How do you feel about not choosing your stats anymore?

(Public Results) How do you feel about not choosing your stats anymore?

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Level 5
Dec 12, 2012
The question is mostly for those who have also played this ORPG before stats became automatic and thus feel the difference, but all players please feel free to vote. It's important to see what you as a player feel like about not having the freedom to choose your stat and being deprived of variety and customization in their build (like agility sorcerer/zerk for high crt chance or risky crusader with lower hp and str/intl dual main stat, or even a tank sorcerer you know..). A freedom that was always there in the previous versions.

My vote is 'disinclined to play', and that's been true since the release of the stat change version. I promised not to disband the FoF group and neither stop the bots and I won't, but personally I feel like what my code is loading, is no longer "my" hero, with "my" build.
Level 7
Apr 16, 2014
I don't see the problem.

There was such tiny variation in what was being built anyway. There was very little to no value to get secondary stats as it stood. Only a monk had a truly possible secondary build by mixing int and agility differently. Though Im sure given enough testing there would become a generic best build for that as well.

The content is still fun. Actually its almost more fun because our DPS has been vastly reduced. The difficulty is raised and it makes it much more difficult to ignore mechanics and not worry about certain things. So I really like the direction the game has taken.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
Yeah, but this kind of optimization is fun even if there is a specific "best" build. With the current system this entire aspect of character development simply doesn't exist. Is having no choice at all better than having few choices? It is not for me, at least.


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
To be honest this poll is preposterous. We have a choice between not liking the new system, being indifferent to it or "other". Just cause you have decided that it is bad doesn't mean that you should exclude a proper option "I like the current system" for the people who do like it. This is not equal to "I let the game choose my stats" cause obviously, the talent trees also allocate different stats depending on player choices.

The current system has lots of REAL customization. Choosing between 9x3 different talents for each class. If anything should be changed it would be an improvement to the currrent talent tree system, not a revamp to the pseudo "free-stat-allocation"-system.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
One doesn't preclude the other. It would be nice to have both perks and stats. Doing stats through perks is less customizable, so imo it would be best if stats were possible to allocate with the old system(possibly rebalance it a bit for some cases, because being oneshotted by a mob isn't a valid playstyle), while using the perks for something else than raw stats. Maybe some kind of passives, changes to abilities, could even be stats that would be maxed if they were freely allocatable.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2011
I don't think a poll is even necessary. It's pretty obvious that choosing stats is better (even if certain builds are clearly stronger.. sometimes you don't want stronger - you just want to play a certain style). However, its far easier to balance bosses and items around set base stats, and that counts for more.

Maybe you should put some effort into thinking of a stat system (and substat formulae) thats customizable yet doesn't end up forcing the generic hp+mainstat trend for efficiency.

I actually think the stats in (8) with diminishing returns would be the best. You would get the usual hp+mainstat to 25, then take a secondary stat for efficiency. In the end, thats what it comes down to. Having trash stats like STR on a druid and INT on an assassin really grinds my gears.

The low attack speed and high casting times that came with the later versions are pretty good though. Boss fights are MUCH more interesting this way.
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Level 3
May 12, 2011
The problem with the original stat system is that it gave an illusion of choice in that it "allowed" players to pick and choose what stats to play; however, it is called illusion BECAUSE at the end of the day, there is more or less one (or two) BEST BUILDS. Sure you can decide to stat randomly, but in a team based game as Gaias, that means you as a player and contributor will end up giving less than you potentially could have. So in the end, you have two general choices: optimized, end of the line stating or a random, weaker build.

With the new "perk" system, it actually gives you legit choices and combinations and not one exact "best" skilltree build; for example, for the assassin, one set of choices has you deciding whether to go for a higher, single target dps, an increased sustained ability for CC or a stronger debuffing (lvl 40) all of which shine depending on how you want to play; the first one increases your own damage contribution and helps you excel in your niche DPS role, the second gives you greater versatility, and the third helps other players (team play) increase their damage (monks, mages, elemental dmg, etc). I can tell you personally I found each to have their benefits (and found myself switching between the first and second depending on what I was actually doing at the time. Again, your playstyle will affect the choices you make, but in the end not a single one of these will be the objectively BEST choice, but depending on YOU play, it can be choices better suited to you than that of another player.
Level 5
Dec 12, 2012
To be honest this poll is preposterous. We have a choice between not liking the new system, being indifferent to it or "other"

The poll isn't meant about the entire new system. I didn't mention a single thing about the talents. It's minimized in options becuz it's simply about having and not having the option to almost precisely choose your hp/mana/damage/ etc. You usually either like or dislike the fact that stats r automatic, anything else should go to other.
Level 10
Nov 20, 2005
I selected bad, but I should note I don't feel disinclined to play the game anymore. I'll play gaias regardless.

Having said that, sure people mono stated 99% of the time which ends up being the same in the long run, but I think auto stating takes away from the meta game. You were truly able to push the limits of gaias in ways you wouldn't expect in stat manipulation.

