Various unit tests 1 vs 1

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Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Hello mortals! Well ,few days ago we used to discuss about certain units how powerful they are, and how would stand if faced each other one vs one, how would they benefit army if used, are they strong on ground, air or are good spellcasters etc etc...
So I used to test Doom Guard vs various of units (his level plus/minus one level) and several others, just in case of 1 vs 1.
So, purpose of this thread is to show how powerful certain unit is on singular purpose, as standalone, when face various units one by one.
Be in mind that this is just for orientation, as sometimes luck can occur because of certain spells and abilities depends of percent chances, usage of spells etc etc...
I will edit this thread to add more tests:

Win means that my unit won, and defeat means that my unit lost

First, to show good old Doom Guard which I tested about three years ago:

Doom Guard against:

Level 8 creatures as himself:
Fulborg Ursa Warrior - win
Centaur Khan - Defeat
Berserk Wildkin - Defeat (although depends of luck because of bash chance)
Infernal Machine - Win
Maiden of Pain - Equal (Always defeat unless you do combo without wrong move, then you kill her)
Infernal - Defeat
Dark Wizard - Win
Berserk Elemental - Defeat (Elemental will left on 15 HP, which is one hit, so it takes advantage of ranged attack to run away and fire from distance when on low health, otherwice it would lose)
Blue Dragonspawn Overseer - Win
Faceless One Terror - Win
Magnataur Reaver - Defeat
Dire Mammoth - Defeat (but Mammoth left at 40 HP which means one or two hits left)
Polar Fulborg Elder Shaman - Win
Polar Fulborg Ursa Warrior - win
Ice Revenant - Defeat (Revenant will be left at 120HP)
Sea Giant Behemoth - Win (Doom Guard will wim him and be alive at 760HP)
Revenant of the Depth - Win
Skeletal orc Champion - Win (Doom Guard will wim him and be alive at 775HP)

Level 7 creatures:
Fulborg Champion - Win
Fulborg Elder Shaman - Win
Harpy Queen - Win
Razormane Chieftain - Win
Fel Ravager - Win (it has devour magic, so cripple wont work, but I used War Stomps instead)
Bandit Lord - Win (he has shadowmeld so you cant see him. Also he uses divine shield so run away until it wears off)
Salamander Vizier - Win
Nerubian Queen - Win
Tuskarr Chieftain - Win
Ogre Lord - Win
Wendigo shaman - Equal (You can win always if you do not miss one move in certain tactic, otherwice you lose)
Gargantuan Sea Turtle - Equal (You can win always if you do not miss one move in certain tactic, otherwice you lose)
Murgul Shadowcaster - Win
Macura Tidal Lord - Win
Elder Hydra - Win
Sasquatch Oracle - Equal (You can win always if you do not miss one move in certain tactic, otherwice you lose)

Level 9 creatures:
Ancient Sasquatch - Defeat (Sasquatch is left at 75HP)
Elder Voidwalker - Defeat (Void is left at 522HP, cripple is not working because he has devour magic)
Eredar Warlock - Defeat (When he is at 80HP left, he activates mana shield, and attacks me several times until kills me)
Death Revenant - Defeat (Revenant is left at 345 HP)
Siege Golem - Defeat (Golem is left at 365 HP, its immune to spells so I could not throw anything)
Storm Wyrm - Defeat (Wyrm is left at 120HP)
Granite Golem - Defeat (Golem is left at half, immune to magic)
Satyr Hellcaller - Equal (Satyr is left at 70HP when win, I can beat him with correct tactic)
Ancient Wendigo - Defeat (Wendigo is left at 325HP)
StormReaver Warlock - Defeat (Warlock is left at 176HP)
Enraged Jungle beast - Defeat (Jungle Beast is left at 210HP)

Knight (fully upgraded) - Win (just do one cripple and he is done)
Tauren (fully upgraded) - Win (just do one cripple and he is done)
Abomination (fully upgraded) - Win (just do one cripple and he is done)
Mountain Giant (fully upgraded) - Win (you need to cripple him three times, then to do war stomp)
Hydralisk - Win (Defeat unless you do at least one cripple at him)
Stonemaul Magi (level 7) from Campaign - Win
Beast Master's Spirit bear (leveled 3) - Win
Naga Royal Guard - Defeat

Recently I had discussion with Dr Super Good about Hydralisk, how powerful it is, so I tested it as well.

