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Lord Garithos

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Level 21
Jul 2, 2009
He was the reason why the Blood Elves joined the Horde in the first place, and yes indeed he was a douchbag, a racist, and other stuff.
I was glad he was gone, but I did wonder what if he survived would he of joined with the Scarlet Crusade? Balnazzar could of made him a good target, and that other Paladin could be still alive.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

I really don't see how would Alliance look like if he was still around. Blood elves are not the only ones he hated, he also hated dwarves and every other non-human. He would lead them to ruin. Besides, he sealed his fate by siding with the enemy. And IMO he was too arrogant. He had it coming.
Level 32
Apr 2, 2013
Alliance is my team.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

I think the lion on his shield is a symbol of the Alliance, not just Stormwind.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Of the New Alliance led by Stormwind yes lion is often used/abused symbol since Alliance is led by Stormwind who use the Lion (unfair to non-stormwind humans and non humans). Lordearon Alliance shouldn't have need to use sign of then destroyed/rebuilt kingdom but rather would use the royal "L" and sword. But I guess Garithos has lion shield as rule of cool.

But even if we forget racist he was still rather stupid from what we have seen. Driving away allies in dark times (yeah ok hate elves but use them as cannon fodder to spare your men, don't waste your men in starting civil war when homeland is in peril), getting himself enslaved by dreadlord and thinking it was good idea to alone yell at forsaken army (bet his guard were cheering when he died anyway). The only reason why he came to power must be that any other competent lord or leader figure was dead. And while he is not in wow Scarlet Crusade does represent his worst traits.

Though he was correct regarding blood elves. Yes everyone pointed out him being racist against them and driving them away, but Horde was far worse to High Elves during the Second war (...also how many of the "forsaken" were raised dead people that died in second war?) and some eventually joined legion itself. Then again it is part of demonification of High/Blood elves in warcraft who started as generic elves.
Level 11
Oct 11, 2013
Maybe he just found the shield? I don't know, like:
"-Ooh! What a badass shield! *smile face*" and took it.
The shield is the less important.

Yes, VeljkoM, Horde was far worse to High Elves during the Second War, but that was another Horde, still with some demonic influences, things changed, also, one of the reasons that the Blood Elves joined the Horde is the Forsaken; they helped the Blood Elves to secure Ghostlands and c'mon, they're neighbors, if the Blood Elves unally the Horde, they would perish at Forsaken hands, Sylvanas just love vengeance.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
And this Stormwind Alliance is not same Lordearon Alliance represented by Garithos. I find it interesting that they have enough tolerance for orcs (and second war era horde removed Shadow Council and warlocks so legion influence was reduced) and yet suddenly hate living humans but dead humans are ok. Forsaken in Horde is also strange and considering that forsaken/undead is not biological race and that they are still humans and elves. I can understand Blood Elves and Forsaken being allied and really their "friendship" with the Kalimdorians is purely political. Both show at same time modern level tolerance against former enemy yet unreasonable hatred to current enemies. But that was the price to divide world in to two factions and set up status quo.

Anyway thread is about Garithos so if you want to respond to the non-Garithos stuff write it on my vm.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

After Garithos dumped them, they needed a strong ally. They surely wouldn't join the Alliance after all those insults.
His pride bested him, I guess. That's why he was blind to reality.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Actually why not? Garithos did die and you can't expect me to belive that one man removed ages of human and elven peaceful coexistence. And again Garithos led remnants of Lordearon Alliance (how it is beyond me) why would his actions prevent Stormwind from reaching out to Quel'thalas and lend aid.

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

He insulted the one who led the blood elves, prince Kael'thas. It's not the same as insulting any other elf. He was probably pissed at all humanity and if the prince says "no", then his followers have no other choice.
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Well Horde did terrible things at second war, but humans are much worse, because in third war they turn up from the dead and freaking destroy their own kingdom and ofcourse in mop one crazy b#tch killed and imprisoned so many innocent sunreavers so humans are much worse.
.....they helped the Blood Elves to secure Ghostlands and c'mon, they're neighbors......

Neighbors can be bad too, so again it's not important.

His death was also the reason why the Scarlet Crusade started.
And it's satisfying enough that he didn't have a tomb or an honorary memorial unlike the other Alliance Leaders.

