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[Strategy / Risk] Lords At Arms

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Level 19
Oct 7, 2014


3000 years of peace reigned throughout the Eathen and the memories of the Great War
became a legend to all people but some still looks back like it was yesterday. After a long
peace a lot of individual skirmishes between the different regions of Eathen that sparked the
Second Great War. War stir clear in the air. People grew fear as this will be a great disaster.
The orcs of the South become more powerful than ever but it was nothing compared to the
rising demons, a new nation rose into the ranks of the most powerful nations of Eathen.
The nations of Eathen rally every army they can assemble to prepare for war and time will
come when this will end.


A strategy map where you control one of the the 6 nations of Eathen.
You must conquer all of Eathen or destroy your enemies with your power.
  • Small Custom Tech-tree for each 6 Factions.
  • Capture Cities and Towns.
  • Balanced units with counters for each unit.
  • Heroes are not the key units to win but strategy.




Composed of human and dwarven nations of Eathen who are united to order peace throughout
Eathen and as a counteractive measure against the aggressive of orcs of the South.
Threaten by the growing land conquered of the orcs, the King of Eredor convinced leaders of
human and dwarf nations to join against the orcs.

Wood Elves


The elusive Wood Elves who aided the losing Alliance in the Great War.
Right now they only want to protect the forests of Hawthorn but the war was throughout the
land and the elves has left one choice but to answer the call.

Orcs of the South


Highly aggressive orcs who developed deep hatred against other races. Now they seek revenge
after losing in the Great War and from the withdrawal of the northern Horde
from the war.



The Undead


These bone-chilling faction was formed when the Great Necromancer once resurrected fallen
warriors to work to his bidding. After his death his cunning lieutenants studied the arts of
necromancy to bolster their army. These warriors are unable to die through natural causes but
only through the weapons of war.
None at the moment

Frozen Horde


The Frozen horde is a diverse and powerful collection of different races native to the north of
Eathen. The Horde retreated in the Great War due to internal conflict between the leaders of
each race which resulted to a great loss of the orcs of the south.
They developed rivalry between the orcs of the south who is more dominant between the two.
None at the moment

Black Legion


The Black Legion are blood-thirsty demons who only knows is destruction to its path.
They are the reason behind all the chaos in Eathen.
None at the moment.

Terrain Screenshots




Author's Notes
The progress of this map will be slow because of vacation is not over and I'm the only who makes the map. I'm sorry if the product of this project is not what you are expecting.

I'm really need help of someone who is adept in triggering because I have a hard time triggering spells and the gameplay.
Last edited:
Level 3
Mar 29, 2014
the gameplay constants can be used to influence how much damage is done by a certain damage type towards a certain armour type


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
This is a nasty tactic but it's useful for learning.. (and stealing for that mater)

Go to a nice looking thread, and then press the quote button. The whole code will now appear in the textbox so you can study it.

This is my own map thread for example:



Beyond the Grave is a cinematic project developed by me, Chaosy.
The cinematic will lean heavily on the story telling side, rather than a battle focused cinematic.
With that said, for those of you who've watched the rather infamous Sect of the Holy Mother series should know what I am talking about.
I am not saying there wont be fights and battles, but story and character development takes priority.



* Alternate storyline based on real Warcraft events.

* Color Variation - The dialog text is colored depending on the owner of the unit who talks. So if a Forsaken unit talks the dialog text will be purple.

* Realistic Game Messanges - Game messages don't appear instantly, the characters are typed out one by one, making it more interesting and better looking.



The story takes place between the Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. Sylvanas and her newly recruited Val'kyr developed an advanced version of the resurrection technique formerly used by the Lich King. Which was to call huge numbers of dead back to life as mindless ghouls and as servants of the Undead Scourge. However, this time around, the ones brought back from the dead had their own will, with other words, Forsaken.

Her discovery was the salvation for her people, since Forsaken can't procreate, they're a dying breed. She called for Garrosh Hellscream as a witness of the event in action. However, Garrosh did not take it lightly and claimed that there were no difference between Sylvanas and the Lich King if they ever used that method. And by saying so, he forbade them from using it.

With both the plague and the power to mass recruit from dead bodies, Sylvanas hold two forbidden weapons in her hands. With those, the Forsaken now steps out of the shadows to challenge the world.

Sylvanas Wildrunner


Ruler of the Forsaken, the self proclaimed Banshee Queen. Sylvanas will be one of the four main characters in the Forsaken faction. With the emotion of long hold back anger towards the other races of Azzeroth she now leads her Faction and its Trinity towards a new goal.


One of infamous Val'kyrs' who one served the Lich King. Now acting as the spokeswoman for her sisters while serving Sylvanas. She's the first member who joined Sylvanas' Trinity, also being the one who first successfully perfected the resurrection technique.

Sylvanas' name become widely known among the demons for bringing down multiple Dreadlords during her breakout from the Lich King's command. Once Sylvanas' former servant, the Dreadlord Varimathras was killed for betrayal and taking over Undercity in Sylvanas' absence, Nerothos saw his chance and once proven seemly loyal he became the second member of the Trinity. However Sylvanas' grudge may yet remain.

