Importing Models, Skins and Icons.

Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
Importing Models, Skins and Icons
A Picture book for the new and weary.

I made this tutorial for a few reasons, I want to create an extremely basic way to do import these resources with detailed information along with visual aides. Numerous times people enter the chat wondering how to import these files, after saying read the tutorials hundreds of times I always get the same reply "It makes no sense" or "I did"

This tutorial will NOT discuss importing tilesets, UI, or any other custom resources that do not fall under the category of the title.

Basic Terminology:

.zip - The most common means of a compressed folder

.rar - A compressed folder, accessed by “7zip” and “Winrar”

.7z - A compressed folder, accessed by the program “7zip”

.mdx - The standard path used by Blizzard for all models within the WC3 engine.

.mdl - A model when it is still in its beta phase, for editing and reworking, prior to a .mdx

.tga - Texture path that can be opened in various art tools, a texture will be this before converting to a .blp

.blp - Blizzard’s texture path used in the WC3 engine.

Texture/skin - a recreated “skin” for a currently existing model, standard or custom.

Helpful Tools:

Magos Model Editor (Modeling)

Warcraft 3 Viewer (Modeling/Skinning)

Button Manager (Icon)


Here is the resource I’m going to use; Cavman and Hawkwing’s Dire Troll


Step by Step Importing

Step 1: Open the Import Manager of your map within World Editor


Step 2: Make sure you unzip, unrar your compressed file before importing.

Step 3: use the Import button to locate your custom resource file and click open or double click on the containing files
It should look like this;



Step 4: Now you want to set the correct paths to the model files (.mdx) and the texture files (.blp)


PLEASE NOTE: Always erase the “wc3imported” part of an imported resource, Also if you are unaware of a model’s texture paths, either view the readme.txt file in the model folder or use Magos’ Texture Manager to view its path.

Step 5: Applying the model, Within the units tab of the object editor either make a custom unit, or use an existing one, click on the unit. Find “Art-Model File” and double click. Click the import button and scroll down and apply the .mdx file, not the portrait. (Portraits do not need to be applied only imported)


Step 6: IMPORTANT, in order for the model to show in game, without looking like a big green and black box, you must SAVE your map and close World Editor, then reopen the map in World Editor.

Step 7: Find your unit in the unit palette and place it wherever.



Here is the resource i'm going to use; Red Shift's Timberwolf (Replacing Dire Wolf)


Step by Step Importing

Step 1: Open the Import Manager of your map within World Editor


Step 2: Make sure you unzip, unrar your compressed file before importing.

Step 3: use the Import button to locate your custom resource file and click open or double click on the containing files
It should look like this;



Step 4: Now you want to set the correct paths to the texture files (.blp)

NOTE: Skins/Textures have SET paths and only use ONE certain path when it comes to editing a pre-existing model skin. You can go to the skin section here at the hive and find a skin that is used for the same model to find the path in case you don't know it. Also use Magos Model Editor and open up texture manager within Magos and it will show the paths for all skins used in the resource opened.

Heres an example of a skin path: Units\Creeps\DireWolf\DireWolf.blp


Step 5: Applying the skin/texture, Within the units tab of the object editor either make a custom unit, or use the existing dire wolf model, click on the unit. (When the texture is imported, saved and correctly path'd you do NOT need to change anything regarding the model as long as the model is set to the standard dire wolf.)

Step 6: IMPORTANT, in order for the skin/texture to show in game, you must SAVE your map and close World Editor, then reopen the map in World Editor.

Step 7: Find your unit in the unit palette and place it wherever.



Here is the resource i'm going to use; Mr.Goblin's Cape Icon.


Step by Step Importing

Step 1: Open the Import Manager of your map within World Editor


Step 2: Make sure you unzip, unrar your compressed file before importing.

Step 3: use the Import button to locate your custom resource file and click open or double click on the containing files
It should look like this;



Step 4: Now you want to set the correct paths to the Icon files (.blp)


Icons have set paths, here are the set path variations;

ATC Autocasting - ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\

DISATC Disabled Autocasting - ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\

BTN Regular Icon Button - ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\

DISBTN Disabled Regular Icon Button - ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\

PAS Passive Button - ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtons\

DISPAS Disabled Passive Button - ReplaceableTextures\CommandButtonsDisabled\

Step 5: Applying the Icon, Within the abilities/buffs/Upgrades tab of the object editor either make a custom Ability,Buff or Upgrade, or use an existing one, click on the Ability,Buff,Upgrade. Find “Art-Icon” and double click. Click the import button and scroll down and apply the .blp, this can be for any variation.


