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New Content Discussion [SPOILER]

Level 12
Dec 19, 2022
Great mission. Doing all those fixed defenses with allied waves to support you felt hard but not too hard. They even punish you by launching counterattacks if you lose too many units. Some of the big demons felt like bullet sponges.

Merlon felt too easy esp since infernal aggro on him.
Storywise it felt like everything we expected apart from Ornasian teleport.
It is a shame that Merlon and Krom would cross paths, as we are subjected to the inevitable conclusion of their fight.

Warning: JJK Story Beat Spoilers ahead

With the last remnants of Aedale's protective magic fading away from the Grand Admiral, the Immortal Hunter bemoans the loss of his worthy prey, taking up his bow and directing it at the Grand Admiral. Knowing that there can only be one outcome, the Grand Admiral drew his blade, ready to cut down the unholy skeleton who had now taken aim at him.

Summoning all his might and channeling all his emotions into the blade, the Grand Admiral swung his blade at the Hunter, determined to destroy his aggressor. Yet, his blade can never reach the Immortal Hunter, for the skeleton would summon innumerable undead hands from the ground to immobilize him.

With hope nearly spent, unexpected creatures would fall from the sky towards their battlefield, two Infernals from the Souleater Legion ready to decimate both flesh and bone. Yet, they would be directed against the Admiral, as if fate itself would stand against him.

While the Grand Admiral fought against the two Infernals, the Hunter would learn how to overcome his defenses, formidable as he was. As one Infernal fell to the might of the Admiral, the Hunter understood the weakness of the swash-buckled foe and began to prepare for the last blow.

Clouds gathered above the Admiral, as the roars of thunder would illuminate the skies. Lightning strikes true through those at the mercy of the Grand Admiral, disrupting their life force. It is with this attack that the Admiral had hoped to undo his foes, a last resort. A dazzling beam of light would blind those who would have spectated their entire battle.

As dust began to settle, the Grand Admiral stands tall, tired but triumphant. With his foe on the brink of death, the Grand Admiral thought to spare a moment of rest for the fierce battle. Suddenly, the dead do not know rest, as his legs were held still by the hands of the fallen. Then, a whirring of an arrow was heard.

A fatal blow struck through the heart of the Admiral, leaving a gaping hole from where it once was. The Admiral was left aghast, not believing at what had just occurred, as he felt the creeping chill set into his body. Collapsing backwards, the Admiral gently closes his eyes, never to open.

Stand proud, Merlon Seabright. You are formidable.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Great mission ! The original could be quite tedious but this one is excellent (thanks in part to the allied waves I believe)

Gameplay :
  • Having access to Ornasion is extremely nice and ties in his narrative nicely. If only the undead had stayed allied with Gardon, I'm sure the both of them would have gotten along nicely.
  • The allied waves are really nice, but why are the Ironbarks blue ? I think brown or black would suit them better. (I don't think there's a lot of risk of players being confused about which ironbarks are theirs, especially since, at this stage, against demons, in tight corridors, Ironbarks are pretty useless so I doubt people make a lot of them.)
  • I know it's pushing it, but it would be nice for Ornasion to also have a wave with a few undead demons, so that the Kezzar can see some action in Kersidar downfall.
  • The Dragon riders are extremely cool. I wonder if we'll get bigger versions (like knights riding fully fledged dragons that cost 10 food) once Zyainor and its dragon knights are fully established.
  • Was the rain of Fire of Elite Doomguards nerfed ? Because I remember Banisher's life expectancy in battle to be about 2.5 seconds in the original and there, they actually seem to survive. If that's the case, terrific change, I no longer have to keep them 30 meters from the frontline to keep them alive !
  • Poor Merlon is completely outclassed in this duel. Krom's Q ability and ultimate completely disables him.

Story :
  • Saphira going with perfect logic : "you can't betray your master so if you can do it, it isn't betraying your master".
  • Kazardius is so sweet, immediately defending Zyainor the moment he's at liberty to do so.
  • I can see Krom's point... but if you want to cripple Gardon's command, Merlon is probably the worst target.
  • I wonder, is Kersidar permanently dead ? If so, does that mean you just need to rip the spine out of a dreadlord for him to die ? Or can you farm spines out of a particular dreadlord if you don't have the means to kill him permanently ? Because if we take into account the fact a human commander's head is worth 12 attack, you can assume a Dreadlord commmander's spine must at least be 15 dmg, which would be quite an effective way to gear out heroes.
  • So Ebira completely booked it out of here. Since Ornasion joined the attack, I can't blame her.
  • Aedale's entrance is quite weird. First, there's the fact that she just gets there alone, despite originally being accompanied by Zoia and her paladin pet and knowing almost nothing of the state of the war against the demons. It feels like a level is missing in her storyine, but this can get explained afterwards. But the way she appears is also weird. Despite not being involved in the chapter, all of a sudden, she's next to Merlon like he just didn't notice her before. I think she'd need a little sequence where she teleports in after Krom threatens Merlon.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Just played the latest mission:
-In the opening cinematic, the two allied dreadlords don't have their team color fixed. They sometimes were grey and other times red.
-Kazardius' loyalty has really started to waver if he threatened Krom!
-Hamos really thinks highly of himself if he actually believed that he could take down Kersidar when the Purificator couldn't.
-Good old Ornassion coming to help just to kill Souleater demons. Classic...
-Just five minutes of playing the mission and all of my allies' Heroes died at least once. I was like "Wow, I really have to carry the whole mission again, don't I?"
-Vail called the demons arrogant because they didn't make proper defenses, but the defenses were a full-blown nightmare to breach.
-At last Ornassion got his revenge, but at what cost? No cost, that's what!
-I am terrified of what Ornassion will do to Aedale once he finds out that the latter enslaved Lisara.
-In the final fight, I was like "Wait, Merlon has over 5,000 HP? That's pure BS!" and then those two Infernals came in and it was a piece of cake since they attacked Merlon, and all I had to do was continuously use my spells to weaken Merlon and let them do the job for me.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I wonder, is Kersidar permanently dead ? If so, does that mean you just need to rip the spine out of a dreadlord for him to die ? Or can you farm spines out of a particular dreadlord if you don't have the means to kill him permanently ? Because if we take into account the fact a human commander's head is worth 12 attack, you can assume a Dreadlord commmander's spine must at least be 15 dmg, which would be quite an effective way to gear out heroes.
I would guess, since Ornassion himself used to be a dreadlord, he would know how to permanently end the life subscription of another Dreadlord, alternatively he might just resurrect them like he did to Urshan but i doubt he is going to include any of those who betrayed him into his ranks, after all resurrecting them as his servants would still mean he'd give the ones that backstabbed him another chance at ''living".

