Map with wow features

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Level 12
Jun 1, 2010
I have a map that has wow models, I've seen on rules that the wow rips\models can't be uploaded, nor posted, but I haven't heard the rule of uploading a map which contains imported wow rips. Do I need to protect the map or the import of wow rips on a map is against the rules of Hive Workshop?

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Currently the map section ignores the no imports restriction (even if the map is easy to modify with the WorldEdit tool). You might however receive a poor review if you use un optimized WoW models (WoW models that have not been reduced to match the quality of WC3) due to unnescescary bloating of the map file size.

Currently however I am trying to push to legalize WoW, WC3 and SC2 resources on this site if they pass the nescescary quality standards that are enforced in each section. It could however go the opposite way and mean that no WoW or SC2 models in maps are allowed.

This only counts for resources ported from Blizzard copyrighted games to other Blizzard copyrighted games so ports from Warhammer to WC3 or SC2 are not allowed in all resource sections.
Level 30
Jul 31, 2010
To my questionings through out the site, you can upload wow rips in your map just don't upload it in the resource section, its useful and bad at the same time because first, its nice to give it a try if you really want them models for your play and second, it feeds a lot of size and it doesn't match with the engines that they're using.

so in my case, yeh go on use em, just don't upload any other games that shares a similar engine with wc3 such as, GTA, sacrifice, quake 3, and more. :)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I believe Against the Darkness used atleast 1 WoW resource at some stage and that is a hosted project. The models used may have been changed in the mean time (as the map underwent heavy revisions a while ago).

With SC2 I go by the rules of...
Has effort been put into the resource.
Are credits correctly given in the resource.
Would blizzard reject the resource if submitted online.

As WoW models can be made to fufil all those, I personally believe they are ok. Ofcourse ports where extra effort has been put in (extra textures / adaptations) would be rated higher and only 1 port of a model can exist.
Dude you can use WOW models in your map, you can use any models, do whatever you want, still once when you upload your map here we map mods won't approve it, simple as that. We can try to act blind and leave it pending so you can gain feedback, but I will say it once again, it won't be approved. So one day when we clean map section we will be forced to reject your map if rules did not change until then.
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