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Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Westwood Studios
I know about this story something since I modded and made assets for Yuri's Revenge and modded Generals. Just to know, Generals was made by Westwood, but meanwhile, EA Games bought it and put their own sign. And they closed Westwood. Old Westwood was literally HOLY company compared to EA Games now. Same as old Blizzard compared to that greedy corporation now.
Then, in 2007 I think, C&C3 was made by EA Games. it was somewhat good, note that it is degradation from very good to somewhat good. Then expansion came, which was... nah. Then in 2008 Red Alert 3 came, which was nothing special, again degrading from C&C3.
Then in 2010 Command and Conquer 4 came. One of biggest failures. They literally changed everything what considered RTS: no building army in classical way, no resources to collect. Instead you captured some buildings and get points over time, so tank will cost you several points. And you could move your base... no infantry, but some exo suits... I mean I am lazy now to explain all what they did, but foundamentally changed things. it was trash anyway. And people did not like it, protested, bad reviews.... They fired half of staff working there as the result.
Then (I cannot remember exactly date) I think in 2012 generals 2 had to come. Instead of talking with community what they like and want, they actually invested millions and MADE BETA, THEN ASKED COMMUNITY! And community protested, they did not want ,,pay to win" system and many stuff. EA Games literally ALMOST FINISHED GAME trashed! They canceled the entire game and accepted that they were wrong.
And lately about remaster, they asked community for opinions and communicated much more... this time around.
it similar to Blizzard, both companies were arrogant and messed with communities....
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
I know about this story something since I modded and made assets for Yuri's Revenge and modded Generals. Just to know, Generals was made by Westwood, but meanwhile, EA Games bought it and put their own sign. And they closed Westwood. Old Westwood was literally HOLY company compared to EA Games now. Same as old Blizzard compared to that greedy corporation now.
Then, in 2007 I think, C&C3 was made by EA Games. it was somewhat good, note that it is degradation from very good to somewhat good. Then expansion came, which was... nah. Then in 2008 Red Alert 3 came, which was nothing special, again degrading from C&C3.
Then in 2010 Command and Conquer 4 came. One of biggest failures. They literally changed everything what considered RTS: no building army in classical way, no resources to collect. Instead you captured some buildings and get points over time, so tank will cost you several points. And you could move your base... no infantry, but some exo suits... I mean I am lazy now to explain all what they did, but foundamentally changed things. it was trash anyway. And people did not like it, protested, bad reviews.... They fired half of staff working there as the result.
Then (I cannot remember exactly date) I think in 2012 generals 2 had to come. Instead of talking with community what they like and want, they actually invested millions and MADE BETA, THEN ASKED COMMUNITY! And community protested, they did not want ,,pay to win" system and many stuff. EA Games literally ALMOST FINISHED GAME trashed! They canceled the entire game and accepted that they were wrong.
And lately about remaster, they asked community for opinions and communicated much more... this time around.
it similar to Blizzard, both companies were arrogant and messed with communities....

Jim Vessela saw all of this and managed to resurrect and reconnect EA, Petroglyph Westwood, Lemon Sky and the CnC community altogether for the CnC remaster, and it worked, and all it took was a crappy mobile game release that turned out to be meh.

And there is also the fact that TIBERIUM aka Renegade 2 was being developed and it was cancelled because of the bad reception CnC 4 had, which was made using SC2 in mind, and the fact that it would compete against Battlefield, and EA didn't wanted that.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
What do you think that will happen if Blizzard possibly fails?
It's hard to say, but I think it's going to be a long process and by the time Blizzard is dismantled / renamed / absorbed into Activision, we'll see the company decline a lot more than it already has, because right now it's still too big of a brand to give up on.
Level 25
Mar 29, 2020
I'm kind of apathetic to all of his for the same reason wc3 is doomed. - wc3 is not profitable. So yeah, blizzard is all kinds of corrupt. I don't really care. Modding wc3 is not supporting them in any way. I haven't paid them anything in 20(?) years since I bought wc3 Tft. I am enjoying something I bought a long time ago. It doesn't really have a whole lot to do with blizzard nowadays.

Just for the sake of the discussion - I do think there is some truth in what they say about the current workplace culture being better. It's obviously just a meaningless PR statement, but we live in a culture that is much more aware of these issues and I think is probably headed in a better direction. The world is much more aware and punitive of problems like sexual harassment and different kinds of discrimination, and I assume that as a whole that helps reduce them (besides adding a whole lot of annoying over the top PC bs). So yeah, it makes sense that in blizzard - as part of the modern world, is moving towards having a less toxic workplace. And yes, that is a completely meaningless PR statement, but factually is probably not all wrong.
Level 4
Jun 19, 2018
Will it change anything? I have my doubts. I'm afraid this is a sign of Activision finally taking over, removing any autonomy Blizzard had left,
I am tired of reading of so called Activision takeover. Blizzard is a part of a publicly traded company. The management does what stockholders want. And stockholders want money. Blizzard failed to make them loads of money by developing good games, so they tried shitty cheap games. Blizzard has never been independent, they just were successful and left alone.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
@azgarol I'm well aware that Blizzard is part of a publicly traded company and how such companies work, thank you.

