.

I am not going to lie, I will need more models than I initially planned, specially for Naga buildings. I want to have a construction for Naga flying units, another for Naga casters and another for Naga siege. Not to mention, I am also going to need a Naga shop and a Naga blacksimth or graveyard (where you make upgrades and place resources).

I also need the race to have an ownage device. Per example, orcs have taurens, Night Elfs have chimeras, Undead have wyrms, humans have knights (or gryphons or tanks? I am lost here...), Chaos Orcs have red Dragons and High Elfs have Elven cavalry (it wil soon be changed but it still applies).
I was thinking maybe Naga units would have Myrmidon as ownage device, but that unit is not that strong anyways ....

Then I also have the problem of the heroes ... yes I need 4 of them, but so far that is the least of my concerns, making heroes is easier than making a balanced techtree.

naga can have the ability to move on water o_O
My map doesn't have water not rivers that foot units can't pass =S

and maybe they could have more defense than attack.

so they are more on a defensive than offensive race.
High elfs are a strong magic defensive race .... maybe naga could be the inverse. Nice idea ... Now we need to elaborate.
for a food house abilaty maybe give it a set amount of mana and give it a defensive spell?
You know the protoss shields from Starcraft? I had something in mind for High elfs because they are defensive. However Having in mind their houses are offensive, and that they have many countering spells, I thing that idea would be better in the Naga. A water shield for Naga structures. This would be nice for a Main upgarde that affects all Naga buildigns (say in tier 2) however, the Naga houses need something more ... =S
Hmmm then how about for naga it could be like Zerg, where the food supply could be mobile and buildings can heal
Nahh, WarCraft already has a structure for Naga food buildings called "coral". I want to take advantage of that. I am going to look for some models for the following structures:
- Caster
- Siege

I also need ideas for Naga air units mmmm
And food ...
Siege and ultimate could be a turtle or a sea giant. And for the coral you could give them inner-fire like buffs
The ultimate naga unit could be a giant turtle, I agree, it would be very nice. But what would be its specialty ? Anti-air(humans have tanks)? Anti-ground(Taurens)? Maybe a Tank unit with low attack but hight armor and hp?
As for the corals inner fire is a no ... I am looking for something innovative here, something sophisticated, that is too simple =P
Maybe the turtle needs a shell-withdrawal skill, that makes him a excelent tank as well as a damage dealer. As for the coral, maybe a seed spreading skill that builds a few small corals giving 2 or 3 food
Both good ideas. I am going to give the turtle a skill I saw in starcraft 2: if the turtle is victim of a super attack (say 200 damage), that damage is reduced by 90%.
Also, I think I am going to make a version of "devour" called 3 stomach. Basically the giant turtle will be able to devour 3 units at the same time =P
As for the coral, that would be a good idea, however I have another interesting idea. Corals usually have creatures that live in them. I think that the coral should spawn 2-3 small murloc fighters to defend the coral. These murlocs cost no food, but cost gold and a coral can only have 3 at the same time.
Flame, nice idea but smart players would put coral beds next to towers, which is not the purpose of this food building to me
My God ... even a smarter idea. Just think about it, if Naga is going to be a magical defensive race (with water shield working as protoss shields) than such a strategy would be excellent. When the coral dies, it's murloc habitants (defenders) die as well. So researching water shield would be an essential defensive skill.
Murloc defenders will be quite weak, but ideal to spam, and they benefit from Naga Armor and Attack upgrades. Further more, they can't be controlled by the player (have locust) so the only way to get rid of them is by killing the coral or something like that.
I smell a defensive race coming up =)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
As an ultimate/siege you may use smth like Undeads' Obsidian Statue but using (edited) model of statue of azshara. Also maybe some chained sea giant (since in lore naga are at war with sea giants) - a suicidal siege unit that spawn a lot of murlocks upon death.
a sea giant could possibly be one of the 4 heros

Also If Imported models are allowed then you should really download Callahan's Turtle fisher, cause it is such a wonderful model.

Also, those coral Murlocs, maybe you could change it so that Every building has the ability to summon these murlocs, but you need to research it first. (Kind of like Orc's Spiked barriers or w.e)
Also, those coral Murlocs, maybe you could change it so that Every building has the ability to summon these murlocs, but you need to research it first. (Kind of like Orc's Spiked barriers or w.e)
If all buildings have Water shield and murlocs I will have two problems:
1 - It will be too unbalanced
2 - The food buildings won't be special at all in comparison to the other buildings of the race, and they must be.

Also, models under 150Kb are allowed, this includes structures and units =D
Level 12
Dec 10, 2008
Since naga are an underwater race, and water is good for them, how about a type of bight that looks like water, so they regenerate faster on it. Although it is kinda a rip-off of blight in a way...

Also, I saw a naga catapult skin somewere in the skins section, it would do nicley as a long range seige unit
whats so special about a farm?
The guide in the first post tells you why. Food buildings must always have some special ability compared to the other buildings.

