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Hive Goals

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What are your goals on this site?
What goals did you accomplish?
Why did you join?

My Answers:
1- Write 20 vJASS Scripts; Stand out; Become a Mod; Get at least ONE of my resources approved; Get DSG to use at least one smiley ... at least once...
2- Learned vJASS; Wrote a tutorial on Structs; Wrote a few systems; Released an epic fail map of mine that I'm deprecating; Received tons of system and spell requests via PMs :p
3- Map

I'm curious about the rest of you guys :p
So, don't be shy, go ahead and post :)
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1. Become the best of the best on modeling.
That's all.

I wanna be, the very best
No one ever was

Well when I originally joined the site, I was looking for help using JNG
At that point I just wanted to get some of my maps uploaded, I did upload one at that point and it was rejected pretty quickly haha

But really know I'm just here for the community, I don't open up Wc3 much anymore but I am happy that I became pretty proficient in GUI, to the point where I could make complicated systems like projectiles with angles of attack and bouncing objects.
@WherewolfTherewolf - wow, pokemon... haha...

Me, I joined here to improve my knowledge on making maps... right now, my goals are to create a cool map, create useful systems/spells, to help others especially those starting out, and to make cool doodads...

Idk, something about Peper's line really resonated that for some reason
Level 3
Jun 16, 2011
My main goal here is to become part of this community and to become famous here.

Off-topic question: Why does everyone have ponies on their avatars/signatures?
Level 37
Aug 14, 2006
What are your goals on this site?

Share some maps and have feedback.

What goals did you accomplish?
  • ]== The New World 4.0d ==[
  • Path Of Blood
  • The Land Of The Legends
  • War Of The Kings
  • Midnight Rush
  • Art Of Life
  • Mystery Of Friza
  • Aero TD
  • Lava Race
  • Oblong War
  • Gardens of Zirmiath
  • The Ultimate Fight
  • The Snowy Fight
  • The Protection
  • The Zre Diamond RPG
  • The Generals
  • The Fallen Heroes
  • Chosen Twice
  • Awesome Robbery
  • Prologue

What still to accomplish:
  • The Chosen Ones

Why did you join?

Share some maps and have feedback.
Level 19
Oct 15, 2008
Here are mine:

1. Master/At least learn JASS well.
2. Get 10,000 relevant posts and 1000 reputation points.
3. Learn 3D Modeling and 2D Art from the experts.
4. Finish the map I'm working on and post it on The Hive Workshop.
5. Complete my story by the end of 2011 (It's in the Storyboard Section).
6. Participate in a competition and emerge top 3.
7. Edit this post to state more...
Level 27
Jul 6, 2008
Currently I seek to become the one of best SC2 mapmakers and whatsoever, maybe even SC2 section moderator... altrough I'm not exactly the moderator material I guess I may become good for this job in close future. Also seek to make Daily Peon more popular, and I seek... well I guess that's all.

what I acomplished? Well, look at my posts and rep - they're pretty much immpresive. I also got at least one map approved, and I made some pretty neat terrains, and my SC2 terrain is the first terrain template approved in SC2 terrain section...
Level 17
Nov 11, 2010
My main goal here was to get better & learn more in-depth behind the World Editor, and that I have (not extremely grand, but I treat my GUI right!). However - the only goals I'm only focused on now would be:
  • Making an awesome map for the mini map contest.
  • Getting better at 2D art.
  • Catch all Pokemon because it's my destiny.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
What goals did you accomplish?

I just accomplished my goal of 'Diamond' i.e blue gem lol (thanks all). Except for the site doesn't give me a blue gem, it gives me a cake, and I wanna use sc theme as I like the colors more and already enough of the green one.

I got lots of my models that I requested since I joined, done some years ago. (thanks Kofi_Banan wherever you are)

I learnt: using GIMP and image editing as this was the reason I started doing it at all, I learnt modeling and all with it (texturing, animating, war3 particles), I improved my triggering and editor skills - wait a minute I did that all by myself, but I admit THW helped me to some extent.