Nowhere did I say that that Blizzard is or was "independent". Of course it's not, never has been, outside of the earliest days of the company. That said, Blizzard did enjoy a fairly significant autonomy, i.e. the ability to self-govern and make fairly independent decisions regarding their development pipeline. Or - as you put it - they were "left alone". And yes, I agree, this was largely due to Blizzard being successful.

That said, in the recent years, as reported by Jason Schreier, i.e. a very well informed and credible gaming journalist, there's been some friction between the ATVI corporate structure and Blizzard, with the former pushing for a faster and more consistent release cadence, something that Blizzard clearly hasn't been able to do under their fairly autonomous leadership. This lead to ATVI installing their people inside Blizzard, such as Armin Zerza, the current CFO of Blizzard Entertainment.

That fact is just one sign of Kotick moving in to reduce the autonomy of Blizzard, another one is the fact that Morhaime had the title of CEO, while Brack was a "president" and now the company only has "co-leaders". Thus the "Activision takeover", also directly mentioned by Schreier, as in Kotick and the larger ATVI corporate structure taking a more direct control over Blizzard, is clearly happening.

So yeah, it matters not that you "are tired of reading about it" - you don't have to. As for me, I'm sticking with my original point.
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He was the fall guy for everything. I knew je couldn't keep his position forever.

He just a scapegoat, kinda like the Fallout Frontier situation

Not too surprising.
They're scapegoating.

"Things have totally changed, guys! New leaders = new culture. No need to work with our internal company culture long term, we already fixed it by letting go of this guy. Just ignore all the systemic issues we have, it was totally just because of this one guy."
~ Blizzard probably

Low-ranking worker gets fired: "They're just blaming it on some expendable minion so that the execs can escape liability!"
High-ranking exec gets fired: "He's just a scapegoat to cover for.... someone!"

Nevermind the fact that he was explicitly mentioned in the California lawsuit as having not taken reports of harassment seriously. He's also in that old Blizzcon video where they mock a fan for asking whether female characters can have armor that doesn't look like underwear. Good riddance in my opinion - yes, more action is necessary, but you gotta start somewhere.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Nevermind the fact that he was explicitly mentioned in the California lawsuit as having not taken reports of harassment seriously. He's also in that old Blizzcon video where they mock a fan for asking whether female characters can have armor that doesn't look like underwear. Good riddance in my opinion - yes, more action is necessary, but you gotta start somewhere.
Would like a link to that thing you wrote about.
EDIT: never mind, found it:
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Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
OMG sexualized characters? really? it is game! They did not sexualize any real woman. Just silly characters. By the way, half of reforged is sexualized then if you look at some female models according to that logic. Beauty contest, half naked, big breasts. TITS OR GTFO :cgrin:
But I did not think that somebody cares about that. It is just Blizzard, I thought people got used to it.
High-ranking exec gets fired: "He's just a scapegoat to cover for.... someone!"
Not to cover for someone. Problem is that company culture does not just come from above, and firing someone does not fix it.

What they're announcing is not a solution to the problem they're having, even though it is being portrayed as such. They have some serious work to do, and
they haven't, at all, told us how they're actually going to handle it. Firing a person won't change anything alone.

This is just PR aimed at sending the signal "See, we're doing something to address this issue". and that is just not the message I'm getting from it. This sounds a lot more like them trying to avoid having to do anything of significance.

If this is all they're going to do, or all they're telling us they're going to do, then it is just scapegoating.
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Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
@MasterHaosis I missed ya and ye taking a go at threads
Ooooo It is RUI HIMSELF! Rui The Ancient :cgrin:
It is nice to see you too man! What did you miss exactly? This? Well well, I always bring some style to threads I appear, especially when it is about greedy and evil corporations and it's people. I also noticed that deepstarasz and few others read my posts at every corner of this site somehow, so, since I am public persona here :cgrin: I have to give the best I can, not to disappoint people.
Problem is that company culture does not just come from above, and firing someone does not fix it.
CULTURE is the main word here! That man just said all! Social networks and their espionage, selling data illegally; car manufactures with lying over emissions, gaming companies which sell falsely marketed products, bullying their workers, AND WHAT NOT! There are tons of stuff which they do at daily basis! They sometimes got punished, and thats all. Why? because as The_Silent wrote, it is their CULTURE!
I can fire 10 thieves, one by one, it is irrelevant because I am hiring them constantly! And setting them up how to behave! Therefore, I made this culture.
OMG sexualized characters? really? it is game! They did not sexualize any real woman. Just silly characters. By the way, half of reforged is sexualized then if you look at some female models according to that logic. Beauty contest, half naked, big breasts. TITS OR GTFO :cgrin:
But I did not think that somebody cares about that. It is just Blizzard, I thought people got used to it.

