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Magic Spells 1.4 [{(Asgard_Ragna)]}

I uploaded this spellpack to get some feedback about the triggering because I'm new to this whole indexing stuff. Please tell me if I did smth wrong or could improve some things.

Chain Generator:
Summons a Chain Generator that connects itself with enemies in in an AoE of 500 and sweeps them around. Deals 25 damage per second.

Fire Rain:
The selected area gets demolished by a fire rain.Silences every enemy unit in it and deals 25 damage per enemy.

Dark Plasma:
The hero unleashes some mighty plasma missles out of its head to damage his enemies.

Vers 1.1: Removed the Generator dummy, Changed the Fire Rain effect a bit, added a
wake up funktion to the Dark Plasma spell and removed some useless things.

Vers 1.2: Removed the nuke dummy and added a different effect, removed 2 leaks.

Vers 1.3: Added Ultimate Spell to test some things.

Vers 1.3b: Set event to 0.03 seconds.

Dark Plasma, Chain Generator, Fire Rain, Asgard, Ragna, Asgard_Ragna, DIR, MUI, MPI, Indexing

Noch eine WARCRAFT-III-Karte (Map)

23:58, 30th Dec 2009 TriggerHappy: I'm not sure if the author is still active or not but for anyone who downloads this spell I suggest changing the timer intervals to 0.03. I wasn't going to let that alone get this resource rejected. The only...




23:58, 30th Dec 2009

I'm not sure if the author is still active or not but for anyone who downloads this spell I suggest changing the timer intervals to 0.03. I wasn't going to let that alone get this resource rejected. The only thing that bugged me was the spelling errors in the comments.
Level 10
Jan 14, 2006
Since I don't think anybody read the description i post it again:

I uploaded this spellpack to get some feedback about the triggering because I'm new to this whole indexing stuff. Please tell me if I did smth wrong or could improve some things.

Much credit to Paladon and kingz!
Last edited:
Level 17
Mar 17, 2009
umm... well feedback ok!
the fire spell... didn't really like that... the electricity one is very nice, but why create tht building in the middle? :p i knw ur idea is to have units rotate around it... but what if the unit is a large one? haha!
& the plasma one, nice idea... although some simple special effect tweaks could make it nicer ;)

i scanned the triggers quickly (im not a pro so u might want to depend on some1 else) u did the MUI thing... and im not sure, but i think the floating text should be destroyed after created...
Hmm.. These spells look great imo
ive got no idea about your triggering because i never used GUI Indexing and im too lazy to take a closer look at it for now

but if i compare these triggers with your old spells and add the fact you you were inactive for a long time .. i come to the result that you could easiely learn jass and vjass
do so , its way more effective and easier and shouldnt be a problem for you
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Nice to see that someone actualy read my tutorial and used the DIR system...
I think the spells are fine though i don't like the fire spell and you could pick up units in the loop trigger and wake them up.
The flaws here are:
-fire spell = too much special effects(try putting Abilities\Spells\Demon\RainOfFire\RainOfFireTarget.mdl instead your current special effects), also remove the frag boom effect, it is ugly and remove the floating text, everyone hates those.
-dark plasma - add the wake up function
-generator - nice and does the job
-overall - reduce the number of dummy abilities/units/buffs used

The indexing is used as it should(i only looked through one spell though but i think you didn't screwed anything with it)...
The triggering is efficent but fix the flaws i mentioned.
Level 25
Jun 5, 2008
Please tell me why do you add the evasion ability to the picked units(generator ability)?
Useless if you ask me, what is the point to disable them if you cannot attack them?
Also you are using and extra dummy just to make an eyecandy, you could make a nicer eyecandy even without the dummy :p
You now leak a group in the loop trigger of dark plasma, make a new unit group variable, set it to a value, and destroy it after you use it.
Level 2
Jul 21, 2009
Ok your spells are really nice but when i import in my map the fire rain effect doesnt work and than the chain generator effects are work finaly but the units doesnt move and i dont know why pls help me
I got a fatal error. Well, what I did was this:
In the right up corner of the map, I used Net of Pain and, since by default, the creeps are set to "Flee" when taking damage with an unknown/untargetable source, they sticked into the very corner. Then I used Chain Reaction to allocate their position to the Net of Pain. Then bam! Fatal Error/Crash.