Leaving the prime school

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Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Today, I just had the last day of prime school, which actually left me pretty much said. It's not the problems in high school, tons of studying, but the fact that I won't see almost anyone of my friends ever again. Which kinda sux, only 1 guy in my school will go to the same high school as me.
We were on a school trip today, every 8. (last class in prime school) class go to the seaside. We had so much fun, and now, i don't know what to do, since my friends are actually "gone".
How did you feel on such a moment? And please don't post like "it was the past" or "move on to life" and similar stuff. Some friends I know for 12 years, and I am 15 years old, which is fkin 80% of my life, and since I can't remember my first few years, it's like, I know some guys for an entire life, so I can't forget them or "move on".
Level 5
Mar 26, 2008
"Only a prime can kill a prime." But seriously, just be yourself. Worked for me. Sorry, that's the only advice I can give. I suck at giving advice/motivating people.
Level 6
May 5, 2008
I'll can understand you, when i moved on to next school level I was the only one who goin there.
I won't lie, the first half year is hard(atleast for me it was) but since then I got friends i now know longer then i now my fiends from before.
So: get facebook, add all your old friends and u won't lose contact whith ehm


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
I'll can understand you, when i moved on to next school level I was the only one who goin there.
I won't lie, the first half year is hard(atleast for me it was) but since then I got friends i now know longer then i now my fiends from before.
So: get facebook, add all your old friends and u won't lose contact whith ehm

well yeah, that makes sence. Thanks.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
well I live in Zagreb, which is capital city in Croatia, so it's not strange that I will have prime and high school in same city :p
The only problem is, i will go to probably hardest school in Croatia, and only 1 of my friends want that school too :(
Level 28
Sep 24, 2006
well I live in Zagreb, which is capital city in Croatia, so it's not strange that I will have prime and high school in same city :p
The only problem is, i will go to probably hardest school in Croatia, and only 1 of my friends want that school too :(

Heh, yeah so what? it's not like your other friends will go away right? You can still stay in touch with them fairly easy. Think about college... moving to another city... getting into your own place shared with a bunch of other people you don't know... miles away from home.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
Sorry to say this pal, but as much as you'd like to keep in contact with 'em you'll probably drift away.

It's what happens. I had a lot of best friends in primary school, a lot of them even went to the same highschool as me but it isn't the same. It's a lot larger, a lot more people in your grade and combined with the fact that all of you are getting greasy skin and broken vocal chords you all start to drift away and hang out with different people as you develop different personalities and interests.

You don't leave highschool with the same friends that you leave primary school with unless you're really lucky.

And be ready for the same thing to happen all over again when you leave for college/university. Although being more mature at the time it might be easier to keep in touch with old chumps.

Just move on. It's an incredibly confusing, if not exciting time of your life.
Level 25
Apr 27, 2008
I'm going to highschool in september ^^
It's going to be at least 5x easier for me :p
This year, they never stopped saying: "You have brevet! You have brevet!"
Brevet = Official exams with the government you MUST pass in order to
advance to high school. (It's french ^-^)

Hoho brevet is a piece of cake, Highschool is where your screwed.
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Hosted Project: SC
Level 19
Jul 1, 2010
Lol i'm going in High school and my grades for 22323223 and only English 4 and i passed easilly. :D

those are, no offence, but really bad grades imo

I got all As (grade 5 in my country), and therefore I will go to hardest school in Croatia, and since Croatia is the 3. country in the World with hardest schools, my life is dead from next year -.-
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