Firstly - people aren't having issues with the existence of sexualized characters, but rather the fact that it's the only way females were ever portrayed in most games. It matters because it reflects who you think is meant to enjoy your game. To be fair, i think Blizzard has gotten a lot better with this, especially with the character variety in Overwatch.

Secondly - whether you agree with her question or not, it was a perfectly fair thing to ask, and ridiculing her over it was completely unwarranted and obviously made her very uncomfortable. The guy at the end who talked about "sexy cow business" btw was notorious sex pest Alex Afrasiabi, whose hotel suite was jokingly refered to as the "Cosby Suite" because of his predatory behaviour towards women.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Firstly - people aren't having issues with the existence of sexualized characters, but rather the fact that it's the only way females were ever portrayed in most games.
Actually, not most games because usually fantasy games have things like this:
Just look at the fact that even males in this game are "sexualized":
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
Also on a good note
id and Nightdive added Quake 64 too as special DLC, if people never played the Nintendo 64 code, this is a good opportunity for it.
the models are Faithful high poly versions of the originals, also the animations went from vertex to md5 bones, vertex is still supported as legacy.
Also Machine games made a new Episode called Dimension of the Machine, which mixes both Q1's lovecraftian aesthetics and Quake 2's dirty industrial alien asthetics together, the mapping was pretty much inspired by modern Q1 and Q2 maps.

The only downside again, is that theMultiplayer is Netquake, not quakeworld, but all mods works on it, even this.
A new gen will finally be introduced to Original Quake Team Fortress

This remaster is pretty much what War 3 could had been, its insane the quality it has while being 100% faithful to its original.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Firstly - people aren't having issues with the existence of sexualized characters, but rather the fact that it's the only way females were ever portrayed in most games.
Well, I played mostly old C&C games such as generals, Yuri's revenge, TS, C&C3, and I haven't notice sexualized women. In fact, there are women Generals wearing real general's suits. All women, even heroes were just decent and normal, so completely there were no things like in Blizzard's games for Command and Conquer. I do not know about other games, but I assume there are such situations for female characters to be portrayed as sexualized.

It matters because it reflects who you think is meant to enjoy your game.
No it does not matter because it is a game! and even in game they did not make fun of anyone, or insult or whatever. You have half-naked ELVES WHICH DO NOT EXIST in reality. They did not put any real women or anything like that to accurse them to be ,,anti women" or something. I do not care if the archer has large tits or armor above it, because it does not matter. It is game. When we were kids, we never discussed about that. We just played game. And now sensitive people around the world noticed it. The vast majority of people seem to not have a problem with that as well. When we did riot and rebellion against Blizzard last year, I never saw anyone to complain about that. In a matter of fact, we complained about how they fooled us, how they promoted tons of stuff which are not present in game, which is false promoting, CRIME in many countries, and especially because they did not want to give refunds... But question as ,,sexualized characters" were not present as far I am aware of it.
What we should have problem with actually is a fact how they treat women in reality! How they treat their employess, especially lower rank ones. That CEO of Riot Games is now at court for rape or something like that. That was not game, that was for real.
Secondly - whether you agree with her question or not, it was a perfectly fair thing to ask, and ridiculing her over it was completely unwarranted and obviously made her very uncomfortable.
MADE HER VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! hahahahaha! Sorry, I can't.... hahaha!
2021. year, where we have serious problems such as greedy and literally evil corporations getting richer and richer while ordinary people are poorer and poorer, and in Blizzard's very own case, as I already explained above, which everyone knows, they tried to fool us and to steal from us. FROM MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE! And they tried to get away with this! That is why we had to show them a lesson! or two. Man, they do not care about of million customers they fooled, which is crime, yet again you expect them to care about if ONE WOMAN FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE! According to which logic? As they were not afraid of us (but they got what deserve, and if you ask me, I would not stop on that, I would blast their asses, to smoke for two weeks! but okay for now), to be afraid of how one woman feels! You completely underestimate corruption and a complete lack of empathy from those companies! They care about money! and that is their religion/logic. Not how anyone feels!
The guy at the end who talked about "sexy cow business" btw was notorious sex pest Alex Afrasiabi, whose hotel suite was jokingly refered to as the "Cosby Suite" because of his predatory behaviour towards women.
EXACTLY! As I stated above, it matters how they behave in reality, how treat people or if they commit crimes, not what they put in games (bigger or smaller tits or ass). For very simple reason, as those are a matter of appearances which is a matter of subjective opinion. You may like it, and I do not. That is subjective. But if they committed crime or not, that is a matter of law and court, not of our opinions. And I think therefore we should more focus on that.
Also, as you mentioned, that specific man is sexual predator already. WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING IN THE COMPANY? Why they hired him if he is like that at the first place? They should throw that fool at street on moment he crossed their doors, not to hire him.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
But question as ,,sexualized characters" were not present as far I am aware of it.
They even dressed more, some units actually in Reforged :xxd:
or very simple reason, as those are a matter of appearances which is a matter of subjective opinion. You may like it, and I do not. That is subjective. But if they committed crime or not, that is a matter of law and court, not of our opinions.
It's just winking at the customers to buy. It's how they make their products more appealing since the majority of gamers are men, well, actually male.
It's not rocket science. It's like you're asking McDonalds and KFC to make their crappy food less nice looking.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
since the majority of gamers are men, well, actually male.
And they look at the beauty of some female characters perhaps... we never did this in past, but Ok. I understand that. And they get used to and like High Elves/blood elves, some like more night elves, or even humans.... females I mean... thats why those are put under beauty contest. But they forget pure gold, succubus! Those can be quite nasty :cgrin:
It's not rocket science
Oh, regarding Blizzard it is. Their logic is ,,why simple, when it can be complicated". When they would say to me ,,Good day" I would have to look through the window to check if it is a day at all! :cgrin: that is how much I trust them.
EXACTLY! As I stated above, it matters how they behave in reality, how treat people or if they commit crimes, not what they put in games (bigger or smaller tits or ass). For very simple reason, as those are a matter of appearances which is a matter of subjective opinion. You may like it, and I do not. That is subjective. But if they committed crime or not, that is a matter of law and court, not of our opinions. And I think therefore we should more focus on that.
Also, as you mentioned, that specific man is sexual predator already. WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING IN THE COMPANY? Why they hired him if he is like that at the first place? They should throw that fool at street on moment he crossed their doors, not to hire him.

