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Mini-Modelling Contest Theme Discussion

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Model creators of Hiveworkshop, apparently, the latest proposed themes didn't work out for you and I am sorry that I hadn't created a poll earlier to determine the theme.

Allow me to explain; the main purpose of the Mini-Contests is to retain the modding sparkle of yours, so that something useful comes out of them. If you take a look at the Requests forum, you will realize that many people ask for special effects, other game characters, statues, buildings, etc. The latest Mini-Modelling contest was double themed and the goal was to either create an aura or a statue. With the pace of a "mini" contest, these themes seemed to have been ideal in terms of necessity and time requirement.

For your own reasons, you did not want to participate and this saddens me. So here, post your own feedback on themes for the upcoming mini-modelling contests of your preference and we will determine the next contest's theme!

Thank you for reading ;)
the theme is fine, but it started while mc 24 was already going on and there's not much to gain with the "double theme", since the themes are treated as different contests... (we already have trouble holding 1 theme)
and also deadline was waaay too short. even mini-contests need at least 3 weeks to really happen. everyone has their time... we can't expect all the participants to be available in a short time interval...
Level 19
Nov 11, 2005
Recycling Themes from Previous Modeling Contest

I am still unable to participate in any Modeling Contest at the moment due to my commitment to several overdue Request that I have taken months ago (unfortunately)...
However, I will make an exception if the next theme is to my favor...

If I may, I would like to suggest that the themes from previous Modeling Contests to be reused for the upcoming Mini Modeling Contest...
This site has hosted 24 Modeling Contests (so far) and surely some of the themes can be recycled as the next Mini Modelling Contest theme...
Below are the themes that has been used;

Previous Modeling Contest Theme
01) Attachment Pack
02) Creep Hero
03) Citadel
04) Mech/Robot
05) Neutral Structure
06) Halloween-style Unit/Doodad
07) Siege Weapon
08) Cavalry
09) Flying Unit
10) Elemental
11) Chimera
12) Female
13) Building
14) Morphing Unit
15) Colossus
16) Tank
17) Air Unit
18) Aberration
19) Water Unit
20) Campaign Screen
21) Chess
22) Mimic
23) Three Tier Building
24) Feel/Emotion (Latest/Recent Theme)

Now that I think about it, Halloween is coming up in two(2) months time...
So how about reusing 'Halloween style Unit/Doodad' (Modeling Contest Theme #6) as the next theme...?
Level 19
Jun 29, 2009
In my opinion, you shouldn't reuse an old theme, but make up something new instead, that might still fit into your theme, like what about a "holidays creature" contest (By "Holiday creature" I mean a creature from any kind of holiday - New year, Valentine, Easter, Halloween, Christmas - you name it)
Not that my opinion is any important, I'm not even a modeler, but personally I think you should keep every contest unique :)
Level 30
Jun 13, 2011
I will be hapy of some castles ) for any race of fantasy creatures :) but it snth like grand-contest.

For mini contest theme I suggest:

1) Enchant \ Enslave special effect - special effect that symbolize that target will be your minion
2) Darkness manipulation model\spec effect - smth like woodoo\puppet-style things
3) Forbidden magic ^) - Creative thing, make some spell effect that was "Forbidden" by Grand Magicians
I will be hapy of some castles ) for any race of fantasy creatures :) but it snth like grand-contest.

For mini contest theme I suggest:

1) Enchant \ Enslave special effect - special effect that symbolize that target will be your minion
2) Darkness manipulation model\spec effect - smth like woodoo\puppet-style things
3) Forbidden magic ^) - Creative thing, make some spell effect that was "Forbidden" by Grand Magicians
i like your imaginative suggestions...

im specially attracted to the any fantasy race castle theme.
Level 6
Jan 22, 2012
I don't know the correct words to describe this, but wouldn't it be fun to have a mini-contest where you get 3? different models to choose from and you have to "re-dress" either 1 of them or all 3(i'm not sure how quick and easy it would be since i've never tried making a model/mesh/anything related to modeling :p)
And ofcourse "re-dressing" them would involve new weapons/shield/armor etc...
The judging could be based on stuff like how creative you've been/how different the model(s) look and did you manage to make it look natural/smooth etc.

The models could either be made specifically for this tournament(by a non-contestant ofcourse) or the host could ask someone if he could use his model(s) in this contest for this purpose....or....i guess a poll could be made, but still gotta ask all the creators first ofcourse ;)

I think this would make more ppl wanna join the contest since seemingly half the work is allready done and you get a source of inspiration from the resources you are supposed to use :) Also, idk about this, but i'm guessing more ppl would be able to join this type of contest than making a complete model with animations and stuff so we'd probably get some new contestants who usually wouldn't join ;)
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Heroes are cool, iconic, and symbolize the epitome of whatever they are. One of the coolest "race-building tools" I use is making a hero-version of various units. Really makes things interesting in regards to creativity and what elements of that unit should be "turned up to 11", as it were.

My Idea:
Have a "Hero Version of Existing Unit" contest. Contestants can choose any unit from anywhere in Melee TFT (i.e. not just the existing four melee factions, but any creep unit or what-not).


