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Movie "Knowing" predicted the future

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You have to see this video.
The more you see it the more you will notice things that tell that these events are long time known/planned.

Additionally to what is already explained in the video, I noticed:
1:18 = 666 - Devil number
3:04 = Coolbox is in japanese colours (remember fukushima? they are still cooling it)
2:27 = The big ball could be the 2nd sun (Yes, we have a second sun)

Coincidence? I don't think so.
Please people, wake up.
I don't believe in conspiracy, I believe in the truth.

I did not post this to get attention or to cause a big discussion, I just want to inform you that we, the public, have been kept dumb and we should start using our eyes.

For those who think it's coincidence, you should check out the Illuminati Card Game.

Even more, in this video, on 4:56, between the frames when the clock switches you can see 11/09 (911). They made the 2nd letter switch faster on purpose so you can see 11/09.

Yes I know for many it's hard to accept that politics and government are our enemies but what more proof do you need?
If we can't stand for our rights, if we can't start doubting what people tell us, even when we know they already told many lies, then why the hell are we alive?

It's up to you how you will live with this message. I am just trying to wake people up.
You can laugh, cry or ignore it. But I do this with good intension and I think everybody has the right to know about it.
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Level 12
Jul 7, 2009
lol wtf this movie was some disney shit intended for kids

lol wtf this idiot was some asswipe crap intended for trolling.

Who the hell are you? Don't like it, don't increase your post count with useless comments. We all know you try too hard. Least you could do is learn some English.

On topic. Watched this movie before, but didn't like it. IMO, I think the 11/11 thing was purely coincidental. Not that 11:11 appeared on two clocks on two different scenes but simply they decided to put 11:11 and it so happened to be the same date as the disaster.

But good watch though.
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008
Kih~.. Amusing. Yet, it's all nothing but a coincidence.
Such thing as predicting the future does not exist.

There are nothing else but good and bad guesses.
If I randomly put numbers here and something happens at a date that you can wrap up from the numbers means that I can predict the future?

And even if we "stood up for our rights" what good would that do? It would cause nothing else than trouble.. And more trouble.

It's all a coincidence.

That may not be the fact that you want to hear. But do believe in what you want.
Go on~
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
THe ignorance of the above guy is amazingly... not surprising since it's typical for every clueless person who claims to have a valid opinion about something he's never even read about. Ah, seen those know-it-all too many times.

I personally have read the stuff on all these cards and I am not sure Illuminati exist. However, what is Illuminati? Just a nickname? I for one do not doubt that a group pf influential people can do some HARM and something 'crazy' against population without the blink of an eye. If someone thinks this is impossible and there are no evil persons or that a man cannot do something so bad then rofll - is idiotic to think.

The cards... some have happened indeed but I cannot say there is a 'specific agenda', one would never known since lol would it be a plan if we all knew about it? - all I am saying is - Yes some people are capable of doing those things.

And honestly you have no idea what bad things are happening behind your back cause you know nothing about it.. so yup humans can be that evil. Rumors and vague stories, yes but from all these vague stories you know, some is likely true.
It's funny you have no knowledge about it at all and call me a "child of a man".
So why do you answer this thread if you don't have any idea what you are talking about?
I created this thread for informing people, not to hear about people whining "it cannot be", just because they can't accept that maybe life is different than they expect it to be.

They put hints all over because they know stupid people would not believe in them.
They are playing a game, showing they know everything, they can do anything.
It's called Illuminati "the enlightened ones" because they have an eye on everything.
They control the world, not the governments.

If you really think the governments have any power at all in this system you either have not made any research or you most probably stopped at wikipedia.
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008

You created it to make a discussion. I gave you my opinion of it.
Also, eImtoR, I have not claimed that no bad things happen, I only said that there's no predicting the future. Slightly entertaining.

Sure they could've made these cards to inform about their doings, but that would be silly now wouldn't it?

I'll put it simple. I'll make something that refers to someone's death with a date on it.
The person dies that day, because I killed that person.
Did I know the future? I.. Don't think I did.
Sure they could've made these cards to inform about their doings, but that would be silly now wouldn't it?
It's a game they play with us. They know we can't win and they like showing us how little strength we have.

Once again, if you don't make a research and just argue with "it cannot be because I don't think so" you can't join a discussion.

Get some information please, maybe start with 9/11 inside job and find out why things are happening like that.
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008
Fancy theories, I must admit.
But couldn't it be that I was from the Illuminati and I was only attempting to mislead you from your correct suspicions?