Literally nobody ever said that the outrage is about "tits and ass" in Blizzard games. That was a hot topic like 10 years ago. The subject at hand is that Blizzard is being accused of having a "frat boy culture", and i offhand mentioned an old clip of Blizzard members being sleezy and condescending towards a female fan. This whole discussion of sexualization in video games is a complete non sequitur.

MADE HER VERY UNCOMFORTABLE! hahahahaha! Sorry, I can't.... hahaha!
2021. year, where we have serious problems such as greedy and literally evil corporations getting richer and richer while ordinary people are poorer and poorer, and in Blizzard's very own case, as I already explained above, which everyone knows, they tried to fool us and to steal from us. FROM MILLION PEOPLE WORLDWIDE! And they tried to get away with this! That is why we had to show them a lesson! or two. Man, they do not care about of million customers they fooled, which is crime, yet again you expect them to care about if ONE WOMAN FEELS UNCOMFORTABLE! According to which logic? As they were not afraid of us (but they got what deserve, and if you ask me, I would not stop on that, I would blast their asses, to smoke for two weeks! but okay for now), to be afraid of how one woman feels! You completely underestimate corruption and a complete lack of empathy from those companies! They care about money! and that is their religion/logic. Not how anyone feels!

When exactly did i ask you to care about that? Dude, people on this forum has been outraged about banal things like missing unit shadows for months, are you really in a position to tell others what to be offended about? I thought Greg Street was being a dick in that clip, i don't see why you make it into such a huge deal that you need to write long preachy posts about how ludicrous my opinion is.

Of course i think the bad work environment is the heart of the issue. I just also think that firing J.A.B (and the other people who were fired, it wasn't just him) is part of solving that. And yes, Alex Afrasiabi was quietly let go a couple of years ago. Fran Townsend has stepped down from the company's "women's network", senior directors Luis Barriga and Jesse McCree were both fired. If nothing else, it's a start.
I dont care for scandals , although it can tell some things about the company .

Still , dont care for it. We dont care . it will not smudge our eyes , that you have failed to satisfy customers.

Just deliver us good games with fine art , and we will buy them and not complain .

You have failed with Warcraft 3 Reforged , by using wrong philosophy of ,, reinvention ,, giving too much freedom for art designs.

Actually , it was always supposed to be a pure Remaster of original content, with extra Art content added influenced by WoW lets say.

Basically Remaster (purist designs of all unique wc3 models) + Reforged ( extended bonus cutscenes, Lordaeron city, Quel Thalas, Dalaran - which is good side of Reforged)

And that by all means necessery is at least 3 years of production for art , with a condition everything is prepared and organised , including the part where you brought engine in such a state you can test the models.

I literally have hundreds of examples how Lemonsky robbed you.
So, i will talk in general. Warcraft 3 art has a lot of repeating stuff, where models are just rotated and reskined.

Example : Large city houses . They could make only 1 model of it then just rotate,reskin.
What they did is they create from scratch, city house large 90 degree, city large house 45 degree etc. For blue,red, green or whatever models are.

This is a pure robbery and lack of organisation. Plenty of stuff like that.

