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New Map Rules--Implemented!

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Level 40
Dec 14, 2005

The rules are now in effect!

No map may violate any Hive Workshop general or specific site rules.​
Original Work
All maps must be significantly worked on, if not entirely created, by their submitter. Maps that were edited from someone else's work must include proof of permission to edit that work, and the original author may request that the map be taken down at any time.​
Third Party Material
All maps must give credit to the authors of material included in the map that is not made by the maker. Pirated or stolen content is not permitted.​
All maps must be distinctively different from other maps in concept. This may include story, gameplay, goals, etc, but restricts maps which are effectively clones of older versions, such as most LOAP and Footman Wars maps.​
All maps must be close enough to completion to allow for a good experience by the player. This does not limit beta maps that are near completion, but does limit alpha and other under construction maps that are not significantly playable.​
All maps must be fairly fun and decently balanced.​
All maps must be made in English, must not contain overwhelmingly bad spelling or grammar, must contain a valid author and map name, and must contain a well-written description to give the reader a good idea of what the map is about. Imports, terrain, camera, and other visuals should complement the game.​
All maps must not have enough bugs to significantly adversely affect gameplay.​
Map updates should be made by using the Update button on the map rather than by resubmitting the map.​
The maps section should not be used as a pastebin or testing area, but rather for map distribution. If you wish for an advertising, testing, and more public place for early stages of your map, please use the Map Development forum.​
Maps not meeting all of the above criteria may be approved in rare circumstances. Maps may be rejected at any time for any valid reason given by the moderator who rejects them. Maps need not meet the criteria not applicable to their type. Resource moderators will decide on a case-by-case basis which maps will be approved.​
Repeatedly ignoring one or more of these rules may result in negative reputation, infraction points, or even being banned from the site.​
If you wish to request that your map be reviewed, whether for the first time or after fixing problems outlined by a moderator, feel free to post in Map Resource Moderation with a detailed request and a link to the map in question. If you wish to complain about the actions of a moderator, please post in Admin Contact with a detailed request and a link to the issue in question.​
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Level 31
May 3, 2008
There is a few more thing should be implement.

1) Map that are submitted to get feedback only are not allowed as this section are reserve for complete work. However, user could post their map at Map Development section to get feedback.

2) Map that are upload temporary for other users are not allowed, we have pastebin feature for temporary files.

3) All campaign must be fully complete (All map was be included and fully playable)
Level 13
Mar 23, 2008
Hmm, dint really understand that but i got it too: If someone upload a map and its rejected, they got to wait 6 months before they can give it another go? If thats what you said, i think thats a great idea, but they should reduce it to 3 months.
If that wasnt what you said, plz explain youself :D
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
So who judges if the maps are or not? Fun is a relative conception...
I think that DoTA is quite fun, whilst others hate it!
I think it's safe to say that the mods are not stupid enough to think that their personal opinion is everyones'. If the map has a large player base and is well made, then it's safe to say it's also fun. If it has a large player base and is poorly made, it already fails the submission criteria on other counts.

How about adding a new rules that submission that are rejected by staff would only be evaluate again 6 months after the last evaluation? This would stop people from nagging the staff from reviewing a map after a minor update.
Seems a little long. If someone gets to spammy, we can just ignore them or ask them specifically not to bug us.
Level 1
Dec 7, 2008
How about mandatory changelog for new versions? May help moderators to focus on the particular part in case the map maker requests a review. That way in case of small changes the map moderators will not have to replay the whole map & can look on the changed matter only.

What about hidden tags for screenshots?

How about rules regarding category abuse?



Level 19
Nov 29, 2006
What would REALLY help is a way to prevent users that just registered upload their crappy ''look I can map too'' maps without getting any feedback first, and the they start whining because it got rejected.
If so, the map mods can hint the noob mapper if he wanna get better that he can ask for help in this forum in improve mapping skills: http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/map-development-202/
Level 10
Feb 7, 2005
I can agree with most of these but as for Originality and Gameplay I kind of disagree on, since your description for those are more personal opinion than quality of work.

I don't really feel personal opinion should be a part of any good review, nor should it be criteria for submission. Instead you should just add a warning there that says "Moderators have the authority to remove any map at their discretion" or something like that that informs the author that it can be removed if it's not up to hive standards.

Edit: BTW this is just my personal opinion on the subject, I don't mean to come across as bossy or anything.
Level 6
Dec 17, 2007
Very nice, well-written rules. BUT you forgot one thing! Authors should be given a notice when their map has been rejected!!!!

But other than that, these rules remind me of a project rubric that my teachers give us lol.
Level 6
Dec 17, 2007
It's an option?!? :( that sounds... so.. wrong.. hahaha. but yeah i get your point. what if they don't know what's wrong? and then what if the user checks his mail a month later, but finds out the person who rejected his map is on vacation and is unavailable? does that mean that user would have to wait for the moderator to get back just to get a chance to ask him what's wrong with his map? THEN there's the possibility that this specific moderator is the type who doesn't like to respond to PMs?

of course, this is all hypothetical.

look im just saying, it doesn't take long for a moderator to PM the author with a short note as in. "Needs work in all areas." "Many spelling errors." "A boring map." "This map is a repeat of LOAP." you know? something simple...
Level 6
Dec 17, 2007
So I can request a different moderator? right there and then? without any conflicts? if i ask a moderator right now, would they review it right after i ask them?

i don't think so.

see, this way with a little message, you're helping THW in two ways. you get to weed out the bad maps, AND you get to inform authors of their mistakes, making their maps better in the future. i don't understand the problem of why moderators can't type a simple sentence.

if the rules are going to be this strict, there needs to be some teaching involved as well, or you're only welcoming mapping pros to the hiveworkshop community.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
If the map is worth reviewing (if it bothers to comply with the on-site rules, credit rules, etc) then we naturally give it useful feedback if it's rejected (or even approved). However, in my experience far less than half of the maps even get that far. Recently I've found myself looking for about 10-15 maps that break obvious rules daily, and another 3 or so which are worth downloading and reviewing.
Level 6
Dec 17, 2007
oooh okay =\. so basically, you guys only check out maps that you think will be good. and once you're finished, you give it feed back regardless if it's rejected or approved, right? thats cool. i misunderstood cuz i thought the moderators were just gonna go around clicking the 'Rejected' button on maps that have missing information or no description again. there's a lot of that going around recently >.> and i hate it
Level 31
May 3, 2008
You forgot another 1.

All map must be properly categories in map type and category.

For example, map that are based on modern warfare theme must have it's category set to Modern Warfare and map type set to Altered Melee if the gameplay is all about destroying enemy base.

Map that does not have any fitting theme should be categories as Miscellanous/Other. If the map gameplay was combination of more than 1 element, it should be set as Miscellanous/Other.
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