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New Hosted Project: The Two-Player Campaign

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The 2-Player Campaign
A Project by The-Spoon

The 2 Player Campaign is an ongoing project by The-Spoon. It involves editting all of the existing Campaign created by Blizzard so that it can be played with 2 players. This will allow you to join up with a partner to replay the campaign and save Azeroth, and this time you can't cheat!

PROGRESS SO FAR: The Human and Undead Campaigns have been completed so far. With the Orc Campaign planned-ready.

HOW IT WORKS: It may be unclear how there can be a '2 Player Campaign'. I release every chapter on The Hive Workshop individually, and then add them to packs once the Campaign is completed. To carry the item and hero data between the levels a Save/Load Code system is used.

New Heroes: For the levels where there is only 1 playable character, a new hero has been added for the second player to use, designs based on WC Lore. Falric for the Human and Undead Campaigns. Nazgrel for the Orc and Shandris for the Night Elf.

New Chapters: There are also entirely new chapters for you to play. So far only one has been made. Another one coming soon!

New Difficulties: Due to the benefits of having a second player, all chapters have been set to hard mode as default. However for those 'pros' out there, there is a higher difficiculty; Insane Mode. Which upgrades the enemy units, AI and bosses.

Score System: Upon completion of a level you will receive a rank between A and E based on how well you completed the level. Such as; time takes, bonuses completed, secrets found and 1 other contributor which is uniquie to each level.

Sharing systems: The two individual players share their researches and tech requirements. You can also exchange your units to the other player. More sharing system are planned to be added.
Level 4
Nov 14, 2008
New Chapters: There are also entirely new chapters for you to play. So far only one has been made. Another one coming soon!

This sounds especially awesome. Now I've just got to find a friend actually willing to play through the campaign with me.
Level 6
Feb 19, 2010
Not really a campaign you know considering it is just maps bunched together now....
So SC2 took a hold of you TKF?
This was always possible but nobody was as awesome as this spoon to spend their time into it :D .

Not related to the topic - A question to anybody who might know a thing about the main stuff of the warcraft three code... Is it possible to alter wc3 to do stuff like sc2 can do as in use the campaign editor wc3 has and literally do multi-player instead of maps bunched together?
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
In gaming, there's the pro scene that still lives, other just don't want to change the game, the result is a playing war3 for the next years like sc1 was played even after war3's out.

In mapmaking Dota and fantasy maps are a reason some people to stay at war3. It will also live, no need to say 'sc2's out screw you war3'.

The reason of getting good so fast in sc2 is thx to war3, smth that in war3 took me like 2-3 years only for the beginning. Whatever editor knowledge you have and use for sc2 is also learnt from war3. For me war3 will remain in my .. heart.
Level 3
Jul 6, 2010
I play map 'Lorderon wars',where you can play all campaigns in warcraft in one map with other players.But this more exelnt ideas.I wait this campaign)))))
Level 13
May 11, 2008
do the levels have the same old annoying hero level cap on every level? i mean for story purposes, sure, you want some of it, but some of it is just plain annoying. annoying or not, it should probably stay in there...haha. but it's weird if the second player doesn't have the same level cap. hah.
Level 5
May 8, 2009
i have ben doing the same thing lol.the freeze of cinematicks are the real problem.you mast make them for both players.(copy paste copy paste....) keep up the good work and have pensions (i didn have eny more)
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
Another question though, what about items? Did you change the amount to fit to main characters or upgrade stats?

Each player basically controls one hero that has the normal hero inventory...

Furthermore, the items themselves are unchanged.
Tomes were removed from the chapters and replaced with other items.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Each player basically controls one hero that has the normal hero inventory...

Furthermore, the items themselves are unchanged.
Tomes were removed from the chapters and replaced with other items.

Yes, but won't that minimize the amount of items available to each char? Take for instance special items or special units you get control over.. who gets those? Would be more interesting if both had an equal or similar possibilities.
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
Yes, but won't that minimize the amount of items available to each char? Take for instance special items or special units you get control over.. who gets those? Would be more interesting if both had an equal or similar possibilities.

Yes, but it's Multiplayer, so the players have to come to an agreement about the special items eventually. It's not cool to duplicate special items received throughout the campaigns.

Special Units are usually given in numbers of 2, so basically each player gets one (ex: 2 Priests, 2 Meat Wagons, 2 Crypt Fiends). However when 1 special unit is given, the other player isn't left empty handed and receives extra units (ex: Banshee Sylvanas(player 1) comes with 2 normal Banshees(player 2).)

*High-Fives sacridshadow*

But these aren't such huge problems since both the Items and Units are exchangeable in the The 2 Player Campaign.
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Yes, but it's Multiplayer, so the players have to come to an agreement about the special items eventually. It's not cool to duplicate special items received throughout the campaigns.

You missed my point, I don't want duplicates.. I was asking if there was "other" special items and including events to even out that. As one must admit that getting special items is a part of the gameplay in Wc3.
Level 10
Dec 13, 2007
Oh! What about quest items and keys? I just remembered that there's an Undead map that requires you to collect the moon keys to open the gates to the Night Elf territory or shrine. Whatever it was. It's the same map where you get the Nerubians, I think. If the gate takes three keys, would that mean there would be six keys for the two players? lol
Level 13
May 11, 2008
Thx all

And yes the level caps are still there, but I added some extra chapters where you can level past 10.

lol, are you serious? so i guess when you do the tft campaign and get to undead that means the extra chapters will be at the beginning...huh? oh wait...that may not work so well...

Each player basically controls one hero that has the normal hero inventory...

Furthermore, the items themselves are unchanged.
Tomes were removed from the chapters and replaced with other items.

that sounds weird...why were the tomes removed?

about the ring...was talking about the slaying the ghostly archmages i think...
Level 12
Mar 18, 2008
that sounds weird...why were the tomes removed?

Because tomes alter the attributes of the saved hero thus resulting with a ridiculously long load code.

Its the naga campaign thingy, where you are running around in the sunken "world". Related to Gul'Dan or something if I recall correct.

Yeah, Gul'dan's Shadow Orb. I don't think we're gonna make an equivalent for that, and let's face the facts: It was made for Maiev and is only obtainable by her.
Level 6
Aug 2, 2009
When this has been completed, I will have a 100% chance to download it. Me and my bro are going to raise hell in the campaign together. If you could in the extra maps you're adding, if you level pass 10 (since 10 is max in the campaign itself) add extra XP to that players hero in the campaign maps such like, lvl 11 = 5% extra xp, lvl 12 = 10% extra xp and so on. It would make hard work in those map rewarding.
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