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Memory Leaks

Memory leaks

For a quick lookup on most important actions, read Things That Leak.


If your computer's memory keeps occupied with stuff you already lost access to, it's called memory leak. It slows down the computer for no benefits.
Having tons of leaks may lead to lag-spikes upto a total game freeze.

This tutorial will explain how to keep your code as leakfree as possible.

Object Leaks

What is an object leak?

An object is something you can create with triggers, like a unit, a unit group, or a floating text.
If an object exists, but you can't use it anymore it's considered an object leak.

All in-game created objects should always be destroyed after they fulfilled their purpose.

Example where objects are created:

  • Unit - Create 1 Footman for Player 1 (Red) at (Center of (Playable map area)) facing Default building facing degrees
It's easy to guess a new unit object is created, but watch out, there's more.
"(Center of (Playable map area))" creates a new point object. As it is, it will leak.

  • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in (Playable map area)) and do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
"(Units in (Playable map area))" creates a new unit group object. As it is, it will leak.

So the above lines use objects to operate. Always when objects are involved, there's a risk to leak.
But be aware that not only actions might use objects, but also condtions can use them:

  • (Number of units in (Units in (Playable map area))) Equal to 0
"(Units in (Playable map area))" creates a new unit group object, too! As it is, it will leak, even it's in a condition.

How to prevent object leaks?

Some examples to destroy objects:

  • Destructible - Remove <Destructible> Object

  • Environment - Remove <Weathereffect>

  • Image - Destroy <Image>

  • Floating Text - Destroy <FloatingText>

  • Item - Remove <Item>

  • Leaderboard - Destroy <Leaderboard>

  • Lightning - Destroy <Lightning>

  • Multiboard - Destroy <Multiboard>

  • Unit - Remove <Unit> from the game


We want to create a special effect, and to prevent a leak we'll call its destroy function after usage:
  • Special Effect - Create a special effect at ( ... ) using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
  • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
And voila, the effect does not leak!
Though, GUI does not provide all destroy functions we need.
Sometimes we have to use a custom script as help. But don't worry, it's always only one line.


  • Set Location = (Center of (Playable map area))
  • ... Usage of Location ...
  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_Location)
Unit Groups

  • Set Group = Pick every unit in (Playable Map Area)
  • ... Usage of Group ...
  • Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_Group)
For groups you can even use an other method.
If you set "bj_wantDestroyGroup" to "true" via custom script, it will automatically destroy the next unit group creation, that is done via GUI.

  • Custom script: set bj_wantDestroyGroup = true
  • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Playable Map Area) and do (Unit - Hide (Picked unit))
Player Groups

  • Set PlayerGroup = (All enemies of Player 1 (Red))
  • ... Usage of PlayerGroup ...
  • Custom script: call DestroyForce(udg_PlayerGroup)
Be warned that "(All Players)" doesn't leak, as it's a constant. Never destroy it!
Following doesn't leak, and can be used just like that:
  • Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
There are some things which are worth an extra note:


Death Animation



  • Destroying something will still play its death animation.
  • Units get automatically removed after their corpse decayed.
  • Items are never being automatically removed.
If you for example destroy a special effect directly after creation, its death animation will still correctly play:
  • Special Effect - Create a special effect at Location using Abilities\Spells\Human\ThunderClap\ThunderClapCaster.mdl
  • Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)

It's also applayable for items, units and destructibles. Killing/destroying will always play the death animation, while removing won't!
When a unit dies it still exists in the game, but it's just dead. Usually it lets some corpse behind and can be revived at some later point.
Only after the corpse decayed, it means the unit was fully removed from the game. Then it's the same as you would use:
  • Unit - Remove Unit from the game
So it's usually not required to clean up after normal unit deaths, as the game cleans them up on its own.
Items never get properly removed after they died, or were used (Tomes/Powerups).
If you want dead items being automatically cleaned up you can take usage of a system which does it for you:

Technique of removal

We often use variables that help us to refer to the object being destroyed.
Important is that you don't overwrite the variable with other values before the object is actually destroyed!