In the end lets see how auto stat works on new content when everything is level 50. I have a gut feeling it'll get better my biggest gripe is the meta game (which is a small fraction of the game I get it)
Wow, unusual lively discussion here?

Believe me, the decisionmaking process involved in getting rid of the stat system was a long back-and-forth for me. I can absolutely understand people not liking the decision. But in the end, the benefits outweight the cons.

The reasons why it's gone now are not balancing or convenience; it's because I felt that the stat system was broken and all attempts to fix it more or less only made it worse.

In the end, it just felt repetitive and useless, for all the reasons that have been mentioned in this thread already. It was a showcase of illusion of choice. Any differences in builds were mostly cosmetical or negligible. On top, it didn't scale very well.
The latest attempt to fix the system, using secondary instead of primary stats went even further into mono-statting territory for that matter.
You 25/25'ed the two stats you liked most. More than often, the choice was also obvious for the class selected.

So, the question that made my decision was:
If I'd reduce the number of skillpoints from 50 to 5 and instead just make each skill point grant 10 points in the selected stat, would it change builds?
The answer, obviously, was no.

A choice presented frequently is only a choice, if it's fundamentally different each time.
If equipment would require a minimum amount of stats (like in the Diablo series), now that choice would actually matter, as then not only the final distribution of stats matters, but also when you acquire that skillpoint throughout the leveling process.

So, if, for example, using a certain bow requires you to have 5 points in strength; you'd probably always end up with 5 points in strength at the end of the build - that's not a choice. But there is a real choice here if you look further into it: when do you acquire that 5 points? Early in the game so you can use that bow type as fast as possible? But then you'd sacrifice some agility for it and effectively become weaker until reaching endgame.
That would be an actual choice (of convenience, more or less, but still, a choice is a choice). However, items having stat requirements is completely off the table, since it doesn't suit the MMO style gameplay that Gaias has.

The only situation in which the old stat system came close to this idea was with health being a skillable stat. You could decide between gimping your early game damage in favour of more health early in the game or you could do the opposite. That was about the only legitimate choice within the stat system.

But that wasn't enough for me, honestly.

Getting rid of the stat system provided me with more opportunities regarding item designs... which ultimately leaves the same room to customize your hero.

Also, I could move the talent system towards the hero command card - which imho improves the look and feel of the game big time.

I know where this poll is coming from. I'm a gamer just as much as you guys are. People love to have stuff to do when leveling up. Which is why the talent system will be expanded further in the future. The talents are not rigid in their design; I can always add more and new talents or shift the frequency at which you can select more. But understand that adding just a single new talent tier to the game means 30 new talents to code (3 talents for 10 classes).

For the near future, I plan on coding at least one new top-tier talent selection for every class and shift every talent tier down by 5 levels (you guys probably wondered why talents start at level 10, not at level 5 and why the level 25 talent is a base class choice, not an advanced class choice ... this is why).
Further down the developement road (maybe in the 1.3 update, which will have the heroic dungeon modes), we will probably see another 5 level shift, so that the first talent is actually selectable at level 1 (and the second at level 5) - which will hopefully make the leveling process more fun. :)
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Level 5
Dec 12, 2012
People love to have stuff to do when leveling up.

Exactly. The "effort and achievement" as I so eloquently put it before. :D

Zwieb, think. (Actually, don't think, feel). What is the ultimate possible measurement by which your game as a game designer will be measured? The items were cool? Terrain felt beautiful? Game was balanced? The bosses were bad-ass? The teamwork felt gratifying? The stat system was natural? The effort and achievement system rewarded the players justly?

.. Yeah all of those matter, but what do they coalesce into? Two words: "Player satisfaction." Always hold it in your conscience this question: "If I do this will the players like it?" and you can never go wrong. By gamers, of gamers for gamers stuff. A content provider, of any kind, who from tile one keeps in mind and actually bases his work on how the generic person who will use this content, would like it to be, will create the best masterpiece. Those who get engulfed in details in front of their eyes, will lose sight eventually, of the greater goal.
"It is like a finger pointing out to the Moon..." -Bruce Lee

The only situation in which the old stat system came close to this idea was with health being a skillable stat. You could decide between gimping your early game damage in favour of more health early in the game or you could do the opposite. That was about the only legitimate choice within the stat system.

And why do you think that is, my friend? Becuz the HP was the only one not additive, it was progressive. See the word? "Progress". It harmonizes and corresponds with one terribly neglected fact: "Leveling up from level 1 to 2 is NOT the same as leveling from e.g. 27 to 28, let alone 49 to 50". Neither are the monsters you have to kill at that level the same. And that is why the rewards for leveling up, a.k.a the stat point, cannot possibly be same either.

We go back to block one in my thread about stats not being balanced. You were convinced even then that receiving 1 point of intelligence e.g. from 45 to 46 while you also receive 1 for getting from 3 to 4, is by definition what we call going obsolete. That's why there are so many maps that scale their skills and stats and everything depending on your level, and thats the right thing to do. And gaia's dont have it. Very simple.