The allied waves are really nice, but why are the Ironbarks blue
I think they are more purple than blue kinda fits in with the whole idea that purple wood its kinda corrupted (you know like the corrupted night elf buildings in the OG Reign of Chaos Night elf campaign.)

  • Saphira going with perfect logic : "you can't betray your master so if you can do it, it isn't betraying your master".
  • Kazardius is so sweet, immediately defending Zyainor the moment he's at liberty to do so.
Goes to show you that if Aridon isn't around to keep order and quiet most of the undead faction leaders will end up bickering with each other (even tho in this case the bickering was justified).
-I am terrified of what Ornassion will do to Aedale once he finds out that the latter enslaved Lisara.
I think he already knows of that, he isn't gonna be non to pleased to find out that Lisara is actually working for the Dark one now. Maybe the undead could use her as a way to gather more information on what he is up to rightnow.
Level 16
Apr 20, 2014
  • Aedale's entrance is quite weird. First, there's the fact that she just gets there alone, despite originally being accompanied by Zoia and her paladin pet and knowing almost nothing of the state of the war against the demons. It feels like a level is missing in her storyine, but this can get explained afterwards. But the way she appears is also weird. Despite not being involved in the chapter, all of a sudden, she's next to Merlon like he just didn't notice her before. I think she'd need a little sequence where she teleports in after Krom threatens Merlon.
Yeah I imagined something like Ki-Adi Mundi death in Star Wars, Merlon being him, rushing to battle demons followed by Krom, being Clone Troopers. Suddenly, Merlon notices Krom stops, he faces him when Krom shoots an arrow to Merlon. He screams, and suddenly: Divine Shield. Both are surprised! Then camera on Aedale having just teleported a bit further than in the current cutscene, and the rest could be quite the same.
Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
At this point, shar is become more like aridon cuz of 'balance'. i mean, ive honestly expected merlon to live somehow since aedale was alive, and kersidar managed to live since brian wasn't around. ornasion invading was completely unexpected. aedale was kidnapped by ornasion since they have much to answer for. damn. im honestly speechless at this point, but it is how the story goes. so trust in father shar. now that question remains, a final undead chapter or an interlude to the future and how everything will go from then on?

edit: i let krom die the first time cuz i thought it would trigger a different scene. sad it wasnt the case. also, better if krom becomes invulnerable after killing merlon cuz i got chased by the infernals then died the second time. i kinda have a love-hate for krom since he's undead bound by aridon, so i think he has blind loyalty to a worthless master (bias cuz i still hate aridon's bones).
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Level 2
Oct 8, 2020
Very cool mission, but giving hope about epic battle between Krom and Aedale then instantly take it away is cruel (nearly 60 percent of Borean death)
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
I just realized that Ornasion has kidnapped Aedale and Cori has or is about to betray the ironfist to the undead. Which means the two will probably see each other. But then I wonder. Is capturing Aedale Ornasion's project or Aridon's orders (in order to ensure Cori's loyalty) ? In the original, Cori seemed very quick to forget Aedale and just go full "power ofr power's sake" but in the True Story, she technically still cares about her sister (specifically curing her. She's had no intention of giving her a "clean death"). I wonder what the undead will do. Will they believe that Aedale no longer works for the Dark one ? Will they try to keep her prisonner for information/because she's dangerous ? Would they try to "extract" Lisara's spirit from Aedale ? (I doubt the Zirr nexus is unable to get her out of Aedale and into some succubus corpse, though not sure if Aedale could survive). I don't see the undead ever releasing her so, is she going to stay prisonner ? (please don't kill her now, not after all that) Is Cori or Rahandir going to help her escape ? Will Zoia and Sir Cheveran plan a heist to break her out of the Dead Mountain ?
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Missions I would add if I could.
  • Playable Scarec versus Boar Regiment prior to Risen Resistance.
  • One additional Aedale-focused mission after A Dish Best Served Cold that bridges the gap to Crimson Awakening. Have her kill a likeable Undead side character since the Undead get away nearly scot-free the whole campaign except our boy Tremalon. No, the Bonelords do not count.
  • An additional Ornasion mission between Dead Forest and Blood and Soul that sets up his intention to ultimately go rogue more as he discovers his ability to do so.
  • Daric versus Moghtar prior to A Red Day, I honestly can't even decide which one should be playable because it is unclear who actually won. Could be used to bring Logan's character back into the spotlight and set up his 'moment' in A Red Day that used to be in the Orc version of End of the Invasion.
  • Playable Darkmind versus Ironthunder loyalists after The Great Hunt.
  • Add back in/update the Genethas mission and write him to be a bit more sympathetic/misleading so it isn't as obvious that he is the traitor.
  • An extra Golden Guard mission early so they don't come across like they only lose to the other player controlled factions. Maybe versus Royals right after the betrayal showing a large group of them retreating to the fortress. Or earlier at their arrival to give them a solid W against Demons, the Undead, or Orc stragglers.
  • Undead destroying the cannon, bring back a playable Rahandir, Saphira, and/or Cora one more time.
  • Undead in Toran, playable Edoarus that can give him the opportunity to be characterized more in game. Granted, this would be the third mission in the Toran capital but it could take place elsewhere in the Kingdom.
Level 12
Dec 19, 2022
Missions I would add if I could.
  • Playable Scarec versus Boar Regiment prior to Risen Resistance.
  • An additional Ornasion mission between Dead Forest and Blood and Soul that sets up his intention to ultimately go rogue more as he discovers his ability to do so.
  • Daric versus Moghtar prior to A Red Day, I honestly can't even decide which one should be playable because it is unclear who actually won. Could be used to bring Logan's character back into the spotlight and set up his 'moment' in A Red Day that used to be in the Orc version of End of the Invasion.
  • Undead destroying the cannon, bring back a playable Rahandir, Saphira, and/or Cora one more time.
  • Undead in Toran, playable Edoarus that can give him the opportunity to be characterized more in game. Granted, this would be the third mission in the Toran capital but it could take place elsewhere in the Kingdom.
  • Adding my opinion on the most interesting ones.
  • The Scarec felt like they got enough missions and Boar regiment would not have felt as challenging.
  • Ornasion going rogue would require some kind of spell to break the connection. Spreading out the story over two missions and then adding some more.
  • Daric and Moghtar felt like a great way to keep that storyline alive.
  • Also want Undead Betrayal mission!
  • Edoarus felt like a forgettable character so I understand why he wasnt expanded upon, already tons of characters.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Ornasion going rogue would require some kind of spell to break the connection.
But we see him actively defying Aridon's desire by working with the Ironfist on his own. Maybe I'm headcanoning too much, but my impression after The Gate of Hell is that the Undead actually could do whatever they want now and are only just beginning to realize it.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
But we see him actively defying Aridon's desire by working with the Ironfist on his own. Maybe I'm headcanoning too much, but my impression after The Gate of Hell is that the Undead actually could do whatever they want now and are only just beginning to realize it.
Technically, Ornasion helping the Ironfist doesn't defy Aridon's desire since Aridon always wanted the undead to finish the demons along with the Ironfist. Also, I don't think there are actual restrictions on who can be a part of the "rebel undead" (They got Haran Tel Kazor, Kazardius and even the Fleshtearer at some point I think). Overall, it seems whoever isn't busy can just join in since the humans wan't really differenciate rebel undead from loyal ones (especially since there are no real rebel ones to begin with). So I wouldn't say Ornasion is defying Aridon per say.
As for the others (Krom and Kazardius), I think their case is special since Aridon contradicted himself. He always openly defended a status quo, a balance between the different living forces in this war. So they are still following his desire, they just recognize the lapse in judgement in his latest order.