Hydralisk against:

Level 7:
Sasquatch Oracle - Win (even Sasquatch puts rejuvenation on itself)
Fulborg Champion - Win (Hydraliks is left at 366HP)
Fulborg Eldr Shaman - Win (Even Shaman uses rejunevation, Hydraliks is left at 428HP)
Salamander Vizier - Win (Hydraliks is left at 362HP)
Fel Ravager - Win (Hydraliks is left at 336HP)
Razormane Chief - Win (Hydraliks is left at 222HP)
Harpy Queen - Win (Hydraliks is left at 547HP, although Harpy throws annoying Cyclone to delay me)
Murgul Shadowcaster - Defeat (Barely win if AI uses it, then Hydralisk is left at 45HP, if I use Murgul against Hydralisk, combo Hex/Curse, I always win)
Elder Hydra - Win (Hydraliks is left at 478HP)
Ogre Lord - Win (Hydraliks is left at 272HP)
Tuskarr Chieftain - Win (Hydraliks is left at 285HP)
Nerubian Queen - Win (Hydraliks is left at 518HP)
Bandit Lord - Win (Hydraliks is left at 101HP, he could beat me because of divine shiled so I was forced to run away until it fades off)
Makura Tidal Lord - Win (Hydraliks is left at 365HP)
Gargatunum Sea Turtle - Win (Hydraliks is left at 238HP)

Level 8 units:
Fulborg Ursa Warrior - Win (Hydraliks is left at 138HP)
Centaur Khan - Defeat (because of reincarnation)
Berserk Wildin - Defeat (that bash is cause of luck, because Wildkin is left at red health, but still enough for defeat)
Doom Guard - Defeat (win if he does not do at least one cripple, then I am done)
Infernal - Defeat
Infernal Machine - Win
Maiden of Pain - Defeat (when on orange health, she uses shadow strike and life drain, and kills me)
Dark Wizard - Equal (depends of luck, Hyralisk can win with 36HP)
Berserk Elemental - Win
Blue Dragonspawn Overseer - Win
Faceless One Terror - Win
Dire Mammoth - Defeat
Magnataur Reaver - Defeat
Polar Fulborg Elder Shaman - Win
Ice Revenant - Defeat
Skeletal Orc Champion - Defeat
Revenant of the Depths - Defeat
Sea Giant - Win

Well, some units I won, but I am not sure then I played with those against Hydralisk, then I won with all spell using, so I consider defeat as in some cases AI does not use full potential of spells.
I even defeated some level 9 units such as Satyr Hellcaller (Hydralisk is left at 30HP, which means who hits first) and Siege Golem. Against Storm Wyrm, Storm Wyrm wins with 27HP, also means who shots first. But Storm Wyrm can devour Hydralisk, therefore remove it immediatelly.

Now, I did Naga Royal Guard (not upgraded from Temple of Tides):

Royal Guard against:

Level 9:
Satyr Hellcaller - Win
Storm Wyrm - Win
Enraged Jungle Stalker - Win
Stormreaver Warlock - Win
Ancient Wendigo - Defeat
Ancient Sasquatch - Win
Eredar Warlock - Win
Elder Voidwalker - Win
Granite Golem - Defeat
Ice Revenant - Win
Siege Golem - Win

And that was Royal Guard plus one Sea Elemental check. With two Sea Elementals I could kill any of those units

Level 10:
Queen of Suffering - Defeat (she can charm elemental and use against Royal Guard, and can use death coil against him)
Infernal Juggernaut - Defeat (juggernaut spawns Infernal and I am done)
Salamander Lord - Win
Faceless One Deathbringer - Win
Magnataur Destroyer - Defeat
Ancient Hydra - Defeat
Deeplord Revenant - Win
Dragon Turtle - Equal (Turtle won at 28HP, depends of luck)

Now, I tested Eredar Warlock level 9.