I would be thinking if the players like and love to choose their stats, so let 'em. And then let's find the way to make cookie-cutter builds go away.

Besides, who says the stats were bad or monotonous in the first place. They just needed a little more care. They could become better yes, but they weren't as awful as everyone'd make them to be. I had 8 str points on my hunter, and 10 on my crus as secondary. Call that "negligible" I dare you :ogre_frown:

What my code loads now is some fatass un-smart un-intelligent (literally and figuratively) crusader with so much bad stats I don't wanna look at him. What happened to crusader being an intelligence-based character?

Even if the stat system felt like a fail, it's becuz me, you zwieb, and all us the gamer base and anyone else with ideas didn't come forth to suggest something better.

And it's becuz there was too little stats attainable during the 50 lvls of game, in comparison to the bosses' stregth. I mean you "HAD TO" get Hp, or you would die in a boss fight around your level. So the stat system wasn't at fault. The bosses's strength level demanded and FORCED monotonous builds.

Solution to that, now that you find the real suspect here, is either to nerf the bosses a little, or even much better, add some stats. But then again there will come to mind a new challenge. If everyone had nearly enough stats to have good Hp/Mp both and max main stats plus a lot of off-stat (like str for hunt/sin or int for monk) then it becomes pointless, and everyone is OP and will just autoattack the whole boss event. Then again to stop that, first of all, I never said give all the stats one could ever want, there obvsly has to be limits; and second of all, we can make "skills" stronger (by reducing cd's etc) and more mana-costing so that everyone will have to mana-manage and actually worry about it, and also so that the small difference right now between auto attacking and actualy playing the game using skills, which is becoming less, grows bigger again. (I realize this version where atkspds seems to have been reduced, same thing apparently has happened, which is good.)

People couldn't build their desired custom chars, becuz there wasn't enough stat points to do that AND survive the boss fights not letting your team down.

We can create a system called stat bank, in which if you invest 3 unused stats, you will get them back with an interest. E.g. you just get to level 9, but you spend the stat points for 9, 10 & 11 into the bank and when you're 12 you get 5 stats back.

Or you could associate one extra stat, say, every 5 levels. So at multipliers of 5 people will have bigger choice.

Or you could make that not two stat points, but, whatever stat point you choose at 5, 10, 15 etc, will be count double, or it will count your level/5. So at 15 you get triple of that stat you chose, and at 50 you get 10. That makes you feel so good about finishing 50. That sentiment hardly exists right now (Cept for the reset talent you get at 50).

Or you could use this same logic which is there to disallow stats going "obsolete" near the higher levels, this way: each stat you spend, will not add one but 20% of you current total of stats (not the bonus/green ones ofc, it can be abused with items n skills) from lvl 1-10. Then 15% from 11-20. and so on.

Or it can be like this: From level 1-25 whatever stat you get is linearly added. But from the moment you choose a profession onward, you gain stats by percentage. That could allow people to go stat reset and get it all again for a possibly slightly better results, and you can instead make them less stronger in the process of pre-class -> class change.

Or you could associate a random stat point gain (randomly designated to your hero, you don't have to choose) with each talent point gained.

Or you could add a very systematic formulated amount of Hp and Mp added each level (unique to each character of course), similar to what it is now, BUT, keep the main stats open for choosing. Then you can either remove Const/Wisd entirely or make them very insignificant (which is even better cuz the player may want to add even further Hp/Mp to his build).

Or you can even make stats inter-dependent. How? Every 3 points of strength also automatically adds one points in constitution. Or like vice versa, every 2 points of Wisdom also involuntarily grants you an intelligence point. If you employ this method, you'll prolly have to remove the currently existing stat gain which is formulated based on whole sum of stats.

Or even irrelevantly inter-dependent. Like 2 points in each of the other two stats automatically gives you one point in the one left out. Like 2 strength and 2 intelligence will also give you an agility.

The whole point, although, would be to SAY that something like this exists to the player so that they can plan it out. Not like right now which most people don't even know there was an automatic stat gain based on sum of all stats. Or e.g. most of them didn't know its your main stats that affect the stats of your pet, not your hp/mp (amiright?). I dunno why you chose to keep these secret from players. They must know. Secrecy doesn't add beauty. Knowing it all and then being able to customize does.

Or you could make very special quests, the rewards to which are one or in cases, two stat points. The quest rewards don't even have to be equal for everyone. You know, some people think treating all the same is the way to go in a lot of matters in life. But mostly, that's only true in very few things. Each individual character can get what they need unequally and still everyone go home happy. A druid can get two ints and a 10 Mp for example from a quest of this sort, but a crus get 20 Hp and 12 attk dmg or whateveR!! It don't "have to" be equal.

