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Modelling Contest #28?

Which modelling contest themes would you participate in?

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Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I'm curious to see if anyone is interested in another modelling contest. I don't know if enough time has passed since the last one, but I know many users will probably be available during summer, so if there are enough willing modellers here who are quite certain they'd like to participate, I would like to hear your voices!
If we gather enough people, I'll convert this thread to a theme discussion one later.

Vote for your favourite themes! Here is a short description for each available theme:

Tier 1 Equivalent ("Footman")Contestants must create a unit that fits the role of a standard mass-production cannon fodder unit, like a footman, a ghoul, a grunt, etc. It can be a part of the existing Warcraft 3 races(and thus effectively be a 'replacement') or a part of a different\unique race.
Portable BuildingsA building which can morph into a portable\mobile form. For example: Starcraft's Terran buildings, a gnomish factory which can inflate balloons to lift off and fly, an undead beetle carrying a factory on its back, which can burrow into the ground to produce, or similar except it burrows down to move underground, a giant zeppelin which can land and open hatches where produced units will exit, etc.
LeaderContestants must create a unit or a hero who is the leader of an army, group or organization. In-WC3 examples: Archmage Antonidas, Lord Garithos, Thrall, Arthas, Ogre Lord, Forest Troll Warlord, Tauren Chieftain.
WizardsContestants are to create a unit or a hero who's main form of combat is magic. The model needs to clearly show that the unit or hero in question is a mage or wizard of some kind or another. "Spellblades" or other mixed combat users are also allowed, as long as the focus on the 'magic' part of their arsenal is as big or bigger than the focus on their other form of combat.
VeteranContestants are to create a unit or hero representing a veteran - a person who has long-standing experience in their field of work, and most often had been through hard times(e.g, a soldier who participated in a war). The model has to clearly represent the character's status as a veteran. Examples: An old knight covered in scars or war wounds, a wise healer who has served for many long ears, a politician who has been elected for many terms of office...
Builders / WorkersContestants are to create a unit which represents a worker, either replacing one of the original 4 races, or belonging to a different race. Examples are available in the Hive's model section under the tags "worker" or "builder". The in-game examples are Peon, Peasant, Acolyte and Wisp, as well as Ghoul and Goblin Shredder to a lesser extent.
Re-imaginingContestants are to recreate a unit or hero from Warcraft III in their own vision, while keeping the original unit's themes and motives. Some examples can be found in Direfury's models from the model section, as well as Tauer's Grommash Hellscream model.
Corrupted / Fel / CursedContestants are to create a model representing something corrupted or cursed, by demonic\fel energies or similar. For example: Fel Orcs, Satyrs, giant spiders and corrupted Furbolgs.
Defensive StructuresContestants are to create a stationary or semi-stationary structure whose main function is defence. For example: Towers, Ancient Protectors, tower-mounted ballistae and catapults. Anything that (usually) stays in its place and helps to defend an area, structure or settlement.
Fantasy / Medieval TechContestants are to create a unit, hero or structure which clearly uses medieval or fantastical technology - for example, a catapult or a trebuchet, but also a Goblin Zeppelin, Goblin Shredder, Dwarven Siege Engine, Gnomish Flying Machine, etc.
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Just start the theme Suggestion already >.< :p

Holy fuck, just because you won one lousy contest (with minimal point difference) does not mean you can be a sassy bitch right now. Jeez.

I don't want the contest to fail like last time. I want larger numbers and more concrete entrants.

The contest did not fail. The entrants were just not available.
Holy fuck, just because you won one lousy contest (with minimal point difference) does not mean you can be a sassy bitch right now. Jeez.

The contest did not fail. The entrants were just not available.

Lel Im just Exciting to see what theme there will be coming out :O Im sorry If Im lil rude tho :vw_sad:

Maybe I just Express it the wrong way :\
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
This a community to help people and not a contest who has the biggest dick.


Aand yeah, I agree we should make something that will keep participants interested.

Maybe something that could be easy to think of but could be hard to concept and execute, or anything that will keep the participants and not be bored with their work.
Level 22
Sep 7, 2013
If the theme suits my tastes and the contest happens during August I might join, it's calm at the office in this period so i should not be very busy at work and will have more time to participate.
The colossus contest was interesting and i had some ideas, but it required a lot of work to achieve something decent and i hadn't enough time available in this period.
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
I'm usually not much for competitions. Reason I wanted to join last time was because of the very cool theme. Shame I joined so late. It just wasn't possible to make that model in less than 1 week, and so close to exam time no less.