Since naga are an underwater race, and water is good for them, how about a type of bight that looks like water, so they regenerate faster on it. Although it is kinda a rip-off of blight in a way...
To be honest, I am working towards solving that same problem in this thread:
How to replicate Undead blight - Wc3campaigns

But I am having a few problems =S

Also, I saw a naga catapult skin somewere in the skins section, it would do nicley as a long range seige unit
Link please.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
For a defensive race (their attacking units will be rather defensive too, right?) i may suggest smth like a Tidespreader (lousy name, i know) - weak caster unit. Main ability:
Flood - floods target area, making ground very soft. After X seconds, the ground becomes too soft for the buildings to stand, so they collapse, taking 80% hp damage.

As for flyer... well, this is more of a joke:
Albatross - low hp, low dmg, costs 10 gold, 5 lumber, 0,1 food (triggered) - generally, a flying zergling =))))
Flood - floods target area, making ground very soft. After X seconds, the ground becomes too soft for the buildings to stand, so they collapse, taking 80% hp damage.
This would be appropriate for a hero skill, like Far Seers Earthquake.

Albatross - low hp, low dmg, costs 10 gold, 5 lumber, 0,1 food (triggered) - generally, a flying zergling =))))
Albatross unit does not have an attack animation =P
I can't use it.

What do you guys think of this:
drake2 - The Hive Workshop - A Warcraft III Modding Site
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Albatross unit does not have an attack animation =P
I can't use it.

There should be SO many of them, that no1 would notice thy are lacking animations :grin:

And the drake is perfect. Had an idea like Sea Dragon or Ocean Wyrm or smth, but didnt know if there is a model.
Level 4
Jan 24, 2009
maybe The naga can eat slaves to gain a 25% bigger attack(for 20 seconds) and heal for 200 hp and a ability for naga could be that when 2 monsters(NAGA) are low on HP then they turn to a SOMETHING LIKE THE WATER ELEMENTAL...
EDIT: the DRAKE2(model) is a RIP-OFF cuz it is a LQ model and it looks stupid. I could skin a drake to look like a naga dude...
maybe The naga can eat slaves to gain a 25% bigger attack(for 20 seconds) and heal for 200 hp and a ability for naga could be that when 2 monsters(NAGA) are low on HP then they turn to a SOMETHING LIKE THE WATER ELEMENTAL...
EDIT: the DRAKE2(model) is a RIP-OFF cuz it is a LQ model and it looks stupid. I could skin a drake to look like a naga dude...
According to the game's lore, Naga are not cannibals ... However the water elemental idea may be handy.
About the drake, you say it is a rip-off ? from what?
Anyway, if you think you can make a better one that is less than 150kb, be my guest =)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Sea Dragon - fast flying unit, has Devour & Critical Strike. can be upgraded into
Ocean Wyrm - slower, but deals more damage. Has Same Devour & Critical Strike + his critical strikes spawn a Ocean Surger (sea elemental).

Bothe use sea elemental projetile (water blast)

BTW, just checked - Albatross DOES have an attack anim =)))

As for siege unit (although the model is good for a hero) -
Tidefury Revenant - simple melee siege damage + Splits into many weak sea elementals, like boss in Violet Hold (ripoff from Brewmaster's Storm, Earth and Fire)
You could use the Hydra as your Tank unit. It splits up into miniature hydras too

and you still have your Couatl's (or however u spell it)

don't forget the units in Sunken Ruins neutrals
I think that the naga ownage device should be a giant turtle, with lots of armor and hp, a devour that holds up to 3 units and a siege attack. It's purpose is to take damage and to survive while it destroys enemy bases.
The hydra would also be a very good idea, but what would be it's mission?
Like, I think I am going to use Spawning grounds model to spawn weird creatures such as sea turtles and hydras. I think the race should first have a weak start, so I am going to use murlocs for this purpose.

Sea Dragon - fast flying unit, has Devour & Critical Strike. can be upgraded into
Ocean Wyrm - slower, but deals more damage. Has Same Devour & Critical Strike + his critical strikes spawn a Ocean Surger (sea elemental).
Models ?
The one you linked before =))
Upgrade - just larger scale.
Ahh rit ... xD
Mmm, I don't know, the unit doesn't have an "upgrade" animation. If I follow your option I will have to code the "evolve" thing myself.

Anyway, people I need an opinion: what is the ownage device you want Naga to have?
Orcs - Tauren
Humans - Gryphons
Undead - wyrms
Nigh Elfs - Chimeras
Chaos Orcs - Red Dragon
High Elfs - Elvel Cavalry
Seriously - maybe an improved Naga Royal Guard? Smth like Defender of the Empress. this skin would fit:
There is a big problem for skins: if I use a skin, I lose the "normal" unit skin, and I don't want that. If there is a way for a model to have 2 skins, then I don't mind using them, if there isn't, then I exclude skins.
What would make him an ownage device ? What would he counter? A tauren? I am looking for original ideas.

I also need heroes, but the main priority now is the techtree of the race.
I have a little idea for a spellcaster. he has a skill the transports the casters spirit with water to a enemy. He/she can stay in there for 40 seconds, and then must change/body or return to his/her own. The caster is paused during the spell
Seems to complex for a single unit spellcaster.