Or you could make a whole set of gambling events at the end of which you get a scroll with 1 to 3 stats, or a choice between some stats or a certain amount of hp/mana/res etc to choose from as the end-minigame award for it. You can either change that to, or add it besides also a "mini tourney" event in the arena. PVP or PV NPC with limited repeatable rewards of stat gain.

Or you could make legendary items that once they slay e.g. 100 bosses (with or without certain minimum lvl requirement etc) they grant you a stat or something of a reward like that. Limited or unlimited. It can be a unique item for each character individual that will activate maybe each with a certain trigger. It could be e.g. for zerk, a bloodthirsty dual-hand that when has slain 1000 foes will grant you some dmg or more efficiency using this weapon. Or after the condition is met and it is activated it will become a click-able item that grants you certain stats for a limited time.

Or, about talents, you can make rare items that allow you to go further into the depth of your talent system and achieve a talent point which would be available normally if you could get to 55 e.g., means like an ultra or hidden talent point.

Or, you can create a "level limit" for the each boss, if you defeat him below which, you will get a stat point. So e.g. if a group of below 33 people gather and kill Hill Giant, they will gain one stat. Once per boss ofc and with harsh lvl requirements for some spartan difficulty and teamwork fun.

Or you can designate a special spirit guide that takes away your experience and instead grants you a certain amount of stats. It could be as little as 1 Hp or 1% atkspd to as big as e.g. 5 main stat points, depending on how much exp you wanna trade or how much he can trade for you at one time. It must be limited to some number of times eventually, but a big limit is more fun. Like going 3 times to 50 and then emptying yourself all the way down to 0 but better stats. (Like that reborn feature... whatever happened to it btw?)

Or a bird can drop a giant poop on your head and you die. Then you gain a stat in the next life. -__-

There are a million ways to face problems, and cutting away rupturing one of the biggest arteries of the game is the very last one of them.

Imagine all of the above mentioned, each individually into the game and maybe something will eventually replace automatic stats solution. A last resort really, not even a solution.

Some of the suggestions can go together very well too, like exp->stat change (limited number of times ofc) plus the % gain of stats together maybe. Don't give up and back out of problems by cutting them away. Be daring and throw so many solutions at them that the problem gives up! Please!


Honestly, the hunt for Shade's shadow seal felt good even though it was long and rigorous, and now all of a sudden it feels all in vain. You say one talent point design takes so much time per all chars, then you should also understand that many of us spent so much time to get shadow seals for all 10 characters, and multiply that by the number of people who's plaed or been playing this game.

Let me be quite honest here. Just like the first months my first group buddies and I had started Gaias, and I talked to vestra-chan and asked him to tell you to stop resetting codes (which you so kindly did ever since), now also, I'd say you're no longer in a position to simply treat your game like a game of dominoes or lego and with a single wave of hand, chop off half of it away whenever you don't like it. There's people's love and time riding on this. Honestly many veteran people I knew back then stopped Gaias due to that very same repetitive code resets. It would grind anyone in the long run. And so will radical changes like this.

But more importantly than that, what I really think is that you shouldn't "give up" so easily at all, on the work and effort that you yourself have built up so far. It feels like throwing a part of yourself away. Rather than that, build upon it, adapt to it and believe in it. Everything needs honing to get that perfection feel. Cutting off and throwing away stuff halfway won't exactly get there.
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Level 5
Dec 27, 2011
Hmm... well, to put in blunt dude... you're pretty stupid. If you don't recall, me and some others played this game with very low health in your eyes. But yet we can 2 man most bosses, besides gargoyle figures right. However, when we got a group and played with guys like you. All you dumbasses would say is that we need more health and mana pots...

Since zwieb fixed that pot bug, before the stat revamp, most of you got pissed; cause there goes your "meta build". but yet I and prolly some others were unaffected b/c we knew how to play without.

Face it, this is zwieb's game, he does what he pleases. he's trying to actually make it more viable in terms of gameplay. and not some stupid one trick pony like he called it before. and yes, your hunter and crusader build was a waste. why? haha think about it.

whats more? you believe that b/c players invested their time into this game that zwieb needs to satisfy the player base? ha don't make me laugh. oh wait..
He does this out of his own time and his own enjoyment. im not demanding him to do anything with regards to gaias as a whole. He does what he wants and im fine with it. however, im not fine with the fact that guys like you influence him to implement and change certain systems that were fine to begin with it.

its sad really really sad. oh well... you cant teach stupid. lol
bring it on dudes.
All of your ideas have been there in some form or style in the past, including the idea to have exponential progression on the stat system.
However, this only fixes one single issue with old primary stat system. One that was never a big deal anyway, since by the time we still had that primary stat system, we hardly had enough endgame content to really outgear the attribute choices.

It doesn't fix the illusion of choice that we talked about before. If anything, it gives even more incentive to players to mono-stat, since the last points reward a much larger bonus than the first. And a system that grants more points with character level, not skill level is equally bad, because it renders early game choices meaningless by inflating the numbers gained at high level. Also, it is hard to calculate from a mathematical point of view. I'd need to store each level choice seperately in the savecode, as now not only the choice matters, but also when you made it.
Plus, it will lead to the same cookie cutter builds that we had before.