And i dont care for robbery, the real problem for me is, that only if they look what they are doing, they could devote more time and lead design and texturing job to a perfection.

Freelance killed art.

End of the story.

We dont care about sexual harrasment , we create it using your games already .

I'm really curious what the first did though. Recently, they were posting videos about him and his son about art and Diablo IV on their YouTube channel.
McCree was featured in a picture with Afrasiabi, Greg Srreet, and others, posing with a portrait of Bill Cosby in the supposed Cosby suite. They also had a "Cosby chat", where they talked about bringing up "hot chicks" from Blizzcon so that they could get them drunk and hit on them. Regarding Barriga, i don't know the details, but i'm guessing it's similar.
Level 19
May 14, 2014
In other news: Id, Bethesda and Microsoft teamed up with Nightdive to Frag Blizzard once more in terms of Getting shit done with a remaster.

Bonus for Skyrim Anniversary Edition because TODD has to dab on blizzard for never expanding Warcraft or SC into that, since the later had a good chance with Ghost.
so they make quake, in a new engine but still looks like quake


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Regarding Barriga, i don't know the details, but i'm guessing it's similar.
I'm really curious what the first did though. Recently, they were posting videos about him and his son about art and Diablo IV on their YouTube channel.
I made a mistake. I confused Barriga with Gerald Brom and John Mueller. Sorry.
There's still good hope for Diablo IV!
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Level 44
Jun 2, 2008
so they make quake, in a new engine but still looks like quake
another cashgrab, same game again but repackaged in a cancerous spaghetti code kex engine and with a new episode made by people who ruined wolfenstein
i'm sure people who can't follow simple source port instructions are happy though, they'll buy it, make a tweet with a screenshot from the first level as a proof that they played it and forget about it BUT now that they've played it they're experts on what quake is and what's the best for it
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Literally nobody ever said that the outrage is about "tits and ass" in Blizzard games. That was a hot topic like 10 years ago.
Oh, but I have seen this in similar subjects from time to time, and not just in blizzard, but in other games as well.
The subject at hand is that Blizzard is being accused of having a "frat boy culture", and i offhand mentioned an old clip of Blizzard members being sleezy and condescending towards a female fan. This whole discussion of sexualization in video games is a complete non sequitur.
Oh no! SUbject about ,,frat-boy culture" for you may seem separated subject, but for me, it is connected with other subjects. For example, I may be this month jewelry thief, and next month I can beat someone badly, another subject, next month I could illegally seel cars.... So, while those are all three separated subjects, if you see the bigger picture, those are connected actually, because I am criminal! That is bigger picture, and whatever comes next from me is because of that single fact that I am criminal.
Similiar for Blizzard, last year reforged disaster, this year ,,frat boy culture", and what will be next? And for me, if I look bigger picture, it is because they are simple like this. Greedy corporation and one should not expect something different from them. But now, if I look even more bigger picture, I actually see similiar situation in Riot games for an even worse case. When several companies do a similar things, that means something.
When exactly did i ask you to care about that?
You did not ask me. But even if you do, you simply cannot. For very simple reason, it is part of someone's personality, you cannot ask him to care. It is inside him either he cares or not, either he has empathy or not. Also if he has, that also depends on the person. I care for example in most cases how people feel. I am perhaps the only one going around to user's profiles constantly cheering them, asking them how are they, if everything is alright (for years, since i am registered) because I am like that. You cannot do this for 14 years for fake. Either you have it or not. Thats why people like me. I do care about them, but that does not mean that I will care about everything people feel offended.
Dude, people on this forum has been outraged about banal things like missing unit shadows for months, are you really in a position to tell others what to be offended about?
No, I am not, and I would not dare to tell them even if I am. Here, we have sentence ,,sto ljudi, sto ćudi" which literally means ,,one hundred people, one hundred tempers", which means that everyone has his own logic, understanding, wishes, prirorities... And I am following that logic. But what I was talking about it that tons, millions perhaps of people were dissatisfied with Reforged. And yes, I was explaining this recently, many do not like missing 8 hours of videos, many do not like tons of bugs, many do not like false marketing .... so, while there are several reasons why people do not like it, it is the fact that THEY DO NOT LIKE IT and were willing to fight globally. And we did! And only that matters. Not just if you areo ffended by something, but WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO REGARDING IT. Tons of us decided to stop them, at least for that product. Thats what we did, not just sitting and crying. Some made videos, some downrated, some did propaganda on facebook, it was diversified, but worked. And again, no, I cannot tell anyone if they will be offended and by what, but I can tell you what is going to happen if Blizzard offends us like this again.
i don't see why you make it into such a huge deal that you need to write long preachy posts about how ludicrous my opinion is.
Whoa whoa whoa! Hold second tough guy:
1. it is not such deal, it is just constructive conversation (at least that is how I see it, nobody is offensive towards everyone, people share their own opinions and knowledge regarding the subject...), that's why we are here in this thread, which maybe you did not notice.
2. I can make posts HOW I LIKE AND FIND FIT. Simple, I had time so I could write more. And some things required more explanation than the others. Or maybe I do not know in certain cases to explain shorter.
3. I never said that your opinion is ludicrous. I was laughing at the fact that such a silly thing made her very uncomfortable. Like it matters much and it will change something. And if she is a journalist, she should get used to it, because they survive far worse things than moron working in corporations plays jokes.
I was trying to make point to prove you that YOU CANNOT EXPECT anything else from the damned corporation. They did far worse things than made someone uncomfortable. They made millions uncomfortable. That is nothing to them. They used to hire such arrogant people. It is not unusual at all, that was my point. For them it is just normal. Only mass rebellion is a language they seem to understand.