Ok guys, 1st post is now edited with all current ideas about buildings.

rep++ for all who gave suggestions.


First post updated, please read it so all can track the progress.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
As far as i know, there is a way to double a model and make it use a different skin, but i dunno exactly how =))

Ownage unit:
Naga Tide Huntress - model: naga sea witch
Has great range (like 1000-1500), but deals low dmg at big range. generally, dmg depends on range. also, has fast attack speed. Good to decimate large crowds of weak enemies and quickly dispatch those toughies who get close enough. Has Ensnare, but it will take a couple of hits from a Tauren, for example, to kill the Tide Huntress.

Hero Ideas:

Behemoth (Sea Giant)
Melee, Strength, high health, moderate dmg
Thundering Roar - taunt + howl of terror
Titanic Stomp - War Stomp. Causes additional giant water splash if cast on water.
Tidal Strength - Avatar
Devastate (Ultimate) - The Behemoth charges to target enemy, dealing 1000 damage and stunning it for 4 seconds. Also deals 200 damage to all nearby enemies and stuns them for 1 second. After that, the Behemoth's attack speed is increased by 50% for 10 seconds.

Depth Lord (Sea Revenant)
Melee, Strength, medium hp, good defense, moderate dmg, alot of mana
Drain Water - channeled; deals hp damage to the target, restores mana to the Hero
Surge - channeled; creates 1 Depth Spawn per second. Lasts X seconds. When the spell finishes, all Depth Spawns die.
Whirlpool Aura - grants all summoned units greatly increased movement & attack speed and moderately slows enemies.
From the Depths (Ultimate) - summons a sunken ship (undead frigate; untargetable - decoration) from which a horde of sunken marines pour, decimating enemiy ranks (dalaran mutants with mild green tinting)

Custodian of Nazjatar (dont know which model to use)
Melee, Agiity, low hp & defense, low dmg
Aura of Coral Strength - very strong devotion aura. affects ONLY buildings. small radius
Water Step - blink. 0 mana, no CD. only works on water.
Coral Growth - tranquility. again, affects only buildings
Blessing of Nazjatar (ultimate) - big, bad voodoo. Yes, it affects only buildings too =))
think he should match a defnsive race very well =))

Naga Storm Singer (naga summoner)
Ranged, Intellect, standart caster stats
Might of Azshara - dmg increase on self
Cyclone Armour - anyone who strikes the Storm Singer is consumed by cyclone. this effect has 10 second cooldown.
Typhoon - creates a strong tornado, which wander around & damages nearby enemies. The tornado also has Monsoon ability.
Maelstrom (ultimate) - starfall with lightnings instead of stars + slowing aura
Use coral doodads for lumber mill!
Example please ?
The problem with doodads is that they don't have a construction animation, a training animation nor a death animation ... which makes them really weird in game and I don't want that =S
But please still, give an example, I might find a solution for this problem =)

Naga Tide Huntress - model: naga sea witch
I am sorry but that model is reserved for a unit. Besides I had in mind something like a turtle, or an hydra (specially turtles, because it makes more sense to have one, if you look into the race's techtree, nothing talks about hydras nor sea giants).

About the heroes, as I said, they are not priority now and so I won't get worried about them. However you have some nice ideas. I specially like the revenant, the Custodian of Nazjatar would also be nice with a few twists.
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
Lumber mill idea. Too trivial, i know.


  • MurgulLumberHut.JPG
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Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
It's Furbolg Hut with 0 collision, no pathing, 'Locust' & 'Invulnerable' + Murloc Hut with larger selection scale =)) I just added available reseaches to the Murloc Hut & changed name =))
No own anims, except death though
All anims, like work, proper death (so both buildings die simultaneously), birth must be done by triggers.

And the map is just as a background, its not aproper map =))
It's Furbolg Hut with 0 collision, no pathing, 'Locust' & 'Invulnerable' + Murloc Hut with larger selection scale =)) I just added available reseaches to the Murloc Hut & changed name =))
No own anims, except death though
All anims, like work, proper death (so both buildings die simultaneously), birth must be done by triggers.

And the map is just as a background, its not aproper map =))
I will see if I can find a way to "code" the animations. It is something I really need to learn.
Can you post the map please ?
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
ok, but i dont have the code, i just made the 'model' and the map itself is just as much as u see on the shot =)))

EDIT: I think i know how to code this, will do when i have time, not today definitely.


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Level 45
Jul 29, 2008
Meh, Furbolg lumber hut doesn't fit really match well.

Sea Giants (and Makrura/Lobstrokk) are definite "no-nos"; they're hated enemies of the Naga.

Hydras are meh... Generally you should steer clear of creeps; they're creeps for a reason (besides, there's plenty of ideas for Naga alone :p).

T3 Ownage Device should almost definitely be a giant water dragon; in fact, that double-winged model you showed a pic of is exactly what I plan on using. Very nice.
Level 3
Apr 7, 2009
Since a coral bed is home to many sea creatures, an albatross might like to target the beds for food. Perhaps the player can have an option whether to spawn the murlocs from the coral bed or an albatross for scouting.
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