Eredar Warlock against:

Eredar Warlock:

Level 9 and 10:

Stormreaver Warlock - Win
Magnataur Destroyer - Defeat
Faceless One Deathbringer - Win
Ancient Hydra - Defeat
Deeplord Revenant - Defeat
Dragon Turtle - Win
Siege Golem - Defeat
Queen of Suffering - Win
Elder Voidwalker - Win
Siege Golem - Win
Death Revenant - Win

Level 8:

Polar Fulborg Elder Shaman - Win
Pular Fulborg Ursa Warrior - Win
Dire Mammoth - Win
Blue Dragonspawn Overseer = Win
Faceless One Terror - Win
Magnataur reaver - Equal (depends of luck)
Centaur Khan - Win
Berserk Wildin - Win
Infernal - Defeat
Infernal Machine - Win
Maiden of Pain - Win
Doom Guard - Win
Dark Wizard - Win
Berserk Elemental = Win
Ice Revenant - Win
Sea Giant Behemoth - Win
Revenant of the Depths - Win
Skeletal Orc Champion - Win

Naga Royal Guard - Equal (depending on luck and strikes)

Ancient Hydra is one of two most powerful or overpowered units in game.
It has 1600HP, 600Mana, 2 heavy Armor, 77-97 ranged anti ground/anti air chaos damage.
War stomp, devour, slow poison and unique 25HP regeneration. Also if die, it spawns two level 7 Hydras. Each level 7 Hydra spawns two level 3 Hydras.
That makes it most powerful unit to face 1 vs 1. Only one unit which is capable of killing Hydra is Infernal Juggernaut. it has ability to spawn Infernal level 8 itself from sky, and they both combined can actually kill Hydra and its spawns, or Hydras can kill Infernals. Whoever wins, left at red health.

Infernal level 8 only lose against those creatures level 9 and 10:
Granite Golem
Ancient Sasquatch
Dragon Turtle
Deeplord Revenant
Ancient Hydra
Magnataur Destroyer

Elder Voidwalker Level 9 against:

Dark Wizard
Berserk Elemental
Centaur Khan
Berserk Wildkin
Polar Fulborg Elder Shaman
Polar Fulborg Ursa Warrior
Dire Mammoth
Faceless One terror
Blue Dragonspawn Overseer
Revenant of the Depths
Skeletal Orc Champion
Sea Giant Behemoth
Infernal machine
Doom Guard
Ice Revenant

Level 9:
Satyr Hellcaller
Storm Wyrm
Siege Golem
Stormreaver Warlock

Enraged Jungle Beast
Death Revenant
Against those two I won, but when switch side then I beat Voidwalker with them, and left about same HP as Void did when won, so it is hard to decide who is stronger. Depends

