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Level 1
Dec 16, 2009
Could you make this a loading screen plz ?


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Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
3mb! :O. Shouldn't they be blp's?

Well you asked for high quality - thats the reason why they are so insane in size. (And why normal 512x512 is the most used).

Tga's is due to the fact that it gives you the best quality... Do tell if you want something lower of size... or you can just go with what SpEtNeZz made for ye - low quality version.
Level 5
Apr 12, 2009
Well you asked for high quality - thats the reason why they are so insane in size. (And why normal 512x512 is the most used).

Tga's is due to the fact that it gives you the best quality... Do tell if you want something lower of size... or you can just go with what SpEtNeZz made for ye - low quality version.

I see, but how much mb does DotA use for the map for a loadingscreen? With that good quality?
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Level 3
Nov 25, 2009
Thats how he meant it to look - without the Hidden tags.

It happen that yours take slightly longer time to complete then completely normal quality ones :wink: But fear not, once I finish my task for today (in an hour or so..) I will complete it and post it.

Aww..... :cry: I am eager to see my loading screen but its not done yet. Lol damn it... about a week already....
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
Aww..... :cry: I am eager to see my loading screen but its not done yet. Lol damn it... about a week already....

Understandable - Screens that requires a good amount of edits to them always takes longer. I am uploading it at the same time as the latest request - meaning today.

Can you convert this image so i can use it :p
its huge

Yes I can and will - Expect it soon

a better quality is a 4-part 1024X720 or something picture

Indeed it is and tga files.. Which is what have been sent to him and discussed quite a lot in this tread :grin:

Haha, thanks for everyone! :D

Now it works perfect, and I can do my own loading screen anytime :p

What did everyone besides me do? :cool: But happy that you got it to work, and I figure you now know just to make the next things your going to make the same size as those tga's I send you in order to create other loading screens :thumbs_up:

Here is the loascreen...:bored:
Actually they have many files, and i don't what's the use for all of them...
Could someone experienced with those explain?

As you can see they have around 2 mb as I said. What is in it is; 4 tga's for the loading screen and one for the map preview.. However it doesn't include the model file for the loading screen it self.

The bigger the resolution is, the better quality? Or?

Because I'm thinking of redoing my picture, +rep Red-Baron anyway :p

Yes Indeed thats the case... And that is always the case no matter in what connection or what type of picture file it is :smile:

Sorry for spaming. Anyway, your requested loading screen is nice. Once its done maybe give me a PM? I wanna have it too :) Thx in advance.

Use the edit button to merge the double post - Then you won't be spaming at all :wink:

Oh and yea - I always upload them in the tread so just take it from there, that is if you gain his permission.


But now guys try to stay on requests and not discussing whatever Dota is using... Kinda irrelevant.

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Level 12
May 4, 2008
Understandable - Screens that requires a good amount of edits to them always takes longer. I am uploading it at the same time as the latest request - meaning today.

Yes I can and will - Expect it soon

Indeed it is and tga files.. Which is what have been sent to him and discussed quite a lot in this tread :grin:

What did everyone besides me do? :cool: But happy that you got it to work, and I figure you now know just to make the next things your going to make the same size as those tga's I send you in order to create other loading screens :thumbs_up:

As you can see they have around 2 mb as I said. What is in it is; 4 tga's for the loading screen and one for the map preview.. However it doesn't include the model file for the loading screen it self.

Yes Indeed thats the case... And that is always the case no matter in what connection or what type of picture file it is :smile:

Use the edit button to merge the double post - Then you won't be spaming at all :wink:

Oh and yea - I always upload them in the tread so just take it from there, that is if you gain his permission.


But now guys try to stay on requests and not discussing whatever Dota is using... Kinda irrelevant.


i bet it was discused alot... 125 pages and i missed like 50 of them xD
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
;p I can't wait for my loading screen to be converted :D

And so can't I - therefor you better download it quickly :wink:

Download it here


And at long last gala1221 will receive his.. if he likes it that is :eek:

Download it here

Ain't it just perfect? :p

Enjoy - and I hope this can be used (Just placing them next to one another looked strange, so I went for this look instead.)
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Level 11
Nov 1, 2008
Red Baron. Are you purposly ignoring me? Because that is very mean. Ive been wiating for about a month just to get my loading screen, and you havent made it or at least told me that you aunt going to make it, Is there a reason why you dont answer me?
Because if there is can you please tell me.
Ive been waiting to long dude.
Level 3
Nov 25, 2009
And so can't I - therefor you better download it quickly :wink:

Download it here


And at long last gala1221 will receive his.. if he likes it that is :eek:

Download it here


Enjoy - and I hope this can be used (Just placing them next to one another looked strange, so I went for this look instead.)

Hahaha! LOL @ MY PICTURE OF THE GUY HAUNTING HIMSELF! No offence. Erm.... Could you redo the image as I am gonna tell you now? I believe it would look great! I have attached 4 files. The file named Untitled is the like demo to tell you where to put my images at. For the red portion, put my last picture into it. For the yellow portion, put my first image. At last but not least, for my pink portion, put in my second image. I believe it would loook great! But do not remove the background of the image. Not neccessary. Its just like a combination.


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Level 3
Nov 25, 2009
Haha :grin: Yea - Maybe I took the joke overboard :xxd: No offense taken - I was mainly playing with.

Anyway here is the real picture;

Download it here


LOL! Nice joke there. It scared me the first time I saw it then LOLed all the way through LOL! Anyway, although its not how I wanted it exactly, but never the less, GOOD JOB and I can use it too! THX MAN YOU ROCK! +Rep
Level 35
Oct 9, 2006
http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/pastebin.php?id=myz1xfok well here they are jorj
the first one is blp its a smaller file size but also less quality.
the second is targa its bigger file size but more quality. your choice if you want something more just ask.

Its a good thing your helping out - But to be certain they get what they need it might be an idea to give them these, they might need it:

Files he will need as well...

At any rate he won't have much use for the tga :wink:
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