Oh, I didn't know this would be a mini-contest. My idea might work better in a "normal" contest format, but it doesn't really matter.
Elf said:
So, it's like we will make the Sorceress have stronger version of "Slow", or I named it "Slow Motion"...? and stuff like that? I like it...
(Yeah, let's name this theme "Hero-ic unit", any disagrees?)
More or less, though the more creativity the better. Since it's all visual, you'd basically take some aspect of the Sorceress & max it out, "hero-ize" her. Perhaps "Archmaiden", or "Mistress of Magic", or considering her regular spells (Slow, Invisibility, Polymorph), maybe "Illusionist".
With that last one, then, you'd have this whole "eyes" motif to use in her armor/cape/staff/whatever. Maybe since everything has a staff, she could dual-wield wands.
Oooh, actually, going with "Illusionist", you could do a sweet "phantom-of-the-opera"-style half-mask (or one of those theater "happy/sad" masks) that she wears or holds in one hand. Then her spells involve the mask somehow.
Maybe change things up and make a "Battle Mage Maiden", with a spiky chained Magic whip, or an Eye-mace.
I dunno, get crazy!
Elf said:
I think in TFT there is one of these "Promoted-Unit", that is Garithos (knight-based heroes, just add some detail in models and give "paladin" attribute...
And for me, Lord Garithos himself is a knight...)
Exactly. He's like a hero-version of the Human Knight, with a twist of "self-serving jerk"/"bandit warlord". Black armor, wings on head, stubble, and replace the lance/sword with a huge double-bladed (enchanted) axe. New name: "Grand Marshal". Solid.
Wish I could post pictures, but examples might be a hero-version of:
- the Goblin Sappers (like a "Bombardier" bombs, flamethrower, shield, burnt face, twitchy, crazed expression, etc)
- the Troll Witch Doctor (like a "Headshrinker"; big cauldron, shrunken heads, potions, herbal remedies, crotchety grump, etc)
- the Dwarf Rifleman (OH WAIT,
- the Tauren Spirit Walker (like a "Thaumaturge"; wizened burly Tauren caster, aligned with spirits, focused on resurrection, etc)
- the Goblin Merchant! (like a "Tradeprince" or "Baron"; arrogant royalty, lush furs & capes, crown/top hat, monocle, expensive gilt staff... riding in a shrouded palanquin, or surrounded by adoring fans, etc)
Imagination runs wild. Plenty of other good options.