Level 8:
Magnataur Reaver
Maiden of Pain

Level 9:
Ancient Sasquatch
Granite Golem
Death Revenant
Ancient Wendigo

Troll Warlod Level 6 against:
Brood Mother - Defeat (Tropp kills Spider, but two small spiders level 1 finished him)
Dire Wolf - Defeat
Draenei Seer - Defeat
Enraged Wildkin - Defeat (Wildin is left at 59 HP)
Eredar Diabolist - Equal (depends of how Diabolist uses spells, he can kill Troll, but will left at less than 50HP. Even if Troll kill Eredar, if under parasite, Troll will die after few seconds spawning voidwalker level 1)
Furbolg Tracker - Defeat
Greater Voidwalker - Defeat
Murloc Mutant - Win
Overlord - Win (Troll is left at about 10HP, one or two shots to get killed)
Red Drake - Defeat (Drake is left at 34HP and Troll got first shot, so barely defeat)
Rock Golem - Defeat
Thunder Lizard - Win
Vile Tempress - Win
Elder Wendigo Sasquatch - Defeat
Blue Dragonspawn Sorcereer - Defeat
Elder Jungle Stalker - Defeat
Elder Wendigo - Defeat
Faceless One Trickster - ?
Giant Polar Bear - Defeat
Hydra - Defeat (they killed each other, but Hydra spawned smaller hydras upon death, so it won)
Mu'gul Marauder - Defeat
Polar Furbolg Tracker - Defeat
Stormreaver Necrolyte - Defeat
War Golem - Defeat
Wraith - Win

I will update this post as I do more tests in future, if I have time.
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Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
And here I was thinking that I'm the master of wasting my time... :D

Jokes aside, it probably took quite a bit to test, so thanks for putting in the work :) And, if I might suggest something, I think this amount of data would be easier to read if you put it in a nice spreadsheet :)
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
it probably took quite a bit to test, so thanks for putting in the work
Oh yes it took some time because sometimes it was on red health, so I had to switch units, that I control unit which was victim and AI to be my unit. Some tests took several times.

And, if I might suggest something, I think this amount of data would be easier to read if you put it in a nice spreadsheet
Oh, well I though of separating texts somehow, but I did nto have time because I already spend too much time on testing units. I will see somehow to make separation.

Does "Win" mean that Doom Guard wins, or that the appointed enemy wins?
Oh, Win means that my unit won, and defeat means that my unit lost.

Oh guys, there is bug which I discussed with Dr Super Good.
Eredar Warlock is only unit which uses Finger of Pain. (Archimonde uses Finger of Death I think which is more powerful and perhaps is not magical thus do not waste mana). Finger of pain is buged because it is allowed to attack spell immune units, but no damage is dealt. Eredar just shoots Golem for example, red electricity appears, mana is wasted but no damage is dealt. Also I shot myself with Finger of pain accidentally, because during fight, enemy creep was melee fighter, so I missed him with spell and hit my Eredar, which should not be possible. But in resistant skinned units, you get blue cursor (no attack) and it says ,,This unit has resistant skin". However it is bug in spell immune units.
@Dr Super Good explained in chat this
[02-54-37] Dr Super Good: spell immunity has a hidden effect that it actually reduces spell damage to 0
[02-55-00] Dr Super Good: resistant skin is entirely a targeting thing, units with resistant skin still take spell damage
[02-55-51] Dr Super Good: Finger of Pain and its counter part Finger of Death were meant to be OP as their last use case was simply being a pain to fight against in the campaign

Also, I think I saw that Finger of Pain has 800 range which means that outranges towers and can attack them, so technically it can be used as artillery, but I need to test that further
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
Dr Super Good is right.
There is ability type and damage type.
Ability type decides whether you can target a unit (spell immune, ethereal).
Damage type decides the amount of damage. (magic damage types deal 0 damage to spell immune units)

Ability type is usually magical and can be set to universal by making the spell an ultimate. (ability is a hero abilty and has required level at 6. Other required levels >1 may work as well, I did not test)

Damage type is fixed for each ability and is mostly magical and thus cannot damage spell immune units. So if you would make a normal ability like storm bolt an ultimate it could target spell immune units, but not damage them.
For abilities that were intended to be ultimates the damage type was set to universal: Starfall, Stampede, Doom, ...

For Finger of Pain ability type and damage type do not match, so you get this weird effect. Unifortunately we cannot alter damage type and can only change the ability type to universal.

Did you use the 1600hp or the 1350hp version of the Doom Guard?