Oh, but ofcourse not.. My intellectual way of thinking does not make its way to the level of yours.

I do apologize and withdraw from the discussion I am not valid for.
Level 17
Jul 17, 2011
lol wtf this idiot was some asswipe crap intended for trolling.

Who the hell are you? Don't like it, don't increase your post count with useless comments. We all know you try too hard. Least you could do is learn some English.

On topic. Watched this movie before, but didn't like it. IMO, I think the 11/11 thing was purely coincidental. Not that 11:11 appeared on two clocks on two different scenes but simply they decided to put 11:11 and it so happened to be the same date as the disaster.

But good watch though.

whatt no you misunderstand i was not attempting to troll i just find these things absurd the freemasons began several hundreds of years ago and they where an organization dedicated to enlightenment, the reason this whole "they pull all the strings" idea about them exists is because of popular culture, they do exist however they are much less powerful than everyone makes them seem
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
The truth is we have been lied to far too long and should find the truth.
We have to wake up and find out what's going on.

You're still being vague, you are suggesting we should wake up and beat an organisation that has been secretly ruling and steering society back from 1700-something? And if we find them out and eliminate them then what? If we can actually do that then how can they be a problem now. Proving the illuminati exist is just like the whole god issue, you take all of kind arguments and twist and turns things in a way that they are all somehow connected. You just see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. There is always something hinting to a secret society but there never is any concrete evidence, and then you people can just use the supreme excuse that they will cover it up because they overpower us. Just like christians "absence of evidence is not evidence of absence"... like what the fuck!?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Bernkastel, let someone else feed the troll for once. You've had your turn.
I call next in line after wandy.
I'm so tired of hearing all these people say "OMG ILLUMINATI U GOTTA EDUMACATE YERSELF THEY R EVERYWHERE OMG". Stop. Do you actually believe that garbage?

The truth is we have been lied to far too long and should find the truth.
We have to wake up and find out what's going on.

If you have woken up and found out what's going on why aren't you stating it instead of making these bold statements about being lied to? How about you tell me what I'm being lied to about.

valid point to your arguments which have some underlying knowledge.

Like a youtube video made by a person you will never meet about a conspiracy theory? The credibility of your source is ridiculous, and all evidence circumstancial. Your arguement is silly, and your valid points non-existant.

It's funny you have no knowledge about it at all and call me a "child of a man".
So why do you answer this thread if you don't have any idea what you are talking about?
I created this thread for informing people, not to hear about people whining "it cannot be", just because they can't accept that maybe life is different than they expect it to be.

Life would be a lot different from what it is if what you're proposing were true. Why do you make this thread if you don't even review the credibility of your own sources? Why do you even bother writing out the same statement used by all conspiracy theorists, the "you're being lied to open your eyes sheeple"?

"Those who are to blind to see the truth even though there are enough evidences don't deserve to be saved."

Based on this unattributed quote, you're saying I'm wasting my time trying to save you from future embarassment by repeating this theory of yours.

Next, yes the Illumanati are real, but not as a sinister organization. Let's quote you for being so awful at this
Once again, if you don't make a research and just argue with "it cannot be because I don't think so" you can't join a discussion.

Get some information please, maybe start with 9/11 inside job and find out why things are happening like that

Here they are - http://illuminati-order.com/index.html - Garsh darn getting that information was really hard.

Now let's go through the points in the video and laugh at them 1 by 1.

0:15 - 11:11 on the clock - First I'd like to ask how people can even see that the clock says 11:11, it isn't in the foreground of the picture and even in the actual movie is hard to make a distinct time. If it truely was 11:11 I would think one of two things, either coincidence, or the director added a little mind game to coincide with the disaster that happens at November 11th (in the movie).

0:55 - See above. Also, that really doesn't look to be on the 11th minute to me.

1:04 - Fire in the Gulf - A likely story for a natural disaster. Too bad it doesn't say it's from an oil spill or what Gulf it's in. Then it would've REALLY driven it home for you conspiracy theorists huh?

1:09 - Japan on the clock at 12:00 - Probably because the clock was made in Japan.

1:19 - Country code for Japan - Circumstancial evidence points to nothing. That's like me saying 9/11 had two 1's 1 is the area code to America OMG OUR GOVERNMENT DID IT. Believe it or not if you start pulling lots of numbers eventually you'll hit one with relevance to a nation.

