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Footman Frenzy plus Murlocs equals...

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Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
I was listening to "I am Murloc" a few hours ago, then suddenly, it hit me! Footman Frenzy with aquatic units with a pile of water units.

Tier 0- Murloc Tiderunner

Tier 1
-Spider Crab Limbripper
-Sea Giant
-Hydra Hatchling
-Mur'gul Tidewarrior

Tier 2
-Elder Hydra
-Gargantuan Sea Turtle
-Makura Tidal Lord
-Mur'gul Shadowcaster

Tier 3
-Ancient Hydra
-Stormreaver Warlock
-Dragon Turtle
-Enraged Jungle Stalker

Custom Heros would be more ranged and amphibious focus.

What do ya think?
Level 24
May 9, 2007
Ummm. . . Changing the models and unit stats is not neccasarily a good idea for a map. It might work but try to add something new and interesting. Somthing with your own flare. I suggest adding a new resource system or something of the sort. This indeed might be better than the original but not different enough to be worth playing. I dunno this is just my opinion.
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
Most of the map is water, so the stratagy is balencing the attacking (amphibious) units and the defending (Landbased) units between the team. Like FF, you get gold for killing other spawns and creeps, although special items are obtained with lumber, gained by killing heroes (1 per hero kill) and food for your mercinary fighters, ranging from mapwide artilliry, Mur'gul Slaves for the tower builders, to large Sea Dragons.

Map Setup...

Side 1- Razorfin and Bloodgill Murloc Tribe bases

The base of both sides, comprising of players 1-12. Mercinary camps and item shops are placed in the middle, and 4 thin land bridges connect the North and South bases. Players start with a Tier 0 spawner, 4 Murloc Scout Posts (Tower Bases) and a Super Duper Laser Tower at the entries of the bridges.

The Middle Ground...

The battlefield. Not only are there the land bridges, but a central Island holds the Shop of the Master, where powerful artifacts are found and health and mana are regenerated at a alarming rate. Strewn across the water is various creeps and ships, all waiting to be destroyed for an easy buck.

Points of note-

Amphibious Units are the key to getting to the Shop of the Master and many of the special-drops creeps. Boots of Waterwalking can be bought to compensate for landlocked Heroes.

Using Artillary Units can be useful, but they need other units to seek out targets for thier bad sight range. Use expendable spawn to spot out towers, then use the big guns!

Use Mercinaries. Period.

((As for your comments, hawk, did you think I wouldn't have a certain few 'extras' to keep it interesting?))
Level 12
Aug 10, 2004
I might Have to steal this Map Idea....
I'll create a concept map then put in on this thread to download....
I want to help you with this... I think it has a lot of potential....

But I must admit... I don't like the way most Footman Frenzy Maps play out....
So... I would hope you put alternate modes... Like one where you get more money for unit deaths.... and its all about using that cash wisely while making sure you can surround your enemy and destroy them....
Level 5
Apr 20, 2008
I was looking for intrest for ME to do it. Admittedly, I know how most 6v6 Footie Frenzy maps are- the fastest techer usually wins, and the one with the most droppers loosing. I was thinking of implimenting a unit control for dropped players, and trying to make the focus more on mercs, heros, and going off the beaten path, so to speak. The roads that the land-logged units need to cross are so narrow, the Super Duper Laser Towers would pick them off easy. Using a combo of different stratagies is key.
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