So for me it also very much depends on what kind of theme it is. If it's something awesome like last time, I'll probably join. I have time for it now at least.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Intriguing. We should move on to choosing the theme, then!
Here are the themes from the previous contest's poll (minus Colossus):

Tier-1 Equivalent ("Footman")Contestants must create a unit that fits the role of a standard mass-production cannon fodder unit, like a footman, a ghoul, a grunt, etc. It can be a part of the existing Warcraft 3 races(and thus effectively be a 'replacement') or a part of a different\unique race.
LeaderContestants must create a unit or a hero who is the leader of an army, group or organization. In-WC3 examples: Archmage Antonidas, Lord Garithos, Thrall, Arthas, Ogre Lord, Forest Troll Warlord, Tauren Chieftain.
SpaceContestants must create a model of something that clearly belongs in a sci-fi setting - spaceships, space marines, space stations, aliens, laser blades and high-tech weaponry.
TrollsYou know you like them.
Optical IllusionsContestants are to create an optical illusion\impossible object within Warcraft III.
Cars\KartsContestants are to make a car or 'kart', as seen in Mario Kart or the Blizzard-made custom Warcraft III map, Azeroth Grand Prix.
LunarContestants are to make a model themed after the moon. For example: Night Elves, Werewolves, Craters.
CyberpunkA gritty and dark science-fiction setting which features predominantly 'digital\cyber-looking' components, architecture and fashion. Examples: Blade Runner, The Matrix, Shadowrun.
Portable BuildingsA building which can morph into a portable\mobile form. For example: Starcraft's Terran buildings, a gnomish factory which can inflate balloons to lift off and fly, an undead beetle carrying a factory on its back, which can burrow into the ground to produce, or similar except it burrows down to move underground, a giant zeppelin which can land and open hatches where produced units will exit, etc.
IllusionContestants are to create a model which uses illusion or visual tricks as a main theme. For example: Mesmers from Guild Wars, various illusionists from various fantasy settings, Mirror Image and Invisibility from Warcraft III.
WizardsContestants are to create a unit or a hero who's main form of combat is magic. The model needs to clearly show that the unit or hero in question is a mage or wizard of some kind or another. "Spellblades" or other mixed combat users are also allowed, as long as the focus on the 'magic' part of their arsenal is as big or bigger than the focus on their other form of combat.
BuildersContestants are to create a unit which represents a worker, either replacing one of the original 4 races, or belonging to a different race. Examples are available in the Hive's model section under the tags "worker" or "builder".
Extinct AnimalContestants are to create a model representing a perhistoric or otherwise extinct animal. For example: Dodo bird, saber-toothed tiger, mammoth, dinosaurs.
Ancient Warfare\Ancient HistoryContestants are to create a model which features ancient historical themes. For example, ancient greece, the vikings, assyrians\babylonians, ancient egypt, etc.
Wild WestContestants are to create models themed after the old American west. Cowboys, colonial forces, native americans, etc.
TaurenContestants are to create a model that belongs to the Tauren race or culture from Warcraft lore.
Re-imaginingContestants are to recreate a unit or hero from Warcraft III in their own vision, while keeping the original unit's themes and motives.
VeteranContestants are to create a unit or hero representing a veteran - a person who has long-standing experience in their field of work, and most often had been through hard times(e.g, a soldier who participated in a war). The model has to clearly represent the character's status as a veteran. Examples: An old knight covered in scars or war wounds, a wise healer who has served for many long ears, a politician who has been elected several times over a long time.
CircusContestants are to create a model representing the circus or carnival. Jesters, jugglers, musclemen, fortune tellers, acrobats fire-eaters, sword swallowers, dancing bears, circus tents and acrobatic spectacles!
VagabondContestants are to create a model depicting a character who lives as a wanderer without a home, most often on the streets or slums of a city. A person without great physical or monetary property.
Martial ArtsContestants are to create a model which features aspects taken from the world of martial arts - hand-to-hand combat practices such as karate, boxing, taekwondo, etc.
AncientsContestants are to create a model representing an Ancient, as defined by Warcraft lore - tree-like beings who represent the soul and heart of the Night Elven forest of Ashenvale, while serving as trusted advisers(and unit-producing structures) for the Kal'dorei race.
Corrupted\FelContestants are to create a model representing something corrupted by demonic\fel energies. For example: Fel Orcs, Satyrs, giant spiders and corrupted Furbolgs.
Defensive StructuresContestants are to create a stationary or semi-stationary structure whose main function is defense. For example: Towers, Ancient Protectors, tower-mounted ballistae and catapults. Anything that(usually) stays in its place and helps to defend an area, structure or settlement.

We could pick one of these through the use of a poll again, and we could add new ones. What do you guys think?
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
There are some quite cool themes there. I'm mostly interested in themes that somewhat fit within the WC3 universe. Not really a fan of making real-life models like Wild West for example.
Only models I'm 100% uninterested in making are structures, vehicles and mechanical units.

Themes I'm real interested in are Leader, Wizards, Ancients and Fel.

Re-imagining could be cool as well.

But I'd be up for a new theme as well.
Level 22
Sep 7, 2013
The themes i like in your list are:
Space, Cyberpunk, Portable buildings, Wild west.

Because there is originality in these themes, thus a lot of place for creativity.
Other themes feel either overdone (leaders...), or too narrow (trolls, ancients...).
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I'm not sure if originality is really what we need for the next theme, though. I thought "Colossus" was a pretty damn cool theme - but that contest flopped because it was perhaps too tough to make a model for it. Those "original" themes could prove problematic because it might not be so easy to come up with interesting concepts.
Level 8
Jul 8, 2014
Lunar, because somebody needs to make a lunar pony. Come on now, you know somewhere deep in your heart you still love them!