1:40 - Japans cooling systems malfunctioned - They used this as an example because it's likely to happen, not because it specifically relates Japan.


1:56 - Illuminati Eye - Yeeeeah no that's a circle with another circle inside it. Maybe because its a window with a distant sun visible in it.

2:35 - Terrorist Plot - There was no terrorist plot in Japan it was a natural disaster this is completely irrelevant to EVERYTHING. No wait lemme guess 9/11

2:43 - Japan is in the East - Yes, yes it is. But it's not on the East Coast of America, which is what was being talked about. I cannot believe the author of the video tried to make that connection he's grabbing at straws here.

2:49 - 11/11/3 - Yeah too bad Japan's disaster was 11/3/11. 11/11/3 man like if you add 1 and 1 together that's 2 and if you add it 3 times to 3 that's 9 and then its 11/9 so it's 9/11. JAPAN CAUSED 9/11.

3:20 - 11/11 on the streetposts - Too bad it's not for aesthetic purposes they were obviously built because the Illuminati needs to toy with us.

3:26 - Naw it's a coincidence - Yes, yes it is.

3:48 - Hints from the Illuminati - It's a bunch of gibberesh. Go ahead and try to find meaning in that gibberesh. I'd like a good laugh.

4:01 - Wouldn't it be easier to tell the public this way? - No, no it would not be the easiest way to inform the public by putting subtle hints in bad movies starring Nicholas Cage.

Everything presented in the video was based on circumstancial evidence, all pointing to, nothing really. Instead of searching for life's answers in bad movies starring Nicholas Cage that came out 3 years ago you should go do something else, because everyone supporting this kindof stuff is just bizarre.

This is a classic example of people already knowing what they want and finding specific parts in text/video to support it. The author of the video OBVIOUSLY wanted to find hidden meaning in this movie, so he went and sifted through an enormous amount of minutia in order to find a lot of small coincidences in order to make his arguement. It's actually really sad. Instead of deciding his opinion based on what was presented, he had his opinion formed from the get-go. You may accuse me of the same thing, but I specifically offered a rebutle to each arguement made in the video, all while stating my arguement of "It's ridiculous and you're batshit insane".

Thread closed.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
I will just say, there are or have been secret societies. This is no joke, no 'conspiracy' used as a synonym of 'wrong and crazy stories'. Anyone who declines that such have existed needs to check their facts. Example 1

Now the problem from all this is there is truth mixed with lots of crap and disinfo and one cannot verify properly which is the true part and which is not. But rest assured, there is some truth.

Does the Illuminati exist as a name, as an organization is speculative and no evidence even suggesting so was found UNLIKE real evidence of secret societies.

Those referred to as Illuminati are usually: Rothschilds, Rockfellers, Sax-Cobourg-Goths dynasties - people who want to remain influential for centuries.

I will let you know, Sax-Cobourg Goths, have been our kings in the beginning of the 20th century. Sure they brought us independece but such was expected by any politician to do. Other than that - they have brought 2 national catastrophies to our country - being of German families and taking the side of Nazi Germany in the 1st years of both WW1 and WW2.

Also people like George Soros do lots of good to people but behind that, they are evil people, for example Soros tells Germany - either help the poorer EU countries or get out of EU - GERMANY? The strongest economy in EU? If it isn't a way to destabilize the EURO as a currency, tell me - he is just a friend trying to help? Are you kidding me? Take POLITICS 101 you N00bs ...

Tell me what do YOU who decline the influence of such people know about it? Aren't you just kiddies running around and posting and shouting about something without doing your homework?

As I said, there is lots of bullshit on the internet, but the influence of people, secret societies and such DO EXIST. only no one really knows if they are as powerful as presented... E.g HAARP a weapon o' mass destruction? Nah, Chemtrails? Nah, Toothpaste having Fluorine to kills us slowly? Nah.. Just not found better stuff and some of the effects are casual and not intended - this is where conspiracy goes paranoic but there goes some truth in all this crap.

Have in mind that whatever is secret is not on the internet so yes lots of BS on the internet but you never know what could be true, OPEN MIND AND BE RDY FOR EVERYTHING WHEN/IF IT HAPPENS is they key for everything, don't be ignorant twats!
I mostly agree to eImtoR.

But sadly, for many people, they are to narrow-minded and can't even prove their points. They say "it's bullshit, it's coincidence" but they can't disprove us.