In the end, I believe the undead are bound to follow orders only when they believe Aridon wants them bound. That gives them a bit of leeway, especially with Aridon and his desires growing more and more unstable, but at the end of the day, their first thought when they do anything is "would Aridon want me to do that ?"
Level 4
May 30, 2019
What a journey it has been, I still recall stumbling upon the first books years ago, such a long time ago, instantly captivated by the rich story and intricate gameplay. It became a cherished part of my routine, eagerly checking every week for updates on the next installment – the anticipation for the second human book, followed by the orc, undead, and every mission that brought us closer to the true story.

This campaign honestly, at least for me, was more than just a game; it was a saga that I lived alongside. Patiently waiting, checking the Arkane news to see if Shar dropped a new update or mission and playing each mission as it released, I enjoyed at the complexity and the variety of factions at my disposal each with different units, heroes and story. I enjoyed playing with the hardest difficulty, finding immense satisfaction in overcoming each mission just to all to see the narrative unfold.

Though it's bittersweet to see this chapter close, there's a profound joy in having experienced it. To Shar and everyone who contributed to crafting these phenomenal campaigns – your work resonated deeply with me. It wasn't just a game, it was an incredible journey, and for that, I am immensely grateful. Thank you for this unforgettable adventure. I am eager to see what the future will hold for Arkain
Level 12
Dec 19, 2022
Thank you so much for everything!
Always been playing the new missions as they were released. While I havent been playing on the highest difficulty I have been pushing myself to finish missions if I thought them possible. I think Secrets in the Dark was the only one I truly gave up on.

It has been a true privelige to be a part of one of the most epic campaigns in any game I ever played. The combination of Story and Gameplay that makes nearly every mission feel unique has truly been great.

SC2 Campaign for the most part had unique gameplay gimmicks for the most part but both gameplay and story really fell at the end of protoss campaign. It also did not have the switching between factions that makes Arkain feel unique.
Level 3
Jan 9, 2024
After playing this campaign for a long time, I felt the need to create a Hive account and say, thank you, Shar. For the wonderful campaign and the journey. I absolutely enjoyed it and cherished it. My congratulations to the team, to the effort and so much more for all. I truly enjoyed every update, and the wait was worth it every single time.

Can't wait to see how the world of Arkain will get expanded after this. But I will most indeed miss the updates and maps. Hehe-
Truly, I'm awestruck from all of this, and thank you, once more.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
So... this is it. The end of the TrueStory of Arkain. One hell of an end though. I'll be honest, I'm a little sad the sequel will apparently not be on warcraft 3 (though that's every bit your right to change Arkain's medium). Do you planto go fully on short story or write a book or is do you have another plan ? I'll read it regardless but I'd miss the visuals and the interactivity a bit.
Well, I won't dwindle on it too long,there's a cinematic to comment. Possibly my last Arkain cinematic post ever... Well at least it'll be a long one !

The Bastion :
  • Quite a good rendition of the sidestory into a cinematic.
  • A lot of things seem to hint at thegods not being completely gone (or at least those affiliated withlight) : The grail's disappearance, the Angelics' faith,Nysara's feeling about Praxeus (well either that or a succubusspontanuously developped feelings for a human paladin she found sweptby a river).