Wild West, because Erron Black, thats why.

Fel, because there are already too much fel models so why not overdo it.

And Tier 1, coz it would be fun to mass them and watch them get killed.
Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
So we had steampunk maybe we could have wood technology(lel) or gnomish or goblin, or Gnomes vs Goblins or Medieval Tech, or Apocalypse with zombies and stuff or Seven Deadly Sins? Then you'll pick one. Or make something you hate the most? Or feral with cats wolves and stuff.
Level 15
Sep 24, 2009
If you are going for a contest, go with WC3 races! Why? Well, what was the point of the last one? We had 2 finished models? that are going to see nearly no use at all, no offense to the makers. So if you are doing something, do something useful, because this site is bloated with useless model, and we desperately need some nice warcraft race models. I know that I am not a modeler, and it easy for me to speak, but still, I just wanted to share my thoughts!
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
So how are we doing this? Do we just decide a theme by agreeing on one or do we need a poll?

If you are going for a contest, go with WC3 races! Why? Well, what was the point of the last one? We had 2 finished models? that are going to see nearly no use at all, no offense to the makers. So if you are doing something, do something useful, because this site is bloated with useless model, and we desperately need some nice warcraft race models. I know that I am not a modeler, and it easy for me to speak, but still, I just wanted to share my thoughts!

Hmm, while I kind of agree, some of the themes can easily be used to make WC3 models as well.
Colossus for example, that you mentioned was useless could easily be used to make a WC themed model. Eredar, Demons, Ancients etc.
But I too would prefer the theme to be at least a little bit related to WC3.

what about.. Cursed? You take a certain unit and make the most unique way to be cursed

Could be interesting I guess.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I'm setting up a poll right now. I'm not going to include all of the themes, I don't want it to be overwhelming and I do want it to be more focused, with a theme that's generally easier to understand, easier to concept for and wider than usual. I apologize if your theme suggestion didn't make it into the poll, if a few of you complain about some theme in particular I'll definitely add it back and perhaps remake the poll.
About WC3-related themes: I definitely agree, those are my favourite as well. But for many it is perhaps a bit too limiting. People make all sorts of maps for WC3, not necessarily within the boundaries of its lore and world, and therefore it's also useful to have things like space models and lasers, besides trolls and orcs (you could always try to go for a mix of both, as General Frank has excellently demonstrated in the past!).
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
I'm setting up a poll right now. I'm not going to include all of the themes, I don't want it to be overwhelming and I do want it to be more focused, with a theme that's generally easier to understand, easier to concept for and wider than usual. I apologize if your theme suggestion didn't make it into the poll, if a few of you complain about some theme in particular I'll definitely add it back and perhaps remake the poll.
About WC3-related themes: I definitely agree, those are my favourite as well. But for many it is perhaps a bit too limiting. People make all sorts of maps for WC3, not necessarily within the boundaries of its lore and world, and therefore it's also useful to have things like space models and lasers, besides trolls and orcs (you could always try to go for a mix of both, as General Frank has excellently demonstrated in the past!).

True, that's why I think a more broad theme would be good. Themes like Leader, Veteran, Tier-1, Colossus etc are good because people can generally use whatever universe they want. Wizard less so, but it can also be used to make models from other IP's.
Themes like Wild West and Ancient Warfare are not good imo, because they limit the modeler to real-world models.

That's just my opinion anyway.

Wizard for me personally would be great, mostly because I'd have a good idea on what to make, but other broad themes could be good as well.

EDIT: Damn, didn't know it was a multiple choice poll so I only voted for one. Is it possible to alter my vote(s)?
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
If there is a way to alter your vote, I am not aware of it. :(
You could just tell me what you wanted to vote for and I'll add your votes.
And regarding your point about themes - I generally agree, but "Wild West" in particular does not necessarily limit you to the real world. You could make an orc gunslinger with a sombrero, that would also count as "Wild West", in the same way that Frankster's space orcs fit the "Space" theme. I suppose ancient history is a different matter, though. Still, some here (Fingolfin perhaps) would probably be interested in such a theme more than one which limits them to the Warcraft III IP.

oh, and don't you dare sneak your Gul'dan model into the Wizard theme, the others won't stand a chance :p
Level 40
Jul 26, 2004
If there is a way to alter your vote, I am not aware of it. :(
You could just tell me what you wanted to vote for and I'll add your votes.
And regarding your point about themes - I generally agree, but "Wild West" in particular does not necessarily limit you to the real world. You could make an orc gunslinger with a sombrero, that would also count as "Wild West", in the same way that Frankster's space orcs fit the "Space" theme. I suppose ancient history is a different matter, though. Still, some here (Fingolfin perhaps) would probably be interested in such a theme more than one which limits them to the Warcraft III IP.

Nah, it's alright. I voted for the one I was most interested in anyway.

oh, and don't you dare sneak your Gul'dan model into the Wizard theme, the others won't stand a chance :p

Hehe, being a Warlock Gul'Dan could qualify I guess. But the one I wanna make is a bit more.. fitting for the category ;)
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