The only reason why people are so stubborn is because the media makes conspiracy followers look like someone who is STUPID. But there is no bad thing in believing something else.

I rather try out to see the world from a different point of view rather than believing the view everybody believes even though we already know it does NOT fit to the world at all.

Just research and check history. There was NO revolution without anyone being some kind of conspiracy follower. In order to get the FULL truth you have to deny what you know and start again.

And I guess that is most probably the reason why the todays society sucks so much. Most people don't see the big influence by media, politics and society rules. They just accept what they have been told without questioning it.

But I really want to ask you guys:
If you think you are right and there is no truth in those conspiracy theories, then why the hell is the number of people believing in it increasing and why does this world make no sense?

Do you really think we are living to work? Do you really think there is nothing better a race, the humanity, can do? Do you really think the money system and politics have anything better to do except making us work for them? They own the money, the banks, the law.

If you want to keep living in fear because of self made wars, if you want to keep getting less money for working harder, if you keep being blinded by media, rather play games instead of finding out who we (humans) are and what we are capable of, go ahead and waste your time.

But for all others, I can just tell you it's worth giving the "conspiracy" theories a closer look.

Yes it's true, there is A LOT of disinformation and crap out there. But in all conspiracy theories there is a truth deep inside that you just fear to be real.
Level 18
Oct 11, 2008
Guys, guys go online and find the movie Salo, 120 days of Sodom It is a great peace of cinema related to these things so i bid each and everyone of you to watch it and pay extreme details to every frame.
Finally a good answer.
I am tired to explain the things to people who just don't want to see.
Yes, there are coincidences in this world. But not so much.

@Bernkastel: How about you start checking 9/11 videos about the inside job and get to the thrivemovement?

But I know you don't want to believe it so no evidence or coincidence is good enough for you. Just keep on with your life and let us discuss.
I was just saying at least no guy who cries about me opening a thread about "conspiracy".
It's possible if you own the world and have the power to do the things that you "predict".

Everybody can do it.
Many people make money of knowledge. If you know how things work you can do everything with people who don't know the trick.

Why else are we kept dumb in this society?
1. If you know something is going to happen and you put that things secretly into media, it seems like you can predict the future.
2. If people like you keep joining this discussion it can't become good. We need open minded people, not blind followers.
3. I think this discussion could become quite interesting, once people actually start thinking what humanity could be instead of what it is.
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008
Still you cannot predict it, there are countless things that can change it.
Now that we are done with that. I must ask that are you saying that I am blind because I refuse to believe in your "Illuminati is the essence of all evil and sorrow" -preaching?

This discussion couldn't have become a good in the first place. Because it seems that you can only accept people that share your way of perceiving things or simply swallow all the gibberish without any doubts.
If you think you are right and there is no truth in those conspiracy theories, then why the hell is the number of people believing in it increasing and why does this world make no sense?

Because through conspiracy theories people abolish responsibility from themselves. It's easier to pin down everything bad on a 'secret' society with 'secret' plans of which all of a sudden everybody is aware of, all while ignoring your own actions which bring destruction upon the world. Every single person on the planet is an element of a system and has a role. If everybody fulfilled their role correctly, the world would be a much better place. We're all being drowned in irrelevant and unimportant things (arguing on the internet, for instance) and prevented from doing what's expected from us in a society.

During the time you've spent hauling irrelevant information, making connections and rationalizing everything, you could've done something important in real life, instead of sitting here, complaining how this hidden government is restraining you. If you want to do something, you'll find a way, but if you don't want to, you'll find a thousand excuses.

Also, if there was a hidden society ruling over all, it would stay hidden.
No, I have not heard any single statement of you that makes me believe that my statements could be wrong.

So as long as you keep saying "I don't think so" or "that sounds stupid" without being able to prove anything I believe what I know because it fits together as a whole piece.

As conclusion, what I am looking for is someone who has good points, whether its for or against my theory.

for some persons it may be right, but just like we already pointed out, there are a lot of persons who want to archieve something on the world and fail due to the system.

They believe in such theories because they know the system is wrong, not the humans.
If we would all live in love without fear there would be more theories about the world and we wouldn't stop creating new ones and talk about our theories all the time.

But we are a closed system now, we think we know what the world is and this freezes our evolution.

I am already doing good in my real life. I just want to wake other people up too.

for some persons it may be right, but just like we already pointed out, there are a lot of persons who want to archieve something on the world and fail due to the system.