Ancient Hydra - Defeat
Is there even any unit that can win against the Ancient Hydra? If I had to guess, I would say this is the strongest creep for 1v1.
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
You count those as well or only the base unit?
Does not really matter. The hydra is extremely strong, because of its insane regeneration (25 hp per second) and a slowing attack. The enemy will have slowed attack speed making it even easier for the hydra to regenerate damage it takes.
In larger battles regeneration is not as strong, because you can focus fire, but if only one unit attacks the hydra, it can regenerate huge amounts of damage over time.

Hydra has 1500 hp, opponent has 50 dps (75 damage, 1.5 seconds cooldown is something a level 10 creep could have). Dps is reduced by slow (25%): 37.5 dps and armor (2 armor -> 11%): 33.4 dps. Now the regeneration negates 25 of the dps and you have 8.4 dps left. I don't have to say that it takes ages to kill a 1500 hp unit with 8.4 dps.
1500/8.4 = 176.6
This is around 3 minutes. In that time the hydra can deal around 10300 damage without taking the opponents armor or hydra's poison into consideration.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
@Jampion - so if I understood right, what you're basically saying is that nothing will do well enough in a 1v1 vs the Hydra to spawn the smaller hydras anyway? :)

Now I'm actually curious myself. @MasterHaosis - Ancient Hydra next? :)
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Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
Yes. I tried level 10 frost dragon, fully upgraded frost wyrm and chimaera as well as a level 10 blademaster.
The Blademaster managed to defeat the first Hydra, if the Hydra is stupid enough to not use warstomp or focus illusions.
If the Hydra is controlled by a player, there is now way the Blademaster can win.

I did not try one of the reincarnation creeps, but I am pretty sure that their damage output is way to low to kill the Hydra fast enough.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
round one, fight :cgrin:

@Misha , it is indeed similar to mortal combat. Various powerful creatures fight to the death! :cgrin:

Did you use the 1600hp or the 1350hp version of the Doom Guard?
Jampion. I think it is shorten from Champion.
I see that you are very interested for this thread. And you very contributed to ,,science" here. We will keep doing this no worry. tests canot be stopped.

Is there even any unit that can win against the Ancient Hydra? If I had to guess, I would say this is the strongest creep for 1v1.
IIRC, the hydras tend to spawn smaller dudes on death. You count those as well or only the base unit?
so if I understood right, what you're basically saying is that nothing will do well enough in a 1v1 vs the Hydra to spawn the smaller hydras anyway? :)
If you had posted this just a couple of weeks ago, I would have been freaking out in disbelief over that insane HP Regeneration rate. I learned about it & checked; lo & behold, you are right on the money.
wait why the $!@#ing !@#$ does ANCIENT HYDRA HAVE 25 HP REGEN????
@MasterHaosis: What do you say, test Ancient Hydra against all in 1v1 next?

Oh guys, you are professional, I admit you that. But I managed to kill Ancient Hydra with one unit. I wont tell you now which unit is it, you will have to wait this night perhaps, if I can, to write those newest tests in first post.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
So, I've found one too :)

Infernal Juggernaut vs Ancient Hydra

1) Infernal Juggernaut spawns the Infernal from his ability, targeting the position of Ancient Hydra.

2) Hydra can't Devour either the Infernal or the Infernal Juggernaut.

3) Hydra's War Stomp doesn't work on the Infernal.


1) If the Hydra attacks the Infernal, it gets absolutely destroyed (including smaller Hydras). Whether the Hydra uses its abilities or not doesn't matter as they don't work on the Infernal.

2) If the Hydra attacks the Infernal Juggernaut and uses its abilities, it will still be defeated, but the smallest hydras will actually take down the Infernal.
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Level 20
Feb 23, 2014
Yup, seriously. You're free to test it yourself if you don't believe me :)

The way I did it is that I've made the Infernal Juggernaut neutral hostile and I commanded the Hydra.
When the Hydra attacked the Juggernaut, I had a trigger that made the latter use the Infernal ability on the position of the Hydra. Since the Juggernaut only has this one ability and it's on a long cooldown, he was pretty much fighting to its fullest ability with just this one trigger and thus I was free to command the Hydra.

