First of all, I am curious; have you personally entered a Hero Contest before? I have not been keeping track.
May I offer my two cents here?
Nope. Only 25-cent-minimum offerings are accepted.
Pharaoh said:
Since I see that you guys want the Racial/Altar theme, I can't help it but highlight a few mishaps on both the creation process and the judging.
If you think about it, this limits the concept, because you cannot fit any kind of ability on the hero, since they are bound to a specific race. That is, you only get to create interesting mechanics, but the concept will already be defined in a way. Consequently, the Concept criterion is automatically set aside at most.
I suppose this depends on your definition of "Concept"; as far as I can tell, the Concept is not any more limited than in any other contest (Tauren Thaumaturge? Undead Wraith Lord? Goblin Profiteer? Troll Headshrinker? Human Marksman? Elven Warmage? Satyr Diabolist? Naga Aberrant? Pandaren Sumo? The sky's the limit, so far as I can tell).
But more importantly, I fail to see what you mean by "Concept criterion is automatically set aside at most". As far as I can see, there
is no "Concept" critera. The closest thing is the "Design" section of Judging Criteria which reads:
Design Criteria
[50] Points Total
[10] Theme Coherence:
How well the skills fit together in a thematic manner such that they feel like they belong on the given hero.
[10] Tactical Synergy:
How well the skills of the hero work together to achieve whatever goal the hero appears to have.
[10] Originality & Creativity:
How original the design of the hero is in terms of creative ideas, clever implementations, or new concepts.
[10] Melee Design Consideration:
Includes how well the hero fits into the melee environment in terms of balance, theme, style, complicatedness, and so forth.
[10] Awesomeness:
The most subjective of all grading criteria. This attempts to quantify exactly how awesome a hero's overall design feels.
All of those criterion, I feel, are adequately solvent regardless of the Theme chosen (heck, even for
other Hero contests).
Pharaoh said:
What I basically see here is an illusion of having to select a faction, but after all, this is not going to be assessed. The judge will get to evaluate the hero and then determine where this hero belongs. Thus, you are in either case free to pick any race, which gets us back on the primary question: what's the point of this (given that every contest works this way).
We should first be very clear on the distinction between a "Race" and a "Faction". It seems we are both throwing those around as near-synonyms, but we need to watch for that.
I'm not sure I understand. If by "illusion" you mean that the choice does not affect Judging or Voting, then yes; regardless of what faction is chosen, the Judging & Voting will ultimately be the same; the importance is how well the Hero fits the chosen race). But if by "illusion" you mean that the choice does not affect
anything... Well I disagree, as stated above. However, the choice of race is the same choice presented in a myriad of other contests, and while purely aesthetic, it gives the contestants the freedom of how to present their Hero (for example, with a similar skillset ("Role") I could create a Troll Medicine Mon, a Satyr Tricklord, and an Elven Illusionist. Won't affect Judging, but it's part of the fun of design).
I am also unsure as to what you feel the Judges' role in all this is. The Judge won't be "picking" a race/faction to see if it matches the Hero; that's all set aside & picked from the very beginning by the contestant(s) (i.e. "we're making a Human Grand Marshal"). It's up to the Judge to make sure that this choice
fits (Probably under Design: Melee Design Consideration, though I could be wrong).
Pharaoh said:
The "Altar" definition is pretty much granted; the Balance criterion guarantees that the hero can be compared to the default heroes, which means that you can set him as a replacement of those anyway. This means that we end up having the Racial approach only, which raises the questions above.
I'm sorry, but this is just not true. In many of the contests, it was not clear (explicitly stated or otherwise) what the created Heroes were to be compared to. In particular, I reflect upon the most recent contest (hosted by yourself), "Invasion of the Burning Legion", wherein I saw one of the widest ranges of possible "comparisons". I myself created a melee-style Hero, but I could not compete against more exciting & flashy Heroes designed for AoS's and Arena's and the like.
On a side note, once again there is no "Balance" criterion; balance will probably be best taken into account through the "Design: Melee Design Considerations" criterion.
Pharaoh said:
I really encourage you to rework on the idea or pick another theme. At the moment, you take something regular and you turn it into a theme.
I appreciate the advice, but I would encourage you to really read into the presentation and see if it doesn't assuage your concerns; at the very least, perhaps we can give this a try and see how it comes out. If there were others who shared your opinion... However, many others have expressed their excitement for this potential contest, and you need only look at
these successful contests to see the fruits of contests & criterion such as these.