Step 6: IMPORTANT, in order for the Icon to show in game, you must SAVE your map and close World Editor, then reopen the map in World Editor.

Step 7: Find your Icon in the correct palette or within the object editor.


Hopefully this helps, its pretty straight-forward and thorough, if you need additional assistance feel free to PM me.
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Level 24
May 9, 2007
Explain how to find the paths first, and mention that they can be found on the site, and how to find it in Magos (link tool).
Explain skin paths in more depth.
Provide links to the resources used.
And I believe you don't actually have to re-open the WE to have all models/skins be available in-game.

Overall, it's clear.
Level 1
May 31, 2010
real useful tutorial,
But ive been trying to get the EpicRPGtileset by 67 chrome to work on one of my maps for a long while now but ll that i seem to get, at teh very most is a tile being black around teh edges of teh man-made walls. Can anyone lend me a hand i would really appreciate it :)
Level 3
Jan 9, 2010
Could used this like a year ago haha. This is a Great tutorial. But The object Editor changes my selected Inport to the unselected custom. The custom is .mdl , and as you know i need the mdx anyway you can help me?
Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
When you import the .mdx the object editor automatically displays it as a .mdl in reality it is still a .mdx so you should be ok. If you have the file strictly as a .mdl then you need to convert it to a .mdx before importing. I believe you can do so in Magos.

And thanks for the kind words everyone.
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Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
No, Skins made for models are "blahblahblah.blp" textures will always be in .blp format. If you are having trouble finding the paths for the skins connected to the model, open the model in magos model editor, and go to "windows" at the top and open "Texture Manager" it will list all models and skins involved with what model you have opened with the correct paths.
Level 4
Aug 7, 2010
is it a must to use blp? do i need to convert tga into blp before importing? sorry newbie here.

Edited* problem solved, thanks for the guide! thumb up!
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Level 1
Aug 14, 2010

cool, but what with models contains upgrades itself?
like one .mdl file which include 3 - 9 upgrades? how to use them in game?
Level 2
Oct 13, 2010
really thanks man i was trying import skins and i havent no idea how to do this before this tutorial
Level 19
Sep 14, 2007
I am having a major issue with importing skins, for some reason even when i put in the path that they tell you to use it does not work, even after i save world edit and close it, and sometimes when it does replace the model's skin the model is just transparent.

Sometimes the paths that are listed are not always correct so to be sure i would check the path of the same model but different texture. For instance check two different abomination paths are right in case one is wrong. Also sometimes textures are broken or possibly named wrong via editing and is worth asking a knowledgeable skinner why something may not work after troubleshooting yourself.
Level 2
Nov 8, 2018
Hi. I know how to import models for units and doodads. The same textures for units. But how to put texture to the ground texture? Because in object editor there is no option for ground textures and I can not find it anywhere. I as well used Google and searched in HIVE but all is connected to the same stuff I already know but none connected to ground textures.

So where is actually field for changing model for ground texture?

Thank you for answer
Level 21
May 29, 2013
But how to put texture to the ground texture? Because in object editor there is no option for ground textures and I can not find it anywhere. I as well used Google and searched in HIVE but all is connected to the same stuff I already know but none connected to ground textures.

So where is actually field for changing model for ground texture?
In Object Editor the 'Art - Ground Texture' field determines which ground texture (aka Ubersplat) appears under the building when it is placed on the ground.

Only ubersplats that are used as building foundations (by standard buildings) are listed in the drop-down list when this field is opened.

If the shift key is pressed while this field is being opened, any ubersplat that is specified in the 'UberSplatData.slk' can be used by entering its four letter code. This allows all ubersplats to be used, even those that are unused (e.g. LSDL, CLTS, NMED) or intended for abilities (e.g. HMTP, UDSU, NVOL). Custom ubersplats can also be used by entering their codes if a custom 'Splats\UberSplatData.slk' file is imported into the map.
Level 2
Jan 13, 2022
Hi there,

Is there a way to turn .dds into .mdx? All files I've downloaded from here for Warcraft 3 Reforged only come as a .dds file and I am not given the option to save as another format. Please advise if you have a solution :)