The Ruler :
  • Birram seems to take a bit more personnality as the voice of reason when Gardon and Thanok are pissed.
  • So Cora is presumed undead, makes sense.
  • Damn, Zoia survived the True Story and joined the Ironfist, this is the best timeline ! Now Zyainor will have werewolves along with their dragon knights, necromancers, grave wardens... etc. Poor king Dorten's opportunity is never gonna present itself.
  • I was beginning to doubt Inara was aligned with Zoia, but I didn't account for her refusing to give the win to anyone else. And because of Aveen's death, Gardon is much more willing to "hinder" the Dominion, should it be necessary.
  • Ebira has figured out Gardon pretty well. Try to force him to make a choice and he'll bite, but give him an advantageous situation and he won't be able to resist taking advantage of it.
  • Poor Lera is growing delusional calling everyone else tools to Gardon. These amulets really aren't healthy are they ?
  • Queen Kasraazs feels like the old grandmother playing matchmaking that everyone in the family indulges because she's a senior... well that and the fact she can breathe fire.
The Unifier :
  • Damn, Ishzog is forward. And Grella of course immediately follows him. these amulets seem to only provide short term benefits. And afterwards, it's just a lot of headaches. Though Amari was really pissed once she was alone. With how much of a role she's playing and her complete subservience to Brian, I trust her less and less. At this point, I'm thinking hopefully Maronogin's goons' influence will challenge that of the shadow cult (I doubt any religious argument is gonna convince a goldaxe mercenary)
  • So the gnolls take a step back. They don't do anything to Amari but clearly emphasize their independance. Probably the smartest move.
  • Gorthog is still on Trekagh's trail, but I wonder if he will act much in Arkain after the raid on Gnoll Island. Still looks like he's still looking for pieces of himself (unless that was the last one) contrary to Brian and Aridon who seem to be whole but crippled/slowly recovering.
The Divine :
  • Damn, for a divine archlich oscillating between balance and genocide, Aridon is genuinely growing ! He admitted his mistakes, didn't punish Rahandir or Krom, and took a step back to reconsider the situation, without forgetting to ensure his minions won't just destroy the world in the meantime.
  • The undead seem so happy to finally have some degree of freedom. Well the orc and human prisonners won't share the sentiment, but still it's nice. Except for poor Krom, but I'm sure he'll find something to hunt. After all, dragons are back in Arkain ! (they existed before but mostly stayed hidden) Dragon hunting must have an old school feeling to it.
  • Poor Kazardius. Condemned to watch for afar the nation he would have given anything to resurrect. Hopefully, with the help of the Rohir, he'll find covert ways to protect Zyainor as he did overtly in life.
  • Whatever the dark elves plan, there's an angry undead dreadlord waiting down the road for them and if they think Aridon's slumber leaves them free, they'll soon pray for his return to hold back Ornasion.
The Seeker :
  • Cora ! Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal ! Well at least she doesn't seem to become Gardon's enemy or to embrace the cause of the undead. Still, losing their leader and allowing a human mage into their Archives, the Zirr nexus must be pretty pissed. I wonder if Cora can succeed Tremalon, that would be immensely funny.
  • And a toast to profit ! The only thing in this land that can gather a demon overlord, an orc raider and a human banker in the same room.
The Outcast :
  • Ornasion, buddy, you are in a bad place to get angry at Lisara for thinking you betrayed her.
  • I always wondered why Lisara's prison was in human lands. Turns out it's to prevent Ornasion from finding her.
  • Seems like Aedale's power always come out in the form of random explosions of fire. Well at least this time it's volontary.
  • So Ebira and Orie saw the whole thing. Maybe Orie will be a little more lenient knowing how manipulated Aedale was. Well either way, she'll do anything to surpass her in power. Siblings really...
  • Strange that Ebira continues supporting Orie despite learning that Aedale no longer serves the Dark One. Maybe she just wants a strong mage girl of her own, but between that, Trekagh's recruitement of Aedale, Aridon's express desire to have Cora join them (to the point of giving her access to the Zirr archive) and Brian's possible future mentorship of Vanessa... I wonder if it's just an ironic twist of fate or if there's something special with the Redfist bloodline, or these 4 specifically.
  • So Largoth is indeed the Dark One and the emperor of Rodan at that. Well that's gonna make the family reunion even more awkward.
  • Trekagh is definitely overconfident thinking he came out on top. Brian's apprentices lead two of the most powerful nations of Arkain and both know about him. Aridon has an army ready for war rather than inactive nexi and he himself is much less impulsive than previously. The demons are rid of some easily manipulated warmongers and so focus on ressurecting Zindrach, who would probably not tolerate Trakgh's bullshit.
The Finale :
  • So Aridon wakes up, goes "hmm that's not how I remembered it at all, better think about it some more" and goes back to sleep. Well it's still better than his previous reactions so a win for character growth !

End of an Era :

Well that was quite a cinematic ! Most important first : Was Marin trying shock therapy on Van Durce's angelic daughter canon ? Because as much of a Frankenstein fan as I am, if it was alive before the experiment began, I'm not sure it will be by the end of it.
Jokes aside, this was one hell of a journey, and I can't wait to see more of Arkain, whatever the form !
Level 9
Sep 28, 2015
Its been wonderful follow Legends of Arkain all this months since i start playing, thank you Shar for creating a rich and organic universe, Arkain is good enough to never have a ending, because legends always born to replace older, like was with Arkainians, Ziyanor, Four Gods and now the actual story.

Is kinda sad that Legend of Arkain in Warcraft 3 is over, but wherever Arkain go i will go to know more of future lore, even if its through youtube gameplay.

This act 9 was amazing follow mission to mission since was told that was the final act. I have so much expectatives with future projects of Arkain, maybe we will see how is the Demon Continent? Rodan? Time skip? The war of Volarian daughters? SO MUCH POSSIBILITIES! The story of Arkain like Ziyanor, Elven Kingdom, Rengar, Kerrel, Salria is over, or maybe one day we will see the war of Rodan vs Ziyanor with the General of Emperor coming?

Legends of Arkain is definitelly one of my favorite if not my favorite Custom Campaign ever made in Warcraft 3, its incalculable how much love, care, details, effort, you put in this project to make this rich universe become so good.

I will play again, now with items throughout the journey that i collect. Maybe in hard difficult? I don't know!

I still hope for more projects of Arkain in Warcraft 3 one day if possible, and i will miss i every day looking in Arkain News Network for something new of the project!
Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
I do hope that Zyainor and the Tribal Dominion become powerful enough to defeat the Empire of Rodan's forces in the future. It's an inevitable war. Also hoping Aedale somehow teaches Gardon's daughters some of her learned magic. It's good to have a legacy after all. Zoia and creating a new Wolf Regiment for Zyainor. Another addition to the army. I love it. The Tribal Dominion is now stable and will prosper in the future. The demons are going to be in multiple civil wars at this point. The undead is now hiding until orders are given, and Tregakh now rules the Empire of Rodan.

So many possibilities for the future. I trust Father Shar and the others like Kasrkin to be working hard to continue the stories of Arkain, and I'm excited for it. Congrats on finishing the True Story. Hoping for more in the future.

p.s. also hoping that every sidestory is canon regardless of how the true story went. That, or father shar will focus on that next.
Level 4
Nov 28, 2022
Hey Shar, maybe I'm not the one, but just for the sake of this great campaign and story, will you continue doing more campaigns that are related to Legends of Arkain or do you intend to expand to create a new story?

And I would also like to see more about this story specifically with the Redfists (fav civilization), it is also just a doubt, thank you for such a great campaign, very enjoyable and entertaining, recommended for anyone who is a fan of custom campaigns. :infl_thumbs_up:
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
What an ending.

