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[JASS] I need a challenge

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Level 19
Aug 27, 2007

Here. See the bottom of the thread also, Eleandor made a much better one a while ago which he posted (I converted it to be compatible with v1.24).

@ Eleandor

Ok... so you basically run through all the matrices and check for matches, and return the one with the most matches?

Just one PURE word for Eleandor call "AWESOME !!!"

This is the best Coding putted into a map .. i'm 100% making a map like this !

@EOT .. element of water -

Ok the challenge is ... A 3D Machine or robot from special effects MISSILES !

That walks and attack ext....

Could you do THAT !!!!!!! i think NOT ! and it isn't impossible .. it's just spam of effects .. then moving them ext..

3D robot from special effect such as MISSILES .. it requires imagination of the robot by making Fly height ... when he walks !! ext..

I bet your ass you can't do it !
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
This is the best Coding putted into a map .. i'm 100% making a map like this !
You talking about the terrain generator?

Ok... so you basically run through all the matrices and check for matches, and return the one with the most matches?

Actually, a better way to make the program "learn" these patterns would be like this:
You start with 26 "Ideal" pre-programmed patterns (or more if you also wish to learn numbers, or -, ?, ...).
Next, you loop over *all* possible patterns. If there's a 95% match with any of the known patterns, you link the new pattern to the already known "Ideal" pattern. Thus, there are now 27 known patterns that result in 26 characters. If there's not a 95% match, you just try the next pattern.
You keep repeating this until all possible patterns have finally reached a 95% match, resulting into any of the 26 ideal patterns.

Then you can actually start testing if your matching algorithm is good, by placing a bunch of units in a specific way. Then, you convert the unit positions into a pattern and look up this pattern and its corresponding letter. If it's indeed what you expected to get, it's a good matching algorithm.

Since that takes up a lot of memory, you might actually not want to loop over *all* possible patterns, but make an algorithm that tries to work towards 95% matching one of the 26 patterns, for all 26 patterns. Then you just see which of the 26 patterns took the least time to match.
Level 4
Jul 9, 2008
just came up with an idea- control ur army with text commands, like that tome clancy game (only it uses speech commands). Only you could make it really snazzy with ur own features...
Level 7
Mar 8, 2009
Make an easy to use system that returns target with "Unit finishes effect of spell", it would make spells with a casting time 10x easier to make.

or improve your system that displays mana cost of spell by making a function:
public function GetSpellManaCost takes integer spellID, integer spellLevel returns real
and make it 1.24 compatible, i think storing the spells in a hashtable would also be very efficient, you could set parentkey to level of ability and childKey to abilityID.
Maybe there is also a way to work around the spell register function.

(I don't need the system anymore but maybe other people can use it)
Level 11
Dec 21, 2008
Can you make an Leak free and perfect 6 Unit boss (like minimum in ulduar World of warcraft) whit animations and spells and evrything, Like Head, 2 arms 2 legs 1 body. whit normal unit models and you need to see the units, the HP bars of them and evry unit need to make a attack/spell.

How about that?
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
Maybe you should make a function which counts true unit's GetLocationZ? Because when near cliffs, water or high ground, Z of a point is slightly raised. If you could make a function which decreases GetLocationZ of a point to a true one without including cliff height in it, then it would make camera following unit in first person view easier.
Level 8
Aug 4, 2006
Maybe you should make a function which counts true unit's GetLocationZ? Because when near cliffs, water or high ground, Z of a point is slightly raised. If you could make a function which decreases GetLocationZ of a point to a true one without including cliff height in it, then it would make camera following unit in first person view easier.
Hey that's pretty much the same thing I wanted:
How about making a function GetUnitZOffset takes unit u returns real that returns how high above the ground a flying unit should be, at its current position, based on its default fly height. Blizzard's GetUnitFlyHeight function does jack shit. Using this function, you could set a missile's fly height such that it can fly straight over hills and stuff. I think it could be very useful. I am currently working on it, but unfortunately, my function is not accurate enough to be useful right now.
At least, I'm pretty sure you were talking about getting a unit's true fly height.
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
Maybe a function, then, which returns real value, how far a camera is away from it's target. (?) For ex. here's camera (1), and here's the point (2):
(1) --- (2)
And the function returns how far is the camera away from it's target, without how high it is above the ground, it's angle of attack.
Level 11
Jun 21, 2007
Spell? If you need to make an extremely hard to make spell, then make a train which spawns near the caster, and then the train and its wagons go around the caster in circles, damaging all enemies they run over. That spell can be for Tinker... and there can be anything instead of wagons. And after the train makes a fixed amount of circles, first the train explodes, then all its wagons scatter randomly around and explode in an order.

EDIT: Aw, then you want to make a system. What about something extremely useful.. a scrollable multiboard, that you can scroll and put items into it, store them in the multiboard. And that's called a passive inventory, it also displays cost, effect, if possible, and description,
[name of multiboard]
[------------------------------](11% of screen width)
[empty](0.75% of screen width)[1.](1% of screen width)[item name](8% of screen with)[cost](1.25% of screen width)
[empty][2.][item name][cost]
[selection arrow][3][item name][cost]
[empty][4.][item name][cost]
[empty][5.][item name][cost]
[Line 1 of description]
[Line 2 of description]
[Line 3 of description]
[Line 4 of description]
[Line 5 of description]

and when you select an other hero of yours, the multiboard switches to that hero's virtual inventory. I mean, every hero has an additional inventory. This can be useful for survival maps, when you need to carry everything on your back.
Level 4
Mar 23, 2008
Make an ecosystem.
Grass grows when rain comes.
Rabbits & Moose eat grass, then procreates.
Fox/Wolf eats rabbits, then procreates.
Bear eats moose.
Giant spiders eats foxes & bears.
It should be scaleable so you can easily change what animal/unit eats which unit.
Starving animals/units eventually dies.
Level 8
Feb 15, 2009
Easy, exactly and will be used in some maps; systems should be good for all maps.
Anyway, Mr. Element, i suggest you did something (since you want challenge indeed) to detect armor/ magic resistance/ damage (current) of a unit (the 33 - 41 damage thing)/ attack speed (Ok, these are the obvious ones that someone would need).

i like this one most and would be a very helpful thing needed by loads of guys
Level 10
Jan 28, 2009
A system that is able to detect UI hotkey *release*, like the event: (Player 1 releases left arrow), but for UI hotkeys. It's not possible as far as I know.

If it was possible however, this would allow much nicer user control in maps that normally use the key arrows for unit movement. You could instead use W/A/S/D.

Here comes a more possible challenge: Make a user interface in which you control the camera rotation with MOUSE movement (and other camera fields if you please) like in many shoot-em-ups. Take a look at the trackable objects in the WEU, and use your wits. It might just be possible using the mouse-over events in WEU, and by constantly relocating some trackable dummies in your field of view. Lock the camera to a controllable object, of course.
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