Let's go by simple example where we want to destroy two locations:

Good example:Bad example:

  • Set loc = Location_1
  • Unit - Move Unit_1 to loc
  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_loc)
  • Set loc = Location_2
  • Unit - Move Unit_2 to loc
  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_loc)

  • Set loc = Location_1
  • Unit - Move Unit_1 to loc
  • Set loc = Location_2 // OVERWRITTEN
  • Unit - Move Unit_2 to loc
  • Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_loc)
In the bad example you lost access to Location_1, because the variable was overwritten.
Location_1 can't be removed anymore, so it will leak.

Reference Leaks

<< If you don't use JASS you can skip this chapter. >>​

What is a reference leak?

Firstly, only children types by the agent type are affected by the reference leak. Other handles don't suffer from it.
An agent basically contains one address to an object, and one reference counter for it.
  • The object itself is what we have access to. It can be a unit, group, timer, or what ever. You have powers to destroy this object on yourself.
  • The reference counter is the number of variables pointing on this agent. It increases/decreases automatically when ever you assign variables.
struct Agent
   Object* object;
   int referenceCounter;
The agent struct you see above automatically allocates and also deallocates its memory, once it's not needed anymore.
For us, it's only important to know that next to the object itself, there's a bit more memory in use for the agent.
And there's actually a problem with this memory being automatically deallocated, even if we destroy the used object behind.
To let this memory for the agent automatically deallocate, you have to destroy the object and have to ensure its reference counter is 0, meaning there are no more variables pointing on it.

If the agent can not be deallocated anymore, due to an reference counter above 0, this is what is called reference leak. Its agent's id, the handleid, can never be recycled.​

How to prevent reference leaks?

We want to ensure an agent's reference counter is 0, when we're about to destroy its object.
To achieve this we always let our variables point on something else, after they fullfilled their purpose and before they fall out of scope. null comes handy here, as you may apply it to any agent type.

function foo takes nothing returns nothing
    local group g = CreateGroup()

    call DestroyGroup(g)
    set g = null
At the top of the function we increase the reference counter for the agent on which g refers to, but we also ensure it's decreased again at the end of the function. And done! The agent won't have any issue to free its memory after the function has ended, because its reference counter is 0.​

Technique of removal

When the variable does point to null, it does of course also mean that it doesn't point to the agent anymore. So, if you want to destroy the object, you firstly must ensure to destroy the object before you null the variable.

Good example:Bad Example:

local group g = CreateGroup()
call DestroyGroup(g)
set g = null
local group g = CreateGroup()
set g = null
call DestroyGroup(g)
In the bad example the destroy function will fail, because g does not point to the group anymore. It would result in an object leak.​


Leaks And Data Types

If something can leak depends on its data type:





  • Primitives never leak.
  • Enums never leak.
  • Objects can leak!
There exist 6 primitive/native data types: integer , boolean , real , string , code , handle
As a GUI user you maybe didn't read something about code or handle so far, but don't worry, it's not really relevant for GUI.
You can imagine enums as special form of an integer but with a new name.

gamestate igamestate fgamestate

Objects can be something like effect , unit , timer , group , multiboard.
And basically much more! Everything that you can create or destroy is an object!

Things that always leak

There are some leaks that you can't prevent.
  • A unit will always keep a tiny bit of memory, even when removed properly. 0.04 kb and unpreventable. (Link)

  • Terrain deformations leak. Including default abilities like shockwave. (reference leak)

  • Very much BJs (Blizzard JASS functions) which are mostly used in GUI have reference leaks.
    You might always look them up to see how a BJ is defined at blizzard.

