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[Role Playing Game] LuciaRPG

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Level 2
Jan 7, 2015
A Tale of a Black Swordsman

"Why were you born on this world? Is there a purpose in your existence?
Or are you just nothing but a soul wandering in the present?"

LuciaRPG is a roleplaying game where you control a hero and uncover the
mystery of the world of Lucia and your existence to this world.

Custom Made Combat Modifiers:
Evasion, Block, Critical Rate, etc are all custom made. The main purpose
of making this is to make it work with the basic stat system of Warcraft3 (STR, AGI and INT).

Equipment System by TheWitcher:
A unique and advance inventory and equipment system made by TheWitcher.
This gives the player more inventory slot and 8 types of equipments to wear.

Choices and Two different ending:
There will be dialogues between each quests where you can choose your own
answer. Answers will affect your reputation and will alter the ending of the game.
Although your choices will not affect other dialogues, quests etc other than the ending of the game, it will affect quest rewards and if you will be engage to certain enemies.

Unique Atmoshpere:
The world of Lucia offers you a very unique terrain atmosphere rarely seen in any Warcraft 3 maps.
Enjoy the eerie, dark and mysterious world of Lucia.

And a lot more.


Equipment and Stat Board System
equipment system.jpgstat system.jpg
Editor Screenshots
Just to prove that the images above were not edited

Closing Words:

Comments are welcome but I cannot ensure everyone that I'll be replying to any comments be it a compliment, criticism or suggestion.

Also the map is still on early stages of development so I cannot tell everyone when this map will be out.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
Well this certainly looks interesting. The black and white atmosphere is pretty unique and I'd be interested to see how it looks ingame.

The systems you have implemented look like they could be a bit complicated. There is nothing wrong with trying to make complicated systems, but if they end up too confusing it can cause more frustration than enjoyment. This is just a general feeling I have, however, and maybe your systems are not confusing at all. I'll keep checking in with this one to see how things come along. I'm looking forward to more information.
I like the idea of the color scheme. I'm curious about the lore explanation behind this...
I'd probably play it for the story alone. Let's hope the game mechanics are actually playing with this idea. Like for example having color based puzzles that obviously you can't solve, but you need to get help by someone who is able to see colors, etc. ...

Having a color scheme is one thing. Implementing it into the narrative is another. Don't make the mistake of letting this opportunity get wasted by just having it as a visual effect without any impact on story or mechanics. I sense a strong underlying metaphor and philosophy here. Like for example, how can you tell if what you see as green is actually green? Obviously, what others see as green could actually look red to you - but you never noticed, because your red was trained to you to be called "green" through your language. It's like people with red/green blindness not noticing they have that weakness until they see a traffic light for the first time.
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
Looks fresh and unique. This project also sounds very ambitious, wish you good luck with achieving your goals.

To addition what Veritas said, make sure to make those complicated systems as easy to use and understand as possible. From my own experience, complexity of systems sometimes becomes a big turn-off.
Looks fresh and unique. This project also sounds very ambitious, wish you good luck with achieving your goals.

To addition what Veritas said, make sure to make those complicated systems as easy to use and understand as possible. From my own experience, complexity of systems sometimes becomes a big turn-off.
This. also, I'd for once love to see a map that focuses on narrative for a change, not complex systems. You can basicly create a good sRPG without any fancy stuff at all if your storytelling is good.
Level 14
Nov 17, 2010
This. also, I'd for once love to see a map that focuses on narrative for a change, not complex systems. You can basicly create a good sRPG without any fancy stuff at all if your storytelling is good.

I agree, look at The Chosen Ones by Aeroblyctos. He has a few systems but mostly relies on the default WC3 systems and his story telling is phenomenal so it makes it that much better.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Colours and lighting look messed up. There is an unnatural lack of colour. I also think some people might have difficulty resolving the action due to poor contrast between units and the terrain (black on grey...).