They believe in such theories because they know the system is wrong, not the humans.

And yet the system is our construct. We imposed it upon ourselves, and now we have to bear the consequences.

If we would all live in love without fear there would be more theories about the world and we wouldn't stop creating new ones and talk about our theories all the time.

But we are a closed system now, we think we know what the world is and this freezes our evolution.

You've answered to your own problem here. This is a passive age. We're being numbed by pleasure, turning into zombies and stagnating. This applies to entire humanity. Work is the most important thing about us and it makes us humans, after all. I'm not saying people should be workhorses, no. Working overtime is equally bad as not working at all. Do note that I'm not talking about jobs - I'm talking about generally doing stuff, rather than being passive. People should take pleasure in doing things which force you to think, rather than sitting in front of the TV all day, being spoonfed with information from all sides, unable to separate good stuff from bull.

I am already doing good in my real life. I just want to wake other people up too.

People need appropriate motivation to do things. There's your next goal if you're up for it. Some people are aware of this, but lack the initiative to make a change, another effect of our pleasure-bathed existence.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Also, as for thing that I ever stated: Predicting the future is impossible.
Deny that.

let's not rush there, shall we? Yes, there are things that are pretty much to happen in one way and the chance that they happen in another way is so slim that we can say are impossible to happen (as in very low chance to none).

Example: Time travel - in terms of teleportation and shortening distance - why not, displacement of particles might be possible. But time travel such as going to the Middle ages, doubt we can change ourselves and all around us. Or dropping an apple on the ground and something else to happen - hardly.

Speaking of the cards - can't say if they tell something - have in mind that if it is a PLAN - yes that's not predicting the future, this is 'Hey guys. "enjoy" your future, we will help you with it' - You guy are the perfect example, why would they put their plan in straight sight - no one cares. Ofc I am not sure if it is a plan but people are generally ignorant so putting in plain sight is the best way of hiding.

But besides the usual - pay me money, I will look in a cup of coffee and tell you the future charlatans, there are people who COULD SEE something to happen in the future. And they were not basing it on mathematics calculations or theory of probability.

Nostradamus and Vanga are good examples of foretelling the future... so they kind of have something in the brain.

Or like telepathy - how do people sometimes think about the exact same thing without talking about it? Afterall the brain is they say still unexplored. There may be more we can do with it?

Also tell me, WHY have I DREAMED many times places I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE THAT I LATER GO TO? Places plus situation.... I am entering the place, and then.. wait a minute - why is it familiar, why what I am doing is familiar?

I have some very evident cases that I do smth or it happens as I dreamed it - how?

Sorry guy! You cannot call all 'Just a coincidence...'

Because through conspiracy theories people abolish responsibility from themselves. It's easier to pin down everything bad on a 'secret' society with 'secret' plans of which all of a sudden everybody is aware of, all while ignoring your own actions which bring destruction upon the world.

Yes, actually there are paranoid people and they blame their bad day on evil governments. These people make those who are credible look like idiots. But there is smth we dont know what.

Plus there is a tendency of New World Order - I also see more and more people talking about it. The whole ANONYMOUS are based on this idea and see themselves as anti-NWO
Yes, for those who don't want to see it, there is no evidence enough.
I don't know why but I find myself very often in the strange situation that I feel like it was supposed to happen and often, no matter what I do, something just happens.

And also, like eImtoR already mentioned, if there really is a hidden society they just love to mess with our heads because they KNOW we will argue about whether they exist or not because some people just don't want to know the truth.

They go through their life with blind eyes.

I have a few weird situations already, one time I predicted the future (about 90 seconds before), I told my friend what was going to happen, and it happend. (I told him exactly what my teacher will say, and it was about 1 minute long talk and he said exactly what I predicted he will say, word for word.)

Coincidence? Hell no.

We humans are way greater and we don't have any idea of who we can be. There is so much potential in us, we just get kept dumb so we won't use it against those who are ruling the world right now.
Level 18
Mar 21, 2008
No, just no. It's hard to hold my laughter when reading this. This reminds me of the time when Supernatural Being was still lurking around here.
So amusing..

I mean, if you're able to predict the future, you should've said it in the first place! Ofcourse I would've believed!
Or actually.. That's just ridiculous, it was a good guess or a silly made-up story.

So who are they..? Who are ruling the world? Illuminati? I doubt.
So if you don't have anything important to say, why don't you just stop replying?
I am not an attention whore, I don't need to lie.