Of course i think the bad work environment is the heart of the issue. I just also think that firing J.A.B (and the other people who were fired, it wasn't just him) is part of solving that. And yes, Alex Afrasiabi was quietly let go a couple of years ago. Fran Townsend has stepped down from the company's "women's network", senior directors Luis Barriga and Jesse McCree were both fired. If nothing else, it's a start.
What is your opinion regarding this, do you thing that they will ,,solve" something or this is just show for public? You know what I mean, something what public should hear.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
Only mass rebellion is a language they seem to understand.
It's not that they don't understand. It's that it doesn't affect them. When their sales go down, as in they lose income, that's when they care because it's about them.
What is your opinion regarding this, do you thing that they will ,,solve" something or this is just show for public? You know what I mean, something what public should hear.
I know this wasn't addressed to me but if I may, I think that if the accusations prove to be right and the accused are eliminated from the company, things will indeed get better overall. Issues appear when someone who is detrimental to a project gets fired and the replacement will not be as good or lead the project in the same proper direction. However, sacrifices are necessary if the outcome will be over time healthier in most regards.
Level 19
May 14, 2014
another cashgrab, same game again but repackaged in a cancerous spaghetti code kex engine and with a new episode made by people who ruined wolfenstein
i'm sure people who can't follow simple source port instructions are happy though, they'll buy it, make a tweet with a screenshot from the first level as a proof that they played it and forget about it BUT now that they've played it they're experts on what quake is and what's the best for it
but tbf this was made by the og and not the one that made new wolfenstein
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
It's not that they don't understand. It's that it doesn't affect them. When their sales go down, as in they lose income, that's when they care because it's about them.
yes, exactly, but mass rebellion actually caused them to lose both trust and money globally. That is why many people call it Warcraft: Refunded
Oh by the way, if you remember, they actually did not allow refunds at all, then people complained to inspections, as this is another crime, and they ultimately allowed everyone to refund who wants.
I know this wasn't addressed to me but if I may,
OH feel free! it is always an honor to have your posts. You are something like a beacon of sanity here! :cgrin:
I think that if the accusations prove to be right and the accused are eliminated from the company, things will indeed get better overall. Issues appear when someone who is detrimental to a project gets fired and the replacement will not be as good or lead the project in the same proper direction. However, sacrifices are necessary if the outcome will be over time healthier in most regards.
That would be good if it is true and the company really wants to change for good.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
That would be good if it is true and the company really wants to change for good.
The truth is that, for the company to change, the employees have to work for that to happen. If they cower behind threats from the bosses, then they will continue to work in a pestering environment or be forced to leave.
Exactly the same, the fans should teach such companies a lesson when they deserve it.
You are something like a beacon of sanity here!
I'm one of the most insane geezers out here :grin:
So, what's the takeaway from this? Are we going to bicker and argue amongst ourselves about whether some mobile game company loves us or not?

This is the Hive Workshop.

This is a video of me playing "Into the Realm Eternal" from the Warcraft III campaign.

But in the above video, this was running natively on linux as a program code that combines HiveWE and the "View in 3D" Hive model download section preview function. I copied those two program codes together onto a game. They are combined into a game now. I was not playing the Blizzard game program code. So we have the HiveGame as a possible future. Why care about who harassed who into suicide in some mobile game dev company that has nothing to do with us?

I feel like this topic has been front page of Hive for too long, even though it helps literally no one except for the adversaries that want us fighting amongst ourselves over nothing, or feeling remorse about the fact that some irrelevant mobile game company doesn't love us. Giving in to the adversaries does not seem wise. I think it's time for us to love ourselves. Isn't that about right? I definitely love myself. I know that much.

(Edit: Sure. You can see in the video that I didn't program in the Necropolis to emit blight, and that I didn't program in to allow siege weapons to attack trees so we have to waste time with the Ghouls doing it. And I did not program in double clicking a Ghoul to select all Ghouls, so it was harder at first for me to select all the Ghouls. But these kinds of mods are well within the capability of hive workshop modding!!)
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Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
The truth is that, for the company to change, the employees have to work for that to happen.
If they cower behind threats from the bosses, then they will continue to work in a pestering environment or be forced to leave.
I agree on that too.
Exactly the same, the fans should teach such companies a lesson when they deserve it.
Could not agree more!