Leaks and RAM
  • Location: 0.361 KB
  • Group: 0.62 KB + 0.040 KB for each unit in the group.
  • Effect: 11.631 KB
So 10'000 locations take up ~1/3 GB, which is definitely a concern.
Source: Automatic Memory Leak Destroyer - Wc3C.net

Other Tips

  • If the black screen freezes after game-end it may be an indicator for huge amount of leaks. Don't worry if it's a only a few seconds - it might also be the normal memory usage your map needs.
  • Lags are not necessarily a proof for leaks. Highly inefficient coding may also result in lags for example.
  • An indicator for major leaks might be noticed in task manager. Just watch the memory usage of WC3 while running the map.
    If it's increasing very fast and continuously, you might check your triggers again. (code that runs periodicly or is called very often is most important)
  • As GUI handles certain object initialization by default, (for arrays index [0] and [1]), it does technically leak once if you create for example a unit group for the first time and so overwrite the initialy created group, without having destroyed it. Example creation:
    • Set Group = (Units owned by Player 1(Red))
    ^But this leak fires only once, as you would destroy your self-created groups each time after usage. So this is good to know, but has no real effect.


  • Always remove objects after usage, else you will have an object leak.
  • Always null agent type variables, else you will have a reference leak.
  • Object leak is the major leak, but the reference leak is still a leak so don't neglect it.
That's it, thanks for reading! If you have anything to add or did not understand something, feel free to post. :csmile:
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"Things That Leak" is okay, but in my opinion the user could be teached some more general information about leaks.
It is like an extension, but in tutorial section. There will be probably a link in "Things That Leak" that will link here.
Also I have not really found anything about reference leaks on THW. These explainations might be new for most users.


Hosted Project: EC
Level 34
Oct 12, 2011
I have my own definition of leak, I think this is more general, including "memory leak" defined in other programming languages as well. I'm not an expert so don't trust me.

Memory leak is where you create something (in this case agent) which is never been automatically destroyed by the system except if the program is ended (halt). Thus if you de-reference it without destroying, you will never be able access it anymore whereas it's still there. It consumes memory, but you have no access and can not remove it anymore except if the program (in this case, the map) is closed. So you can imagine how memory leaks make your map become heavier over times.

Phew, I think wikipedia (Memory leak) define it better after all LOL. In short, memory leak is allocating memory space without deallocating that space later.

Other information:
Someone can indicate whether his/her map is badly leakful if the map needs some "freeze moment" when the game is closed, including restart, return to menu, or exit game. Perhaps you can add this.
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It was decided through PM's that IcemanBo's guide would prove useful since it gives a deeper explanation of what is going on with leaks. In general, it is better to know the reason behind removing leaks than just knowing the functions to remove them.

@IcemanBo: One small fix before it is ready for approval (didn't notice in my first skim):
Basicly you only have to null the variable that refered to your object.
If you can't ensure that a variable will point on a new object, you will have to null it.
Otherwise the handle ID would be like for ever in use and take up space for absolutly no reason.
Attention, you don't have to null all handle type object, but only agents.
The reason for this is that only agents do not handle to reuse the handle ID automatically.

The handle ID leak only occurs with local variables. There is a minor leak associated with not nulling globals, but it is really insignificant (most likely just things associated with an objects reference count, which is static and probably takes up a few bytes at most). It is optional to remove in the case of globals. In locals, it is mandatory (at least for approval)--for all non-permanent agents.
Doesn't creating new units/hero's in-game make permanent leaks that aren't cleanable? I know they do, but some likely won't believe me. Also you should make a note about shockwave as well war stomp. This is likely only for triggers/code, but technically its all code. Good tutorial. By the way you should always clean as many leaks as possible even when your map/game ends to prevent leaks from carrying over to your next game. Though what you can do to clear your memory is to restart WC3 entirely, close it then start it back up again.