What are your goals on this site?

As of having done those and because this site does not serve me for anything anymore, as I am now fully into sc2 and let's say another site is much better for it (as much as I use the editor, I'm a melee player), no goals anymore.

Why did you join?

Such thread was already made, similar to http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/off-topic-478/your-first-days-hive-196355/#post1926319
What are your goals on this site?

Kick ass and chew bubblegum :D

No but seriously I want to make a DC map.

What goals did you accomplish?

I have written a tutorial for hashtables, which will probably get approved once a mod views it. My scripting has gotten 1000x better, enough so that I participated in a spells and systems contest. I also submitted a spell that is pending, named dip. Nothing spectacular, but it's a start.

Why did you join?

I originally joined to post my super shitty "Lich Spellpack", which was taken down the very same day by me. Much to my dismay it can still be seen by going to my started threads, even though I deleted it. Just in case you didn't see that one, let me summarize it for you. It sucks.
Level 12
Jan 20, 2011
What are your goals on this site?

Learn more about Warcraft triggers, object editor, modding and skining...

What goals did you acomplish?

Err... I learnt some simple triggers and stuff in the Object Editor, and finally mastered the morphing ability!

Why did you join?

I have no FU**ING idea. Seriously I wanted to comment on other people maps which I downloaded and Learn stuffz. The Hive is full of different people= It's a interesting site.
Level 7
Jun 16, 2008
What Are Your Goals On This Site?

That would require quite some summarizing and generalizing! I shall thus state two 'primary' goals and two 'secondary' goals.
Primary: • Support and aid those encountering mapmaking problems • Help keep the Warcraft III community active and living
Secondary: • Gain enough reputation to enter into Medivh's Tower and engage in some classical debating and discussing • Enter into a mapmaking contest and finish in a podium position (First to third)

What Goals Did You Accomplish?

The two primary goals are, more or less, continuous tasks, and thus I can't exactly say I've completed them. The two secondary goals remain incomplete, but I hope to accomplish them sometime soon! :3

Why Did You Join?

Ah, don't make me nostalgic. While I was surfing the internet, I decided to search for some modding website to help me and provide me with resources - since I was quite a novice mapmaker at the time - but also to allow me to, in turn, help others, and thus enter into an active modding community. And so I joined, firstly, because it's a Warcraft III modding site, and, secondly, it's an active and friendly community in which everyone can benefit.
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
I'm here for such a long time already that I don't know anymore why I am still lurking around and there is nothing really left for me aswell. I guess that THW is like the Flying Dutchman and I am bound to the ship for eternity just to serve my captain "the Moose".
Now the only goal here that's left is to find the love of my life.


Hosted Project: SC
Level 14
Jul 1, 2010
Off-topic question: Why does everyone have ponies on their avatars/signatures?

You don't want to know...but this site is now for ponies as well, I can already see a pony based wc3 map -.-

On topic:
What are your goals on this site?

To become a "succesful" mapmaker

What goals did you accomplish?

Few maps, that nobody likes xD

Why did you join?

To learn more about mapmaking.
Level 16
Jun 17, 2008
What are your goals on this site?
I used to want to make a map or two, but currently I'm content just to log in once in a while to check a few stuff.

What goals did you accomplish?

Why did you join?
Your humble poster here has a very short memory; it is probably because he wanted to download a few resources, or make a post, but he isn't entirely sure now.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Get DSG to use at least one smiley ...
I could have sworn I did, many many years ago... The vbcode probably no longer works for the ones I used though.

My goals...
1. Learn to JASS
2. Become an administrator
3. Become near top of post and rep count
4. Get user of the year award

Hmmm... actually I completed these years ago... Why the hell am I still here?
Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
I could have sworn I did, many many years ago... The vbcode probably no longer works for the ones I used though.