- Gardon can now focus on the most important matters and properly rebuild Zyainor for the upcoming war with the empire (which is imminent as of 20 Z.R)
I expected Vail to be far more angry at Larine, but she took it far better than I expected.

- Praxeus has a long road ahead of him and whatever happens, I'm sure he has a far larger role to play than just being a colloseum fighter.

- Aridon has left the undead largely to their own devices and he'll have a lot of time for self-reflection and thinking how to proceed.
Krom also has a lot of time for reflection as well.
Kazardius will do whatever he can to protect Zyainor from the shadows.
A certain Sir within Aridon's ranks may want payback for the Dominion almost destroying him in Salria, and probably won't hesitate to use a certain plague to his advantage to achieve it.

- Ornasion and Lisara/Aedale's interaction was interesting. They'll probably clash at another point in time. A fight between Orie and Cora seems inevitable as well.

- While the shadocracy is awful in theory, considering the upcoming war, the fanaticism the organisation will bring may be necessary for the Dominion's survival in the long run.

- Despite growing in power, Tregakh shouldn't underestimate Gorthog. There's an entire jungle in Rodan where Gorthog can tame beats from. Getting there might be a bit of an issue though.
In all seriousness, I'm curious what role the Moghtar will now play.

While I personally (nitpicking time) would have liked to see a little more of Toraes, a clear confirmation on whether Logan is dead or not, and a small cameo from the unknown faction from the Cold North, this was a really good ending.

This probably being the end of Arkain in Warcraft 3 is sad, but I'm looking forward to whatever Shar comes up with next.
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Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
The last Amari scene talking to Brian where she drops the act and relishes how no one is left to oppose her was chicken soup for my soul.

Re: theocracy: civs with dynasties of monarchs that high fantasy fiction is modelled off of only had staying power because everyone believed they derived their power from God. Our favorite Supreme Shadessia has the right idea. Basically, every other realm needs to justify their existence since they DON'T have this as a belief, which we casually let slide in most fantasy media.

While conquering nations would win militarily through the realpolitik of might makes right, holding and governing new lands without massive unrest meant generally accepting the mantle of divinity native to the lands they took in one way or another. Good thing Salria didn't already have one...

To frame the idea of using a religion to manipulate, unify, and solidify a nation as a morally wrong/questionable thing is anachronistic and erroneously applying modern standards on a medieval society. Gardon eventually catches on and recreates the Black Dragon religion. Being an effective wartime leader only goes so far and then eventually people start to care less and less as domestic policies impact them more in peacetime.

This has been my final Amari copium post, thank you for your understanding.

Anywho, the finale was great! I was ready to feel like I needed more honestly, since there was so much that felt open going into it. The cinematic really touched on everything and what remained open felt purposeful and not like terrible cliffhangers. I never thought I'd say that the Undead storyline is what I'm looking forward to the most. They really seem primed to have the biggest unexpected and interesting conflicts.

Thanks for all the work put into this project over the years! I hope we'll see some new short stories and we can keep this forum a little active :)
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Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
First of all, i wanna thanks Shar and Karskin and all the Arkain industries team for creating a magnificent story along the years, actually i found Arkain one day when youtube decided to recommend the jayborino lets play of the FUB, i really loved both the commentator and the story and around 6 years later the finale of the Warcraft 3 True Story of Arkain is here.

It was a hell of a ride, it had his ups and downs (damn Shar why did you need to kill Brockta) but it´s been great. Many days waiting for Shar to upload some other news, either a chapter or a short story, perhaps even a WIP in the forum or youtube, it made me really happy. So since this will be the last interaction on Warcraft 3, lets do it properly:

-The bastion was pretty much like the short story, there wasn´t much of a difference except we know that Praxeus is looking for the Arkanian Grial, perhaps he wanna use it to kill Bryan.
-The ruler. A little insight about Gardon´s defeat and how he had a lot of preparations, both for Zyainor and the wedding, also is confirmed that Inara was under Zoia´s control all along, i really thought that she became like that because the prison but wasn´t a tool from Zoia, it seems you can´t trust anyone that surrounds then with werewolves or wolfs.
Ebira really won at the end, she did get what she wanted, to stop the human invasion into demon lands. Also all 3 queens (dragon, elf and Human) are but pawns to Gardon in order to defeat the enemies of humankind.
-The unifier. That circle of leaders is really small in comparison to SOB :(
Grella... i wont talk to her about being brainwashed and used as a pawn anymore.
Hortnog still is the best one, no doubt. Also Inara wanna kill Gorthog before he can reunited with the dominion and tell about Inara´s true intentions.
The old ones (flammedus, Zairmak, Oneeye) dont want to mix the leadership with religion but the young ones dont really care, those difference in point of views is something that may spark the flame for a bigger conflict in the future.
So Logan is confirmed death, because Daric is talking to a random mercenary and everyone else is dead so no Logan... a pity, he would really fit either with Gardon or Amari.
-The divine. Last reunion of the undead leaders (most of them, our boy Haran isn´t there, neither Ornasion) before aridon´s departing. I like how many of them are upset and other dont care at all since now they are free to do whatever they want, thankfully the scarec nexus is in ruins because this was the chance the waited to kill everysingle living being with bones... Ironic.
Krom... is really sad, without orders or rivals his life has no meaning. Also screw you Pentiss, no one likes you.
-The Seeker. That´s our boy Haran and also Edoarus, i kinda forgot about him. That was pretty standard, Cora joining the Zirr nexus for knowledge about how to defeat a god like entity to save her sister. 10/10. Also i like how every race that use gold (humans, orcs and demons) toast together for the new age of peace (and profits in reconstruction).
-The outcast. Actually i thought this one was about Gorthog but was a neat surprise that was about Lisara. Lisara dont hate ornasion but doesn´t love him anymore, the same could be said from the other side around. Now Aedale can even escape from one of the strongest dreadlords, but since she defeated redfist that was obvious.
Now Orie watched her opponent and will train with Ebira? I doubt she´ll win without self-destructing or losing her humanity.
-The finale. That was strange, you really linked from the SUB to the true story with that, and the world will be without Aridon for a while. Marin trying to reanimate that angelic... wasn´t she safe in Marin´s base during the purificator war? Why is she dead now?