If you feel the need to mock the people who want to have a serious discussion about things you have no idea about, feel free to do it, but then don't post it in this topic.

Further comments like yours will be ignored by me now.
Level 22
Dec 31, 2006
let's not rush there, shall we? Yes, there are things that are pretty much to happen in one way and the chance that they happen in another way is so slim that we can say are impossible to happen (as in very low chance to none).

Example: Time travel - in terms of teleportation and shortening distance - why not, displacement of particles might be possible. But time travel such as going to the Middle ages, doubt we can change ourselves and all around us. Or dropping an apple on the ground and something else to happen - hardly.

Speaking of the cards - can't say if they tell something - have in mind that if it is a PLAN - yes that's not predicting the future, this is 'Hey guys. "enjoy" your future, we will help you with it' - You guy are the perfect example, why would they put their plan in straight sight - no one cares. Ofc I am not sure if it is a plan but people are generally ignorant so putting in plain sight is the best way of hiding.

But besides the usual - pay me money, I will look in a cup of coffee and tell you the future charlatans, there are people who COULD SEE something to happen in the future. And they were not basing it on mathematics calculations or theory of probability.
Wat, I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Some of it is very vague, and other parts aren't properly explained. The way you write it just makes it so ambiguous and uncertain. I could drag out countless meanings out of it, and that makes it difficult to poke at anything because I have no idea what you actually mean.

Nostradamus and Vanga are good examples of foretelling the future... so they kind of have something in the brain.
No they're not. I suggest you actually check them out. The theory that they could predict the future has been rebutted countless times. Use google, youtube, discovery channel, anything. There's tons of info out there that thoroughly goes through what they actually wrote (not many really know what they wrote, they just heard they could predict the future) and the countless events in history each and every prediction could've referred to.

Or like telepathy - how do people sometimes think about the exact same thing without talking about it?
That isn't exactly telepathy, but I get what you're trying to say. The keyword is sometimes, but the explanation is also perfectly logical. Assuming the two persons in question are not separated geographically they will both receive similar stimuli, which can result in similar responses in the neurons. Actual telepathy has not yet been successfully demonstrated under scientific circumstances.

Afterall the brain is they say still unexplored. There may be more we can do with it?
Unexplored is taking it too far. The brain has been quite extensively explored and tested on. There are still certain functions we are not yet sure about, but it is already possible to see to some degree what someone else is thinking or dreaming about by using proper equipment. We can treat many mental problems and we know to a great degree how the brain reacts to different stimuli. We can already create bionic arms that are controlled by your brain, just like a regular arm. We can also use rather precise equipment to stimulate particular neurons to achieve various things. An example is treating certain forms of chronic pains that are entirely in your brain.

Also tell me, WHY have I DREAMED many times places I HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE THAT I LATER GO TO? Places plus situation.... I am entering the place, and then.. wait a minute - why is it familiar, why what I am doing is familiar?
This one is classic, and it's the same thing with faces. Very many feel they see faces in the dreams that they do not recognize, then days, or even weeks or months later, they see the same face again, only in real life. The explanation for this is that your brain sees more than you know. A lot more. It's just that it has to concentrate on a very small portion of the info it gets, however the info it does not concentrate on is not lost. Every face you see while walking down a street is remembered by your brain, and used in your dreams. Same with places, and even street names. Even though you do not consciously know the street name for certain places, it is stored in your brain, and such info can be used in your dreams. I have yet to hear someone dream about a place they've actually never been to or passed by, or seen videos or images of, that also happens to exist.

As for many other posts here, I just can't be arsed at the moment. It's just a really weird and complicated topic, and there's a lot of things to consider. It takes time to make a proper rebuttal. It's easy to come up with this one "amazing" theory or claim, but an entirely different thing to methodically break them apart.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
Wat, I'm not quite sure what you're saying. Some of it is very vague, and other parts aren't properly explained. The way you write it just makes it so ambiguous and uncertain. I could drag out countless meanings out of it, and that makes it difficult to poke at anything because I have no idea what you actually mean.

It means that since the thread is about the Illuminati cards - it looks more like a plan rather than predicting the future, e.g 'I will draw on the cards what I will do to you e.g next year'.

As for 'predicting the future' I am saying that some people do have some abilities or feeling of what may happen, I can\t explain what it is, since no one has discovered anything in that direction.