Alternatively, it'd be interesting to see a "Flesh Out A Race" contest, where contestants must pick a race (not necessarily a faction; again, any melee or creep "race") and model something it doesn't have. Unit, Hero, Building, Spells, Doodads; all of those could be modifiers on the basic idea.
My Idea:
Have a "Hero Version of Existing Unit" contest. Contestants can choose any unit from anywhere in Melee TFT (i.e. not just the existing four melee factions, but any creep unit or what-not).
nice. and for a regular contest, actually...

i vote this for mc #25

HEROISM or PROMOTION or CHAMPION (theme name suggestions)
pick a tft melee non-hero unit and design a hero version of this unit.

sounds awesome to me... oh and im a bit drunk right now, so this post might be overdramatic
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Do it. And if someone does a (Jungle) Troll, Goblin, Naga, Pandaren, Forsaken... My love. Especially if it's a Troll.

Did I mention Jungle Trolls? :p


Then again, a corollary to that idea would be a contest called "Demotion": Create a unique unit model based off of an existing hero concept.

Haha. Peasant heroes & Paladin workers.
Level 4
Aug 26, 2012
So, it's like we will make the Sorceress have stronger version of "Slow", or I named it "Slow Motion"...? and stuff like that? I like it...
(Yeah, let's name this theme "Hero-ic unit", any disagrees?)

I think in TFT there is one of these "Promoted-Unit", that is Garithos (knight-based heroes, just add some detail in models and give "paladin" attribute...
And for me, Lord Garithos himself is a knight...)
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Oh, I didn't know this would be a mini-contest. My idea might work better in a "normal" contest format, but it doesn't really matter.

Elf said:
So, it's like we will make the Sorceress have stronger version of "Slow", or I named it "Slow Motion"...? and stuff like that? I like it...
(Yeah, let's name this theme "Hero-ic unit", any disagrees?)
More or less, though the more creativity the better. Since it's all visual, you'd basically take some aspect of the Sorceress & max it out, "hero-ize" her. Perhaps "Archmaiden", or "Mistress of Magic", or considering her regular spells (Slow, Invisibility, Polymorph), maybe "Illusionist".
With that last one, then, you'd have this whole "eyes" motif to use in her armor/cape/staff/whatever. Maybe since everything has a staff, she could dual-wield wands.
Oooh, actually, going with "Illusionist", you could do a sweet "phantom-of-the-opera"-style half-mask (or one of those theater "happy/sad" masks) that she wears or holds in one hand. Then her spells involve the mask somehow.

Maybe change things up and make a "Battle Mage Maiden", with a spiky chained Magic whip, or an Eye-mace.

I dunno, get crazy!

Elf said:
I think in TFT there is one of these "Promoted-Unit", that is Garithos (knight-based heroes, just add some detail in models and give "paladin" attribute...
And for me, Lord Garithos himself is a knight...)
Exactly. He's like a hero-version of the Human Knight, with a twist of "self-serving jerk"/"bandit warlord". Black armor, wings on head, stubble, and replace the lance/sword with a huge double-bladed (enchanted) axe. New name: "Grand Marshal". Solid.


Wish I could post pictures, but examples might be a hero-version of:
- the Goblin Sappers (like a "Bombardier" bombs, flamethrower, shield, burnt face, twitchy, crazed expression, etc)
- the Troll Witch Doctor (like a "Headshrinker"; big cauldron, shrunken heads, potions, herbal remedies, crotchety grump, etc)
- the Dwarf Rifleman (OH WAIT, ALREADY DONE)
- the Tauren Spirit Walker (like a "Thaumaturge"; wizened burly Tauren caster, aligned with spirits, focused on resurrection, etc)
- the Goblin Merchant! (like a "Tradeprince" or "Baron"; arrogant royalty, lush furs & capes, crown/top hat, monocle, expensive gilt staff... riding in a shrouded palanquin, or surrounded by adoring fans, etc)

Imagination runs wild. Plenty of other good options.
Level 9
Dec 21, 2011
How about Shapeshifiters? Like, Druid of the Claw turns into a ?

Or, a Fel Festival! Fel, meaning the Fel Elves, Orcs etc. ( I like orcs)

Cheesiest Spellcaster!

The most erm, badass angel! Like, Heaven's Mini-Contest!
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Level 4
Aug 26, 2012
Well, Kyrbio, that's just an example, and I have more "imagination" for it. Thanks for giving the Idea, and go on!
(But there's something I want to ask, do we make another hero that is using an unit's model, OR we make another hero by upgrading the base unit's ability and stuff?)
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
*blushing* Wow, thanks all. However:

My Little Pony Models
Oop, forget my idea, this takes the cake. :p


ExcitedVermin said:
I want Kirby0's idea for a normal contest, actually..
Hey, nothing says it can't be done more than once... :p

Elf said:
(But there's something I want to ask, do we make another hero that is using an unit's model, OR we make another hero by upgrading the base unit's ability and stuff?)
Not exactly. It's more like a conceptual successor-type deal.
Considering this is a modelling contest, it's not really a matter of what kind of spells or where they'd be used, so much as how the HERO version is related to the UNIT version. However, I see it much more conceptual than literal, e.g.:



, turn the "Druid" up to 11 and you get:




and Hero-ize it by taking the logical progression;

a Lich. Throw in the frost-theme for splash of color :p



and make


Even the lowly Knight

Can be turned into a Paladin (wc3)

or turned evil & epic, into Garithos

or turned BETA-AWEXOME and heroic, the Crusader
Picture removed due to malware:[img]http://hakker.simpsons-online-sehen.de/Warcraft3PressKit/Warcraft_III_Drawings/Humans/Crusader.jpg[/img]

Anyway, I think you get what I'm saying. It need not be the same exact thing, or even the same gender, or even the same race. It certainly doesn't need the same weapons, or the same type of attack/defense (i.e. Knight + Holy - Horse = Paladin. Necromancer + True Undead + Frost = Lich). But the Lich is obviously a Hero-tier Necromancer, and likewise with the rest.

*whew*. My browser hurts...
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Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Yeah, sorry. I keep forgetting this is a mini-contest. Just take what I said and apply it to a regular contest, I s'pose.

Mini Ideas... "Trap" is good (plenty of good races for that; a variety of Nerubian "Architectual Traps", or a Jungle Troll "Poison Dart Launcher", or an Orcish "Spike Pit"... Possibly a Tauren/Pandaren "Geomantic Quicksand", haha, even a Burning Legion "Roving Succubus" (unit-model of a tempter demoness that seduces nearby units into submission). High/Blood Elf "Mana/Demon Prison"... Oh the list goes on.

More thoughts later.
Kyrbi0's theme idea is amazing; we should apply that to the next modeling contest, but it's a bit too epic for mini-modeling.

How about spell models? Players make models for any sort of ability casting. Traps, particle emitters with fire everywhere, 3-d mesh of ice falling, auras, buffs; any sort of model that could be used for abilities.

Making a unit and saying "it's a summon ability" doesn't count lol.
Level 12
Mar 24, 2011
How about this... BEST MODEL OF THE DARK OF AGE.
This is a hero modeling type where they will create models of the heroes of 2nd century like
Lots more..

What the... !!!! Hitler is from 20th century Napoleon is from 18th-19th And dark age is ~6-7 centuries before him !! And 2nd century is like ~10 centuries before dark age so... wtf.
Level 3
Jun 14, 2012
My ideas are
-Trees, the lack of good doodads are disturbing
-A ward maybe? Wards are always good.
-A vehicle that isn't used for fighting?
-Perhaps a type of golem, it seems there are only rock-type golems in warcraft...
Level 47
Jul 29, 2008
Dangit, ^you stole mine. I was gonna say Wards.

(to broaden this out (as much as I love Jungle Trolls), you could make it a very generic "wards"; i.e. "Jungle Troll Wards", "Tauren Totems", "Human/Elven (magic) Seals", etc.)

Any sort of physical, magical/magic-causing/magic-wielding stationary emplacement.
My ideas are
-Trees, the lack of good doodads are disturbing
-A ward maybe? Wards are always good.
-A vehicle that isn't used for fighting?
-Perhaps a type of golem, it seems there are only rock-type golems in warcraft...

More tree models are always good, but that would limit the participants too much.

Vehicles are too complicated for a mini-modelling contest. They're great, but don't fit it too well. Maybe for a modelling contest, but not mini-modelling.

Golems, again is too limiting for a contest.

But wards is a nice idea, it would leave lots of room for people's creativity, allowing all of the submissions to be unique, while also providing useful models for the community afterwards, and wards is fitting for a mini-modelling contest.

So, at the moment the ideas I've seen from others so far that I like for this contest best are wards and traps. Perhaps this could be combined into one theme, such as "Deployable abilities" or something, where users create stationary deployments such as wards or traps.
Level 4
Sep 3, 2008
I suggest to make the contest based on a type of model that is rare to see in this site.

For example: How many Razormane units have been created here?
So the next contest theme could be Razormane themed.

In this way we will be improving the variety of the database and encouraging map makers to make maps using more stuff such as new races.

What do you think?
I suggest to make the contest based on a type of model that is rare to see in this site.

For example: How many Razormane units have been created here?
So the next contest theme could be Razormane themed.

In this way we will be improving the variety of the database and encouraging map makers to make maps using more stuff such as new races.

What do you think?

That's a great idea, but it sounds too limiting on the style of players. Maybe a creep race modelling contest or something (for all creep races), but that would need to be for a modelling contest, not a mini-modelling contest.

I'm hearing so many good ideas for regular modelling contests, but people keep forgetting this is a mini-modelling. I sure hope people are writing down all your ideas for later contests.
Level 1
Oct 20, 2012
Yep, Kyrbi0's idea is amazing. I wonder how no one brought up this idea yet!

Maybe because its too simple that's why they dont do this contests? But, your right! I love kyrbi0's idea because it gives advantages to people who are just starter in modelling... like me!:grin:
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