Edit: It's easy enough to test quickly if anyone needs to find out for themselves. Just clean all the leaks you know how too then continue to make units and remove them about 10,000 times for a noticeable number. Same with other stuff if you don't clean it, at least we get to clean some of the leaks I suppose. =)
Yes, units will always use a bit of memory. Also added something from Dalvengyr's post.
There might be some more things that always leak, I did not analyse each single function.
There also might be some more interesting things to know that I could add to "Miscellaneous".
I'm positive that we can gather most interesting stuff together with community's participation. :)
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
I have my own definition of leak, I think this is more general, including "memory leak" defined in other programming languages as well. I'm not an expert so don't trust me.

Memory leak is where you create something (in this case agent) which is never been automatically destroyed by the system except if the program is ended (halt). Thus if you de-reference it without destroying, you will never be able access it anymore whereas it's still there. It consumes memory, but you have no access and can not remove it anymore except if the program (in this case, the map) is closed. So you can imagine how memory leaks make your map become heavier over times.

Phew, I think wikipedia (Memory leak) define it better after all LOL. In short, memory leak is allocating memory space without deallocating that space later.

Other information:
Someone can indicate whether his/her map is badly leakful if the map needs some "freeze moment" when the game is closed, including restart, return to menu, or exit game. Perhaps you can add this.

since Jass is event driven, this is not true, because I can lose all references to a unit, but I can still get more, if the unit fires some event.

Wiki definition is also not really that good, because all memory is deallocated when you end the program, or at worst, when you turn off computer, so technically you never create memory leaks by that definition.
Level 9
May 21, 2014
So even when a unit dies in-game (or should I say, finished decaying), it causes leaks? (I am not asking of how much it would leak, but an answer to that is appreciated as well.)

BTW, best tutorial about leaks. Ever.
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Level 9
May 21, 2014
Yes, units will permanently occupy a small part of memory, even after removed properply. (0.04kb iirc)
Ty! :)

Oh my... That is indeed bad for my map :sad:
Good thing I did not make any dummy units at all.
But the spawns...

Ah well... :( Thanks for the info!

You should also add that this function:
  • Camera - Pan Camera as needed...
also causes permanent leaks.
Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
Since Unit groups are initialized at Map Initialization as Empty Group, that means the first time using
  • Set Group = (Units within Range of Location)
will create a leak since ^that action overwrites the Empty group right?
//Map Init
set udg_Group = CreateGroup()

//When using the GUI Pick Units the first time, the previously pointed unit group that was
//created at Map Init leaks
function GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching takes real radius, location whichLocation, boolexpr filter returns group
    local group g = CreateGroup()
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, whichLocation, radius, filter)
    call DestroyBoolExpr(filter)
    return g
Level 7
Jan 15, 2016
i HAVE a few questions. In my new project i use transitions map, where it "changes" map constantly (not loads). When it changes, it means that the map is starting with 0 memory leaks? its like restarting and the memory used is destroyed?
Level 7
Jan 15, 2016
IcemanBo: Tutorial says group array index [0] and [1] leak but shows a non-array group as example. The case for non-array groups is not clarified.

Rasler: if your "maps" are just areas of a single map, then the memory leaks, if there are any, remain.

Areas?, i say that are totally diferent maps. Like rexxars campaign. But changing maps instead of loading them..
Updated slightly and also added "Technique of removal" to chapter "Refrerence Leaks",
because I still see sometimes that it is confusing people.

Edit Udate again.

Btw GhostHunter123, sorry I forgot to answer you.

If a variable is initialisized already it does point to an object.
So when you overwrite an already initialisized variable, it will lead to leak.
Non-arrays group variables are initialisized.
Array group variablesa are initialisized with index [0] and [2].
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Level 13
Nov 7, 2014
It's probably worth mentioning that functions that return handles should probably not use a local variable in the return statement
because that would prevent the handle-id of ever getting recycled by the game: (source),
that thread is a bit heated but very fun to read =)


handle-id leak:
function CreateTransparentFootman takes player p returns unit
    local unit u = CreateUnit(p, 'hfoo', 0, 0, 0)
    call SetUnitVertexColor(u, 255, 255, 255, 96)
    return u

no handle-id leak:
    unit footman

function CreateTransparentFootman takes player p returns unit
    local unit u = CreateUnit(p, 'hfoo', 0, 0, 0)
    call SetUnitVertexColor(u, 255, 255, 255, 96)
    set footman = u
    set u = null
    return footman