Next to that it looks just like the dozens of other min-max RPG people have made for WC3.
Colours and lighting look messed up. There is an unnatural lack of colour. I also think some people might have difficulty resolving the action due to poor contrast between units and the terrain (black on grey...).
The problem isn't the lack of contrast or color at all. I have played plenty of indie games already that played with black/white color schemes and most of them were really awesome experiences (especially as the colors were always connected to the narrative).

I think the biggest problem (judging from the screenshots alone) is that all objects are straight black without textures. I guess he just tinted those models? If so, try to make black and white textures instead. You used custom trees and doodads anyway; there should be no problem changing the textures to proper greyscale.
Level 2
Jan 7, 2015
I was planning to keep more details private so that you guys can discover it in-game but I guess I just have to give some more info so that you guys can have a more grasp of the project.

Let me just make this first clear. No, the systems are not really that complicated to use.

Equipment and Inventory System:

You can open the equipment system by using an ability. This will open a multiboard with a very easy controls to navigate the system.

The controls are:
Arrow Keys - To navigate the system
E - To equip and unequip equipable items
O - To exit the inventory system
D - To drop an item
T - To change if you want an item to be directly send to the custom inventory system or to the default inventory. If the items are placed in the default inventory system you can just simply right click to it(like when you're trying to drop it) and then just drop it in the "bag" item that is in your inventory to put it in the custom inventory.

Custom Stat Modifier

Is this the one you guys saying that is complex?

Its only like this:

STR gives additional physical damage, hp, hp regeneration, critical damage, blocking chance

AGI gives additional attack speed, evasion rate, critical chance

INT gives additional mp, mp regeneration, magic power

Choices and Two Different Endings are pretty much self explanatory. This doesn't really give the game a replay value since this doesn't really affect the structure of the story telling other than having different result for the quest you're doing.


After finish a quest you're given to different answers to choose from:

A1: Say thank you.
A2: This isn't enough, you have to give me more.

Choosing one will end the quest while the second answer might result to:
The quest giver will give you more and you will receive -1 reputation, the quest giver will be pissed and fight you and will result to that character's annihilation(do not worry, no major characters will be part of this abomination) and you receive -1 reputation or the quest giver will just reply to you angrily and you'll receive -1 reputation or the quest giver will you an item that you can only get from doing this but you'll receive -1 reputation.

This is just more like a gambling thing and having too much negative reputation will result to a bad ending at the end of the game.

About the color being part of the gameplay and narrative. Yes it will. In the story, people doesn't know what colors are and you see the world the way they do. In the gameplay, see the "Special" slot in the equipment system? This is for special item that you will get early in the game and this will help you on many scenarios. The item will give you the ability to see different colors but you can only see on at a time(you have to switch by opening the spell book and using the ability). As you keep progressing you will keep getting more colors.

An example of a scenario where you can use this item:

A puzzle where you will be given a hint and you have to reorder objects that have different colors and the catch is you see things in black and white. So you have to use the abilities to see the colors.

For the overall scale of the story. It will be more character driven while the mystery as to why everything is black and white will be uncovered bits by bits.

I see this project like a piece of paper. This black and white idea just gives so much possibility for the project.
I was planning to keep more details private so that you guys can discover it in-game but I guess I just have to give some more info so that you guys can have a more grasp of the project.

Let me just make this first clear. No, the systems are not really that complicated to use.

Equipment and Inventory System:

You can open the equipment system by using an ability. This will open a multiboard with a very easy controls to navigate the system.

The controls are:
Arrow Keys - To navigate the system
E - To equip and unequip equipable items
O - To exit the inventory system
D - To drop an item
T - To change if you want an item to be directly send to the custom inventory system or to the default inventory. If the items are placed in the default inventory system you can just simply right click to it(like when you're trying to drop it) and then just drop it in the "bag" item that is in your inventory to put it in the custom inventory.
Judging from the description, I think it's unneccesary convoluted. Especially that part about actually having two inventories, one for usable items and the multiboard inventory. If a system isn't self-explanatory, then it's per se not a good design. For example, that dragging items on the bag dummy item in the hero inventory. Not many players like to read explanations of how things work. And this is one of those mechanics that are unintuitive, as you are used to be able to swap items by doing that.

