🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
It's when I click on menu "Export Wc3 Model" or "Import Wc3 Model". Some Other options seems to be working, some other have same issue. Max 2018 and 2017, but it was working before. Strange.
How to Fix:-- Cannot assign to read-only variable: Dictionary
I edited those files: ErrorReporter.ms
What I did:
1) Found single word "Dictionary"
2) Renamed to "noDictionary"
I couldn't get the script to work on 3DSMax2020 Student Version. Hotfix didn't seem to work on fixing the 'Cannot assign to read-only variable: Dictionary' issue.
Gmax loses a part of geometry. Try another version of gmax. But anyway, there is no technology to export the whole model with textures, animations and geometry. Something you will lose anyway, so, finaly there is no point to spend your time trying to import wc3 models somewhere else.
gmax 1.2 its the last version, i doubt so much that older versions would worked better than it
i have reasons to want to import wc3 models on it, i want to modify them a bit and add some new animations
and from this first post, the sample model didnt had that problem
i dont know why you would even care to answer if you give me a empty answer, sorry man
I couldn't get the script to work on 3DSMax2020 Student Version. Hotfix didn't seem to work on fixing the 'Cannot assign to read-only variable: Dictionary' issue.
Hello, I believe this error is due to a variable name.
In recent 3DsMax version, Dictionary is a "key" word, meaning it's already used by the language, you can't name a variable "Dictionary".
I believe there is a variable named "Dictionary" in NeoDexModules/ErrorReporter.ms and NeoDexModules/UtilityFunctions.ms
I fixed this for my personal use months ago, you can try to replace those files with the following, it's only a variable name change, from "Dictionary" to "DictionaryFixed".
I fixed this for my personal use months ago, you can try to replace those files with the following, it's only a variable name change, from "Dictionary" to "DictionaryFixed".
Hello. This plugin still supported? I have issues with WOW like, but they are mdx, they can import successfully, but sometimes plugin cut\remove part of the mesh, but this not a main problem with this. After without any changes to the models at all you try export that and cut\remove some mesh on the export process and also in the other editors like War3ModelEditor they cannot be open as they giving error after such. Does i am doing something wrong or it's problem with the plugin? Because this is making me very upset in modeling experiance with that plugin and i am losing a lot of times and giving a lot of try to get a right result, but seems all them have no point. So please can someone answer me here or in PM what you think and i would like hear something from the author about it. Thanks.
(btw, using 2016 3ds max and 2.7 version of the NeoDex plugin)
Suppose I shoulda checked more recent posts *facepalm* but thanks for the response. That definitely fixed it, I changed the "Dictionary" tag in the Utility.ms but missed the one in the error reporting....teach me to actually read posts to the end
I haven't been using 3ds max for 5+ months, I didn't encounter this error when I installed Neodex on 3DS 2020, this error is telling you that the function "InitiateNeodexPlugins ()" is undefined, which mean that it doesn't exist, I took a bit of time to lookup this function and didn't find it in the neodex scripts, still the plugin is working for me, I guess you can try editing the script NeoDexInstaller.ms and comment the line 25 this way : "// InitiateNeodexPlugins ()", so it actually skip this function call.
I'm testing Neodex 2.7.
Got this error when exporting: "Array index must be positive number, got: 0.0"
In my case, this seems to happen when you assign the same material to 2 separate meshes and one of them has more than one UV set.
To fix it you need to use Utilities->More->Channel Info to clear the second UV channel.
Here is Channel Info:
And you clear it here:
As for details. I was using the second UV channel to transfer the texture into a new UV layout.
First I didn't know what was happening because I was getting another error when checking the model (after a successful export) in War3 Model Editor: "Expected a "VRTX" tag, got a "i□" tag!"
I only figured it out when testing with separate meshes and checking the scripts. Neodex merges meshes into a single geoset if they use the same material. So while testing that I got this new error and a failed export: "Array index must be positive number, got: 0.0"
The problem is in NeoDexSceneParser.ms here:
fn mergeGeosets geo1 geo2 =
local maxer1 = geo1.tvertices.count +1, maxer2 = geo2.tvertices.count + 1
for i = 1 to maxVert do
local tmp = #()
join tmp geo1.tvertices[mod i maxer1]
join tmp geo2.tvertices[mod i maxer2]
append newGeo.tvertices tmp
The code here crashes when trying to merge geosets and one of the geoset's tvertices has more than one set of UV point3s.