    // or avoiding locals all together
    // set footman = CreateUnit(p, 'hfoo', 0, 0, 0)
    // call SetUnitVertexColor(footman, 255, 255, 255, 96)
    // return footman

// the last X'd vars from Blizzard.j could be used (eg.: bj_lastCreatedUnit) I guess, but those are for GUI and there are
// some handle types that are missing (eg.: region), so it's probably better to declare dedicated globals for those functions that return handles

And of course there's no point in nulling handles if they are never destroyed, i.e they are always recycled (timers, units, groups, etc.).
Level 5
Mar 6, 2015
Dear IcemanBo
can you update your post and mention these leaks which is Increasing Handle counts?

1-Destructible Leak
  • Destructible - Pick every destructible within Radius of Point and do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
  • Custom script:set Rect= GetRectFromCircleBJ(Point,Radius)
  • Destructible - Pick every destructible in Rect and do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
function EnumDestructablesInCircleBJ takes real radius, location loc, code actionFunc returns nothing
    local rect r

    if (radius >= 0) then
        set bj_enumDestructableCenter = loc
        set bj_enumDestructableRadius = radius
        set r = GetRectFromCircleBJ(loc, radius)
        call EnumDestructablesInRect(r, filterEnumDestructablesInCircleBJ, actionFunc)
        call RemoveRect(r)
 //they have forgotten to Null local rect +1 Handle Leaks

2-Most Common Leak that we are seeing these days Unit-Pick in Range

  • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units within Radius of Point) and do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
  • Custom script: set udg_group=CreateGroup()
  • Custom script: call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(group, GetLocationX(Point), GetLocationY(Point), Radius, null)
  • Unit Group - Pick every unit in (Units in Rect) and do (Actions)
    • Loop - Actions
  • Custom script:call DestroyGroup(udg_group)

function GetUnitsInRangeOfLocMatching takes real radius, location whichLocation, boolexpr filter returns group
    local group g = CreateGroup()
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRangeOfLoc(g, whichLocation, radius, filter)
    call DestroyBoolExpr(filter)
    return g
// they forgot to remove Group and null the Global g +2 Handle Leaks
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Hey. Thanks for posting!

First there is to mention that you are right, that many BJs don't null local agents.
But for GUI usage it's pretty negligible, and mods probably won't ever enforce the user to change it. (GUI)

But there is also to say, that not the handle per se leaks, but it's assigned id. link,
so for example this statement was not very correct:
// they forgot to remove Group and null the Global g +2 Handle Leaks
..., because it returns the group handle, and does not (handle-) leak.

I actually named some functions in "Things that always leak", but I did not finish it, because there are just too many of them I think.

What I can do is to write a all for one warning when using BJs, that they might leak.
But as long as they are not known for special bugs, like the "Camera - Pan camera as necessary...", they're mostly accepted for GUI users.

What do you say?
If you want to discuss further, please do!
Level 5
Mar 6, 2015
Hey. Thanks for posting!

First there is to mention that you are right, that many BJs don't null local agents.
But for GUI usage it's pretty negligible, and mods probably won't ever enforce the user to change it. (GUI)

But there is also to say, that not the handle per se leaks, but it's assigned id. link,
so for example this statement was not very correct:

..., because it returns the group handle, and does not (handle-) leak.

I actually named some functions in "Things that always leak", but I did not finish it, because there are just too many of them I think.

What I can do is to write a all for one warning when using BJs, that they might leak.
But as long as they are not known for special bugs, like the "Camera - Pan camera as necessary...", they're mostly accepted for GUI users.

