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NeoDex 2.7 Wc3 Modeling Kit for 3dsmax & GMAX

Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Neodex doesn't seem to play nice with newer versions of Max. It's a bit fidgety like that. I would suggest using 2016, that's the one I've been using for all my models. I never run into any issues with that version, unlike I do with versions 2014, 2017 and so on. 2016 is by far the most stable one I've used.
Level 9
Mar 23, 2014
Neodex doesn't seem to play nice with newer versions of Max. It's a bit fidgety like that. I would suggest using 2016, that's the one I've been using for all my models. I never run into any issues with that version, unlike I do with versions 2014, 2017 and so on. 2016 is by far the most stable one I've used.
I've been having issues with 2014 also.
I actully passed 2016 and never test it. Im going to install it and see if it works better. Thanks a lot for the suggestion!
Level 9
Mar 23, 2014
I had a bunch of issues using 2014 for some reason, but ever since I switched to 2016 it's been running like a dream. Let me know if you run into any issues :)
2016 works like a charm.. i just need to figure out why my characters get a weird shape during any animation playing in-game. (All the vertex are getting tangled) I must be doing something wrong when exporting it.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
2016 works like a charm.. i just need to figure out why my characters get a weird shape during any animation playing in-game. (All the vertex are getting tangled) I must be doing something wrong when exporting it.

Did you remember to remove zero weights when skinning the mesh? If you have zero weights the mesh will end up deformed when you export.
Level 5
Dec 31, 2013
Using neodex on 2017 max, but waiting for new version, hope there will be improvements.

Also, I have problem and suggestion. After I convert model, few models have repeating same frames of animation and this is greatly increases file size. Is there way to fix this, to remove those frames when converting or this is not neodex problem?? Look screenshot, like every bone has those 900+ useless frames for transition and scaling. Sometime rotation has repeating frames too.


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Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Need add objects to group, scale selected group, and remove objects from this group ? :D (for me it works :D )
(in group i got broken animation)

I usually add every object in the scene to a group, scale it and then degroup everything. That usually does the trick. I guess that's the same thing you did. Although the best way to go about it is to work in the correct scale from the start :p
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
How to find 'Particle Emitter 2' in 3ds max 2018 ?


And I can't import model with Particle Emitter 2. (Error in ReadFloat function in 'MdxAnimation' function?)

You need to use NeoDex's particle system. Go to "Helpers", in the dropdown list choose "Warcraft 3 Systems". The particle system you need to use is called "BlizzPart2".


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
Is 3ds max 2014 still supported? I'm trying to export a simple cliff model but it appears blank in magos model editor, no geoset, bones, etc, are saved. I successfully made some cliff models some times ago tho, I don't know if neodex got an update ever since. Maybe now I'm using different version of it, Im not sure.

I have made the stand animation, added notes to the dope sheet, and added materials to all objects, and I don't know if I skipped/forgot something. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance for any help :]
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Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
Is 3ds max 2014 still supported? I'm trying to export a simple cliff model but it appears blank in magos model editor, no geoset, bones, etc, are saved. I successfully made some cliff models some times ago tho, I don't know if neodex got an update ever since. Maybe now I'm using different version of it, Im not sure.

I have made the stand animation, added notes to the dope sheet, and added materials to all objects, and I don't know if I skipped/forgot something. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks in advance for any help :]

I had a lot of problems when using 2014, I suggest using 2016. It works pretty smoothly for me. Literally the only issue I have is that I need to convert exported models to mdl and then back to mdx again. Other than that it works flawlessly.
Level 2
Apr 11, 2018

First, thanks for this script, cause it is probably a genious work ^^

I want to use 3DSMax 2010 for W3 models.

Probleme is, after unpacking your files, when I want to run the installer script, I got this error:


What can I do?

Thanks a lot!

3dmax and again open 3dmax. run scritt again and ready
Level 5
Jul 17, 2013
Hi, I am using 3ds Max 2010 and 2016 (64bit) with NeoDex 2.7, both on Windows 10 64bit and Windows 7 64bit. Script installation is successful. Every time I try to import official Warcraft 3 model (AncientOfLore.mdx with tga in the same folder), the import breaks with error and bones are not properly attached to mesh, so animations do not show properly. I get 2 different errors. One on 2010 and second one on 2016 edition. I tried older version on NeoDex (2.65) but the error remains the same. How can I solve this issue ? Btw, I am using files from Warcraft 3 with latest patch 1.29.2 ENG.



Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I uses 2010. Usually i got that error window when i already import something with neodex on same scene. It works when i create a new scene. But when i got that error, the model not imported at all , so its different :p
errr... actually i havent try to use mdx from newest patch, gonna try it soon



Works fine for me. Get the mdx with Magos. How you get the mdx?



And if I import mdx again, it give that error, totally different. Dont mind this
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Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
I cant seem to get export to work at all on wc3 model i imported. I tried to convert everything to editable meshes and even if i. I always get Runtime error with array.
I tried exporting it as fbx and importing it back and then trying to export, but it happens either way. I have one older version of 3Ds max 2010 one. I tried 2013 and 2011 so far and it happens on both, no matter what. How to solve this?