Wrong! The Scarlet Crusade started before that! Read the comics please. As for the memorial, well I can't blame the Alliance since he's the reason why one former ally has exchanged allegiance.

You mean the guy who took his elves and went to Outland and joined Illidan and then Burning Legion. He clearly doesn't speak for the blood elves as whole at all. And again Horde did far worse things in second war.


He insulted the one who led the blood elves, prince Kael'thas. It's not the same as insulting any other elf. He was probably pissed at all humanity and if the prince says "no", then his followers have no other choice.

It's still irrelevant. Garithos was just a random noble from Blackwood not some official Lordaeron Emissary or prince. Again, Kael could've just ignored his bragging and rejoin the alliance not go after some rogue night elf wayward spellcaster that has clearly gone insane with his idiotic agenda!

Well Horde did terrible things at second war, but humans are much worse, because in third war they turn up from the dead and freaking destroy their own kingdom and of course in mop one crazy b#tch killed and imprisoned so many innocent sunreavers so humans are much worse.
The Old Horde was way more worse than the Humans!

Those were undead you know (Forsaken), nothing to do with humans -_-"

lololololol ^

The world is actually equal at this point. Everyone is filthy. Except the Pandaren.
This has nothing to do with the topic you know.

Well he had to since Draenor (or Outland) was the only escape route from the cornering Humans and Undead.

Sure :p

After that you just throw half your race to the Burning Legion (elven lands destroyed just by it's pawns), ring any bells?

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

But they weren't just insulted by Garithos, he imprisoned them, too. Kael was desperate and Vashj told him that he can to join Illidan or face Garithos. There was no choice at the time, because Garithos was more than happy to sentence them to death. But I agree, it's wrong that he joined the Legion in the end.
But they weren't just insulted by Garithos, he imprisoned them, too. Kael was desperate and Vashj told him that he can to join Illidan or face Garithos. There was no choice at the time, because Garithos was more than happy to sentence them to death. But I agree, it's wrong that he joined the Legion in the end.

I know my lore, thank you :p After that he already broke out, why not teleport to Stormwind right away? ;D (better, to Menethil Harbour since it was just recently rebuilt?)

There's always a choice you know. Too much desperation in Kael's case I'd say but not enough to join Ilidan and the Legion after that. Basically Garithos was an ass that could have just been ignored right from the start and have just a formal conversation not put everything to heart. Also as VeljkoM said, century old relations don't die THAT easily.

I could blame Vashj as well, but that remains for another time.
Level 21
Jul 27, 2008
Well you know all the insults and bad influence still happened to that minority that escaped to Outland and joined Illidari/Outland Locals/Burning Legion. The elves that joined Horde were in Quel'thalas, away from Garithos and still one of the founding members of Alliance and not to mention the ages of peaceful existence with humans before it. In my opinion reason why Blood Elves are in the Horde is because they look pretty and forsaken were lonely (oh and only reason why forsaken are in the horde is because they are west). Kinda kills the point of Wc3 Horde migration to Kalimdor to move away and have their own lands (besides the whole legion thing). Garithos is just scapegoat to justify Blizzards decision.

By the way why do we for so many years pretend that undead and forsaken are not humans? Undead last time I checked wasn't an ethnic race they are all still humans (or elves).

Deleted member 238589


Deleted member 238589

Fair point. Garithos was just there to give Blizzard a reason to let the elves join the Horde, so the Horde doesn't get outnumbered by the Alliance (most likely)
Level 9
Jul 29, 2014
Neighbors can be bad too, so again it's not important.

Wrong! The Scarlet Crusade started before that! Read the comics please. As for the memorial, well I can't blame the Alliance since he's the reason why one former ally has exchanged allegiance.


It's still irrelevant. Garithos was just a random noble from Blackwood not some official Lordaeron Emissary or prince. Again, Kael could've just ignored his bragging and rejoin the alliance not go after some rogue night elf wayward spellcaster that has clearly gone insane with his idiotic agenda!

The Old Horde was way more worse than the Humans!

Those were undead you know (Forsaken), nothing to do with humans -_-"

This has nothing to do with the topic you know.

Sure :p

After that you just throw half your race to the Burning Legion (elven lands destroyed just by it's pawns), ring any bells?
I know that they were undead, but still they were humans so it still counts.
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