The decision to abolish the old stat system didn't come out of nowhere. It's always been a weakness of the game. I could never come up with a good idea to fix it, so the conclusion was to cut it out and replace it with something far better and meaningful - in this case the new "select one of three" talent system. And I think this system is absolutely fantastic, both from a gameplay and a mechanical perspective (you guys probably have no idea how hard that was to code, especially with expandability in mind).

And the poll is with me, so it seems that the decision wasn't a bad one at all.

I'm all for customization. I've implemented so much new stuff in the past to allow all that. Talents, new spells, optical customization, sidegrade items, etc.
I didn't remove the stat system to give a middlefinger to players, but because I felt it didn't contribute anything worthwhile to the game. And lots of game devs are with me on that - which is the main reason why almost no RPG system created nowadays even has customizable and skillable stats anymore. Diablo II was more or less the last instance of a true skillable stat system. And it had obvious flaws.
Level 5
Dec 12, 2012
All of your ideas have been there in some form or style in the past, including the idea to have exponential progression on the stat system.
:(.... kiku mimi wa naitte iu no wa masa ni konna koto...

All my ideas have been there? No they haven't. Stat bank and exp to stat hasn't. % stat gain from certain lvl forward hasnt. It's not the same as progressive. Automatic Hp/Mp along with select-able main stats hasn't. Inter-dependent select-able and well-explained stats hasn't either. Legendary items haven't. Quests with secondary stat rewards haven't. The bird poop, most ceratinly hasn't either.
However, this only fixes one single issue with old primary stat system.

I wasn't aware we had more than one problem with select-able stats; and that was monotonousness or cookie cutter builds. Everyone looking almost same. If there is anymore, enlighten me.

And a system that grants more points with character level, not skill level is equally bad, because it renders early game choices meaningless by inflating the numbers gained at high level

Small and carefully chosen numbers easily solve this.

Plus, it will lead to the same cookie cutter builds that we had before.

No it won't. Sufficient number of stats will give way to people being able to use them with more freedom and each player goes his own way. Like I said we "had to" choose a lot of Hp so as not to die in the boss fights ahead and the primary stat is a given. It's exactly from this point forward that the customization begins, and guess what, we're out of stat points to spent.

If you put certain eye-candy bonuses on secondary stats then everyone will Not go for mono-statting. There is always a solution.

And the poll is with me

Very few votes and it's my fault the poll sucks I should have put more options. Like, "Bad but I still wanna continue playing".

I grant that the new talents have opened some kinda window into a possible future with more than one playstyles per char. I haven't really played but I'll take satoshikid's word for it. From 6 to 9 talent points, it is very good. Now if only some viable solution was there to also add select-able stats, it would further this impact.

I felt it didn't contribute anything worthwhile to the game.
It did. It just needed more work on it.

And lots of game devs are with me on that - which is the main reason why almost no RPG system created nowadays even has customizable and skillable stats anymore.

And that's why people mod games. Because they are "role-playing", it means they are putting themselves in the shoes of the character they are playing. Since the day I played Skyrim with Uncapper mod which allows you freedom of customization of jsut about everything in our own game, vanilla or any other way of playing Skyrim made no sense to me whatsoever.

That kinda immersion might be felt much less here on a WC3 map but it's still RPG, it definitely is there. And role-playing is the reason why they want their characters to be unique to them "Their" assasin zerk shop etc, not an assassin a zerk a shop that everyone will eventually get to. I remember Soulseeker being fond of dudu. And I bet his customization on his character will never be the same with automatics.

Since it's my honest day, I'll tell you it feels like you just wrapped all the things I said and point I tried to make up n dismiss them with just generic answers. I grant it that it must have been too much on you answering and taking all the suggestions and critiques all this while. And every idea of new change must be like a looming fear for you, like Oh god I ahve to code this and that again n again... So.. fine. Sorry it got so long.
Level 5
Dec 12, 2012
After talking to my friend Demon (DGD-kamina on forum I think) he made me realize I had to say some other stuff along with just asking stats back.
You know, monotonousness, cookie cutter build, whatever u call it it comes from the fact that everyone want the best for their character. So the way to avoid it is giving them two or more equal "bests".

Now, I'd say the way skills are designed in Gaias, let's look at it, they all are some number X one of your stats, usually your main. That right there is also 50% to blame for everyone going for same builds.

If a hunter's magic arrow's damage formula for example was x% of her mana, I'm sure some people would consider getting some wisdom. And it doesn't "not make sense", its a magic arrow after all. N that's only one change in her skills, two or three would make a lot of change. Take that example and expand it in your head and you will see several different builds of hunters showing up.