Sergon, likely being the most mysterious character within the Trinity. It's not a matter of how much is unknown about him, it's easier to count the things you actually know about him. With that said, Sergon appeared infront of Sylvanas just after Deathwing had remade the worldshape, he infiltrated Undercity and managed to speak privately with Sylvanas. He left with around one dozen soldiers and came back a few weeks later. Since then, he has served as the third member of the Trinity, leading most of the Forsaken's underground operations.



[CENTER][COLOR="Red"]Note: watch in 1080p or it looks pretty shitty.[/COLOR]


One phase, is like a chapter in a campaign. Basically each time you change location there's a new chapter/phase. I don't know how many phases it will end up to be, but this is the only way I can think of to show how far I've come in my cinematic, if I show actual progress it will only spoil stuff story wise.

Phase 1 - "The situation" ([COLOR="Lime"]complete[/COLOR])
Phase 2 - "Breakout" ([COLOR="lime"]complete[/COLOR])
Phase 3 - "The Trinity" ([COLOR="lime"]complete[/COLOR])
Phase 4 - "On the war-front" ([COLOR="lime"]complete[/COLOR])

~ End of part I ~
Download - [url]http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/beyond-grave-i-262240/[/url]

phase 5 - "The plague" ([COLOR="yellow"]pending (0%)[/COLOR])
SIG - credits to Mythic for assisting me with it:




Beyond the Grave is a cinematic project developed by me, Chaosy.
The cinematic will lean heavily on the story telling side, rather than a battle focused cinematic.
With that said, for those of you who've watched the rather infamous Sect of the Holy Mother series should know what I am talking about.
I am not saying there wont be fights and battles, but story and character development takes priority.


* Alternate storyline based on real Warcraft events.

* Color Variation - The dialog text is colored depending on the owner of the unit who talks. So if a Forsaken unit talks the dialog text will be purple.

* Realistic Game Messanges - Game messages don't appear instantly, the characters are typed out one by one, making it more interesting and better looking.



The story takes place between the Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria. Sylvanas and her newly recruited Val'kyr developed an advanced version of the resurrection technique formerly used by the Lich King. Which was to call huge numbers of dead back to life as mindless ghouls and as servants of the Undead Scourge. However, this time around, the ones brought back from the dead had their own will, with other words, Forsaken.

Her discovery was the salvation for her people, since Forsaken can't procreate, they're a dying breed. She called for Garrosh Hellscream as a witness of the event in action. However, Garrosh did not take it lightly and claimed that there were no difference between Sylvanas and the Lich King if they ever used that method. And by saying so, he forbade them from using it.

With both the plague and the power to mass recruit from dead bodies, Sylvanas hold two forbidden weapons in her hands. With those, the Forsaken now steps out of the shadows to challenge the world.



Sylvanas Wildrunner

Ruler of the Forsaken, the self proclaimed Banshee Queen. Sylvanas will be one of the four main characters in the Forsaken faction. With the emotion of long hold back anger towards the other races of Azzeroth she now leads her Faction and its Trinity towards a new goal.




One of infamous Val'kyrs' who one served the Lich King. Now acting as the spokeswoman for her sisters while serving Sylvanas. She's the first member who joined Sylvanas' Trinity, also being the one who first successfully perfected the resurrection technique.



Sylvanas' name become widely known among the demons for bringing down multiple Dreadlords during her breakout from the Lich King's command. Once Sylvanas' former servant, the Dreadlord Varimathras was killed for betrayal and taking over Undercity in Sylvanas' absence, Nerothos saw his chance and once proven seemly loyal he became the second member of the Trinity. However Sylvanas' grudge may yet remain.



Sergon, likely being the most mysterious character within the Trinity. It's not a matter of how much is unknown about him, it's easier to count the things you actually know about him. With that said, Sergon appeared infront of Sylvanas just after Deathwing had remade the worldshape, he infiltrated Undercity and managed to speak privately with Sylvanas. He left with around one dozen soldiers and came back a few weeks later. Since then, he has served as the third member of the Trinity, leading most of the Forsaken's underground operations.




Note: watch in 1080p or it looks pretty shitty.


One phase, is like a chapter in a campaign. Basically each time you change location there's a new chapter/phase. I don't know how many phases it will end up to be, but this is the only way I can think of to show how far I've come in my cinematic, if I show actual progress it will only spoil stuff story wise.

Phase 1 - "The situation" (complete)
Phase 2 - "Breakout" (complete)
Phase 3 - "The Trinity" (complete)
Phase 4 - "On the war-front" (complete)

~ End of part I ~
Download - http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/maps-564/beyond-grave-i-262240/

phase 5 - "The plague" (pending (0%))
SIG - credits to Mythic for assisting me with it:



Level 8
Nov 4, 2012
Oohhhh pretty pictures! ;)
This Map sounds intresting bit it doesn't have muchbto show in what's presented, other than that the factions sound fun.
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