When that happens one of the indexes (mod i maxer1 or mod i maxer2) ends being 0 while trying to retrieve a UV set from tvertices[] and 0 index is invalid in maxscript (array indexes start at 1 instead of 0).
Maybe just process a single set of tvertices per geoset (not sure what use is more than one) or show a warning about different UV set numbers.
Previously I was also getting "Expected a "VRTX" tag, got a "i□" tag!" or "Expected a "VRTX" tag, got a "/ " tag!" inside War3 Model Editor when testing the model after a successful export.
But it seems it's a War3 Model Editor issue (Doesn't happen in Wc3viewer nor Retera). This happens after a successful export only if you have multiple meshes each with different materials and each mesh has more than 1 UV set.
So I would recommend only to use a single UV set in all meshes.
Btw, does anyone know if Warcraft supports more than 1 set of UVs? And when it's used? I seem to remember something like that and also in the Art Tools documentation it says: "Multiple UV map channels can be used with planar mapping". Anyone has any clue about that?
I've been testing IKSnapper too.
From my tests, it doesn't work as is in 3dsmax 2017 (And probably in higher versions either).
To make it work you need to change:
This is inside NeoDexIKSnapper.ms
Edit 08/14/2021: Its working now. I didn't know that there's a bug in 3dsmax 2017 that messes with the IK solver and thus makes it look like glitching/stuttering/not following. Check spoilers for details on it and how to fix it.
Here's Ik snapper working:
Old Edit 08/09/2021 (that's now resolved and was unrelated to NeoDex):
Even after the change the results are inaccurate. There is shaking in the resulting bones for some reason.
I've tested an old version of IKSnapper (version .99c — the code is the same for SmartSnap and Interpolated I think) in 3dsmax 5 and the results are VERY accurate, so I imagine the script requires further changes for higher 3dsmax versions.
It's late I'll continue testing tomorrow.
I tried replacing the UtilityFunction and ErrorReporter files with the ones above (thank you for the upload). However, there are still several tools giving me the read-only variable: Dictionary error:
version 2020.3.4. I'm porting some WoW models, currently I want to use the animation tools, the sequence manager, and the export function. I don't necessarily have to use the sequence manager but it would be nice to see that my marked animations are being read by NeoDex as sequences.
version 2020.3.4. I'm porting some WoW models, currently I want to use the animation tools, the sequence manager, and the export function. I don't necessarily have to use the sequence manager but it would be nice to see that my marked animations are being read by NeoDex as sequences.
I haven't tested in 3dsmax 2020 yet. Right now I'm a bit busy (working), but I think I will be able to test it in about 4 hours. I'll check the scripts to find what's wrong.
I haven't tested in 3dsmax 2020 yet. Right now I'm a bit busy (working), but I think I will be able to test it in about 4 hours. I'll check the scripts to find what's wrong.
Thanks! I appreciate it. I'll be asleep by then (it's 1:16 AM here) but I will look forward to seeing if you find anything tomorrow
Update: I was doing a bit of research and found a post on the Autodesk forums suggesting to reset user settings to default. I did that and reinstalled the NeoDex menu and now it is working! Thanks again @Tarrasque for being willing to help, I really appreciate it. Hope this helps some other people! As a side note, I did not see any effect to my installed scripts other than needing to reinstall neodex.
Thanks! I appreciate it. I'll be asleep by then (it's 1:16 AM here) but I will look forward to seeing if you find anything tomorrow
Update: I was doing a bit of research and found a post on the Autodesk forums suggesting to reset user settings to default. I did that and reinstalled the NeoDex menu and now it is working! Thanks again @Tarrasque for being willing to help, I really appreciate it. Hope this helps some other people! As a side note, I did not see any effect to my installed scripts other than needing to reinstall neodex.
Hi! Seems original author of NeoDex BlinkBoy is gone from online, right? I just wonder if there a person that understand his source code script. I have a personal request regards exporting "Roll Angle" parameter from Camera Object.. Since i am total zero in coding it will be hard to me begin editing... I think it should not be hard for a person that understand his source code.. If there any, please give me a ping...
I just have a folder with a 3ds file in there and a lot of bmp file.
I've looked around and found that it could be exported into mdx file (that is my goal)
I've heard about GMAX... what is it?
how to do it?