I could say everyone is making the same build not because the stat system sucks, but becuz the game gives them the reason to, and does not give them any reason to do otherwise. HP for bosses, and main stat cuz all their skills r based on them. Try changing that.
Level 7
Apr 16, 2014
Your approach sounds much more suited for solo type gameplay such as Skyrim.

Trying to create "your own" character and build within multi-player games is very difficult to do. You need to fill role within the team, and not simply just play EXACTLY how you feel like.

The things you're asking for in Gaias I don't think is going to be realistically possible with the tiny dev team (which is pretty much only Zwieb) along with the map size limit and Wc3 engine limitations. I don't think Zwieb wants to go back through the entire game, re-make every formula and rebalence every piece of content just so we can click on some stats as we level up.

You'll never be able to please everyone. I think the state the game is in now is a very good one. Many of the encounters are still FUN. The concept of defeating bosses to improve gear will continue to be fun.

We're still scratching the surface of true customized builds through skills anyway. As more versions are released and more skills and talents are released we shall see much more diversity in the play styles of certain characters. Hopefully the content will developed in such a way that certain builds are more valuable in certain situations. In 1.2 so far, we've seen very little need for diverse choices from the DPS characters. CC skills and certain debuff abilities were made obsolete. In the future, hopething a thief with Dazing trap and other non-dps skills will be more valuable than a pure DPS build.
In 1.2 so far, we've seen very little need for diverse choices from the DPS characters. CC skills and certain debuff abilities were made obsolete. In the future, hopething a thief with Dazing trap and other non-dps skills will be more valuable than a pure DPS build.
One of my main goals for future encounter design in this game was to add purpose for crowd control skills in Boss encounters (which are kind of the main endgame activity).
So we will see more emphasizis on bosses that summon minions or are actually groups of enemies.
Level 5
Dec 27, 2011
I forget most of you guys have ignored me or whatever. ha pathetic.

anyways, from a serious standpoint. With the new talent system, there IS way more diversity. the only reason why it doesn't seem customizable is because its not like how you guys like it. you guys act like you cant do what you want anymore... really? Sarcasm: "hey I want ONE more point in Strength!!! its going to make me infinitely times stronger!!!" haha. hey I got one talent for a bonus that can make me specialized in MY role I want to play. Or my build that I want to go. By far, the talent system is way better by a long shot.

if you cant understand that, then plainly speaking, stop being a fool. You know that those last stat points didn't really do much at all. why do you think everyone went 25/25? might as well max out the most beneficial stat. im not going to re-explain what zwieb already said. so yeh read and understand.

zwieb I forget where that post is.. but exactly why did you changed the spell haste formula again? just wondering...
but exactly why did you changed the spell haste formula again? just wondering...
To bring it in line with attackspeed modifiers by exchanging exponential progression for linear progression.

With the old haste formula, each point towards 100% had a larger impact than the last. With the new haste formula, each point contributes the same, which is better for long-term scaling and power creep.
Level 5
Dec 27, 2011
and you just proved yourself again. you're stupid.

I never said I went 25/25. I always did a different stat build strategy. The Point that you failed to understand is that everyone went 25/25 cause they sucked and it was a meta.

And dude I call guys like you stupid mainly because you are. Prove to me that you deserve such respect. When I first signed up for hive, I was just asking questions back then, and wondering why things were a certain way. However, most of you long-standing vet players just criticized me for suggesting a different approach.

And then I saw all of you don't deserve my respect. And besides, zwieb called all of you out many times in the past. with regards to new ideas and content. but ofc he did it in a professional way. and hes the game maker. don't piss him off.

Remember... "And you guys didn't bother reporting this bug?" mana pots... you guys are just not open to change cause now there goes your meta. New Talent system... I don't like it cause I cant have my meta. pft please. the game is harder now, cause that stats are preset and yet still doable. which makes it more fun. what is there to complain about? Hey I have freedom of choice to build my talents like I want them. Though eventually, im sure you all would figure out another meta build to satisfy your wants.

The game took a turn for the best, and you all want to cry and complain. only reason why I posted, after all this time, is cause eazy thought he say something dumb. Have you read his whole post? or was it a tldr for you stupid people?

I stand up for zwieb cause what he says actually makes sense. Others just throw out arguments or ideas that are normally redundant cause they are trying to make the game to their liking. And you know that's true. Whatever suggestions I posted in the past was b/c I thought of a certain playstyle. I didn't know what zwiebs real plan was for the crusader or druid or even the monk back then. Once I found out I stop suggesting things that was clearly the wrong route now.

Yet Vet players believe they know this game and that their way is better. Hello??? Diversity... Free Game... ORPG...

