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Disastrous War v. 1.20

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.

The goal is to destroy the three main-structures (the castle at the picture) of your enemy.
You have to build "spawners" - structures which send units - and upgrade them!

Each player have to upgrade his own units!
If one player don´t do that, the team will lose!
Each units have strengths and shortcomings against the other units and some unique abilitys to defeat the enemy, so be white and build the right spawners!

The structures will build by the worker which stay at the start of the game at your castle! But you can only build in your base because your worker can´t leave them! If you build a structure, you get a little income-bonus which will display at the structure by a floating text. But if a structure will be destroyed, you lost the income-bonus!(Your income will display as your lumber!!)
Theire are five different types of structures which can be build by your worker:

  1. Centers:
    • can´t spawn any Units
    • you can only tech-up your units there
    • enable to build Spawners
  2. Spawners:
    • spawn Units every round
    • some can have special, unique tech-ups for theire Units
    • can extension to a better spawner
    • need food
  3. Towers:
    • only for defend the base
    • earn a little bit gold for each killed unit
  4. Hospital:
    • can heal all your organic units all over the battlefield
    • but it need mana
  5. Observatory:
    • can order an Orbital-Strike which deal fatal damage to structures (but not the main-structure)
    • need much mana
    • can improve the manaregeneration with some tech-ups

The main-structure ( the castles in the Image) can´t be build by any unit! The worker can only repair the man-structure but this is expensive! If your team lost all main-structures, your team has lose!

The units are the most important aspect in the game! They attack the enemy or defend the base so it´s very important to tech-up your units! All units will be spawn out of spawners every round ( every 50 sek.)!
Theire are three different types of units:

  1. Infantry:
    • classification = ground/organic
    • bad vs. tanks
    • have same important supporter for tanks
    • regenerate HP
  2. Tanks:
    • classification = ground/mechanic
    • bad vs. air
    • have same important supporter for all your units
    • can take the most damage
  3. Air:
    • classification = air (organic or mechanic)
    • bad vs. infantry
    • have same important supporter for your infantry
    • flying (can´t be attack by each unit)

You can´t train so much units!
Team-play is very important if you would like to win!


==============================The last three changelogs==============================


-add a new, medium-range, attack for Primary-Air-Units agains tanks and structues (need tech-up)
-changed the"More-food" tech-up, now it can buy only at the main-structure 2
-delete the "Kamikaze" ability of the Primary-Air-Units
-fixed a bugg with the "Virus"-buff
-fixed a bugg with the "Protectordroid" which cause that the first summoned droid was placed at the center of play-map-area and it was never die
-fixed a bugg which cause that some units couldn´t attack the Golden-Spring
-fixed my (very terrible) english


Main-Structure 2
-changed the basis-damage (from 28-43 to 23-38)
-changed the damage-up per lvl. (from 9 to 7)

-changed the basis-damage (from 12-16 to 9-13)
-changed the damage-up per lvl. (from 5 to 3)

-changed the basis-damage (from 12-16 to 9-13)
-changed the damage-up per lvl. (from 5 to 3)

-changed the basis-damage (from 12-16 to 9-13)
-changed the damage-up per lvl. (from 5 to 3)

-changed the basis-armor (from 5 to 7)
-changed the attack-speed (from 0.30 sek. to 0.24 sek.)

-changed the attack-speed (from 1.00 sek. to 1.15 sek.)
-changed the attack-range (from 1100 to 955)

-changed the hitpoints (from 50 to 35)
-now the hitpoints can´t be improved by any tech-ups or boni
-changed the basis-damage (from 35 to 29 )

-changed the classifikation (from ground to structure)
-changed the life-time (from 240 to 100)

-changed the costs per lvl. (from 215 gold per lvl. to 180 gold per lvl.)


-add a conquerable "golden-spring" which cause that the team which controle the spring get 5 gold each 5 sek.
-add hotkeys for the hero-abilitys (Q,W,E,R)


-changed the damage-up per lvl. (from 5 to 4)

-changed the armor-bonus of the plasma-shield (from +13 to +8)

-changed the basic-damage (from 7-7 to 6-9)

-changed the damage-area (from 250 to 200)

-changed the damage-area (from 300 to 235)

-changed the damage-area (from 300 to 235)

-changed the damage-area (from 330 to 235)

-changed the damage-area (from 700 to 315)

-changed the damage-area (from 200 to 265)

-changed the heal-points (from 15 to 17)
-changed the cooldown-time (from 1 sek. to 2,4 sek.)


-delete the "-ecp" command-action
-add some AI´s (easy, medium, hard)
-add some player-stats which will show at the end of the game
-changed the damage-tables:
  1. For Infantry:
    • get 170% by normal
    • get 100% by pick
    • get 100% by chaos
    • get 80% by siege
    • get 70% by magic
  2. For Tanks:
    • get 170% by magic
    • get 100% by normal
    • get 100% by chaos
    • get 80% by siege
    • get 70% by pick
  3. For Air:
    • get 170% by pick
    • get 100% by magic
    • get 100% by chaos
    • get 80% by siege
    • get 70% by normal
  4. For Structures:
    • get 170% by siege
    • get 100% by chaos
    • get 80% by normal
    • get 80% by siege
    • get 80% by pick
-fixed a bug which cause that air-units get damage from the range-bonus of the artilerie if an artilerie attacked a ground-unit during the air-unit are in the damage-area!


All organic units:
-add a low life-regeneration

All defence+ and damage+ tech-ups
-changed the costs (from +95 gold per lvl. to +75 gold per lvl.)

- changed the damage-type of the range-bonus (from chaos to the damage-type of the artillerie)

I hope you will have much funn with my game...

... a member of clan M4P
For credits about the included materials, check out the Info (Ingame)

War, Castle, Defense, Disastrous, Fight, Battle.

Disastrous War v. 1.20 (Map)

15:39, 27th Sep 2009 PurplePoot: Above all, the game desperately needs a spelling and grammar revamp--it was to the point where I was hard pressed to find out what many things were. The terrain did not particularly fit with the models, and above all...




15:39, 27th Sep 2009
PurplePoot: Above all, the game desperately needs a spelling and grammar revamp--it was to the point where I was hard pressed to find out what many things were. The terrain did not particularly fit with the models, and above all imports were spammed left and right with no sense of coherency or relevance, just because they "looked cool".

The balance was alright, although with upgrades it became skewed and overall it was rather hard to evaluate. The gameplay did not deviate much from the Tech Wars standard, except was a little slower and more model spammy.

To be approved, it should really be more coherent and have proper English at the very least.
Level 9
Apr 11, 2008
i will test later im guessing it does not have an AI but from what i can see
Credits 5/5 :D
but as always there is an but. But description about the map itself is 2 lines if you count the line the sense of war
you should prolly make that better (to get approval
Level 3
Jan 21, 2009
My rating


+ Terrain Works
+ Big variety of units
+ Nice models
+ Balanced map


~ Nice map idea ( a bit like footy)
~ Bad mapprotection ( i easily deprotected the map with all functions and imports)
~ Too many credits in map discripiton


- Too long start time ( Units to weak at the start :fp: no sence of attacking)
- No own loading screen; map preview
- Terrain could be a bit more creative

Solution to improve map:

To create a loading screen you need the warcraft 3 model editor here is a link where you can download it: http://home.magosx.com/index.php?topic=6.0.
Here is also a link for a youtube tutorial video about how to create a loading screen with the model editor:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfz3RG0PLUA.
Also make some more money at the start.
I would make a sort of little platform at the middle of the map because it looks cool and it is always good to know when you are over the middle.
Worker could be a bit smaller too. Make credits as a quest in game because it looks confusing in your discription.


Nice game and makes fun with a bit too long start time. It could need some better map design as well. But without bugs and good gaming system.

MyRating: 3,84
Last edited:
Level 12
May 30, 2009

+ Terrain Works
+ Big variety of units
+ Nice models
+ Balanced map


~ Nice map idea ( a bit like footy)
~ Bad mapprotection ( i easily deprotected the map with all functions and imports)
~ Too many credits in map discripiton


- Too long start time ( Units to weak at the start :fp: no sence of attacking)
- No own loading screen; map preview
- Terrain could be a bit more creative

Solution to improve map:

To create a loading screen you need the warcraft 3 model editor here is a link where you can download it: http://home.magosx.com/index.php?topic=6.0.
Here is also a link for a youtube tutorial video about how to create a loading screen with the model editor:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfz3RG0PLUA.
Also make some more money at the start.
I would make a sort of little platform at the middle of the map because it looks cool and it is always good to know when you are over the middle.
Worker could be a bit smaller too. Make credits as a quest in game because it looks confusing in your description.


Nice game and makes fun with a bit too long start time. It could need some better map design as well. But without bugs and good gaming system.

MyRating: 3,84


Nice map, people on BNet seem to like it.

Well constructed and presented.
Level 2
May 18, 2009
A very well made map. I like that one is forced to tech and that mass is almost impossible.
The models are awesome but credit here goes to the makers , but still a bit to you since you arranged them in the way they are here :)
Balance is a bit strong towards paper-stone-scissors and infantary seems a bit weak especially because infantary building gets 20 less income than the other ones. The hospital is an advantage but most units die with 1 hit so it doesnt get the chance to heal a lot.
But still this is already really hostable and so Im doing that.