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Modeling Competition #4 - Mech/Robot

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Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
OK... I've decided on a solid idea!


A fully robotic pinky! Note, the model above is not mine (duh) it's just a pic I'm using to make robo pinky. A very handy dandy pic
Everyone else is doing mechs, so I figured I'd do something different :)
BTW, people are asking if I have the wip shot of that model (as in the model itself)
I found the pic on google, and, like I said, am just using it to get familiar with pinky
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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

As long as he's a robot and not a mechanically enhanced organic creature.
I started out by making a four legged mech. It was a nightmare trying to find out how the legs would move.
But now I can use Starcraft 2's Immortals as reference and the like, I doubt it'll be a problem for long.

The REAL problem is the "morph into a ball" thing. I'd have to make sure all the things are in place. And sometimes finding a certain bone (the one that'll make it roll when moving, for example) in that structure might be a little... complicated.

But again, I think I'll live. It'll take a while to animate it correctly, but I really want this model to work. Heck it might even make me start and finish a new project!

Anyways, I'll take a break and think of something for the skin... Probably some crimson/orangish stuff on the plates and some regular grey metal on parts that won't show on the "ball".
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
My animations are complete.

Including several stand variations, a victory (letting shots off into the air), a front-foot stomp, a head-butt, stand channel...

Just got to add in the special effects, attachment points, perhaps a portrait animation or two, and I'm done.

With this entry, at any rate. Mwuhahaha.
My animations are complete.

Including several stand variations, a victory (letting shots off into the air), a front-foot stomp, a head-butt, stand channel...

Just got to add in the special effects, attachment points, perhaps a portrait animation or two, and I'm done.

With this entry, at any rate. Mwuhahaha.

I'm gonna be honest here, your model is a little too low poly.I know RDZ industries is series of mechs that look like that, boxy and the like, but still you could put more detail into it.

What I mean is, now that you're done, just improve on the model until youget something even better.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
And you still have a little less than a month to go.

That was fast.

Been working on it non-stop since the contest was announced, and I will make some more matching devices throughout the duration. It's not like I've got anything better to do. ^^

I'm gonna be honest here, your model is a little too low poly.I know RDZ industries is series of mechs that look like that, boxy and the like, but still you could put more detail into it.

What I mean is, now that you're done, just improve on the model until youget something even better.


The geometry is complete.

It doesn't need any more detail. RDZ Industries (or any co-existing alien species) don't need useless embellishments. Would you rather it had pentagonal prisms instead of cuboids for leg struts? Would you rather it had six claws on each foot, would you rather those claws had hexagonal instead of square soles?

It has a distinct shape, and enough features to indicate what it does and where it does it from. It has all the detail the design requires.

What you call 'something better' would serve no purpose than to put curves where none are necessary. Not to mention betraying the entire design philosophy.

I don't believe in triangles for the sake of triangles. The game industry has quite enough of that as it is, and there are plenty other contestants like yourself taking care of that. No, I will do it my way -- let the people judge whether my approach is better or worse.

Yay I learned a new word. :grin:

Seriously, I was just giving suggestions, and I was expecting exactly that kind of repsonse from you (not mean or anything, it's just I was expecting those arguments to come up).

But seriously it just looks like you put together a new mech quickly without really looking for a new concept first.

And usually alien things with that kind of color scheme are roundish. Not that you have to make it that way or anything. its just all the alien mechs I've seen so far are all futuristic and polished.
Level 13
Mar 24, 2007
RDZ's mech f*cking owns. It can kill things. What can your mech do ? roll on my toes? oh noes ! Plus RDZ's is going to be half or maybe even a quarter the filesize of yours, so i wouldnt be talking.

RDZ made all his concepts himself, in his mind, he does not need to look at SC2 to learn how a mech walks and works, he know it off by heart.

Notice how he says RDZ INDUSTRIES this means that the mech is from a company and companies sell to humans. Humans, not aliens.

Soory for my rant, but i have decided to back RDZ up on this one.
Level 21
Mar 18, 2007
RDZ, you're insulting my alien race :p
They like being sleak! (swoosh)
Because most are fliers as well as walkers and need aerodynamics
Anyway... RDZ's model is entirely fine the way it is. And if it looks bad to anyone, that'll be recovered by it's good animations (and a ton of them, too)
Nice entries so far, guys! And Whitehorn, you're robot looks really good, and doesn't look like a golden... thing from Austin Powers any more lol
Gonna post a WIP of my model soon, just gotta texture the legs and I'll be about 3/5 finished with the model (not including animations ect.)

Ok! Here's a WIP of my model!
I haven't done the back parts yet, or the feet.


  • PinkybotSS1WIP.jpg
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  • PinkyboySS3.jpg
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  • PinkyboySS1.jpg
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Level 15
Mar 31, 2004
What you call 'something better' would serve no purpose than to put curves where none are necessary. Not to mention betraying the entire design philosophy.

Here's me thinking people would make something new for the contest. Yet, it just seems a platform for RDZ to make what he always makes and win a trophy since no one else will bother to finish.

Notice the rule changes for textures to suit his inability to skin? Kinda stinky.:spell_breaker: :spell_breaker: :spell_breaker: :spell_breaker: :spell_breaker: :spell_breaker: :spell_breaker:
Level 15
Mar 31, 2004
You also have to consider mdl editors and how some include no custom texture at all, because they want to use in-game textures and sort've have to.

Actually, No.

You must make the model for this competition. Which means that you cannot use old works.

If MDL editers can make a model from basic primitives to meet this rule, then they can make UV maps just as easily, which means they can make a custom skin.
Level 23
Mar 29, 2004
Here's me thinking people would make something new for the contest. Yet, it just seems a platform for RDZ to make what he always makes and win a trophy since no one else will bother to finish.

I wouldn't have it any other way. :spell_breaker:

Now, in-game screenie time!

Final stats:
675 vertices
390 triangles (including muzzle-flash, not including death particles)

Stand -1, Stand -2, Stand -3 (Complete with 'rarity' setting)
Walk (set run/walk speed to: 150)
Attack (attack damage point: 0)
Stand ready (attack pose 'breathing')
Spell Slam (cast point: 0.820)
Spell First (worship; cast point: wherever the fuck you want)
Spell Second (cast point: 0.410)
Spell Throw (stylish shooting action)
Stand Channel ('disarmed' pose)
Stand Victory (letting off several shots into the air)
Death (minor explosion, fall over, fade out)



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