00:33, 31st Dec 2009
Coding was good, and leakless. Spell is also nice.
Coding was good, and leakless. Spell is also nice.
(4 ratings)
DescriptionSummons an orb of pure lightning, which flies in a straight line.
When an enemy unit comes near that orb, it will be damaged by the electric bolts of the orb.
Works with patch 1.24
Idea and Creativity - 3.5 / 10
the units gets damaged before they are hit by lightning
Make spell recycling better like instantly recycling without waiting for all instances to finish
well, that should look like what? I don't know what you mean.
I didn't import the dummy model, cause I have imported one from another custom map, I thought they are the same, but it doesn't seems like that. The lightning ball shows up normally since I imported the model. Thanks!Did you import the dummy unit and the dummy.mdx file into your map?