Then I either focused fire the Infernal (without using War Stomp to avoid missing out on the attack time since War Stomp doesn't work on the Infernal anyway) or focused on the Juggernaut and used War Stomp on cooldown.

The results are listed above.

One scenario that I'm kinda curious, though, is what if I positioned the Hydra between the Infernal and the Juggernaut and used War Stomp to stun the Juggernaut, while focusing the Infernal... hm... :)

Also, I'd be good if @MasterHaosis tests this as well :)
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
@MasterBlaster DAMN YOU! YOU RUINED ALL FUN :cgrin:
Yes, as he said. Infernal Juggernaut has ability to spawn Infernal, so technically level 10+8 is level 18, although Juggernaut without Infernal itself is much weaker, but they combined are powerful enough to take down any unit.
AI hydra attacks Infernal, then Hydra got destroyed, two level 7 Hydras emerge and finish off Infernal. But get damaged because of Immolation and splash damage dealt by Juggernaut. So Juggernaut finishes them off, then smaller hydras spawns, which juggernaut destroys.

Hydra manages to won, but that matter of special circumstances, which I did not allow second time. Actually depends of luck where smaller hydras spawns from Acient Hydra. So, Infernal and juggernaut can attack one hydra, while another is away thus do not get affected by perma immolation and splash. Also smaller hydras from level 7 hydras got spawned further away, not affected but I managed to kill them all, however one small hydra level 3 survived on red health, thus won. next time I managed infernal close to them to affect them all.
I tested many times over and even put two AI players. And Infernal Juggernaut and level 8 Infernal won.
Level 20
Feb 23, 2014

I've tested the scenario I've mentioned.

If the Hydra sits near the Juggernaut and uses War Stomp to stun the Juggernaut while focusing the Infernal, the Ancient Hydra still dies, but the fight ends with 1 smallest Hydra with red health left :)


P.S. It's also worth nothing that as far as I'm aware, the Hydra's poison doesn't work on either the Infernal or the Juggernaut. So effectively, outside of War Stomp being able to stun the Juggernaut (but not the Infernal), Hydra's abilities are pretty much completely negated in this fight.


I've also tested things like Nether Dragon, Faceless One Deathbringer, Magnataur Destroyer, Dragon Turtle, Salamander Lord & Deeplord Revenant. None even came close to beating the big Hydra :D
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Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
@MasterBlaster, yeah but which allows mechanical construct to be stunned.
However this scenario cannot happen because Hydra and Juggernaut are ranged units. While Hydra moves forward to do war stomp, it will lose health because both infernal and juggernaut would damage it so it is same as fight from distance.
When units start fight they start oposite to each other from some distance, not directly one to another. They need to approach each other. So, ranged units attack from range. You can't normally spawn next to enemy but you encounter it from distance which makes it very hard to win this way.
What is worth to mention that hydra has poison, devour, war stomp, spawns hydrals which further spawns hydras, is ranged, and what makes it exceptional that regenerated rapidly.
In other hand, Infernal machine does not have self heal at all, unless affected by Aura which is also not normal. That is drawback to juggernaut.
But in other hand, it can spawn Infernals unlimited times, which last very long. I do not know but maybe 5 minutes or more.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
I've controlled the Hydra myself and just manually moved it in between the Juggernaut and the Infernal, though
Exactly. But enemy did not move out manually. Thus you need special testings then, from all views and opportunities around. When someone is left at red health, especially small hydra level 3 (and we are comparing level 10 creatures), means one shot to kill does not mean that someone is better or won. That just means that you did not control other side and try to avoid this strategy. In this case you did not try to move away Juggernaut, as enemy could try do that. But while Hydra is approaching, Infernal could stay close to Hydra, and moving alongside to it because he is faster.
yes, you did not consider Hydra's speed which is 270, and Infernal's which is 320, basically 20% faster, which means in micromanagment, it can escape if wishes and always catches them if wishes, hit and run. Lone hydra level 3 vs dying Infernal is big deal for hydra because Infernal can move away before he gets dead, and wait for little more regeneration (although small hydra's regeneration is 4, which is lot, Infernal's 1 is enough as he has more powerful armor, chaos damage and perma immolation), so he can get back and finish off Hydra. yes, in those testings, Arena should be or smaller map as possible, and some timer, so units can't chase and escape each other forever, but hit and run is also one of strategies. In this special case, you will have damaged level 8 infernal vs weaker level 3 hydra. But again, in their natural environment, Hydras also can go to deep water for either escape or to avoid obstacles or ambush enemies, while Infernal Machine can spawn infernal to stun multiple targets and deal damage upon them, and also destroys trees. Infernal itself can attack and destroy trees to clear path, which also has strategist value. o, this is special case when both units can take each other where it depends of tactics and situation.
But real question was who can beat Ancient Hydra 1 vs 1. I proved that Infernal Juggernaut is capable.