No they're not. I suggest you actually check them out. The theory that they could predict the future has been rebutted countless times. Use google, youtube, discovery channel, anything. There's tons of info out there that thoroughly goes through what they actually wrote (not many really know what they wrote, they just heard they could predict the future) and the countless events in history each and every prediction could've referred to.

Eh nice coincidences then? Yes, I am not a first believer in future foretelling, just saying they possess something average people do not. If you quote the debunking ones, I can see what examples you're giving.

That isn't exactly telepathy, but I get what you're trying to say. The keyword is sometimes, but the explanation is also perfectly logical. Assuming the two persons in question are not separated geographically they will both receive similar stimuli, which can result in similar responses in the neurons. Actual telepathy has not yet been successfully demonstrated under scientific circumstances.

Ok so you think there is nothing more in our brains than already discovered? I am not talking about making magic and fireballs out of your hand here... but anyone who thinks objectively will tell you we may have more in ourselves.

Unexplored is taking it too far. The brain has been quite extensively explored and tested on.

You know the problem of 'mainstream' 'concervative' science today? That it takes all for the ultimate truth when in this century we discover that some theories can be argued. There is more to see what we can do..The pineal gland of the brain? Is not entirely studied...it can do a lot of interesting things but no hard evidence of what you can do with it is seen so far..

Also how did I happen to dream places I never seen or imagined how they look, as if having an eye to a certain locations - how does the brain do that? You were talking about how the brain REMEMBERS things AFTER you have seen them and we just forget but I am talking about places I have NEVER seen BEFORE or even not just beeing into a place I never imagined but doing the exact same thing as in my dream and no not to 'fulfil the dream' - actually I start doing the stuff, at this place and suddenly I remember I have dreamed it, for I have never been in that place before.

I have feelings of deja vu and sometimes the dreams were quite memoraBLE TO say 'oh I just made it up that I had dreamed it'

I will let you know I do my own research on this, and I do not call this 'just a coincidence'
Since jazztastic asked me to do it, I will give him an honest reply.

I'm so tired of hearing all these people say "OMG ILLUMINATI U GOTTA EDUMACATE YERSELF THEY R EVERYWHERE OMG". Stop. Do you actually believe that garbage?
Yes. Why else would we try to wake people up? If you always ignore those people just because you fear it may be true, how dare are you to judge them?

If you have woken up and found out what's going on why aren't you stating it instead of making these bold statements about being lied to? How about you tell me what I'm being lied to about.
I already told you some things. It's everything. Whether it's history, how the world is ruled, what humans think or about wars that are only made for money purposes and to generate fear. 80% of Americans income comes from war. So why should they stop? There is no reason for war in Iraq. And yet they still have war there.

Like a youtube video made by a person you will never meet about a conspiracy theory? The credibility of your source is ridiculous, and all evidence circumstancial. Your arguement is silly, and your valid points non-existant.
You judge a whole topic just by one video? This is just one source. Get your information from souces you trust. I don't know what or whom you believe in or trust.

Life would be a lot different from what it is if what you're proposing were true. Why do you make this thread if you don't even review the credibility of your own sources? Why do you even bother writing out the same statement used by all conspiracy theorists, the "you're being lied to open your eyes sheeple"?
No, life would not be different. Life is just as good we are talked it is. Media and politicians know that. Tell a man for 4 weeks he can't walk and he will start to believe it. Same with media. Just don't judge things too fast.

Based on this unattributed quote, you're saying I'm wasting my time trying to save you from future embarassment by repeating this theory of yours.
I think you are so afraid of being wrong that you stay with theories that you know are not fitting to the world. I am not afraid to be wrong, at least I try to understand the world.

Next, yes the Illumanati are real, but not as a sinister organization. Let's quote you for being so awful at this
Who said it is not a sinister organization? A webside? Are you kidding me? And you judge me from bad sources?

Here they are - http://illuminati-order.com/index.html - Garsh darn getting that information was really hard.
Look above.

Now let's go through the points in the video and laugh at them 1 by 1.
See, you can't even take it seriously.

0:15 - 11:11 on the clock - First I'd like to ask how people can even see that the clock says 11:11, it isn't in the foreground of the picture and even in the actual movie is hard to make a distinct time. If it truely was 11:11 I would think one of two things, either coincidence, or the director added a little mind game to coincide with the disaster that happens at November 11th (in the movie).
Well, for starters, you should know that the media does a lot of mind games with us already. Nearly every advertisement has them.