So, what's the takeaway from this? Are we going to bicker and argue amongst ourselves about whether some mobile game company loves us or not?

This is the Hive Workshop.
haha but that is contradictory! Actually, staff members opened the thread here that Blizzard's leadership has changed. Apparently, the staff here think that it is important news for us, even you wrote few times that they have nothing to do with us.

I copied those two program codes together onto a game. They are combined into a game now. I was not playing the Blizzard game program code. So we have the HiveGame as a possible future.
WHOA! That is great! You really want us to be less dependant on them as much as possible!
Why care about who harassed who into suicide in some mobile game dev company that has nothing to do with us?
Ask staff who opened such threads, we just exchange opinions regarding this. We saw the thread, we discuss it, simple.
But wait for a second please... As far I remember, Hive had someone who worked with Blizzard, or cooperated. And it is being told here that Blizzard hired some people from here. It was related somehow... or according to you now, is it anymore?

I think it's time for us to love ourselves.
I love you, people! I always did. :cgrin:
Now, if others love us, that is questionable, but we old dogs here definitively like this place and each other.
Level 19
May 14, 2014
So, what's the takeaway from this? Are we going to bicker and argue amongst ourselves about whether some mobile game company loves us or not?

This is the Hive Workshop.

This is a video of me playing "Into the Realm Eternal" from the Warcraft III campaign.

But in the above video, this was running natively on linux as a program code that combines HiveWE and the "View in 3D" Hive model download section preview function. I copied those two program codes together onto a game. They are combined into a game now. I was not playing the Blizzard game program code. So we have the HiveGame as a possible future. Why care about who harassed who into suicide in some mobile game dev company that has nothing to do with us?

I feel like this topic has been front page of Hive for too long, even though it helps literally no one except for the adversaries that want us fighting amongst ourselves over nothing, or feeling remorse about the fact that some irrelevant mobile game company doesn't love us. Giving in to the adversaries does not seem wise. I think it's time for us to love ourselves. Isn't that about right? I definitely love myself. I know that much.

(Edit: Sure. You can see in the video that I didn't program in the Necropolis to emit blight, and that I didn't program in to allow siege weapons to attack trees so we have to waste time with the Ghouls doing it. And I did not program in double clicking a Ghoul to select all Ghouls, so it was harder at first for me to select all the Ghouls. But these kinds of mods are well within the capability of hive workshop modding!!)
hive game ftw
Level 12
Feb 20, 2020
but tbf this was made by the og and not the one that made new wolfenstein
Everyone at the mapping and engine community is praising this re-release because they can work with the winquake code to use quakespasm spiked expanded map heap limits, the fact that they added dismal oubliete cut entrance back, shows that it has future.
If it's an example, in the last hour or whatever since when I posted that other message, I implemented control click or double click of a unit as a way to select others nearby of the same unit type. I also implemented the siege artillery attack being allowed to damage destructables in the area.

And now that I programmed these, I probably have these features in there for the rest of my life. It's a good feeling.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
No I'm not
I accidentally saw this Through the Looking Glass saw your heavy arguing, then you wrote in your profile for that ,,It's OK, I got kicked off their forum for my post after that, it's like Reforged forums, eventually I get kicked off for expressing my opinion and stuff." so I assumed that you got some problems there. How do they kick people?
By the way, good job on that thread, you nailed it. ,,Yea yea! It was then I realized Retera hadn’t been gaining strength… he had been losing what was left of his humanity!" - that was the best post. Maybe one of the best ever! :cgrin: I wish I was there to tell them things or two. And get ban immediately, but it would be worth it.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
For me it was a temporary suspension.
So, you got suspension at all! Welcome to the club, I also got temporary suspension last January as Reforged came out, for one month, and after that I never ever logged in there or saw any thread. So seeing you having clash with them I was surprised and impressed.

Why I noted this is just to make sure that you indeed had (or still have) some ,,history" with them. You wrote here how we have nothing to do with ,,irrelevant mobile game company", when it turns out that you actually had a turbulent history with that ,,irrelevant mobile game company". And one would ask why are you spending your time there, writing essays, arguing there, getting temporarily banned, AND GET BACK AFTER BAN EXPIRES again to argue.

You wrote this there ,,I’m about to get banned off of this forum for making threads saying that I like other products of the same company, such as Reforged, and comparing it to this game." - so, you know already that you will be banned, and you did it anyway. And here, you talk how they are ,,irrelevant". Well, you spend too much time on something which you claim to be irrelevant. For someone who is neutral, not biased, this can look like this. I do not say that it is like this, but it looks like this if viewed from the outside. That is why I wanted to clear this out.
Do not take me wrong man, I am with you on this one. For me, YOU ARE HERO! YOU ARE A DOUBLE HERO MORE PRECISELY! - First you made an amazing job here! With tools, you knowledge, skills... Second, you had been banned by Blizzard. That is awesome!