What do you say?
If you want to discuss further, please do!

Yes you are right but as a user who don't likes hard codes I would prefer to have clean code even if I had to use jass little bit but actually its too bad to see these leaks on our approved resources because maybe no one has noticed these leaks before or they are just getting ignored
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You're of course always free to your own ways for writing code.
I don't know if all GUI user will re-write the BJ functions, though, to avoid a reference leak.
If one can easily avoid it, then yes, but if not, then myself would probably not enforce it.

Addes this for now at "Things that always leak".

I named some important ones, but there are actually more BJs that leak reference(s).
I won't list them all here, but if you use JNGP you easily can look it up in the functions list if you want to get sure.
Level 16
Sep 29, 2008
hi mate:
There's a sintax error on reference leaks -> Technique of removal -> Extra notes -> good Example

function someUnitReturn
    bj_lastCreatedUnit = CreateUnit( ... )
    return u
    // Hooray! We still have access to the global variable :)

var "u" isn't defined. that would cause some misunderstanding on readers.
Edit: very good and needed tutorial
Level 23
Feb 6, 2014
hi mate:
There's a sintax error on reference leaks -> Technique of removal -> Extra notes -> good Example

function someUnitReturn
    bj_lastCreatedUnit = CreateUnit( ... )
    return u
    // Hooray! We still have access to the global variable :)

var "u" isn't defined. that would cause some misunderstanding on readers.
Edit: very good and needed tutorial

Furthermore, shouldn't it return the global not the local? Also, you mispelled local, under "Technique of Removal"
Level 9
May 21, 2014
If the black screen freezes after game-end it may be an indicator for huge amount of leaks.

Well...! My map does this.

But well, 0.04 kb is not much. Don't think too much about it.
I'm always pointing to permanent unit leaks. My triggers don't cause leaks (as rechecked by other people too; except for the permanent and once per game leaks.)

Bah! I guess I need to calculate if it's really them.
Back then I remember when we played our beloved ice escape maps we had a black screen for several or more minutes. (depending on game time)
After 1 year or so we found it is because of memory leaks and removed them.
Though during this "leak-time" the map was somehow still playable pretty well, even after long sessions. Idk how.

If your screen freezes for a few seconds for 1 hour of playing, I don't think it is a real problem.
And as PnF said, it also might be of normal map's memory consumption. :)
Level 23
Apr 16, 2012
the most likely cause of this is that wc3 starts to deallocate all the memory that the game allocated during that map, and if you have to deallocate chuncks of like 20 bytes, but overall 400 MB, it takes extremly long(in comparision, calling destructor of std::vector<int> in C++, which deallocates the memory) with like couple dozens of milions of integers will take like few seconds too, and that is one giant contiguous array, it isnt split among many many places)
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Pretend the use of "I" or "me" in my post is myself as a new modder.
What is a memory leak said:
Memory leak is if you can't refer to a used part in the memory.
The memory part is occupied, but during runtime the user has no
possibility anymore to read or manipulate the said part in memory.
You can say that leaked memory is unuseable and will hold up space for just nothing
This doesn't tell my what a memory leak is in relation to modding WC3 / SC2. It gives the base technical coding details of what it does in general, but not what's actually important to know from my perspective. It means very little to anyone who has no background in modding, which is why it was probably skimmed over by anyone reading this.

What's important to know for your readers is more valuable than having a spiffy English class definition.

Why are memory leaks bad said:
Single leaks won't affect anything but the dignity of a programer,
but tons of leaks instead will heavily affect the runtime process and may
lead to unsmooth execution, lag-spikes, and in extreme cases to unuseability of the application.
There should be more emphasis on leaks causing maps to have bugs, crashes, and lag. It states so, but in more vague and general ways without mentioning maps.

So yeah, those are my suggestions :). This came to my mind because I'm suggesting to link this in our JASS / Leak Checker feature up top.
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