Maybe you should check this video. It will tell you how bad the situation has become and that was 1975! It's even worse now.

0:55 - See above. Also, that really doesn't look to be on the 11th minute to me.
Maybe because you look to it from a different angle?

1:04 - Fire in the Gulf - A likely story for a natural disaster. Too bad it doesn't say it's from an oil spill or what Gulf it's in. Then it would've REALLY driven it home for you conspiracy theorists huh?
It says Gulf of Mexico...

1:09 - Japan on the clock at 12:00 - Probably because the clock was made in Japan.
Oh right, so how many Americans have japan clocks in their home?

1:19 - Country code for Japan - Circumstancial evidence points to nothing. That's like me saying 9/11 had two 1's 1 is the area code to America OMG OUR GOVERNMENT DID IT. Believe it or not if you start pulling lots of numbers eventually you'll hit one with relevance to a nation.
For one or two times its coincidence, but why won't you try to think that maybe its not a coincidence and you just are told to NOT believe in such things?

1:40 - Japans cooling systems malfunctioned - They used this as an example because it's likely to happen, not because it specifically relates Japan.
Oh yeah, right. First the tsunami and power failure, but then the cooling system problem. And you KNEW it would be because of the cooling system. Tsunami, power failure, that's nothing! There is no reason an atomic plant would ever be able to explode because of a big tsunami or power failure.

No comment on this one.

1:56 - Illuminati Eye - Yeeeeah no that's a circle with another circle inside it. Maybe because its a window with a distant sun visible in it.
Yeah. You look at all those things one by one, not in a whole piece.

2:35 - Terrorist Plot - There was no terrorist plot in Japan it was a natural disaster this is completely irrelevant to EVERYTHING. No wait lemme guess 9/11

2:43 - Japan is in the East - Yes, yes it is. But it's not on the East Coast of America, which is what was being talked about. I cannot believe the author of the video tried to make that connection he's grabbing at straws here.
So, as said above. If you look at all the things one by one it's natural you won't see it.

2:49 - 11/11/3 - Yeah too bad Japan's disaster was 11/3/11. 11/11/3 man like if you add 1 and 1 together that's 2 and if you add it 3 times to 3 that's 9 and then its 11/9 so it's 9/11. JAPAN CAUSED 9/11.
You know different countries have different date systems? For some its 11/11/3, for others its 11/3/11 or even for some 3/11/11. Depends where you live.

3:20 - 11/11 on the streetposts - Too bad it's not for aesthetic purposes they were obviously built because the Illuminati needs to toy with us.

3:26 - Naw it's a coincidence - Yes, yes it is.
What makes you believe it is?

3:48 - Hints from the Illuminati - It's a bunch of gibberesh. Go ahead and try to find meaning in that gibberesh. I'd like a good laugh.
You really want to laugh about it, right? You can't take anything serious. You are trained to make fun of everything it seems like.

4:01 - Wouldn't it be easier to tell the public this way? - No, no it would not be the easiest way to inform the public by putting subtle hints in bad movies starring Nicholas Cage.
Okay, let's explain this one. If the world ends and you (as government) need to make an deal, what would you do? Would you save the most intelligent and most important people (including yourself) or tell the public about it and destroying the chance of anyone actually surviving? Why don't you start to think like them. They don't care about the public.

Everything presented in the video was based on circumstancial evidence, all pointing to, nothing really. Instead of searching for life's answers in bad movies starring Nicholas Cage that came out 3 years ago you should go do something else, because everyone supporting this kindof stuff is just bizarre.
So you rather believe in coincidences because you are afraid of being wrong? That's all what I got from your explanations.

This is a classic example of people already knowing what they want and finding specific parts in text/video to support it. The author of the video OBVIOUSLY wanted to find hidden meaning in this movie, so he went and sifted through an enormous amount of minutia in order to find a lot of small coincidences in order to make his arguement. It's actually really sad. Instead of deciding his opinion based on what was presented, he had his opinion formed from the get-go. You may accuse me of the same thing, but I specifically offered a rebutle to each arguement made in the video, all while stating my arguement of "It's ridiculous and you're batshit insane".
Yes, the author looked for it. So what? The evidence is still there. Btw, batman was planned. Micheal Jackson was murdered. I can show you thousands of stuff like that.

And since your only reason why you reply my posts is because you want to have fun and make fun about it, I won't reply your posts any longer except it's an serious text.
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