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Monster Hunter V.1.20

In this single player game, you're become a Monster Hunter, do quests, create items and equipments from what you hunts and become one of the legendary Monster Hunter !!!

Created by :
Myself T_T so sad, i need members to help me !

Features :
- Save and Load system, i'm not using the default wc3 saving system because it will be fatal error when trying to load a saved game
- Quests, Lot of quest you can take, but at this time, there's only first ranked missions that you can take
- Killcount, after you kills 5 same or higher ranked monster than you, you will gain 5 attribute points and 1 skill points
- Lot of skills you can learn
- Crafting, create your equipment from what you hunts !, always take items from killed monsters, and maybe sometimes you need it
- Mining, You can mine at mining spot in order to gain resources that very useful for crafting
- Combining, You can combine 2 items into a greater one !, but at this time, there's only 4 items that you can combine
- Attachment System (yeah sure !)
- Skinning, a killed monster does not drop items by itself, you must use Pick Up Items skill to pick it up

Well, i lost my track of the imported models's author, so, if i used your resource, PM me.
But many of models i've downloaded it from HiveWorkshop and Wc3c

Lists of Skills:
There is no passive skills, so you must use it manually in order to gain it's effect

- Invenom : Gives a chance to slow the enemy by 25% and deals percentage of damage dealt with 2 seconds interval
- Endure Damage : Endure damage taken into per point of energy(energy = Mana)
- Invoke : Increase your critical damage by a percentage of your stamina(stamina = intelligence)
- Rising Might : Increase your vitality(vitality = Strength) by X%
- Eagle's Eye : Increase your critical chance by X%
- Protection : Increase your armor by X
- Weapon Mastery : Increase your damage by X%
- Heavy Crush : Deals a percentage of your damage and stun the target
- Forefoot Swing : Deals a percentage of your max HP and slows the enemy by factor of 5
- Armor Break : Reduces the target armor by X
- Speed Wind : Increases your attack speed by X%

Screenshots ? Well, maybe in the next update :)

Monster, Hunter, DeftheLynn, RPG, Single, Player, Crafting, Mining, Attachment, Quests, Save and Load.

Monster Hunter V.1.20 (Map)

19:39, 14th Mar 2010 ap0calypse: Approved
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
a better description and this map will totally get a directors cut!..
I cant give you all a better review atm, but i really recommend you to play this!..
I didn't find any bugs from 30min. playing.. but i will continue when i get some more free time..
rate; 5/5
+rep also!..
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
Monster Hunter is a really well done RPG-styled map. Many quests which from you can chose the ones that fits you the most at the current moment. Good number of items which has many ways of usage. Really good terrain. Useful spells (not spamming sfxes but are really needed), interesting equipment system and good attribute system. The only thing that was really missing for me in the RPG was main storyline. It`s more WoW-like. Allows player to sav/load what is additional good point of the map.

Overall I`m sure it`ll grant a lot of fun while playing this map for hours.
4/5 and vote for approval.
Level 14
Aug 8, 2009
Although this map has great potential i feel as though it wasn't really finished?

Through the game i was lost. I picked the mushroom finding quest, couldn't find any mushrooms that were harvestable with my skill that was supposed to harvest them. And every night i just wanted to Alt+tab until it was done so i didn't have to look at the glitchy "lighting effects" if you want to call them that :/.
I also never found a way to really do anything in this map, there was no description or "help" option in this map, i was left to figure it all out on my own in this world of unhelpful foreign speaking NPCs (unspeaking npcs) that told me nothing what so ever. Also the buildings were incredibly dark and mysterious, making me unable to see where i was going or what i was supposed to be doing, AGAIN... Terrain wise it was pretty decent but there were many displeasing aspects, such as the extremely uneven ground making for awkward "Light from above" doodads, the High-res doodads were in my opinion not needed especially considering you didn't use the same looking textures\doodads for the inside of the building. And the trees were awkward in the spots they were, Purple and dark pine trees on a beach? Comon :/ And it needs a lot of re-proportioning. The grass was so large it was as big as my hero, making it very unrealistic. In fact all of the enviornmental doodads were ill proportioned.

Until this game becomes playable, i really see no reason to approve it, even though it has so much potential to be a great game. This may seem harsh, as i know for a fact that you put a lot of work into (even while alone) and that is good, but it just doesn't seem right to approve something that is so aesthetically displeasing and is very complicated without helping you out with "hints" or even telling you what you are supposed to be doing.
Level 9
Jan 3, 2010
well, to be honest, this map is ain't finished yet ...
I forgot the names of monsters, so, if you can help me to remember their name, i would be thankful :)

@ azurot
well then, i will be more realistic in the next update ...
Hints ? I was forgot to create that, i'm sorry ... :)

I would be thankful if someone told me about monster hunter and anything else. Oh and also, can someone create a models that looks alike in monster hunter game ?
Level 9
Jan 7, 2010
I found an amazingly abusing cheat, combine an item with itself and it just doubles itself twice, but im not actually sure, it doesn't work on much at all. Just mushrooms and a stupid blue herb. I did this on backpack slot 4.