If you want a more usable design, you should settle for only one of the two: using the default inventory or using only the multiboard and disabling the default inventory. Both mechanics together feel clunky.

As an example on how to improve this: you could make it that the inventory can be opened via the minimize button of the inventory (and that also enables the arrow key navigation; it's possible to get a minimize event from that; I use the minimize button to toggle between two types of multiboards).
It feels more intuitive, as you are using a default mechanic that doesn't have to be explained.
Second example: usable items. There is no need to add them to a hero inventory. Just leave them in the multiboard inventory and assign hotkeys to those usable items. Or just add a health potion button to the heroes command card.
Exiting the inventory should happen just by clicking the minimize button.

Custom Stat Modifier

Is this the one you guys saying that is complex?

Its only like this:

STR gives additional physical damage, hp, hp regeneration, critical damage, blocking chance

AGI gives additional attack speed, evasion rate, critical chance

INT gives additional mp, mp regeneration, magic power
I see no problems with this. Beware of the power creep, though. Agi tends to be overpowered, as it boosts both defense (evasion) and offense (attack speed and crit chance).

Choices and Two Different Endings are pretty much self explanatory. This doesn't really give the game a replay value since this doesn't really affect the structure of the story telling other than having different result for the quest you're doing.


After finish a quest you're given to different answers to choose from:

A1: Say thank you.
A2: This isn't enough, you have to give me more.

Choosing one will end the quest while the second answer might result to:
The quest giver will give you more and you will receive -1 reputation, the quest giver will be pissed and fight you and will result to that character's annihilation(do not worry, no major characters will be part of this abomination) and you receive -1 reputation or the quest giver will just reply to you angrily and you'll receive -1 reputation or the quest giver will you an item that you can only get from doing this but you'll receive -1 reputation.
I'm not a huge fan of morality system if there's just "good" and "bad". It kinda creates the Mass Effect problem where you always pick the answer that benefits your morality score, instead of chosing the answer that makes sense to you, as a player (resulting in players going "wow, I'm a renegade, but this option is outright asshole!" but select it anyway because max renegade gives bonuses).

Better would be to make it a system that works on cause and effect with no scores involved at all. Bonus if certain quests don't even show immediate effects, but have a long-term effect on the game. Like you kill that evil NPC and won't meet him again in the next town, where he would have seeked redemption if you hadn't killed him.

This is just more like a gambling thing and having too much negative reputation will result to a bad ending at the end of the game.
Feels very one-sided then, as everyone will obviously pick the good choice or min/max exploit the system by taking one good, one bad to maximize profits.

About the color being part of the gameplay and narrative. Yes it will. In the story, people doesn't know what colors are and you see the world the way they do. In the gameplay, see the "Special" slot in the equipment system? This is for special item that you will get early in the game and this will help you on many scenarios. The item will give you the ability to see different colors but you can only see on at a time(you have to switch by opening the spell book and using the ability). As you keep progressing you will keep getting more colors.

An example of a scenario where you can use this item:

A puzzle where you will be given a hint and you have to reorder objects that have different colors and the catch is you see things in black and white. So you have to use the abilities to see the colors.

For the overall scale of the story. It will be more character driven while the mystery as to why everything is black and white will be uncovered bits by bits.

I see this project like a piece of paper. This black and white idea just gives so much possibility for the project.
This is what you should focus on! It's a great concept and will probably give your project more attention than any convoluted inventory system.

If you want my opinion: scrap the whole inventory idea and go with the default inventory. 6 items to carry is more than enough for:
- a headgear
- a weapon
- a shield
- an armor
- 2 usables

There's no real reason why a story-driven RPG needs more equippables than that. Instead of making more item classes, create a bigger item pool and variations of items to allow actual choices in items.

If you really need extra space for more items, just add a sidekick unit to follow you around, like a mule or familiar or something. Bonus points if you can even make that sidekick a major part of the story. Like for example a small girl that is able to see the world in full colors and she follows you around in order to solve that mystery. Just avoid the sidekick making things frustrating by making it vulnerable to attacks. Nobody likes escort missions.
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