My goals...
1. Learn to JASS
2. Become an administrator
3. Become near top of post and rep count
4. Get user of the year award

Hmmm... actually I completed these years ago... Why the hell am I still here?
Addiction? Pride? Boredom? It's why most old users are still here.
Level 19
Mar 16, 2009
What are your goals on this site?

How can I express it? I have many goals and many dreams that span across the site and occupy my mind. Many of these will prove to be impossible, but a man has the right to dream, hasn't he? Dreams of glory, glorious triumph and glorious fame! Alas! I am far too lazy and far too simple-minded. Alas, these are the sins of most men, but a few rise above them to rule the others.
Rule! Is that not the goal of all? Some are more fit then others but all strive to be above someone, to be able to say fuck you to the other one and let him afterwards kiss your feet. Rule and superiority is the deepest desire of any man and he will go through hell and back to achieve it! Men have murdered for this and men have crossed many distances! Some dreams and ambitions are so grand they cannot ever encompass the earth! Perhaps this desire is the greatest of all, for only the strong and the cunning remain to rule over the weak-minded peasantry. Rule. One word, many dreams, many consequences.
So, I wish to rule! I wish to rule all the lands in this wondrous realm, from the great plains of creativity to the hellholes of boredom! Alas, I fear I am not fit for this task. Let the best work their way up and become our leaders so that this realm may bloom like it has never done before!
One of the other desires is love! Love makes us do the strangest things, lets us go to the depths of Tartarus and back, fighting our way through the many obstacles and emotions, just so you can be accepted and loved by others. Many people strive for this and succeed, but few are truly happy with all the acceptance and love they receive. So, many do things they wouldn't normally do and always try to get what signifies their acceptance in their community -- REP
So, I want to be loved too!

What goals did you accomplish?

wrote a few stories. Impressing? Nah, I suck.

Why did you join?

Wanted to post a story.q



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
I joined to comment on DotA. Yeah. That particular objective is accomplished, the objective of the objective, which was getting people to debate with me, kind of failed, I think. People used to post one comment on the map and then go, no one ever stuck around to reply to others.
What I wish to do is, one, learn to model, even though I'm terrible in the artistic department, two, learn web coding languages, and three, release my map that's been in production since 2007 or so.

I don't necessarily need to be in the Hive to do this, but wc3sear.ch is the first website I ever registered on. With perhaps the exception of Hotmail or whatever you need to get MSN working, and even so, I think I had created an account in wc3sear.ch before even creating MSN. Anyway, this was always my preferred website, and I never left the universe of WarCraft III much. I've played what, Electronic Arts' LOTR:BFME 1 and II, Neverwinter Nights, and a few other games which don't compare to WarCraft III online.

So, yeah, part of the reason I'm still here is because there's no other gaming universe I've been so attached to. The admin position? Nah, I like having the permissions (or skills, like web coding) to do things quickly instead of waiting for others, but the only benefit I'd get out of this position is respect, and, nowadays, half the community has no respect to give. Alas, are we distant from the times of wc3s where there was only an occasional wiseacre every two months.

I'm also digging into SC2 modding later, I guess, I might end up creating an account at SC2Mapster as well, but I won't leave the Hive regardless. Unless, logically, I take a course in university that totally consumes my free time.
Level 17
Nov 26, 2007
I rejoined to upload my RP maps, but those days are long done.

I don't really have any goals here anymore, but as cynical as I am sometimes I enjoy discussing random things with people here. Which is why I go on active periods randomly when I'm not at University.
So, yeah, part of the reason I'm still here is because there's no other gaming universe I've been so attached to.

That is so incredibly right. Warcraft 3 has been an incredible experience for me. Starting in 2nd grade I began a lifelong obsession that has outlasted every other game. I think that the custom maps (which is what we're all here to do :D) provide infinite replayability to an already amazing game. With the quality and vastness of possible imported material, and the flexibility of the world editor, it's possible to make so many great things from WC3. My guess is the game will live until blizzard makes (if they ever make it) Warcraft 4.
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