- Ornasion and Lisara/Aedale's interaction was interesting. They'll probably clash at another point in time. A fight between Orie and Cora seems inevitable as well.
Except Vanessa, i think the 3 sisters will fight between them 1v1v1. Or perhaps 3v1 against a stronger foe.
While I personally (nitpicking time) would have liked to see a little more of Toraes,
I dont think Toraes is dead, perhaps he became an slave or he´ll be use as a recipient to something. It would be much waste.

That´s all, i hope the world of Arkain keeps expanding, both in lore and interactions and especially in Fanbase, so more people know about the great stories of Arkain industries.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
A New Age

Let's be honest, this age of peace is nothing but a cold war. Everyone is just waiting to see who will be brave or stupid enough to try to stir the status quo.

The Bastion
  • I already said this on Youtube, and I will say it again. Praxeus is an absolute idiot. He only values others based on appearences. The guy hated Brian because the latter's magic looked evil, but trusted Nysara because she took the appearence of an angelic. Are you seriously telling me that this guy, who was a paladin, can't even sense that there's a demon right in front of him? If Erganoth had interest in the war, he could have very well killed all the paladins and templars by himself!

The Ruler
  • Zoia is the last leader of the Imperial Regiments, mostly because she was the only smart enough to retreat rather than follow orders till the end.
  • I knew it. I knew it. I knew it! I KNEW IT! I knew that Inara was a double agent! The moment she was freed and she only talked about Blen's crimes, I knew that Zoia had done something to her. Plus the fact that the Wolf Regiment was clearly following the Darkmind Clan.
  • I don't know whether Vail and Larine are in denial or simply projecting their insecurities of being Gardon's pawns onto others.
  • King Dorten should have treated Vail better when she was serving him. He pretty much threw her at Gardon's hands. And Harmos didn't help at all, the arrogant old fool. By the way, the cinematic calls Harmos "Harmos, the Garadian of the Flame".

The Unifier
  • I actually preferred SOB's version of Amari. This Amari is a schemer and clearly treats others, even Okri and Grella, as pawns that obey her.
  • Inara, please shut up. She only caused trouble from her first appearence. I can only hope Amari notices that something is off and makes her "dissapear".
  • I can't stand Ishzog. He's nothing but a fanatic that simply can't stop talking about the "new era". I actually skipped the cinematic because he started giving his speech.

The Divine
  • I noticed a Bug. After skipping the "Unifier" cinematic and starting this cinematic, the lines said by the characters from the previous are still being showed.
  • Ferdal had it coming. He was being too brutal when dealing with Salana. And what makes it worse is that he didn't even kill her!
  • Salana might become a problem if she manages to get fully healed, since she was the most popular elf. If the elves find out what happened to her, Larine will be removed from power in a matter of days at most.
  • Pentiss might become a wild card. I trust Meya, Krom, and even Galareth to stay low, but not that conniving fanatic. Aridon should have made Rahandir the deputy while he pondered about the "balance", as the lich is obviously the most rational out of all the undead lieutenants.

The Seeker
  • I would totally choose to serve Maronogin's faction. Orcs, humans, and other races serving together, all united in the name of profit!

The Outcast
  • Ornassion might have a point. Tregakh/Largoth have shown the ability to enter minds and affect them. Lisara might have been affected as well.
  • Even if Orie realized that Aedale was being manipulated, she's overestimating herself if she thinks Ebira is not wary of her. Ebira knows how Lisara failed, and she will not make the same mistakes.

Loved all the campaigns, and looking forward to see more content connected to Arkain! :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
Well unlike many others I'll chose to sidestep the whole giving my opinion on the cinematics, by now much of what i thought about them has been said by other users as well.

I would like however to congratulate Shar on finishing this long project of his. Found this project back when i was but a wee lad who had just gone to university been here throughout almost the entire journey, The three books era, The Orc win in the end era, the first cancellation and second cancellation of the series and to see it now reach its end does put a smile on my face. I have spent countless hours discussing theories, ideas, gameplay and whatnot with other fan of the series.

From the bottom of my heart thank you for providing such high quality content that entertained me throught most of my adult life Bossmon!
Where ever the journey leads you ill most likely follow behind pestering you with my silly questions!
And to the rest of y'all fellow masochists, its been a pleasure, God bless you all!
Level 16
Apr 20, 2014

Congratulations Shar to finally end the book! How do feel about it?
I won't describe how much pleasure I had, or do a full review, but I must say, True Story truly brings a very good end to the story. I always felt Second Undead Book was not the ending Arkain deserved, and you fixed it!

Good luck for your next project(s) :)
Level 1
Jan 19, 2024
Hello everyone, I'm not good at English, so I'm writing through a translator. I really love the Arkain Series, which is why I even created an account here. I am infinitely grateful to everyone who worked on the story and its implementation. This art has always warmed my heart. It's one of the best campaigns for my favorite game that I have ever played.

I saw that the author has finished the story, but perhaps the campaign can be improved, which I really hope for. The game has a lot of units and one of the most exciting features is the "leaders hall." I would love to see the development of this feature, as it gives the game a broader spectrum and offers more diverse strategies. For example, how it works with the undead, which has its own nexus and a variety of units (I think they can also be improved, as certain nexuses are weaker than others or have only one unique property. It doesn't necessarily have to be a new beautiful unit; perhaps it could be a skill that distinguishes this nexus from others).

I really love missions where hordes of units battle until the opponent is completely crushed, and I often replay such missions. I would be very happy to get new powerful, unique units on which I want to spend all my gold – to build a huge war machine or assemble a massive living shield from corpses. Game development is a very difficult process, but my hope for the series to evolve never leaves me. (I apologize again, I'm writing such messages in threads for the first time. I hope for understanding.)

I wish the author good luck in his future projects. I will welcome them with the same warmth as I welcomed The Legends of Arkain into my heart.❤️
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Just read the latest tale

Poor little Richard and Marin. Their precious Light has blinded them to the obvious truth: the Golden Guard has no future. They dug their own graves with their blind loyalty to a Emperor that didn't give a damn about them, their arrogance and self-rightseouness. Even now, two of these flaws have already turned Fiona against them.
Their God is long dead, and soon they too shall the same fate, either at Gardon's or Fiona's hands.
They would do everyone a favor by simply laying down and die.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
On the latest tale :

I thought Marin electrocuting one of Van Durce's daughters was a joke, maybe a hint or a metaphor for what was next for Arkain, experimenting and all that.
Marin actually went full-on mad scientist. I mean, I know he was not the emotional kind, but I thought his respect/friendship for Van Durce would at least extend to his children, or at least his memory.
I wonder, does this research just aim at creating more Angelics (since without the Grail, they probably can't replenish their numbers) or do they aim for something more ?

