Next up in my Star Wars-series is a CIS Munificent-class Star Frigate. It is the workhorse of the separatist fleet, and although not very strong on it's own, it is very capable when in greater numbers.
These are some of the object editor values i recommend:
Art - Death Time: 5 seconds
Art - Maximum Pitch/roll: 0
Art - Orientation Interpolation: 10
Art - Propulsion Window: 180 degrees
Art - Scaling value: 0.9
Movement - Turn Rate: 0.1
Compared to the other models, this one is slightly oversized, so i recommend scaling it down to around 0.90 for accuracy. Includes attachment points, death sounds, teamcolor, and more kickass glow-in-the-dark features, just like the other ships. Enjoy.
Starship, destroyer, dreadnaught, star wars, droid, cis, grievous, separatist, cruiser, space, frigate