Can someone show me a tutorial, I'm a beginner for modelling
thread isn't active and kit wasn't supported for a long time,
still want to ask if anyone has had such a problem:
I wanted to add some polygons to the default model of the orc wyvern rider. The model is quite rough, apparently it was created in the early stages. NEODEX worked very well (i didn't even adjusted weights on new verts) BUT exporting revealed several problems.. First of all, the model simple wasn't visible in the game. Problem weirdly laid in one strange bone that actually wasn't detected as a bone. The rider has a flapping feather attached to his arm... it's a pretty unique thing, and maybe NEODEX doesn't know how to work with it? Removing this bone solved the problem. While fixing it I noticed one thing - when exporting in DEBUG mode, the model WAS VISIBLE and worked fine in the game, except there was no flapping animation for feather. Are there any significant differences in export modes besides logging?
There was another problem right from the start - i can't select exported model by single click. I can grab it with selection box and this is the only way to select it. Also i can't attack it.
I've tried various options for 'extent calculation' settings, I've tried recalculating it and adjusting it manually using MAGOS and after all absolutely no results, single click selection remains dysfunctional. This problem has nothing to do with my changes to the model. I tried pulling out the default wyvern model, importing it, then immediately exporting it without changes - no by-click selection in game. Interesting that everything worked perfectly with the Paladin model. I changed the model, exported in standard mode with default settings and selection works fine.
Has anyone had this strange problem? Maybe this is a 'feature' of wyvern rider model.
It would be great if someone tried to simply import and export this model, and then check the selectability.
thread isn't active and kit wasn't supported for a long time,
still want to ask if anyone has had such a problem:
I wanted to add some polygons to the default model of the orc wyvern rider. The model is quite rough, apparently it was created in the early stages. NEODEX worked very well (i didn't even adjusted weights on new verts) BUT exporting revealed several problems.. First of all, the model simple wasn't visible in the game. Problem weirdly laid in one strange bone that actually wasn't detected as a bone. The rider has a flapping feather attached to his arm... it's a pretty unique thing, and maybe NEODEX doesn't know how to work with it? Removing this bone solved the problem. While fixing it I noticed one thing - when exporting in DEBUG mode, the model WAS VISIBLE and worked fine in the game, except there was no flapping animation for feather. Are there any significant differences in export modes besides logging?
There was another problem right from the start - i can't select exported model by single click. I can grab it with selection box and this is the only way to select it. Also i can't attack it.
I've tried various options for 'extent calculation' settings, I've tried recalculating it and adjusting it manually using MAGOS and after all absolutely no results, single click selection remains dysfunctional. This problem has nothing to do with my changes to the model. I tried pulling out the default wyvern model, importing it, then immediately exporting it without changes - no by-click selection in game. Interesting that everything worked perfectly with the Paladin model. I changed the model, exported in standard mode with default settings and selection works fine.
Has anyone had this strange problem? Maybe this is a 'feature' of wyvern rider model.
It would be great if someone tried to simply import and export this model, and then check the selectability.
The selection issue is due to your extents not being calculated properly. I would suggest opening the model in Retera’s Model Studio (RMS) and recalculate the extents. The recalculate button is in the edit drop-down menu
Thank you, unfortunately I can’t run RMS on a 32x OS, but I doubt that recalculation specifically in RMS will help. I did a recalculation in both NEODEX and MAGOS and it did nothing.
Nevertheless, the problem was solved, it was that the wyvern has a box as a collision shape by default, it seems in NEODEX square collision shapes apparently do not work, as soon as I changed it to a sphere, everything worked OK.
However, a bunch of new problems appeared - Incorrect particles and non-functional sound when unit dies. Again, I tried multiple variations of the settings in NEODEX for particles, but there are no options at all for sound triggers. Next, I tried adjusting the nodes in MAGOS and also completely deleting them and doing them all over again, recreating them with all the settings exactly as in the original wyvern model... by the way, MAGOS turned out to be quite buggy. Particle nodes completely disappear when you save the MDX file. You can save it in MDL and then convert it to MDX, then the nodes are saved, but not completely, some settings inside the nodes are still lost.
As a result, the unit constantly sprinkles bones, while the second particle emitter (blood) just don't show anything at all, despite 1-1 same settings, same with the sound.
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