Edit: I have come to the conclusion that backpack slot 4 is glitched. Anything in there that was combined just duplicated itself. I duplicated the mushrooms so much they went over the 99999999 count. Once, the sell value actually went into negative. I even duplicated it so badly i couldn't actually duplicate it anymore.
Edit: The even worse thing is, if I swap the items around in backpack slot 4, it just duplicates as well, it even creates an item on the ground!
Edit: Huh, so it DOES work on every other slot.
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Level 1
Feb 25, 2010
nice map, it looks rly great, but i think its missing some kind of story....and also, most those skills are buffs for 6 minutes so when you are completely buffed, theres nothing else than attack and smite. Try to add there some skills to use or more than one kind of hero....nice map anyway
Level 3
Nov 23, 2008
The "dupe" bug can happen in any backpack slot that is full of items. You right click to change the position of the items and the item moved dublicates itself. This happens imo cause of the way your unstacking feature works.

The night lights make your terrain look ugly in many cases. Maybe you need to rethink/change the night effect outside of the city (the city night lightning was very good).

Proccing a critical consumes vast amounts of your energy, although being low on energy does not prevent you for scoring one.

I'll just wait for your map to improve/balance and fix some minor issues. It is a map with great pottential.
Level 9
Jan 3, 2010
Thanks all for testing my map :D

Yea, i need some of attachment models, monsters models, equipment names, monster names, and anything that similar to monster hunter (so many ~~~)
so, when you know something that missing from the original monster hunter game, maybe you can PM me :)

I'm kinda busy right now, maybe next week i will update it again, with somethings i've mentioned above maybe :D
Level 12
May 30, 2009
Thanks all for testing my map :D

Yea, i need some of attachment models, monsters models, equipment names, monster names, and anything that similar to monster hunter (so many ~~~)
so, when you know something that missing from the original monster hunter game, maybe you can PM me :)

I'm kinda busy right now, maybe next week i will update it again, with somethings i've mentioned above maybe :D
So you don't need trigger help? Fine, I'll just go cry in the corner.
Level 2
Dec 24, 2009
Nice Map! 4/5 cause of the item dupe. I tried it out with all items and it works. There is also this other thing i found out which is when your inventory is full, you pick up the dupe item on the ground, it will create one item similar in the stack of item(same items in stack as picked up) in your inventory and the item will remain on the floor.

Also, i think during the night it is too dark and you should make the hunter able to see better somehow.(not including the 'night light')Maybe something like a lantern?(Which he can hold)
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Level 2
Apr 24, 2009
not so good...

Well like a few have said this game has great potential but a lot of people are saying "5 outta 5! +mega rep!" just because it has the monster hunter name on it. in actuality theres a bunch of glitches and some things that get rather annoying.

1)Has already been said but ill say again, item duplication is really easy, if one backpack is full u just move a stack-able item or use combine item on it and it will double.

2)Cant attack, or force attack, animals that are not hostile.
The only way to actually attack them is to use a spell that deals damage and it forces them to be hostile towards you for anyone that wants to do those quests.

3)If u die without gaining any rank exp your rank exp goes to around 4 trillion making it impossible to ever rank up because you cant pass the level requirement since u already are too high (although I'm not sure you can even rank up in this beta because i never saw my rank move even completing around 10-15 quests.)

4)Night is too glitchy to move around during with the poor lighting.

5)The map is rather useless. Unless you were paying attention as you got lost in the forest you have no idea what zone your in. It would be nice to have your current zone a different character at least though having a marker of "you are here" would be even better.

6)Finding the quest giver is a pain. In monster hunter 1 (which it looks like u based this off of) the quest giver is in a fenced area right before you exit town so you can cut the crap and get things done without exploring the entire town to find him.

7)Eagle's Eye spell seemed to not activate. You should add a status icon at the bottom with the rest so you know its active.

8)The models for some items were just ridiculous. The scales from the small dinos were hay...

9)You could pick from the same bush, and mushroom for what seemed to be forever. I got about 40 items from one bush before i was tired of picking from it. In monster hunter you could only pick once before the plant was used up. Either change it or set a limit like the mining.

10)It should load EVERY time you exit the village. In monster hunter the only way you could get back to town was cancel your quest and you couldn't leave town without taking a quest. Try to incorporate this if possible

11)QUEST MENU!, in a game like this you need a quest menu for people who don't know whats going on. i didn't even realize i had a sword until i started looking through my backpacks...

12)Theres more but i forgot them while writing this... I'll edit the post later if you update and start crossing things off that you fix.