Whoever gets banned by them should be considered hero here. It is my opinion. By that I do not mean to go there, post porn link, get banned, and be respected here for that. That is for ban here as well. But I mean with arguing, fighting or whatever we do here which is forbidden there. If I am the owner here I would make rank ,,SURVIVED BLIZZARD BAN" or ,,BLIZZARD'S VICTIM", to attach to people, to show respect for them for fighting again incompetence, ignorance, and even crime (false marketing for reforged, and later denying refunds is considered crime literally). They cannot stop us from talking here.

What impressed me is the situation like this:
-Man who came from a respected site such as Hiveworkshop, who is tool moderator and has proven himself, he opens thread to explain them things which are in their personal gain if listen.
-And instead to listen to suggestions (as they should) they sent alive bot at you, provoking that man how is lost his humanity and what not (that member made just three posts, and all three are in that thread, and was never seen again, Reforged1Gli-1146 which proves my point)
-And finally they temporary suspend man who opened thread, if fight back.
I do not say that this happened in exact manner, but this is as base, thesis how they operate! And while now it looks like our of topic, in matter of fact this is not! Thread title clearly says ,,NEW LEADERSHIP AT BLIZZARD". And will new leadership change this what I just was wiritng about? Hardly. New leadership also needs to change the way how they operate forums, their shitty moderation where you have the illusion of free will. And if you actually try to seriously critic something, then an army of mindless fanatics may attack you, often with insults, and if you try to fight back, you get banned in turn! That sucks badly, and none of them even wrote about such changes. Hive's forums are far superior than Blizzard's. Not to say about their incompetent moderators. Blizzard and freedom of speech! :cgrin:
they sent alive bot at you, provoking that man how is lost his humanity and what not

That user you are referring to who was immediately responding to me with attacks and insults

Was a multi account of mine

I am just goofing around.

Why would you possibly assume Blizz corporate was paying any attention to anything I was doing? Do not mistake apathy for hostility.

-Man who came from a respected site such as Hiveworkshop, who is tool moderator and has proven himself, he opens thread to explain them things which are in their personal gain if listen.
-And instead to listen to suggestions (as they should)
It was not my intention to represent Hive Workshop when I go and post my opinions on the forum. I would not say that. I would not like to do things that reflect badly on the Hive Workshop. I respect the Hive more than that. Perhaps I should step down from Tool Reviewer position for the benefit of this site.

Sometimes I just want something to do on my phone, and then I get emotional about this game because I wish I had permission/program code to make whatever updates that I want and to make the game modding future that I want. This would not be so hard technologically for someone to give me this, but it would be super super contrary to our current human society.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Why would you possibly assume Blizz corporate was paying any attention to anything I was doing? Do not mistake apathy for hostility.
I did not assume that blizzard corporate did this, but some of their employees, maybe moderators or anyone working on forums specifically.
It was not my intention to represent Hive Workshop when I go and post my opinions on the forum. I would not say that. I would not like to do things that reflect badly on the Hive Workshop.
But it does not reflect, at least for me. You are a double hero for me, and it is my honor to talk to you!
I respect the Hive more than that. Perhaps I should step down from Tool Reviewer position for the benefit of this site.
Noooooo! Do not dare to do this! The tool section is much better when you are around! Remember, you did this at Blizzard's place. What you do in Vegas stays in Vegas.... I mean... what you do in Blizzard stays in Blizzard.... they deserved it. At least I think so. And many people. Oh, I wish someone has told me that you were arguing there to come and join. Its not that you needed any backup, you can hold just fine, but as gesture, as support, I would do this.
Sometimes I just want something to do on my phone, and then I get emotional about this game because I wish I had permission/program code to make whatever updates that I want and to make the game modding future that I want. This would not be so hard technologically for someone to give me this, but it would be super super contrary to our current human society.
Oh man... you are talking like in the old days when they made games from the hearth. Now, almost nobody cares. I bet you and few people you chose would do much better job than whole their team!

Oh by the way, man you rock! I am laughing whole night, I cannot take away from my head this: ,,If ya’ll biscuit heads haven’t figured out yet that some nonsensical argument between changes or no changes is pointless, you’re probably hopeless." -BISCUIT HEADS! HAHAHAHAHAHH Man I read lot of things over the internet, but biscuit head immediately took me down! I must put this in signature for some time.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
A better job at what, specifically?
Coding (they also know how to code, but you know the game), making warcraft much better! Especially with updates. Their updates often tend to break lot of stuff (at least in past), and when people gather bugs, when they communicate, sometimes they need communication back. You are more communicative and have style actually than them. Plus, you are sometimes funny ,,BUSCUIT HEADS" :cgrin: while Blizzard's people are not funny to me, mostly they are tragic instead :cgrin:
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