Except for nighttime; sleeping Creeps let you sneak up on them.
Yes, Hydra sleeps, while Infernals and machines do not. So, group of units can't ambush them. But that is for additional comparison as here was direct combat. Player controller Hydra does not sleep. For creeps, yes, this is useful.

hm.. hydra, eh?, why not with sea giants? x3
They are big and have big apperance, but they are weak overall. I can't test now further but I already could beat Sea Giant Behemoth level 8 with doom guard, Eredar Warlock, and few others. But I will check that as well. No problem.

bring in the voidwalkers then XD
Yes, I will test Voidwalker Level 9 vs Level 8,9 and 10 units, although I think there is no need for level 10 units, as they will break him down sicne he is ranged, not melee.
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Second Amendment: Updates
- In cases of rapid content progression, update posts* are allowed.
So I have right to double post in case when I do rapid fire in progress :cgrin:

here we go. As @Misha asked, I did test Elder Voidwalker level 9 against level 9 and 8 creatures. Misha, that Void is good choice.
And I told to @Abovegame that I will test Troll Warlord level 6, since he has him for Avatar. Troll was against all other level 6 units. Be in mind, that even he was defeated mostly on 1 vs 1, he still attacks air and has Trueshot aura to benefit ranged units. So, even not designed in solo fights, he is still valuable.

So, other people, go and check first post, I updated it. I added Ancient Hydra alongside with Infernal Machine, Elder Voidwalker, Infernal and Troll Warlord. So far. Rapid tests! :cgrin:
Level 38
Sep 18, 2007
Voidwalker has performed splendidly in my opinion xP
Oh, very nice. Devour magic to dispell all, and forked lightning to damage multiple targets, good anti air/anti ground damage and HP, armor....Cool unit.
Is there, like, some sort of spreadsheet form of Object Editor data? It seems like that would make it really easy to make sort of baseline statistical comparisons, and to catch obvious outliers (like the Hydra's 25 HP regen)
Oh, I do not know about that, never heard. There is some unit checked tool, so you can compare two units by putting some information (damage, delay, damage type, armor, HP, regeneration and all that), and compare. It will immediately say which unit will win. But that is for pure hand to hand combat. That can't be useful in this case because of spells. About some spreadsheet, I never heard of it
Level 16
Mar 25, 2016
Is there, like, some sort of spreadsheet form of Object Editor data?
I have one, though it's format might not be the best all the time, because I specifically made it for the warcraft 3 liquipedia. You can also view the creeps there: Creeps - Liquipedia Warcraft Wiki

I won't guarantee that all data in the spreadsheet is correct. It was made by extracting data from the game mpqs and merging them. It contains around 37000 entries and I did not want to check them all by myself. :D


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