Yet most of you continue to criticize others tactics. Xonok, I don't recall of you are guilty of such a thing, but get this straight, if you are constantly insulted for having a different build than everyone else, and that you actually do better than them all, would you lose respect for them? or would you be a pansy ass and just agree? answer that for yourself. Yeh I should prolly talk to everyone with more modesty in my posts, but hey so far a lot of you haven't changed. some have, since they worked with zwieb and understand what hes trying to do for this game. But most haven't.

the real thing is, there are players here and people in general that want control. and if you don't do it their way, then they go anal to shut you down. I would like to see if anyone gets what im saying. though I shouldn't hope to much. Prove me wrong. I want to be wrong and see if you guys will change your attitudes. then ultimately I will change mines. wanna insult me again. go ahead you just feed the fire and you will never get anywhere. not here in gaias, not in life, not in yourself.

tl:dr READ
Level 5
Dec 27, 2011
To bring it in line with attackspeed modifiers by exchanging exponential progression for linear progression.

With the old haste formula, each point towards 100% had a larger impact than the last. With the new haste formula, each point contributes the same, which is better for long-term scaling and power creep.

oh I see. Alright, cant wait for new content. thanks.
Level 3
Feb 27, 2014
I'm with Kyuzo on this. Although the stat allocation had its downsides, I feel it gave me more control. Call it an illusion, but I liked it.
Doesn't matter if you liked it or not, it's a matter of giving the game more balancing and a more versatile style to play, you can still customize your own char through items ( maybe not right now since chars like crusaders basically only have one build), quoting TooMuch, its zwieb game not yours.
Level 3
Mar 11, 2011
I recall I was constantly criticized and told I redundant for having 412 hp with my bishop 643 mana no (Mana pots) o no he cant play with us cause he doesn't do want we want him to build I know lets try and troll him. was told many times to just go hp and spell power I didn't tho. to them I had more. haste then I should've I didn't have flash of light only heal. I had my own build my own way and I was ridiculed for having it.

now that its no longer this forced meta build ya'll don't know what to go (Think For Yourselves) most of you cant tho.

Assuming why this post was brought up was cause one of you or a group couldn't get passed a boss and thus the only logical thing was this new way is broken and need to be returned to the old way.

You're the one who started this game(Old Builds) and now that you're losing its no fun anymore. (Vegeta)


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
please keep this as civil as possible everyone. No need to call people stupid etc. Tim, I agree with your point that there wasn't much room for customisation with the old system, but the new system has this possibility (especially if it is further expanded). Personally I would like to see a bishop being able to go dps, tank, and healer, since the class has the potential.
Level 3
Mar 11, 2011
please keep this as civil as possible everyone. No need to call people stupid etc. Tim, I agree with your point that there wasn't much room for customisation with the old system, but the new system has this possibility (especially if it is further expanded). Personally I would like to see a bishop being able to go dps, tank, and healer, since the class has the potential.

there was room for customization just required skill

now it requires more skill more focus
Level 7
Aug 23, 2014
Just thinking out loud. Why not combine talents system with stats?

You can add "mini-talents" for every "empty" level-up to keep player entertained.
Looking ahead, you can even do this mini-talents same for all classes and advanced classes.

Example for base classes (choose one from two available):

2, 6, 11, 16, 213, 7, 12, 17, 224, 8, 13, 18, 235, 9, 14, 19, 24
+20 HP+20 MP+2% CRIT+1 ARMOR
Example for advanced classes (choose one from three available):

26, 31, 36, 41, 4627, 32, 37, 42, 4728, 33, 38, 43, 4829, 34, 39, 44, 49
So you can kill two birds with one stone:
- Not too hard to code ( 8+12 talents x 5 obtain levels ) and can easily apply to all classes.
- Keeps players entertained and leaves room for more different builds ( at least Speed / Nuke / Balanced stats choice, and best defence select ).


Hosted Project GR
Level 19
Jun 22, 2007
Basically, I believe all these stat system changes must wait until after 1.2b. Remember we cannot say that we know how the current system works yet, as we don't have the real endgame to test it on. The real endgame is first priority (1.2b). With 1.2b we will have a full fledged game to try out and only then can we make any assumptions as to how the perfect system will and should be. Personally, I believe the current system, though not perfect (what is really?), does the job well. So let's focus on the new bosses, items, zones and SPELLS!!! It is impossible to know what will be the best system from only 60% of the game, the final 30-40% is required :).

First and foremost this all comes down to the survival of this brilliant RPG. We can spend excessive amounts of time changing the rules for our little pond of current content (which has already been done quite a lot), thereby making the map slowly die, or we can move forward with fresh new content to try out which makes everyone happy, brings new players to the community, and allows the game to shine as it has the potential for.

AFTER that, the secondary fixes will turn the rough diamond into a faceted one.
Level 3
Jul 3, 2013
Many players equip inferior items to compensate stat loss, and to defeat can this make sense for anybody?? Top gear isn' t first line anymore...that' s absurd, even if the content isn' t complete yet. I don' t entirely dislike the new system, perhaps it just needs some adjustment of stat formulas so characters can wear their proper outfits again.