Now its not all bad, i enjoyed some of the game-play and the concept was a good one. Its always nice to see people incorporate a game into warcraft just to experience it another way, but you seem to not know much about he game reading some of your posts so ill help you out a bit.

Minions: Aptonoth, Apceros, Velociprey, Genprey, Ioprey, Bullfango, Mosswine, Cephalos, Felyne, Melynx, Hornetaur, Vespoid, Kelbi

Bosses: Velocidrome, Gendrome, Iodrome, Yian Kut-Ku, Gypceros, Cephadrome, Khezu, Basarios, Gravios, Plesioth Monoblos, Diablos, Rathalos, Rathian, Fatalis, Lao-Shan Lung, Kirin

The raptors in the game would be Velociprey and there leader is the Velocidrome, the lizards are Aptonoth, and the Vullfango and Mosswine finish off everything besides the insects and the cats that steal your stuff in the first zone (which is everything the game currently incorporates). These monsters should be the only thing in the game because that's all you see there.
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Level 9
May 22, 2009
This game is awesome, the terrain, the gameplay, the special systems, even for a beta this is a 5/5

some small things:
-spelling and grammar mistakes (I don't demand you change these, they are small and don't ruin the game, I'm just pointing it out)
-more explenation of how the game works, you can do this with F9 or just have more people to talk about it. It took me 15 minutes to find the quest guy.
-Where do I find ore and amythist (and other materials)? Or isn't that available this version?
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
White Flare said:
Well like a few have said this game has great potential but a lot of people are saying "5 outta 5! +mega rep!" just because it has the monster hunter name on it. in actuality theres a bunch of glitches and some things that get rather annoying.
Lol, I haven`t even known that such a game exists.
(to be honest I still don`t know, I`ve only heared the name of it here)
Level 1
Jul 25, 2009
Love what you've done with the game so far, other than the aforementioned duplication and exp-death bugs. One question though: where DID you get that model for the Rathalos? Love to be given the link.
Otherwise, very creative, very fun, if slightly grind-ish sort of game. Seriously. I had to kill 15 Lizardos because the fire kept making the food burnt, and they give more Bones than meat. Also, are we even -able- to advance beyond Rank 1 in this version?
Level 8
Dec 22, 2008

I know what Monster Hunter looks like...

And of course I also know that its hard to achieve every element that Monster Hunter offers through Warcraft 3. But you have a good start. Besides that;

Time Playtested: 5:15 Minutes
Dissapointment: 90%

{+}Good Start; This game has... SICK potential.

{-}Named the map Monster Hunter, very obviously after the game that allot of us around here love, but catches almost NO gaming element of the actual game. Work on it and you'll deserve Directors Cut
{-}It's currently for one player, make it at least four.
{-}MAKE THE INTERFACE User Friendly (Meaning easy to use for n00bs).
{-}Oh and please take that Day/Night system out -.- It's just horrible.

Other than that good luck on the rest of the map and I'll be waiting on the next, improved version, on which I will utimately give a full review.
Level 4
Aug 1, 2009
hey lol... i cant play single this map.. when i click start game its say u need an oppunent to start game... what to do????
Level 3
Aug 11, 2010
I found a huge bug!!!
If you have to items of the same type, one in the backpack(there can´t be any slots left) and one on the ground. If you click on the item on the ground it will say that it is not enough slots. But the item in the backpack will gain one charge. Wich means you could make a huge amount of money this way.
That´s the only thing so far.
Lovly terrain!!!:goblin_good_job:

5/5 and +rep if you fix the item bug.
Level 9
Jan 3, 2010
I found a huge bug!!!
If you have to items of the same type, one in the backpack(there can´t be any slots left) and one on the ground. If you click on the item on the ground it will say that it is not enough slots. But the item in the backpack will gain one charge. Wich means you could make a huge amount of money this way.
That´s the only thing so far.
Lovly terrain!!!:goblin_good_job:

5/5 and +rep if you fix the item bug.

haha i'm sorry, i will not making any changes to this map, because ...
i lost the uprotected version T_T
Level 3
Oct 9, 2010
i cant attack lizardo... it always uses mass patrol orders

use A>click

my review is...
the start is without direction, the save is annoying and hard to find (at first)
so is the guy with the quests.

after logging like like 40 min some things where not picked up, but instead just copied you could get infinite numbers of whatever happenes to be bugged

ehen you kill aceminus and get his claw you could combine click it to double it an infinite number of times and then sell it for all the money you will ever need

on top of that i could not rank up, it went from 0/200 to 40000+/200 AND STILL NUTHIN

and where it that dragon egg?

great concept that need's work (but not much), the terain is marvelous as is all the placing of your doodads and such the npc's blend in seemlessly I give 4/5 becousee of the bugs (i did use the propper save tho not the one in the diary so i probably got the "fatal error")

and no offence but your grammar is apalling:goblin_boom::goblin_good_job::thumbs_up: