I don't find it that difficult, as long as your screen brightness is good. It adds a bit of flavour from the drab white text consistantly seen (such as this text for example
) but perhaps purple wasen't the best colour choice seeing as it blends in very nicely with the black background, making it possibly harder for those of us that have moniters that cannot go bright enough, or even with the brightness all the way up still have a hard time seeing. You want a colour that contrasts with the background instead of flowing with it becuase you want your text to stand out. With a mid-brightness moniter, if it wasen't for the post box, I would have a hard time knowing that there was even any text there. Other then that, from what I've seen in the limited amount of time that I have been here, you have been a kind and helpful member and you have always treated me (the lowly new guy member) with a degree of respect not often found in most forums. That goes for the other moderators and Admins too, Malufa, Bob, Ralle, everyone. I think that the Hive would benefit having you as a moderator, but it is not my place to say. As for reorganizing the maps, I think it is in need but as for the descriptions, I think I can help with that.
IntegraMOD has a feature called word censor. Basically, it allows you to censor certain words that would be inappropriate for use on the boards, most usually replacing them with funny ones that make the post make no sense and make the author look like an even bigger n00b. If Ralle, in his PHP-Guruness, could mod the function to work with the map submission perhaps you could set it so that it does not allow you to post a map with certain words in the description and/or map name etc, sure, if people really wanted to be malicious, they could change the map name and description to something that would pass, but I don't think we have those kind of people at the hive.
Just a suggestion, If a long one, is all
PS, sorry for going off topic there a bit, but I was trying to address some of the other posts as well