For me, not knowing anything about coding and stuff, the gameplay was (near) perfect before the change concerning boss battles/equipment/character stats. Now it' s like a 3 wheel car and everybody is trying to fill 4th position as good as possible.
Level 3
Feb 27, 2014
Many players equip inferior items to compensate stat loss, and to defeat can this make sense for anybody?? Top gear isn' t first line anymore...that' s absurd, even if the content isn' t complete yet. I don' t entirely dislike the new system, perhaps it just needs some adjustment of stat formulas so characters can wear their proper outfits again.

For me, not knowing anything about coding and stuff, the gameplay was (near) perfect before the change concerning boss battles/equipment/character stats. Now it' s like a 3 wheel car and everybody is trying to fill 4th position as good as possible.

To be honest, where did you see players using inferior items to compensate stat loss? Most of the players use the endgame gear and if they didn't, then thats good because everyone should use items the way they want to and not only cookie-cutter builds.
Level 4
Oct 24, 2012
I havent played Gaias for months and i dont know much about the new talent system so im not to compare or whatever. But i sure have to comment on some PEOPLE in here.

@Kyuzo dono
I am having laughs when i see you making this topic when the last time you and i played in the same game you denied to play with me and left the game by saying that my builds suck and you dont want to play with me. And for what?? because i did one-hand zerk that wasnt the best damage dealer nor the best tank but it was something in between. My overall damage was just a little lower compare to the first damager and i had more than 700 life which was decent enough even as an off-tank.
Then you were complaining about my Druid's build. I build damager druid and i remember specifically at Gargoyle i was second at overall damage after the Hunter with minor difference. With that build i was able to heal myself and another player if needed without bothering the main healer.
So eaZy, give me a break.

The only player i saw in Gaias community (at least when i was playing) doing different, not kooky-kutter builds was *TooMuch* and i remember very well he was being laughed and trolled by the "experts" for having a crusader (or a zerker dont remember) with high resists to tank.

Most of the so called "expert" players of gaias are the worst people and players. Your were trolling and denying people that were trying different builds and yet you are all here talking about CUSTOMIZATION. trollolol. I just dont want to start naming a few here.

And why troll/deny other players' builds? because it wasnt the build YOU would do on the char???
What im trying to say is that most of the players here asking for customization are the ones in reality DENIED customization and you know who you are.

Maybe you shouldnt make the game so hardcore. Maybe make it a little easier so that people with different builds dont have so much trouble actually playing the game and maybe then the build diversity in this game becomes reality.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2011
Please don't necro threads with inflammatory comments. There's nothing constructive to be added to this topic until the new meta arrives anyway, this should be closed.
Level 4
Oct 24, 2012
and who are u to tell me what to do???? everybody made a comment i am not allowed to make mine?? welcome to blocklist for being pretentious.
Level 7
Aug 23, 2014
Personally, I agree with @TooMuch and @doubtful. Customization with statpoint distribution was possible, but any variation from 25/25 build means "gimping" your character (at least in the eyes of other players, still remember reaction to my int/dex bishop). Therefore, players had to play how they should, not how they want (same thing with abilities layout).

Current talents system fixes this issue. Core stats of class scaled automatically with level up (so player can not gimp character with "wrong" stat choices). And talents make character individual, but still keep class roles: you can take damage talents and still be good in tanking (and have better aggro from dps).

The only thing is lacking currently - rewards for getting each new level. Player see lvl up animation, "gz!" from players, aaaand ... nothing in 80% cases. You know, people like to do something immediatly after leveling up in RPG-s: learn new skill/talent, spend statpoints, click cookies, etc.
Summing up, people like to make decisions, even if they are just an illusion.

I think it's possible to add "fillers" for each level. But it will be really hard to balance between "fully useless" and "meta builds" parts of the stat gaining.
So, best way is adding more unique talents and reducing the gaps between talent learning. (perfect layout as I see: base 5, 10, 15, 20; advanced 25, 30, 34, 38, 42, 46, 50; total 11 talents + 1 button to close learned talents spellbook).

tl;dr: stat system was bad and don't truly reward customization, talent system is awesome, let's just wait for the updates with new talents.
Level 4
Oct 24, 2012
doubtful who is the mod who lowered your rep. and why did he lower your rep and can you give me his name plz?

I think it was Ralle himself as Keiji told me. I have no idea who is Ralle but i guess its some kind of a big boss. :)
I dont mind negative points. I actually like the two shiny red ballz! they look awesome! :)
Level 5
May 25, 2012
Mix feelings about this change, but to me the most important point is balanced game play, I used to solo Alch with sader before stats change, but now I can't. It kinda encourages group play.
Level 1
Jun 21, 2015
And now i got banned with doubtful because i put a member in ignore list. I didnt know that its forbidden to use the IGNORE LIST.
Anyway. I wont bother with the stupidity of the humanoids (staff) in this forum. They ban me for no reason so who cares anyway. Humanity is doomed and trust me....!!! people like you are the reason. I will let you rot in your fakeness and conservatism. Its sad that the term of what is actually an insult is so twisted on this planet of apes. Now go on ban me again freaking bots.

As for Gaias. It was fun. Farewell.
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