Valerie agreeing to the experiment doesn't surprise me. Angelics seem to fancy being holy emotionless martyrs. But Richard actually supporting the experiment is a surprise. I mean, he originally hated the angelics for what they did to Valerie but I would have expected him to just refuse to do anything regarding Angelics rather than seeking how they and their power works. Maybe he foolishly believes, if they understand Angelics, he can eventually turn his sister back into a human.

So Fiona's going on a... particular path. Her fixation on fire is interesting and yet, something tells me she's not gonna join the Order of the flame (maybe the bit about burning down the Kingdoms). So I expect either Progaderas to take importance in the lore, or maybe she will come across something different, maybe with a link with General Harron and the reason he was able to survive being burned alive and regularly ressurecting. (That plus the flaming golems in the depth of the earth in "King of the Dead" makes me think that fire will have a particular role in the legends of Arkain, maybe a surviving God of Fire from before the Four, or some elemental primordial being, your guess is as good as mine)

Also, happy and curious that Arkain won't solely be told through short stories (not that I dislike them, far from it)
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
Wow, some info on the GG survivors. Nice

Well, Marín doing his things. I wonder if this knowledge will be useful against Gardon and his servants. Only time will tell.

Without his father, Van Durce's children begin to fall apart. I feel sorry for them, only together they will be able to triumph against Zyainor and the rest of Arkain.

Now Fiona's fate... is someone calling her to the flames? Prodageras or even the phoenix general? Someone like her controlling the flames... I guess Harmos found a new rival.

Jokes aside, if the true power of the angelics and this "fire" Fiona wants works, that means the GG could return from the ashes.
Level 22
Apr 9, 2017
Nice to see more of the Golden Guard.
Most of the thoughts I wanted to share have been said in other messages already.

I'll just say that I like how each faction on the continent is getting a threat from the shadows that is slowly building up their power and will strike at them when it's most opportune to do so, with the other side only having a vague idea about them at best.

Though some of these overlap and are a threat to multiple factions, the Elves have the undead elven kingdom.
The Tribal Dominion has the Moghtar under Gorthog.
Aridon has Rogthil to worry about. On a side note, I wonder how many know about the Bonelords' true fate.
Zyainor has the unknown faction in the Cold North.
Rengar now has Marin's faction. And also Fiona. I wonder if her fascination with fire is an indirect tease towards a future Zurae or Harmos confrontation.
The demons have whatever is down there in the Hot Sands, I guess?

Really makes you anticipate what those factions will do.
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Level 19
Jun 26, 2019
More exposition of Van Durce´s family is always nice. Marin is a cold-hearthed genius, using every tool available to ensure the survival of the golden guard... or at least the remnants.
He did not seem so cold in the true story but i guess after the war, everything changed. Losing a friend (or perhaps even a family) really changed him.

Richard is the leader of the GG remnants? I suppose since he is the eldest (alive) son of Van Durce he was appointed.
Fiona will need more fire and i´m sure the bloodstones are going to provide to her, since the dwarves prefer imperials instead of royals and they want to take revenge on Gardon.

" The fire of her dedication would burn them all. Marin. Richard. The Kingdoms. The traitors. The Demons. The Empire. They all would burn and be purged of their sins in holy flames. " It seems Fiona is joining the cold north faction or the dwarves, since she hate pretty much EVERY other faction.

Poor little Richard and Marin. Their precious Light has blinded them to the obvious truth: the Golden Guard has no future.
I think they´ll get the angelics knowledge only to lose it to the new imperial faction, making them even more powerful.

Shar Dundred

Community Moderator
Level 73
May 6, 2009
Just read the latest tale

Poor little Richard and Marin. Their precious Light has blinded them to the obvious truth: the Golden Guard has no future. They dug their own graves with their blind loyalty to a Emperor that didn't give a damn about them, their arrogance and self-rightseouness. Even now, two of these flaws have already turned Fiona against them.
Their God is long dead, and soon they too shall the same fate, either at Gardon's or Fiona's hands.
They would do everyone a favor by simply laying down and die.
Good, LISBOAH, gooooooood! I can feel your anger...
Level 8
Jan 2, 2017
Read the new short story.

One of the things I thought of was if there was really a higher potential of the angelics, and how it will affect the future. If this gets stolen, best case is that it reaches Praxeus' hands and making good use of it. Worst case is that Largoth's Imperials take it and use it against Arkain. Poor Valerie since she became a guinea pig. Shar's old project in Marin is also showing itself. Let's hope he doesn't become undead anytime soon. I'm curious about the 'fire' aspect in this. I usually think of Harmos, Kenos, and Prodageras. My impression is that Kenos' resurrection found its way in Fiona somehow, and a confrontation between one of Gardon's children is likely. Not too sure if Prodageras will have significance in the future since he's almost like a comic relief (being killed again and again). Harmos against Fiona is a bit likely, but since they have a common enemy, they will likely focus on them instead.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
New short story helps me through Arkain withdrawl.

We don't have too much exposure to the van Durce kids in-game, but I could tell Fiona was my favorite. Very upset and snappy!

Re: the weird stuff surrounding the Angelics and it's really interesting to see brute force science and technology trying to unravel magic. Are Angelics unique to the GG or is it an Imperial thing? When did they start making/training/whatever them? There is so much about Rodan we don't know besides their engagement with Arkain. Supposedly Humans are native to Arkain, so how and at what point did they get to Rodan? What difference made them uniquely establish a united, powerful Empire? Lack of Aridon perhaps?