EDIT: I found the fault, It was omnilight that caused the crash. After deleting it, everything is fine now.
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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
I cant seem to get export to work at all on wc3 model i imported. I tried to convert everything to editable meshes and even if i. I always get Runtime error with array.
I tried exporting it as fbx and importing it back and then trying to export, but it happens either way. I have one older version of 3Ds max 2010 one. I tried 2013 and 2011 so far and it happens on both, no matter what. How to solve this?

EDIT: I found the fault, It was omnilight that caused the crash. After deleting it, everything is fine now.
yeah, make sure you delete all other non warcraft stuff. Hiding it also work.
Level 1
Nov 19, 2018
Hey Guys, just began trying to wrap my head around using NeoDex. Still can't get it to work. I get the error that it could not load the model. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Things I did:
1. Installed Neodex to GMAX
2. Made a simple model
3. Textured Model
4. Collapsed modifier stack
5. Converted to editable mesh.
6. Selected object
7. Used exporter
8. Copied text from Listener
-Check simple text for any off text or listener text
9. Pasted to notepad
10. Saved notepad file as .mdl
11. Usd MDLX converter to convert to mdx
12. Imported file to World Editor
13. Created custom doodad.
14. Used Object Editor to assign imported model.

Attached is a screenshot and txt version of MDL. Not sure what is happening.


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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Hey Guys, just began trying to wrap my head around using NeoDex. Still can't get it to work. I get the error that it could not load the model. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Things I did:
1. Installed Neodex to GMAX
2. Made a simple model
3. Textured Model
4. Collapsed modifier stack
5. Converted to editable mesh.
6. Selected object
7. Used exporter
8. Copied text from Listener
-Check simple text for any off text or listener text
9. Pasted to notepad
10. Saved notepad file as .mdl
11. Usd MDLX converter to convert to mdx
12. Imported file to World Editor
13. Created custom doodad.
14. Used Object Editor to assign imported model.

Attached is a screenshot and txt version of MDL. Not sure what is happening.
errr i have no idea why you need to do that copy paste text... Neodex already export as mdx and thats warcraft model. To check the model, better just use model viewer

also when you import something in World Editor, you need to restartWorld Editor to make them appear
Level 1
Nov 19, 2018
Hey Guys, just began trying to wrap my head around using NeoDex. Still can't get it to work. I get the error that it could not load the model. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Things I did:
1. Installed Neodex to GMAX
2. Made a simple model
3. Textured Model
4. Collapsed modifier stack
5. Converted to editable mesh.
6. Selected object
7. Used exporter
8. Copied text from Listener
-Check simple text for any off text or listener text
9. Pasted to notepad
10. Saved notepad file as .mdl
11. Usd MDLX converter to convert to mdx
12. Imported file to World Editor
13. Created custom doodad.
14. Used Object Editor to assign imported model.

Attached is a screenshot and txt version of MDL. Not sure what is happening.

Thanks to Discord people I was able to solve this last night.
1.World Editor needs texture path to be correct in the import manager for anything to display.
2.Without a texture you just get the checkered box, not even a grey model to indicate texture was not found.
3.The issue was that my texture's path wasn't at base level. It still had "war3mapImported" in it's path.
4.Deleted that part in the Import Manager
5.!Restarted World Editor! (This was a critical part to make things work).

6.Test object showed up properly.


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Level 2
Apr 4, 2013
Does anyone know, why this happens?
I tried to Export a biped animated model. But i got everytime this error.
I use the 2017 Version


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Sadly I don't have access anymore to any modern/old version of 3ds max. In general, it seems NeoDex has aged. A year or so ago I promised to have a look and try to fix it but 2 things came in. First, The code is now a bit foreign to me. Second, Wc3 Reforge is coming out and it is for certain that model formats will change drastically. So in general, most attempts to update NeoDex will be rendered void in the short term.

With all this said. I expect somebody to come up with a new solution. They can easily use NeoDex's code as base or create an entirely new app. In my own opinion, it should no longer be tide to 3ds max but instead use 3ds-max export formats for that purpose and add game specific effects through an editor. I have a few notes on what I believe can be done better which I wanted to port from Sc2 Art Tools to Neodex at some point. If somebody wants to take the endeavor feel free to contact me.
hmn last time I checked it was working on 2017. What kind of problems are you having?

If meshes aren't exporting, make sure that A. They are Editable Mesh and not Editable Poly, B. No extra modifiers other than Unwrap or Skin. Also only visible meshes will be exported.

If you are having troubles with animations only Linear, TCB and Bezier Controllers are supported. IK is also supported to some extent. Bipeds were supported but I'm not sure if the code still works on latest versions. Don't use CAD or any other modern animation system unless you bake them yourself to traditional FK Animation system (Exporting/Importing as fbx normally bakes animations for you).

EDIT: Tested the samples, they are all working except the water elemental one.
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Level 15
Dec 21, 2013
Does NeoDex 2.7 support 3dsmax 2018 and newer?
I have same problem with 3dsmax 2020 :'(
Based on what people say here, no. Your best bet is wait for Reforge or use older version.

Neodex was made for 2014 and confirmed to work properly up to 2017. Its a problem on the script itself because some changes in 3dsmax on later versions

karaulov said on a couple page back “Need rename string "Dictionary" to "other_string" in NeoDex files , "Dictionary" is 'reserved word' in 3ds max 2017“, which make this script not work

Its on page 35. He said it fixed it by simply rename it. Worth a try

This post was deleted .___. wtf
its the second time i get this stupid deletion o.o


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