My crackpot fire theory is that every time Progderas is killed, a fragment of him empowers another person with wacky fire powers. I only now just realized Kenos comes back just like Progderas comes back. Could this be an intentional link, or is the Phoenix stuff separate?
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Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
Are Angelics unique to the GG or is it an Imperial thing? When did they start making/training/whatever them?
If I'm not mistaken, the only known way to make an Angelic is by having a priestess drink from the Holy Grail. Considering the Grail vanished with Van Durce's death, I doubt it was ever in another imperial's hands so I think it's fair to assume they were exclusive to the Golden Guard. Though we don't know anything about the Grail's prior holders so no way to know. (We also don't know if it's all the Grail can do... well apart from redeeming demons)
On that subject, I wonder if there was ever an angel race, or at least "trueborn" angels (not transformed from another race). The Grail holds supposedly the blood of a god. Though we only know that the gods created the Arkainians, we can't be sure whether they created other intelligent beings. In the short story "birth of a world", it even says that the gods tried to restore the world after the Arkainian went extinct, though they were stoped by the Four. I wonder if they created anything in their attempt. But that might not be 100% canon since the short story seems to imply the Arkainians went extinct before the Four battled the gods. Since Aridon is revealed to be the one to have slaughtered the last Arkainians... it's not impossible he's done so before attacking the Gods, but it seems unlikely.
Level 17
Apr 10, 2022
These two dominion stories were nice to read.
The old ways of the orcs are no longer, of course some things remain, and some old orcs probably will refuse to "change". Still, is good to see that the new generations are no bounded to the former ways of the "clans". Hope Sarsroganr is burning on hell for see this.
A survivor of the Falcon Regiment. Well, totally sure an imperial will not feel being "home" with the people was tasked to kill. Still, if I was her, my choice is to live and enjoy my new life.
Is painful to see Grella with that amulet still on her neck.
Level 29
Mar 28, 2015
Hope Sarsroganr is burning on hell for see this.
Both him and Ephrog certainly are. Them backstabbing Amari ended up leading to the downfall of the same lifestyle they were trying to defend.
Is painful to see Grella with that amulet still on her neck.
This is one of the few things that I despise in the True Story lore in comparison to the Second Books. Amari is so manipulative, even towards those that are on her side. I mean, Amari is relying more on Ishzog and Inara than on Okri and Grella, despite the fact that the latter two are actually her friends. She has pretty much brainwashed Grella and Okri stopped being relevant.
Level 20
Apr 17, 2021
On the latest short stories by Jayborino :
  • As expected, the clan structure is pretty much a thing of the past (though I wonder what became of the Darkmind + Ironthunder. Does Inara still have personal troops or have they all joined the dominion military ?). Can't help but feel a little bit bad for the former bloodhand. Even during the orc clans era, the Bloodhand clan was quite isolated for their absolute belief in strength, and the clans were much more prone to violence than the dominion races.
  • Ironically, the Blackrazor clan was the only one whose name survived, Ishzog definitely showed his chieftain in the end. I wonder what the Destroyer would have thought about it. At least, he'd be happy a military school was named after him (though a tactics and strategist school was probably one of the worst fit but oh well.)
  • So the dominion military, too, is heavily religious... I'll say, I prefer the people of the dominion, but as far as structure goes, Zyainor reigns supreme !
  • I liked how the story incorporated the Totem from in game to explain its use. Though, initially, the totem trained elite orc units within the clans... Is this cultural appropriation by the shadocracy ?
On the second :
  • Quite a sweet story about a falconeer who never can go home and a salrian who will never leave it.
  • So the humans were invaded, slaughtered, and now discriminated against ? I mean, it's not surprising, but I expected that there'd be enough humans left to partially avoid that. Maybe it's better in mostly human settlements.
  • So the Dark trolls have become religious pilgrims, trying their best to promote unity with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. I suppose their heart is in the right place.
  • Grella still wears the amulet of course. I wonder what'd happen if it was removed ? Would she revert back to normal, or would her mind permanently be warped ?
  • The poor falconeer doesn't know how Aveen died. If it ever is revealed that Amari murdered her in cold blood and the shadocracy covered it up, there'll be one hell of a conflict in the dominion.
Level 21
Dec 20, 2015
Is it gauche to comment on my own stories? I'm glad to hear folks liked them! I've chatted with Shar a lot to ensure these fit the vision of the Dominion post-True Story. That being said, I cannot be considered an authoritative source of anything canon besides these specific stories.

At least, he'd be happy a military school was named after him (though a tactics and strategist school was probably one of the worst fit but oh well)
Amari doing a little historical revisionism and making our boy The Destroyer more respectable to fit her shiny new society :wink:

So the humans were invaded, slaughtered, and now discriminated against ? I mean, it's not surprising, but I expected that there'd be enough humans left to partially avoid that. Maybe it's better in mostly human settlements.
The humans have little reason to integrate more when the primary incentive is 'we won't kill you', but that also keeps many from outright leaving too. I built this off of Drums in the South, which described the humans as having their own leaders that all funneled through Vanessa still, and Espionage, which has a passing line that essentially says being a human there is perfectly fine/acceptable but not necessarily super great either, hence the discrimination (that one is also the source of the military academy being a thing).

We also don't know what life in those human-only areas is like, but I think we can assume they aren't benefiting much from the wider advancements like the integrated Dominion cities.

Understandably, changing this would be a very slow process and some folks would take more initiative than others. Religion and trade have historically been the two most effective ways to bring about this 'de jure' drift. All things considered, non-violent discrimination is probably the best case realistic scenario at this age of the nation when the alternative was extermination or expulsion which have always been way more work than just trying to get people to continue their daily lives with different leadership.

The bigger issue is culture where it's not just humans chilling and paying taxes to an Orc now. Instead, they are asked to live next to all these different races that are both physically imposing and have very different backgrounds and values. How will this look after 20 years of Shadocracy though when the next major conflict begins? I personally would love to see these purposeful integration efforts bear fruit, but that is up to Commandant Shar in the future.
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Level 7
Aug 18, 2018
I just wanted to say thank you for this beautiful and wonderful campaign. To the team who made this and the Shar. It's really one of the best custom campaigns I've ever played. And I also like to thank Jayborino for introducing this campaign since he is the first warcraft youtuber I tuned in during my college days. My first video on him was this campaign and I am always waiting for new chapters to release up until to its this year. Once I thank you for making this great campaign.
Level 21
Dec 19, 2013
I just came here to say that I miss the new missions. For years I have had my fix every few weeks. Not anymore. I think I am gonna play the last missions over and over again.
You could always go in a Arkain marathon if you have no plans for the weekend. You'd be amazed how many things you can remember by just re-watching the cut scenes and how many keyboards and mouses you are going to sacrifice to the keyboard and mouse god in case your trying to play Arkain in Hard.